Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
- Ross
- Churchill
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Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
Give us some reviews we can sink our teeth into.
"I don't like this song, but at least it's good." - veGetar Ianra Ge
- Kapitano
- Attlee
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- Recording Method: Reason, Reaper and Reused Reality.
- Submitting as: Kapitano
Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
A special message for Dangereus:
Bone audxi la lingvon internacian en Kantobatalo denove. Eble vi baldaux donos kanton tute tia.
Bone audxi la lingvon internacian en Kantobatalo denove. Eble vi baldaux donos kanton tute tia.
<a href="">Kapitano's Site of Musical Stuff (Under Construction)</a>
- Lunkhead
- Rosselli
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Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
A new State Shirt entry? Yay!
- de Gaulle
- Posts: 157
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Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
some nice entries this week... my faves are kapitano and the weakest suit! love the vocals on the kapitano song... supah cool.
hey thanks! hope you like it... btw i was inspired by jack conte's video songs and put together a video as well.Lunkhead wrote:A new State Shirt entry? Yay!

- Billy's Little Trip
- Odie
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- Recording Method: analog to digital via Presonus FireBox, Cubase and a porn machine
- Submitting as: Billy's Little Trip, Billy and the Psychotics
- Location: Cali fucking ornia
Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
Very awesome vid and song, State Shirt. Great track for the next Batman movie.
- glennny
- Churchill
- Posts: 2248
- Joined: Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:39 am
- Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Dobro, Banjo, E-Bow, Glock
- Recording Method: Garageband
- Submitting as: Berkeley Social Scene
- Location: Castro Valley, California
Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
Frostbite reviews
Weakest Suit- Yes! Electric WS! So nice to hear the rhythm section and fuzz tones. This is quite a fun little rocker. Good riffs, good chorus. I love the noisy barely controlled electric guitar. Nice short length, vote.
Tuners Union- Reminds me of Steve Miller. Left turn. I like the a capella harmonies with the synth section. When the band kicks in it goes down a notch. The direct guitar hurts. The acoustic sounds great, but it’s so sparse. The vocals are far superior to the instrumentation. I enjoy this listen, but it’s short of a vote.
State Shirt- You’re one of my Song Fight heroes. This song is just awesome! Fantastic video too. I’m on a video kick lately, working on Frostbite. I LOVE the video. This is a very dynamic song, you sing your ass off! The playing is fantastic, restrained then explosive in a very dramatic fashion. This is the most restraint on the echo I think I’ve ever heard from you. It works really well! (don’t get me wrong, the echo stuff is amazing). Big Vote!!!!
Signboy & MC Mike Lamb- Not my genre. That said this is pretty good. I personally wish the raps were like one line (one rhyme) then a whole lot more of the chorus part. The country fiddle and acoustic guitar with those sweet harmonies is bliss. This is a killer collab, I hope you guys work together again, and I hope you forgo the rap. Good stuff!
Ross Durand- This is one of those songs where you have to listen to the lyrics. I tend to try not to listen to lyrics, and rather just notice them. I want the music, the melody, the hook to grab me, then when I sing what I think are the lyrics a few times, I look them up to see if I got them right. The acoustic sounds great. Your voice is always great. You’re singing really well, and really selling the passion, but on a melody that I find passive at best. The marching staccato rhythm guitar really needs a juxtaposition. It reminds me of the beginning of “Broken Arrow” by Neil Young. Good stuff, I can listen to this repeatedly, but doesn’t quite grab me enough for a vote.
RE:FLEKTA- I dig the beat and the synth. The rap is rather sleep inducing. The strings are cool. Yeah the synth is bad ass! Very cool music. The rap is boring me out of my mind. The flow is fine, it’s just so incredibly derivative and cliché. This will help me sleep though, I have trouble often. Cool noises, cool beat, awesome synth. Genre bias I suppose, you did not overcome it for me. Good work though!
Realist & Signboy- Some guy and some girl singing on top of each other.- Evanescence fans? I don’t particularly like them. Hey wait a minute, I know that dudes voice. This must be Signboy and Realist. Well, I dig Signboys vocals. Realists aren’t working to well for me. The guitar is very cool. The melody is more moaning than melodic to me. The melodies are very one note, and I mean that more literally than figuratively. I think the song needs more to it. The waltz throughout isn’t enough. Some good ideas, I’d like to hear the melody get more adventurous, and when you sing together I think you need to concentrate on hitting the consonants and syllables tighter together (when intended). Example: 1:07 “to the….” Sounds like “To, to, the, the…” Anyway, short of a vote, but some good stuff in there.
Prosthetic Limp- I was into the keyboard bass and the weird groove. I was sad when it went to the Distorto vocals. The synth break is cool. Nice rockin guitars. Some great ideas timbre wise. Great sounds. However the song structure and composition leaves a lot to be desired. This is probably 2 minutes too long, because it’s going nowhere. I look forward to more I hope songy songs from you in the future.
Paco del Stinko- You grab my vote in the 1st 10 seconds. Let’s see if you can lose it. Luckily we get more than one vote, and I don’t have to choose between you and State Shirt. The bridge is very pretty. Yeah this song is awesome! This is a particularly good bass line. Hey is that that fretless bass? Is that why it sounds so cool? I love all the Stinko chorus back up singers. Great solo! The post solo is my favorite part. Big Stinky VOTE!
McCalum- This on a computer mike? This sounds like a 1st draft. It can be tighter, perhaps could use a metronome. The recording needs a lot of help. Not a bad written song. The performance leaves a lot to be desired, many an awkward chord changing pauses. Those lead lines are comically painful. 4:19? Really? Guy and guitar for 4:19? Please practice and edit for next time.
Kapitano- Groovy robot music!
Johnny Cashpoint- This is catchy and ridiculous. The lo-fi synth is funny, and somehow perfect against the Uke. Great melody. So great this gets a vote.
Jeff Robertson and the Neo-Candylanders- Mountain music. Done well. I like the fiddle, I like the harmonies. Nice length. I like the build of instrumentation as the song progresses. Gets a vote.
Jeff deSantis- this is my wifes favorite of the fight. This is recorded and performed perfectly. All the instruments sound great! Your vocals remind me of Seamus (Seamus collective). This has got a mid seventies country-rock vibe to it. Could be an Eagles, or 70’s Clapton song. Anyway, this is awesome! Very straight song, but done well enough to merit a vote. Can’t wait for the next entry.
John Kloberdanz- Groovy robot music, not as groovy as Kapitano, but groovy robot music none the less.
E & M- Mad Willie? The rhythm guitar is sloppy. The bass is almost invisible. The drum machine is low in the mix, probably a good move. The structure is tedious. I do like the vocal performance a lot. The harmonica is done very well also.
Dutova- Love the vocals. Nice Roxy Music vibe going on here. Underwhelming chorus to a pretty strong verse. No solo, no bridge. This is alright, good job!
Deetak- Man I love your vocals! The drum machine is awkward at points. I love that you’re expanding out with the music behind you. Enjoyable listen! Phenomenal vocals, so phenomenal I nearly give this a vote. The song writing isn’t as strong as some of your other songs. I wish I could sing like that. Always a fan, I look forward to your next entry.
David Law- This is pretty, but a bit boring for my tastes. I like the noodling electric the best. “I won’t fight your Fahrenheit” is one of the worst lines ever. I like the melody. This is long for a mostly guy and guitar. Yeah, most of the lyrics bug me. Lots of good stuff going on here. Good playing, good singing, good melody. Just don’t like the song or the lyrics much.
Dangerous- Interesting, soothing noise sculpture. Lots of murmuring. No vote, but a pleasant enough listen.
Cain- I think you’ve done it. Here’s a song that is nice and weird, which you’ve always done well with. Now it’s catchy! I like this a lot! Love the passion in the vocals. I love the dark guitar lines. If anything, just a nitpick, when the 2 guitars are playing different lines I think they could be more harmonious. The structure is very cool, the hooks are great. Excellent job gents! This gets a vote!
Berkeley Social Scene- This was a very fun song. This song is a testament to how well we work together. This is nearly a 24 hr song. Ken wrote “someone write a chord pattern”. 15 minutes later I submitted a chord pattern. Ken made a MIDI version a couple hours later. Ken then wrote some lyrics for the evening. That evening we had the BSS core: Ken, Lunkhead, Martyr, and myself. We went through each section trying out different feels. The intro became Latin lounge jazz, then the verse became bluesy (bluesy drums with prog guitarmonies), the chorus became New York/ Interpol/Strokesy (downbeat strums). Then for the bridge/solo we went Pink Floyd Saucer Full of Secrets. The bridge/solo is my favorite part. To complete my video trilogy goal, we filmed the making of this song. I still have a lot of work to do on the video. I hope to finish it in the voting cycle at least. We wanted the vocals to not be me nor Martyr in the end. However all 4 of us took a stab at vocal melodies over the music we had just made. Ken is obviously the ultimate lead singer. I think the 4 of us make one good singer, martyr is the most passionate, Ken can come up with lyrics better than the rest of us, Lunkhead has the best sense of melody, and I fancy myself as having the best sense of vocal meter. (I wonder if the other guys agree with that assessment). Anyway, I love this song, I’m not objective, but I think it’s awesome!
Good fight! Lots of votes! Here are mine:
Weakest Suit
State Shirt
Paco del Stinko
Johnny Cashpoint
Jeff Robertson and the Neo-Candylanders-
Jeff DeSantis
Berkeley Social Scene
Weakest Suit- Yes! Electric WS! So nice to hear the rhythm section and fuzz tones. This is quite a fun little rocker. Good riffs, good chorus. I love the noisy barely controlled electric guitar. Nice short length, vote.
Tuners Union- Reminds me of Steve Miller. Left turn. I like the a capella harmonies with the synth section. When the band kicks in it goes down a notch. The direct guitar hurts. The acoustic sounds great, but it’s so sparse. The vocals are far superior to the instrumentation. I enjoy this listen, but it’s short of a vote.
State Shirt- You’re one of my Song Fight heroes. This song is just awesome! Fantastic video too. I’m on a video kick lately, working on Frostbite. I LOVE the video. This is a very dynamic song, you sing your ass off! The playing is fantastic, restrained then explosive in a very dramatic fashion. This is the most restraint on the echo I think I’ve ever heard from you. It works really well! (don’t get me wrong, the echo stuff is amazing). Big Vote!!!!
Signboy & MC Mike Lamb- Not my genre. That said this is pretty good. I personally wish the raps were like one line (one rhyme) then a whole lot more of the chorus part. The country fiddle and acoustic guitar with those sweet harmonies is bliss. This is a killer collab, I hope you guys work together again, and I hope you forgo the rap. Good stuff!
Ross Durand- This is one of those songs where you have to listen to the lyrics. I tend to try not to listen to lyrics, and rather just notice them. I want the music, the melody, the hook to grab me, then when I sing what I think are the lyrics a few times, I look them up to see if I got them right. The acoustic sounds great. Your voice is always great. You’re singing really well, and really selling the passion, but on a melody that I find passive at best. The marching staccato rhythm guitar really needs a juxtaposition. It reminds me of the beginning of “Broken Arrow” by Neil Young. Good stuff, I can listen to this repeatedly, but doesn’t quite grab me enough for a vote.
RE:FLEKTA- I dig the beat and the synth. The rap is rather sleep inducing. The strings are cool. Yeah the synth is bad ass! Very cool music. The rap is boring me out of my mind. The flow is fine, it’s just so incredibly derivative and cliché. This will help me sleep though, I have trouble often. Cool noises, cool beat, awesome synth. Genre bias I suppose, you did not overcome it for me. Good work though!
Realist & Signboy- Some guy and some girl singing on top of each other.- Evanescence fans? I don’t particularly like them. Hey wait a minute, I know that dudes voice. This must be Signboy and Realist. Well, I dig Signboys vocals. Realists aren’t working to well for me. The guitar is very cool. The melody is more moaning than melodic to me. The melodies are very one note, and I mean that more literally than figuratively. I think the song needs more to it. The waltz throughout isn’t enough. Some good ideas, I’d like to hear the melody get more adventurous, and when you sing together I think you need to concentrate on hitting the consonants and syllables tighter together (when intended). Example: 1:07 “to the….” Sounds like “To, to, the, the…” Anyway, short of a vote, but some good stuff in there.
Prosthetic Limp- I was into the keyboard bass and the weird groove. I was sad when it went to the Distorto vocals. The synth break is cool. Nice rockin guitars. Some great ideas timbre wise. Great sounds. However the song structure and composition leaves a lot to be desired. This is probably 2 minutes too long, because it’s going nowhere. I look forward to more I hope songy songs from you in the future.
Paco del Stinko- You grab my vote in the 1st 10 seconds. Let’s see if you can lose it. Luckily we get more than one vote, and I don’t have to choose between you and State Shirt. The bridge is very pretty. Yeah this song is awesome! This is a particularly good bass line. Hey is that that fretless bass? Is that why it sounds so cool? I love all the Stinko chorus back up singers. Great solo! The post solo is my favorite part. Big Stinky VOTE!
McCalum- This on a computer mike? This sounds like a 1st draft. It can be tighter, perhaps could use a metronome. The recording needs a lot of help. Not a bad written song. The performance leaves a lot to be desired, many an awkward chord changing pauses. Those lead lines are comically painful. 4:19? Really? Guy and guitar for 4:19? Please practice and edit for next time.
Kapitano- Groovy robot music!
Johnny Cashpoint- This is catchy and ridiculous. The lo-fi synth is funny, and somehow perfect against the Uke. Great melody. So great this gets a vote.
Jeff Robertson and the Neo-Candylanders- Mountain music. Done well. I like the fiddle, I like the harmonies. Nice length. I like the build of instrumentation as the song progresses. Gets a vote.
Jeff deSantis- this is my wifes favorite of the fight. This is recorded and performed perfectly. All the instruments sound great! Your vocals remind me of Seamus (Seamus collective). This has got a mid seventies country-rock vibe to it. Could be an Eagles, or 70’s Clapton song. Anyway, this is awesome! Very straight song, but done well enough to merit a vote. Can’t wait for the next entry.
John Kloberdanz- Groovy robot music, not as groovy as Kapitano, but groovy robot music none the less.
E & M- Mad Willie? The rhythm guitar is sloppy. The bass is almost invisible. The drum machine is low in the mix, probably a good move. The structure is tedious. I do like the vocal performance a lot. The harmonica is done very well also.
Dutova- Love the vocals. Nice Roxy Music vibe going on here. Underwhelming chorus to a pretty strong verse. No solo, no bridge. This is alright, good job!
Deetak- Man I love your vocals! The drum machine is awkward at points. I love that you’re expanding out with the music behind you. Enjoyable listen! Phenomenal vocals, so phenomenal I nearly give this a vote. The song writing isn’t as strong as some of your other songs. I wish I could sing like that. Always a fan, I look forward to your next entry.
David Law- This is pretty, but a bit boring for my tastes. I like the noodling electric the best. “I won’t fight your Fahrenheit” is one of the worst lines ever. I like the melody. This is long for a mostly guy and guitar. Yeah, most of the lyrics bug me. Lots of good stuff going on here. Good playing, good singing, good melody. Just don’t like the song or the lyrics much.
Dangerous- Interesting, soothing noise sculpture. Lots of murmuring. No vote, but a pleasant enough listen.
Cain- I think you’ve done it. Here’s a song that is nice and weird, which you’ve always done well with. Now it’s catchy! I like this a lot! Love the passion in the vocals. I love the dark guitar lines. If anything, just a nitpick, when the 2 guitars are playing different lines I think they could be more harmonious. The structure is very cool, the hooks are great. Excellent job gents! This gets a vote!
Berkeley Social Scene- This was a very fun song. This song is a testament to how well we work together. This is nearly a 24 hr song. Ken wrote “someone write a chord pattern”. 15 minutes later I submitted a chord pattern. Ken made a MIDI version a couple hours later. Ken then wrote some lyrics for the evening. That evening we had the BSS core: Ken, Lunkhead, Martyr, and myself. We went through each section trying out different feels. The intro became Latin lounge jazz, then the verse became bluesy (bluesy drums with prog guitarmonies), the chorus became New York/ Interpol/Strokesy (downbeat strums). Then for the bridge/solo we went Pink Floyd Saucer Full of Secrets. The bridge/solo is my favorite part. To complete my video trilogy goal, we filmed the making of this song. I still have a lot of work to do on the video. I hope to finish it in the voting cycle at least. We wanted the vocals to not be me nor Martyr in the end. However all 4 of us took a stab at vocal melodies over the music we had just made. Ken is obviously the ultimate lead singer. I think the 4 of us make one good singer, martyr is the most passionate, Ken can come up with lyrics better than the rest of us, Lunkhead has the best sense of melody, and I fancy myself as having the best sense of vocal meter. (I wonder if the other guys agree with that assessment). Anyway, I love this song, I’m not objective, but I think it’s awesome!
Good fight! Lots of votes! Here are mine:
Weakest Suit
State Shirt
Paco del Stinko
Johnny Cashpoint
Jeff Robertson and the Neo-Candylanders-
Jeff DeSantis
Berkeley Social Scene
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
- signboy
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Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
Hey, thanks for the reviews Glennny! As always, I appreciate the hell out of your honest and concise style. If reviews got votes, this would.
Irwin: I'd sell my soul to jesus to program drums like signboy.
- eaandm
- A New Player
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Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
Mad Willie IS the vocals and harp and say'sglennny wrote:Frostbite reviews
E & M- Mad Willie? The rhythm guitar is sloppy. The bass is almost invisible. The drum machine is low in the mix, probably a good move. The structure is tedious. I do like the vocal performance a lot. The harmonica is done very well also.

Civilizations are measured by their art and music. How then will ours be judged?
- Manhattan Glutton
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Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
RE:FLEKT is some of the best rap I've heard here in a while. If I get a chance to listen to the rest, I'll vote for it before the deadline.
Last edited by Manhattan Glutton on Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If I had a dollar for every one of my songs j$ has called a 90s pastiche, I'd have $1 for every song I've written.
Nur Ein Archives | The New Ugly Podcast
Nur Ein Archives | The New Ugly Podcast
- Lucky Spoon
- de Gaulle
- Posts: 148
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Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
sad day. I'll try not to hold this comment against you since ur Thinkin' about the Old days is one of my favorite songs from song fight ever.glennny wrote: RE:FLEKTA- I dig the beat and the synth. The rap is rather sleep inducing. The strings are cool. Yeah the synth is bad ass! Very cool music. The rap is boring me out of my mind. The flow is fine, it’s just so incredibly derivative and cliché. This will help me sleep though, I have trouble often. Cool noises, cool beat, awesome synth. Genre bias I suppose, you did not overcome it for me. Good work though!
RE:FLEKTA - everyone hates rap here so please try to ignore all the comments you're going to get for submitting a rap song. Your song kicks ass and it's the only one i'm voting for this week. (not that i really vote that often anyhow

'nuff said.
oh and deetak, probably one of the best vocal performances I've heard from you. when you take the marbles out of your mouth it makes your songs sound cleaner over all. Vibrato is your style and it works, but If you're going to layer up a bunch of harmonies/tight chords you want to keep the vibratos from getting too waivery (and sliding/scooping up to the notes) or the chord won't tune very well.
Apollo14... Keeping mooses safe since 1992. Full album here
Sneaky Bear Music Video - He's just a #SneakyBear
Sneaky Bear Music Video - He's just a #SneakyBear
- Lucky Spoon
- de Gaulle
- Posts: 148
- Joined: Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:48 pm
- Instruments: B-b-b-b-bass
- Recording Method: Alesis io|26, Reaper, Rode NT, Pixies
- Submitting as: Lucky Spoon, Rabbit vs Table
- Contact:
Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
oh and state shirt gets my vote for his awesome beard.
Apollo14... Keeping mooses safe since 1992. Full album here
Sneaky Bear Music Video - He's just a #SneakyBear
Sneaky Bear Music Video - He's just a #SneakyBear
- HeadShot
- Karski
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- Instruments: Guitar, Vocals, Bass, Keyboard, Sequencer
- Recording Method: FL Studio 5, Audacity, Samson Go Mic (Cardioid pattern -10 dB)
- Submitting as: RE:FLEKT
- Location: Boca Raton, Fl
- Contact:
Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
Manhattan Glutton wrote:RE:FLEKTA is some of the best rap I've heard here in a while. If I get a chance to listen to the rest, I'll vote for it before the deadline.
Thanks, yo! I definitely appreciate the props. It's actually just RE:FLEKT, though, there's no A, lol. Like "Reflect", but a play on the internet jargon for an email responseLucky Spoon wrote:Your song kicks ass and it's the only one i'm voting for this week.
Last edited by HeadShot on Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I've got a better idea. You go in there and talk to him. I'm going home. ... 011?ref=nf
- de Gaulle
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- Location: los fucking angeles
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Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
awesome. i knew this beard would be good for something!Lucky Spoon wrote:oh and state shirt gets my vote for his awesome beard.
- dan
- A New Player
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Speciala mesaĝo por Kapitano
Heeeej, sal, samideano! Min suspektigis jam via nomo.Kapitano wrote:Bone audxi la lingvon internacian en Kantobatalo denove.

"Denove" — ĉu do jam aŭdiĝis verdlingvaj kantoj ĉi tie? Ĉu vi povas gvidi min al ili? Bonege!
Our next one'll probably be all English, but we'll see what we can do later onKapitano wrote:Eble vi baldaux donos kanton tute tia.

- glennny
- Churchill
- Posts: 2248
- Joined: Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:39 am
- Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Dobro, Banjo, E-Bow, Glock
- Recording Method: Garageband
- Submitting as: Berkeley Social Scene
- Location: Castro Valley, California
Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
I've completed the trilogy of videos.
here are the links to Frostbite:
here are the links to Frostbite:
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
- Kapitano
- Attlee
- Posts: 369
- Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:59 am
- Recording Method: Reason, Reaper and Reused Reality.
- Submitting as: Kapitano
Re: Speciala mesaĝo por Kapitano
Mi ne partoprenas en Kantobatalo jam kvin jaroj, do mi ne memorias klare. Sed la batalisto "Level Nivelo" estis esperantisto.dan wrote:"Denove" — ĉu do jam aŭdiĝis verdlingvaj kantoj ĉi tie? Ĉu vi povas gvidi min al ili? Bonege!
(I haven't taken part in Songfight for the last five years, so my memory is a little cloudy. But the fighter "Level Nivelo" was an esperantist.)
Thanks to this little exchange, I'm partly esperantista this fight. Looking forward to yours.Our next one'll probably be all English, but we'll see what we can do later on
Might be nice to do a sidefight where there theme is "Sing in a language not your own".
<a href="">Kapitano's Site of Musical Stuff (Under Construction)</a>
- jast
- Niemöller
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- Instruments: Vocals, guitar
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- Location: near Aachen, Germany
- Contact:
Re: Speciala mesaĝo por Kapitano
I do that in all Song Fights I'm part of (except for one guest performance in my native language). Do I win?Kapitano wrote:Might be nice to do a sidefight where there theme is "Sing in a language not your own".
- jeff robertson
- Orwell
- Posts: 809
- Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2005 6:29 pm
- Instruments: guitar, bass, programming
- Recording Method: Reaper, Audacity
- Submitting as: FLVXXVM FLORVM, Jeff Robertson and the Neo-Candylanders
- Pronouns: he/him
- Location: Illinoiss
Re: Speciala mesaĝo por Kapitano
If I invent a new language just for the song, it counts right?Kapitano wrote: Might be nice to do a sidefight where there theme is "Sing in a language not your own".
- Kapitano
- Attlee
- Posts: 369
- Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:59 am
- Recording Method: Reason, Reaper and Reused Reality.
- Submitting as: Kapitano
Re: Speciala mesaĝo por Kapitano
I suppose it depends on whether you consider English to be a second mother tongue, alongside the official one(s) of your country, or whether it's a foreign language that you speak at at a very high level.jast wrote:I do that in all Song Fights I'm part of (except for one guest performance in my native language). Do I win?Kapitano wrote:Might be nice to do a sidefight where there theme is "Sing in a language not your own".
It's not easy to draw the line. I know someone who's a native speaker of German, but came to England at age 13. He's extremely fluent, though with a slight German accent, and I wouldn't know whether to say he's got two native languages, or one plus one that virtually is.
As to whether you win...that's a matter of whether the voters like you in English (French? Norwegian?) better than me in...Klingon!
maj'a'Hom? Q'pla'!
It worked for Sigur Ros. They sing in either Iclandic or an artificial language they created just to sing in. I don't think it's even got a name.jeff robertson wrote:If I invent a new language just for the song, it counts right?
And then there's the period when David Bowie was experimenting with phonetics....
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- Kapitano
- Attlee
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Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
Some hastily written impressions. Feel free to disregard.
Berkeley Social Scene
Mellow lounge rock. Vocals remind me of Wheezer - did I say that last time? Guitars nicely separated by panning, but maybe a little TOO panned - can hurt the ears after a while.
Tempo halves at around 1:30 - effective but feels too early in the song. I like the fuzz guitar solo - not flashy. Quite a catchy chorus, and nice vocal layering/harmonies.
Ends inconclusively - maybe a big stab or even a fadeout would've been better, or at any rate more "final" sounding.
More panned guitars, well layered, with the voice sitting in the middle - thick sound but clear.
The song structure seems to wander aimlessly - which is probably just another way of saying there's a loose structure without rigid verse/chorus/break parts. The "will we smile or cry" part c2:30 exemplifies this - before heading briefly back to the layered guitars then ending with a synth chord.
. The voices are a little indistinct, even when not layered over each other. - could do with a lowshelf? Panning helps separation.
Not sure what to call the genre - not IDM, not Dark Ambient, but elements of both.
David Law
The guitar is lovely and crisp and clear, which expressive wide dynamic range and a big resonance. The voice sounds comparatively fuzzy and muffled - bad vocal mic?
Speaking of which, there's occasional breath popping - mouth may be too close to the mic. Ah, the guitar gets clipping on the loud bits - more mic placement problems.
"I won't fight your farenheit"? Now THERE'S a lyric I'd never come up with. Great natural voice - and naturally in tune too. Envious, moi? Never.
Soulful voice and synths...with a hard drum sound. Slightly odd contrast.
Voice pitchdrifts quite a lot, but it fits with the general mood.
Melodic rock, and sounding like early Talking Heads
. Though, Byrne fan that I am, he stuff isn't as catchy.
Arrangement could use just a little more variations over 3 mins, but if I heard this on the radio, nothing would say "no recording contract" to me.
"Oh we got both types, Country and...."
Yeah, you've heard that one
Not sure what political point of view's being expressed here.
John Kloberdanz
Somehow, you've managed an even fuzzier sound than MadWillie. And you're accompanied by an octave shifted clone of yourself - very strange effect to have on through the whole song.
With the precision of the drums and vocals, the guitar playing sounds loose.
Jeff DeSantis
Simple song, no reaching for the dictionary to find rhymes, clean and natural sounding multiple guitars and vocals.
What's that ride cymbal doing there?
"...till either you or the frostbite takes me" - nice line, I think. All very pleasant.
Jeff Robertson
"Oh we got both types, Cou...". Erm.
Doesn't sound like a pastiche of a song from a century ago. Sounds like a song from a century ago - Jesus references and all. Which I suppose is the point.
Well recorded, no pretension, and whichever recording and mixing techniques you used to make it sound better than a live recording could be...didn't call attention to themselves.
Johnny Cashpoint
Takes a perverse pleasure in veering away from the obvious rhymes at the last moment.
Kapitano (me)
Most of it worked much as I'd hoped - though the bass booms and the voice is somewhat indistinct.
I was shamelessly ripping of this seminal electro classic:
Paco del Stinko
The chorus sounds like it's about to launch into something anthemic...then falls straight back into the verses. And the ending is more a stopping point than a conclusion.
But the voice is clear and on-key - and I think has a sound which fits both the instrumentation and the song. The drums and guitar mesh together nicely, neither trying to overpower the other.
Prosthetic Limp
Please include your ID3 tags. It's a pain to have to work out the band name when you're supposed to be reviewing the actual music.
Ah, gutteral techno-goth-noise...or similar.
It's easy to make abrasive music. The hard thing is to make abrasive that's a pleasure for people to listen to when they're not in an abrasive mood - and I reckon you manage that.
There's enough invention and variation here to last the full 3:49, but it's unevenly spaced, leaving periods of "nothing new happening". But the ideas are all there.
Realist and Signboy.
Scratchy strummed acoustic guitars, and a duet between two contrasting voices. Both are pitchdrifting - which is to say showing emotion - in ways that are somehow clashing. Now the guitars go electric...and the harmonies get thicker...and we're into a guitar solo that's so "emotive" and full of 80s reverb it's on the velvet side of camp.
Both voices are good and expressive in their different ways, and the contrast is good - complimentary. This could so easily have gone horribly wrong - especially with the big reverby guitar solo - but you pull it off. Though I've got absolutely no idea what the song is about.
Oh, ID3 tags please, guys.
Aha, electro-hiphop. Digging the rap style - progressing from oldschool, to something like ragga, to something that makes the Beastie Boys sound limp.
The string stabs and bass sweeps obscure the voice a bit. In fact, much as I'm an electroboy and I love these sounds, I think there's too many electro things going on here, getting in the way of the rapper.
Ross Durand
I like the way it builds from a man singing uncertainly over a single guitar, to a multtracked man over several guitars including electric to...back down and back up again.
There's nothing original in sound or lyric here, and there doesn't need to be. Yes, that is a compliment.
Signboy and MC Mike Lamb
Oldschool, laidback, hiphop, a bit jazzy...with violins? And CW with a drum machine? Good, unexpected contrast.
And unlike some rap combos, the voices actually sound different.
State Shirt
Oh wow. Each stage was unexpected, but flowed naturally from the last.
I don't know what mixing/EQ/whatever tricks you use to get that cohesion between different sounds and that kind of building...but I want them.
Tuner's Union
It's as though a funky singalong collided with some minimalist ambient doodling.
The Weakest Suit
"With your stupid nose, I hate you, I hate you"?
"Get my fred in there"? I assume you're not actually singing that.
It's a good, solid rockout. Doesn't go on too long, doesn't have pretentions, doesn't...have anything to criticise.
Berkeley Social Scene
Mellow lounge rock. Vocals remind me of Wheezer - did I say that last time? Guitars nicely separated by panning, but maybe a little TOO panned - can hurt the ears after a while.
Tempo halves at around 1:30 - effective but feels too early in the song. I like the fuzz guitar solo - not flashy. Quite a catchy chorus, and nice vocal layering/harmonies.
Ends inconclusively - maybe a big stab or even a fadeout would've been better, or at any rate more "final" sounding.
More panned guitars, well layered, with the voice sitting in the middle - thick sound but clear.
The song structure seems to wander aimlessly - which is probably just another way of saying there's a loose structure without rigid verse/chorus/break parts. The "will we smile or cry" part c2:30 exemplifies this - before heading briefly back to the layered guitars then ending with a synth chord.

Not sure what to call the genre - not IDM, not Dark Ambient, but elements of both.
David Law
The guitar is lovely and crisp and clear, which expressive wide dynamic range and a big resonance. The voice sounds comparatively fuzzy and muffled - bad vocal mic?
Speaking of which, there's occasional breath popping - mouth may be too close to the mic. Ah, the guitar gets clipping on the loud bits - more mic placement problems.
"I won't fight your farenheit"? Now THERE'S a lyric I'd never come up with. Great natural voice - and naturally in tune too. Envious, moi? Never.
Soulful voice and synths...with a hard drum sound. Slightly odd contrast.
Voice pitchdrifts quite a lot, but it fits with the general mood.
Melodic rock, and sounding like early Talking Heads

Arrangement could use just a little more variations over 3 mins, but if I heard this on the radio, nothing would say "no recording contract" to me.
"Oh we got both types, Country and...."
Yeah, you've heard that one

Not sure what political point of view's being expressed here.
John Kloberdanz
Somehow, you've managed an even fuzzier sound than MadWillie. And you're accompanied by an octave shifted clone of yourself - very strange effect to have on through the whole song.
With the precision of the drums and vocals, the guitar playing sounds loose.
Jeff DeSantis
Simple song, no reaching for the dictionary to find rhymes, clean and natural sounding multiple guitars and vocals.
What's that ride cymbal doing there?
"...till either you or the frostbite takes me" - nice line, I think. All very pleasant.
Jeff Robertson
"Oh we got both types, Cou...". Erm.
Doesn't sound like a pastiche of a song from a century ago. Sounds like a song from a century ago - Jesus references and all. Which I suppose is the point.
Well recorded, no pretension, and whichever recording and mixing techniques you used to make it sound better than a live recording could be...didn't call attention to themselves.
Johnny Cashpoint
Takes a perverse pleasure in veering away from the obvious rhymes at the last moment.
Kapitano (me)
Most of it worked much as I'd hoped - though the bass booms and the voice is somewhat indistinct.
I was shamelessly ripping of this seminal electro classic:
Paco del Stinko
The chorus sounds like it's about to launch into something anthemic...then falls straight back into the verses. And the ending is more a stopping point than a conclusion.
But the voice is clear and on-key - and I think has a sound which fits both the instrumentation and the song. The drums and guitar mesh together nicely, neither trying to overpower the other.
Prosthetic Limp
Please include your ID3 tags. It's a pain to have to work out the band name when you're supposed to be reviewing the actual music.
Ah, gutteral techno-goth-noise...or similar.
It's easy to make abrasive music. The hard thing is to make abrasive that's a pleasure for people to listen to when they're not in an abrasive mood - and I reckon you manage that.
There's enough invention and variation here to last the full 3:49, but it's unevenly spaced, leaving periods of "nothing new happening". But the ideas are all there.
Realist and Signboy.
Scratchy strummed acoustic guitars, and a duet between two contrasting voices. Both are pitchdrifting - which is to say showing emotion - in ways that are somehow clashing. Now the guitars go electric...and the harmonies get thicker...and we're into a guitar solo that's so "emotive" and full of 80s reverb it's on the velvet side of camp.
Both voices are good and expressive in their different ways, and the contrast is good - complimentary. This could so easily have gone horribly wrong - especially with the big reverby guitar solo - but you pull it off. Though I've got absolutely no idea what the song is about.
Oh, ID3 tags please, guys.
Aha, electro-hiphop. Digging the rap style - progressing from oldschool, to something like ragga, to something that makes the Beastie Boys sound limp.
The string stabs and bass sweeps obscure the voice a bit. In fact, much as I'm an electroboy and I love these sounds, I think there's too many electro things going on here, getting in the way of the rapper.
Ross Durand
I like the way it builds from a man singing uncertainly over a single guitar, to a multtracked man over several guitars including electric to...back down and back up again.
There's nothing original in sound or lyric here, and there doesn't need to be. Yes, that is a compliment.
Signboy and MC Mike Lamb
Oldschool, laidback, hiphop, a bit jazzy...with violins? And CW with a drum machine? Good, unexpected contrast.
And unlike some rap combos, the voices actually sound different.
State Shirt
Oh wow. Each stage was unexpected, but flowed naturally from the last.
I don't know what mixing/EQ/whatever tricks you use to get that cohesion between different sounds and that kind of building...but I want them.
Tuner's Union
It's as though a funky singalong collided with some minimalist ambient doodling.
The Weakest Suit
"With your stupid nose, I hate you, I hate you"?
"Get my fred in there"? I assume you're not actually singing that.
It's a good, solid rockout. Doesn't go on too long, doesn't have pretentions, doesn't...have anything to criticise.
<a href="">Kapitano's Site of Musical Stuff (Under Construction)</a>
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Re: Speciala mesaĝo por Kapitano
Magma, too - they created a made-up language for their songs. That's a lot of work, if it's actually consistent and linguistical.Kapitano wrote:It worked for Sigur Ros. They sing in either Iclandic or an artificial language they created just to sing in. I don't think it's even got a name.jeff robertson wrote:If I invent a new language just for the song, it counts right?
Cocteau Twins I don't think was actually a language but was just things that they thought sounded good.
On the other hand I have been wanting to do a song in Italian but have not gotten around to it.
Liner Notes
SF Lyric Ideas
Liner Notes
SF Lyric Ideas
- DuToVa
- Karski
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Re: Frosty the Vampire says...(Frostbite reviews)
Comments from Va of DuToVa:
This fight seems to have a higher percentage of good entries than usual. Maybe I’m just more forgiving after a long rest over the Christmas break. Regardless, here’s my very subjective input…
Berkeley Social Scene - Catchy chorus. Nice guitar solo. Mix seems muddy thru my headphones (maybe due to guitar effects selected?). I enjoy listening to your entries.
Cain - Like the mix, dual guitar tracks, and keyboard highlights. Good arrangement. Nice changeup at around 2:28 and return to heavier section at 2:52. I'm not hearing the theme tie-in, but then I'm not very good at concentrating on lyrics.
The Dangereus - A lot of effort went into this. I agree with glennny in describing the song as “noise sculpture”. Overall, the song is very interesting in sound and texture; however, once I start delving into the details my pea-brain is quickly overwhelmed. You should put your lyrics in the “Ye Olde Lyric” forum.
David Law - You have a nice voice. The mix or recording seems to improve at 3:19. I didn't care for the straight quarter note strumming during the chorus. Good job overall and welcome to Song Fight.
Deetek - I think this is one of your better SF entries. My only complaint is that some of the vocals are bit out of tune - maybe that is just part of your style. I like the variation of synth effects you use. Like the ending atmosphere.
EAandM - Nice harmonica solo. Don't care for the overdriven vocal sound though.
Gizmo Blacksmith - Moving drums up in mix might improve overall sound. Keyboard part that sounds like a guitar is too monotonous - need more variety.
Jeff DeSantis – Nice vocals! The cabasa (or box of beans?) seems out of place for such a traditional sounding song. That’s my only complaint though. If I was working on this song I might add a cello (or if I liked country, a fiddle). Not my favorite genre, but good song overall… I’m voting for it!
Jeff Robertson and the NeoCandylanders – Man, your band must be ADD, because your SF entries are all over the stylistic map! Maybe I should rephrase that… you are very versatile. Country/bluegrass in general is not to my liking, so I can’t give you a worthwhile review on the music, but I did like the lyrics. Furthermore, I loved your “Cost of Living” entry. If you will write more songs like that one I might even vote for your country songs!
Johnny Cashpoint – I like the uke. I like the synthesizer sample; however, because of its harsh tone, I wouldn’t have sustained it as much.
Kapitano – This probably falls under the electronica heading, but the heavy bass and scratching is too rap-sounding for my taste… Electronica-rap? I like the vocal effects. This song makes me think of Herbie Hancock's song, “Rockit”.
McCalum – I think this is a neat song overall. I’m hearing a fully orchestrated version in my head (drums, bass, harmonies, etc.). Sounds like you completed (at least) the guitar track in a single take as evidenced by the hesitations. Ideally, I would practice to be able to play out live. Instead, since I’m lazy, I punch in and repair goofs in Cakewalk Sonar. It might be difficult given your picking style though. Another hopefully constructive comment… I would have ended the song at 3:08 rather than 4:20. My band gets this comment any time we go over 3.5 minutes. In case you don’t know, you can submit lyrics under the forum “Ye Olde Lyric”.
Paco del Stinko – Another typical Paco song… which is a good thing in my book. I like your style and look forward to your entry each fight. The only thing that strikes me as negative for this song is the lyrics. I especially like the arrangement and your bass-work is amazing. Also, (if memory serves me) your drumming has improved.
Prosthetic Limp – Great: intro and outro (especially the non-buzzy synth effect). Suggestions for improvement: reduce song length, synth bass too loud, a single voice with a different effect might be better, the drumming style seems too jerky for the majority of the song (especially combined with the bass synth).
Realist & Signboy – Like the use of the male and female voices. Sounds nice in general. A couple of the female vocalist notes should be fixed. I like the lead guitar run at 2:49.
RE: FLEKT – I generally can not stand rap, but I really like the section from 1:12-1:33 with the heavy synths and the way you sing “While on the outside I am warm from the Florida sun”. Good groove overall. I like the synths in general. Surprisingly, I also liked the intensity of the transition around 3:17 into the growling vocals. So, maybe I should broaden my musical horizons.
Ross Durand – Nice song. I would fix a couple of the guitar notes, but good song overall.
Signboy & MC Mike Lamb – You combined two musical styles diametrically opposed to each other… rap and country. That’s like combining matter and anti-matter. But seriously, it is an interesting combination that I've not heard before.
State Shirt – Definitely going in my “best of” SF folder. I can only think of positive things to say about nearly every aspect of this song (instrumentation, arrangement, dynamics, quality, energy, etc.). My only minor negative comment is your voice sounds a little nasally in the lower to mid register. DO quit your day job if you’re not a professional musician! (Also, good video!)
Tuners Union – I like the vocal harmonies. Nice ending.
The Weakest Suit – I like the energy in the song (especially the first 36 seconds). I like the guitar break around 1:30. It reminds me of something out of an old Rush song. Good drumming and song length too. You taught me a new word. I can now sound intelligent when categorizing “skorts” and “brunch”.
This fight seems to have a higher percentage of good entries than usual. Maybe I’m just more forgiving after a long rest over the Christmas break. Regardless, here’s my very subjective input…
Berkeley Social Scene - Catchy chorus. Nice guitar solo. Mix seems muddy thru my headphones (maybe due to guitar effects selected?). I enjoy listening to your entries.
Cain - Like the mix, dual guitar tracks, and keyboard highlights. Good arrangement. Nice changeup at around 2:28 and return to heavier section at 2:52. I'm not hearing the theme tie-in, but then I'm not very good at concentrating on lyrics.
The Dangereus - A lot of effort went into this. I agree with glennny in describing the song as “noise sculpture”. Overall, the song is very interesting in sound and texture; however, once I start delving into the details my pea-brain is quickly overwhelmed. You should put your lyrics in the “Ye Olde Lyric” forum.
David Law - You have a nice voice. The mix or recording seems to improve at 3:19. I didn't care for the straight quarter note strumming during the chorus. Good job overall and welcome to Song Fight.
Deetek - I think this is one of your better SF entries. My only complaint is that some of the vocals are bit out of tune - maybe that is just part of your style. I like the variation of synth effects you use. Like the ending atmosphere.
EAandM - Nice harmonica solo. Don't care for the overdriven vocal sound though.
Gizmo Blacksmith - Moving drums up in mix might improve overall sound. Keyboard part that sounds like a guitar is too monotonous - need more variety.
Jeff DeSantis – Nice vocals! The cabasa (or box of beans?) seems out of place for such a traditional sounding song. That’s my only complaint though. If I was working on this song I might add a cello (or if I liked country, a fiddle). Not my favorite genre, but good song overall… I’m voting for it!
Jeff Robertson and the NeoCandylanders – Man, your band must be ADD, because your SF entries are all over the stylistic map! Maybe I should rephrase that… you are very versatile. Country/bluegrass in general is not to my liking, so I can’t give you a worthwhile review on the music, but I did like the lyrics. Furthermore, I loved your “Cost of Living” entry. If you will write more songs like that one I might even vote for your country songs!
Johnny Cashpoint – I like the uke. I like the synthesizer sample; however, because of its harsh tone, I wouldn’t have sustained it as much.
Kapitano – This probably falls under the electronica heading, but the heavy bass and scratching is too rap-sounding for my taste… Electronica-rap? I like the vocal effects. This song makes me think of Herbie Hancock's song, “Rockit”.
McCalum – I think this is a neat song overall. I’m hearing a fully orchestrated version in my head (drums, bass, harmonies, etc.). Sounds like you completed (at least) the guitar track in a single take as evidenced by the hesitations. Ideally, I would practice to be able to play out live. Instead, since I’m lazy, I punch in and repair goofs in Cakewalk Sonar. It might be difficult given your picking style though. Another hopefully constructive comment… I would have ended the song at 3:08 rather than 4:20. My band gets this comment any time we go over 3.5 minutes. In case you don’t know, you can submit lyrics under the forum “Ye Olde Lyric”.
Paco del Stinko – Another typical Paco song… which is a good thing in my book. I like your style and look forward to your entry each fight. The only thing that strikes me as negative for this song is the lyrics. I especially like the arrangement and your bass-work is amazing. Also, (if memory serves me) your drumming has improved.
Prosthetic Limp – Great: intro and outro (especially the non-buzzy synth effect). Suggestions for improvement: reduce song length, synth bass too loud, a single voice with a different effect might be better, the drumming style seems too jerky for the majority of the song (especially combined with the bass synth).
Realist & Signboy – Like the use of the male and female voices. Sounds nice in general. A couple of the female vocalist notes should be fixed. I like the lead guitar run at 2:49.
RE: FLEKT – I generally can not stand rap, but I really like the section from 1:12-1:33 with the heavy synths and the way you sing “While on the outside I am warm from the Florida sun”. Good groove overall. I like the synths in general. Surprisingly, I also liked the intensity of the transition around 3:17 into the growling vocals. So, maybe I should broaden my musical horizons.
Ross Durand – Nice song. I would fix a couple of the guitar notes, but good song overall.
Signboy & MC Mike Lamb – You combined two musical styles diametrically opposed to each other… rap and country. That’s like combining matter and anti-matter. But seriously, it is an interesting combination that I've not heard before.
State Shirt – Definitely going in my “best of” SF folder. I can only think of positive things to say about nearly every aspect of this song (instrumentation, arrangement, dynamics, quality, energy, etc.). My only minor negative comment is your voice sounds a little nasally in the lower to mid register. DO quit your day job if you’re not a professional musician! (Also, good video!)
Tuners Union – I like the vocal harmonies. Nice ending.
The Weakest Suit – I like the energy in the song (especially the first 36 seconds). I like the guitar break around 1:30. It reminds me of something out of an old Rush song. Good drumming and song length too. You taught me a new word. I can now sound intelligent when categorizing “skorts” and “brunch”.
Last edited by DuToVa on Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.