Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

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Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by king_arthur »

Cover art, check. Can somebody start a review thread, please?
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by SchlimminyCricket »

Now I'll review these ones.

EggNogAdam - I like the guitar. The ending is very abrupt. Kind of jarring, kind of refreshing.

Merle Fyshwick - Cambodia. I like the cemetery part, how the music gets a little bit spooky. I enjoy your take on what a red thief is.

Rossby Wave - Too quiet. Bulk up those vocals. Other than that, I think this is quite good, but it needs way more vocal meat. Sometimes you hit the low notes, sometimes you don't. When you do, it's a nice effect. When you don't, it seems like you're trying to sound manlier than you are. You get a brownie point.

Ryan Dawson - More confidence in vocals. This seems to be my thing in the last two fights. It gets a bit better in the chorus. I think you are good at writing songs. I like your lyrics about dead hearts. There's something about the combination of morbidity and romance that charms me. If you are capable, you should try to add something more than just guitar to your future entries. I think it would be good for you. I get distracted during songs longer than 3:00 unless they are really interesting. This is my fault, not yours, but I got bored.

Ross Durand - Your picked guitar is more exciting than the rest, because it reminds me of The Decemberists or The Violent Femmes. Then the tamourine-- YES. Harmonies, folk, and tambourine make for an entry that I like. You have the opposite problem of everyone else. Maybe soften up the vocals a little bit. But maybe I have my volume too high from everyone else's tracks. Good job, Ross. Good job.

Berkley Social Scene - Well, I always know what to expect from a Berkley Social Song. You have mastered your guitar tone. You're close to mastery of your synth lead thing. I don't like your lyrics this go round.

Rio Mondo - Bracing myself as soon as you started talking. Made me not want to listen to your song, but then I did because I'm a gentleman bound by honor and courtesy. Turns out the song was better than I expected. I don't know what to tell you. I just hate your introductions.

Glacial Equinox - What kind of music is this? Oh. I'm not really comprehending how this ties in to the red thief. Darn kids.

Grock - Acoustic is in this year, I see. Vocals up please. I could just write the same review and post it over and over. So sorry you guys. Please fix the pan on the guitar so that I don't feel like it's in my left ear. All of this is to say, I like your song. I think it is good. I like the vibe. I nitpick because I like what you've got.

King Arthur - You're always so good, Arthur. And you always remind me of Elvis Costello or something. Your lyrics are what other songfighters want their lyrics to be.

Worn Cords - See what I said to everyone else. Louder. I like when the drums and bass kick in. What if you replaced the organ with some other, less common tone? I've been called a hipster. Good stuff.

Foobar - I can't tell if you're going for melody or talk-singing. I like your arrangement and composition very much. I'm not crazy about your performance, but I like what you've done here, mostly. Big band is good band, even if it's fake.

Cigar Charlie - Everything should be louder, especially the accompaniment in relation to the vox. What if you made your voice all grumbly like the Bully Bully guy? I think that would complete the old-timey outfit. Maybe that's not your thing.

Paco del Stinko - Electric means advantage in this fight. Immediately ahead of the crowd. I'm getting a Police-meets-Oingo-Boingo feeling here. It sounds great.

New Image - Is that autotune? Take it off. The song takes a little bit to pick up. When it does, the sound is garbled. I think you're a talented fellow/group of fellows, but the record could use some work. And again, take off that autotune. It sounds tacky.

Tuners Union - Aaah. Your vocals actually sound like they belong on the same track as the instruments. That is a relief. It sounds like a song that would have been on TV in the 1990s, but in a kind of good way. I really like it. Wurly-type piano is good. Very different style than I'm used to on SongFight.

James Owens - Sick of organ. Sorry, Mr. Owens, that your song came this late in the order. I like your voice. Less organ, though. Like the House of Rising Sun thing. Louder vocals.

Richard Brooks - There's the fingerpicking again. But, to your credit, the volume is fine. I'm waiting for one of the verses to bust out with horns and drums and a disco ball and stuff, but it doesn't happen. It should.

Schlimminy Cricket - I said to myself, "If I make myself finally record something, it will be easier the next time." So, being uninspired by the title, I laid down some tracks and then did my best to make it mildly coherent. Practice makes perfect, right? I can be clever later.

I am a grumpy old man of a reviewer. It's good to be back.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by sleepysilverdoor »

Mr. Cricket: Rossby Wave here! Anyway, yeah, I know my vocals lack a bit of meat...I decided a whopping 1 day before the songfight I was going to enter a tune, said HEY WIFE WRITE ME LYRICS and didn't rehearse the vocals at all beforehand. Not to mention I started recording them 35 minutes before the deadline. :p I like brownies though, so I'll take what I can get!
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by eggnogadam »

Schlimminy Cricket
Right away I like the overall tone. I like the inclusion of The Circle K. Hahaha. I enjoyed the electronic elements that appear in the middle. That’s something I myself do. This has a “capable, one-man band” feel. Good on ya!

Tuners Union
Ominous from the get go. Fitting for a movie soundtrack. (Why am I picturing the intro to Special Victims Unit?) Harmony is great. The quick breakdown at 2:00 is nice. Overall this is a win. Great job!

Ross Durand
Holy crap. How can I not like this? I don’t know. Don’t answer that. I like it. And THEN the instrumental picks up? Melody kicks in? Sheesh! Love it! Takin some layers off right after the solo. Awesome. Keep up the kick-ass work.

Berkeley Social Scene
Studio quality. I like how full the song is. The backing vocals, the layers of instruments. Enjoyable. Highly.

James Owens
I can never, ever hate on the blues. Good tempo. Nice licks. Appropriate solo. I look forward to hearing more!

King Arthur

I always looked forward to hearing your tracks. This doesn’t disappoint. “Sex with some children” Hahahahahahaaaaaa! Oh man. You got me! Awesome! Also, I’m glad your uncle got his new liver.

Paco del Stinko
Not my typical target genre so I have little to say. I enjoyed the song. I liked that you did the tempo drop in the middle – always a fun device! The end harmony was sweet!

Worn Cords
You had me once the synth came in. Good work. Did you record guitar and vocals simultaneously? Keep it up!

I feel bad for not wearing my zoot suit while listening to this. I have no choice but to like this, apparently. My leg won’t stop keepin’ time and my head is bobbing with no direction from my tiny brain. Good work. You got me!

Glacial Equinox
Is this House Music? Just kidding. It seems like House Music. I was listening to it in my house so… Yea. Yea. Yea.

New Image
I get a weird Beatles vibe from this. Is that something you’d be happy with? I think I mean it as a compliment. I just can’t put my finger on what it is that makes me see the Beatles while listening to this. Anyway, good job.

Rio Mondo
Footwear. “Getting all your blood sucked out?” Haha. Oh shit! It’s gonna be a mix of those two themes! Hahahaha! I enjoyed it. Keep it up!


Panning. I’m a fan. Holy… I listened to this a few times because your singer had a sound just like the guitar player from my college band. I like the simple, upbeat structure. Plus a stinger at the end. Booyah! Well done.

I think Pink Floyd at the get go. Surprise down tempo! Nice! “A very nice reproductive life” Hahahaha. I smiled. I liked it. Interesting use of electronic elements with live instruments. I am always a fan of that. Keep it up!

Merle Fyshwick
Christ. Is Roger Waters your singer? Then a cello kicks in? Fuuuuuck. Nirvana meets Roger Waters meets The Eels. I like that bass. I’m not sure you’re a sick fuck. I am sure, however, that I like this song. Good work!

Ryan Dawson
“click record” sound at the beginning… I like the inclusion. Did you record guitar and vocals simultaneously? Lyrically profound, even if by accident. No denying the overall skill/talent here. The soft touch on the guitar at the end and the ending chord choice itself. Very nice. Keep on playin’, man!

Richard Brooks
I like the guitar work and I admire a skill that I don’t have. Simple. Pure. Good stuff. Keep it up!

Cigar Charlie
Story format… Wow. I’m drawn to the characters. Fun. Playful. Light. Vocals match the tone of the piece. The piece is simple yet full. Mixed well. Makes me wanna get a Derby hat. Meh, maybe later. Great piece here. Well done!

Guitar is WAY LOUD compared to you all. Jesus. I’ll have to work on that. Vocals are up to. WTH? Maybe I compressed it. Sorry! Anyway. Fun piece. Not my best work. Not my favorite. I can live with it though. Also, I tend to keep my songs short. No bridge, usually no solo, no outro. Just sayin'.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by RyanZDawson »

eggnogadam wrote:Schlimminy Cricket
Ryan Dawson
“click record” sound at the beginning… I like the inclusion. Did you record guitar and vocals simultaneously? Lyrically profound, even if by accident. No denying the overall skill/talent here. The soft touch on the guitar at the end and the ending chord choice itself. Very nice. Keep on playin’, man!
Thanks! And yeah, I did record them both simultaneously. That little mouse click was me trying to make sure the screen saver didn't come up while I was recording. I realized I hadn't touched the computer in a while and that there was a high likelihood of that happening, so I acted on impulse to prevent it. I normally do that before I hit record on my little Zoom camera, but this time I just wasn't thinking. I'm glad it you didn't find it distracting!
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by sleepysilverdoor »

This fight is already way better than last week's fight, and I'm only 4 tracks in! :)
EDIT: aww, I got to a clunker.
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Cigar Charlie
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by Cigar Charlie »

Enjoyed listening to all the entries.

Schlimminy Cricket
The tremolo/vibrato is a bit much after a while. The accordian/organ that comes in midway is a very nice touch. The vocals were not easily understood - but that was, if not the point, the desired effect. They did sit quite well in the mix, nonetheless, I thought.

Rio Mondo
The rap was Beasty Boys meets those two canadian guys (Take off - eh), but without the accent. Had a good chuckle with this. Hope that was the desired effect. I've never mixed a rap, so what do I know, but the vox seemed to float a bit to high over the music? The sung part at the end was well done.

Ryan Dawson
Well played acoustic tune. Nice tone on the guitar. Lyrics very poetic. Was this direct with vsts or just close miced?

Charlie Cigar aka me
Been listening to old Sam Spade type radio shows lately - thus the storyline. Not quite as bouncy/jazzy as intended. The vox is mix too forward yet a couple of lines still get lost. The final mix was done just before the deadline, so what ever loudness is there is from a random maximizer slapped onto the 2-bus minutes before.

Richard Brooks
This works well as mixed. Though it does not need it, another arrangement could have a large, dark, orchestrial pad coming up behind the guitar and vox midway through would be a good addition. The performance was intimate with a sense of urgent angst.

Loved the overall vibe. My kind of simple rocker. A pretty nice mix. A couple of small notes: The kick popped out front a bit too much on occasion and the bass could have been stronger. The vox was settled back in the mix and it was too easy to ignore the lyrics at times, which is a shame because they seemed to be well performed and recorded. The doubled part was a good touch. I point out the little things because I otherwise liked it a lot.

Egg Nog Adam
I always like competing guitar parts such as this. CSNY vibe.

Jazzy, nightclub mix. Well done.

James Owens
Bluesy number. Nice solid voice. Well mixed.

Merle Fyshwich
Not sure why I liked this one. But, I did. Reasonably well balanced mix. The vocals could use more clarity in a few spots.

King Arthur
Whtat to say. Steals it for the win.

Tuners Union
Well balanced. Builds nicely. Very polished.

Worn Cords
The start was OK but not too inspirational. Expected a simple acoustic/vocal song from the first couple of lines. Bringing in the other instruments helped quite a bit and made it more interesting. There are a couple of timing errors between verses.

New Image
Some vocal tone correction artifacts that were audible. BIG, HUGE reverb wash the like of I have not heard in a while, which made it refreshing in a way. Very warehouse-carvern like. A bit more predelay (I think) than is to my taste. The wash does not let much low end through. Maybe that was the idea, though. The vocals were quite clear.

Ross Durand
Vox could be pulled back a very slight smidge at the beginning. The levels are better balanced during the doubled vocals. Well arranged and played. Liked the lyric.

Glacial Equinox
Not my thing really but a decent, dancable beat. Not so familiar with the genre but some melodic pads might make it more interesting.

Ross by Wave
Very clever lyric from your wife. Was wondering if anyone would take this road. Arrangement and mix are good.

Berkeley Social Scene
I would string 'em up by the short and curlies!!!! Raw! Angry! Appropriate! Other than the hi hats beign a bit too clicky, good mix.

Paco del Stinko
Punk. Love punk. Not much else to say.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by RyanZDawson »

Cigar Charlie wrote:Enjoyed listening to all the entries.
Ryan Dawson
Well played acoustic tune. Nice tone on the guitar. Lyrics very poetic. Was this direct with vsts or just close miced?
Thanks! Glad you liked my song. My tech is very primitive. I don't have any way to record on my computer. I used a Zoom Q3 to record my submission live, as I did with the last one.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by eggnogadam »

"Egg Nog Adam
I always like competing guitar parts such as this. CSNY vibe. "

Hahaha I'll take it!
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by AJOwens »

Berkeley Social SceneTurning rage into art is good. Not quite as good as actually stabbing the bastard who stole your guitar (personally I'd go for their fingertips). But then you'd only get in trouble, which is so unfair. On the production side, I'd bring the bass guitar up, but then I'm a bass player. Apart from that the mix is solid. The composition has an angular quality. Nothing about it hooks me, but it's interesting. The abrupt "stab you" rhythm and its "red thief" thematic echo work well. The guitar solo is plenty angry; the synth tone and solo don't seem to carry the song's message as well.

Cigar CharlieThe lyrics are fun, by way of doggerel. The vocals, though close-mic'd and quiet, are clearly enunciated and out front -- maybe too much so. They feel a little heavy on the bass, giving them a slight muddiness. The somewhat inane music (deliberately, I trust) is well suited to the playful mood, helped very much by the jazzy, eccentric brushed drums.

EggNogAdamThis song reminds me of the theme for Firefly, but I suppose that's the genre coming through. The guitar work is pretty. The right-channel improvisations add texture, but are sometimes distractingly, randomly busy. Good vocals and harmonies. It wouldn't hurt to make it longer. A clear, crisp, well-balanced recording overall. Have you thought about getting rid of that hiss? It sounds like something is cranked to pick up an incoming signal; could there be an impedance mismatch between the mic and the input?

FoobarWe share the same opening line, pretty much, and we both work the diminished fifth -- what are the odds? Good snappy song, nice mix. I like the minimalist guitar solo. The switch into major sevenths opens a refeshing new dimension. This could be longer, although as a reviewer and contributor I fully understand short, demo-like entries.

Glacial Equinox how did the title inspire this exactly? Oh, well, I'll review it anyway. The recording is good. The mix doesn't integrate the vocals very well, not that I have much advice (okay, you could pick up the Ambience plugin and try some presets). The vocal performance has personality, but this is not necessarily a good thing. The composition and lyrics are colourless, repetitive and boring. Love the breakdown at 1:10. Could be shorter.

grockI like this song, it's got a comfortable boogie rhythm and a warm, personal quality. The production might need some crispness or sparkle to really bring it alive. Good band. I'm hearing a Nirvana influence. The bass is good, but occasionally dissonant without producing any particular effect. It sometimes feels disconnected; I'd put it closer to the centre of the mix. The vocals are mixed about right for the peaks, but sometimes drop out; a little light compression might help.

James OwensThere's not much I can say about this straightforward blues-based torch song, except that I was going for genre, not originality. I always wanted to put up a blues tune, and between the title, Glennny's misfortune, and the fact that I was just let go after 20 years with the same company (not enough work, they said), it seemed like a good time for one. On the upside, now I can record more. There are some sour notes in the guitar part, caused by bad intonation, which I subsequently traced to old strings. Sorry about that.

King ArthurI think you've invented a new genre. Cactus Reggae? Anyway, this is great: tuneful, with a swinging rhythm, lots of vocal character. The parts hang together in a pleasantly loose way. Entertaining lyrics. Good production.

Merle FyshwickOne of my favourites. Intriguing and satisfying melody, good arrangement, strong production. The lyrics are subtle, evocative, disturbing, and well served by the music. The "yeahhh" and "oooh" are probably a love-'em or hate-'em thing. Personally I'd give those notes to the strings.

New ImageThis song has a nice ringing quality, and the vocals are good (although the pitch correction is overcranked). It would feel a lot more satisfying with bass. With all the long notes and straightforward beats, maybe not quite enough goes on. The lyrics seem obliquely political, but I'm not going there. Eggnogadam mentioned the Beatles. There is indeed a three-chord sequence from Eight Days a Week that nobody can use any more without evoking the Beatles (although I think Procol Harum got away with it in Homburg).

Paco del StinkoGood all round, as always, but the lyrics are especially expressive. The music is classic Paco. Much as I enjoy the frenetic intensity of the outrage part, I have to say I like the slow, dark thirds of the revenge part better. This is surely what heavy metal was made for.

Richard BrooksA delicate, wistful tune. The bitterness of the lyrics is belied by the sweetness of the music. There are two parts, but they have a similar pattern; more contrast would bring out the highlights. It sounds like you're studying your guitar technique -- keep up the good work, focus on every note, watch the pace. For a SongFight entry, you might consider tracking the guitar first and then overlaying the vocal, if you have the equipment.

Rio MondoOn the general theme, they say that before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you run away, not only will you have a head start --- you'll also have their shoes. They also say everybody's a comedian, but I'm not qualified to comment. The intro is kind of droll. If there's a SketchFight somewhere, you should probably enter. As for the song, I used the same chords for Please Stop (shameless plug), which distracts me. Is this rap, or hip-hop, or what? I don't even know what the youngsters call it. But, this being not my genre at all, I still feel that the rhythms should be more syncopated across the lines of verse. Funny lyrics, good variations in the arrangement. Good recording and mixing.

Rossby WaveThis is good music. It's cool and has a strong melody, even a hook. It would benefit from higher levels (go into the yellow, right up to 0 db; if you get an occasional red peak, it's OK), and it really, really cries out for a bass part. The singing feels like it's going through the motions; you need to mean every word as you sing it. On the other hand, they're your wife's lyrics, and for a reason. But they're good.

Ross DurandThis is quality Ross Durand: good lyrics, great atmosphere, solid performance, clear recording. You could have used some help with the guitar solo, but deadlines are tight. I agree with Schlimminy that the tambourine is meant to be there; good choice.

Ryan DawsonThe lyrics are rich in images, but they're not coming together for me. The song has a natural quality and is well suited to acoustic guitar, and you have a good voice. Still, I'm not sure a guy-and-guitar arrangement shows this entry off to its best advantage. Harmonies would kick it up a notch. (But I understand from the review thread that this is not technically possible for you at the moment.)

Schlimminy CricketMusically there's not a lot to this song, but thanks to the eclectic arrangement -- the deeply tremoloed guitar, the thinned-out, creaky vocals, the understated accordion rhythm, the patient bass, the synthesized bleeping -- it comes off well. I can't quite make out all the words, but the vocal delivery is very effective. Good recording and mixing.

Tuners UnionOne of my favourites. The dire, sombre strings are enlivened by the staccato echoes and funky bass. Fine harmonies. The stiffly earnest lyrics and grave delivery, mixed with the eerie use of first person plural, remind me of early Brian Eno, circa Fat Lady of Limbourg. Good breakdowns, nicely punctuated. Notable drumming.

Worn CordsA good tune with vibrant energy, some striking harmonies, and raw-edged vocals. The alternative part at 00:45 uses variant chords, but with the same basic rhythms and lyrical scan, undercutting the contrast. Even so, it could be longer. The ending is abrupt.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by eggnogadam »

EggNogAdamThis song reminds me of the theme for Firefly, but I suppose that's the genre coming through. The guitar work is pretty. The right-channel improvisations add texture, but are sometimes distractingly, randomly busy. Good vocals and harmonies. It wouldn't hurt to make it longer. A clear, crisp, well-balanced recording overall. Have you thought about getting rid of that hiss? It sounds like something is cranked to pick up an incoming signal; could there be an impedance mismatch between the mic and the input?

I am in a tiny place right now and I had the mic sensitivity way up so I could be subtle, since "loud" nor even "comfortable" is a volume I can achieve without waking my mini me's. That's the hiss.
Making songs longer, in my opinion, takes the original feel away from it and "puts too much me in the song." It makes me try too hard which makes me hate the song. I started a "quantity over quality" project 6 years ago... and I can't stop it. I just got used to doing 2-3 takes and then just being done with a piece - if I'm working solo. I like that you seem to not mind the idea of hearing more, but it's just not gonna happen these days.
Firefly? Really? You're gonna mention a show that I'm a huge fan of?! Awwww! You!! *HUG*
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by g_rock »

like the bass. Harmonies are good.
like the bridge, lead work is good. Pretty good song.

Cigar Charlie
reminds me of early phish style thing in some way (circa Junta). Vocals could be more confident I was hoping the song would go somewhere get loud and come back full circle.

Guitar is great. good separation. nice harmonies nice vocals. Liking it. Built right up to where it should all come in. You left me hanging. Good tune but I want to hear the band too. Bring em in.

I see a guy in a suit and a top hat dancing around on a stage with a cane. Guitar sounds good. like the key change in the solo section.
FYI...I took your advice and finally did the Protools thing

Glacial equinox
Ok man that is some silly shit. The sarcastic YEAH is really over the top. I listened to the whole thing thinkin there was going to be something funny other than the yeah! I was wrong :(

James Owens
I like where it comes from. It feels genuine. Love the guitar solo. Spot on.
I hope if I ever do a song in this mood I catch it as well as you.

king aurthur
I like the lead work. I can’t buy the story. Maybe it just needs to be more subtle in approach.
well done overall.

merle fyshwick
Shes a sick fuck….Your lead in vocal catches me. I like how the vocals wrap around. I like your vocal style. the drums could use a little more creativity. Maybe it also needs more low end rhythm.

new image
Too much pitch correction. Fine idea but the pitch correction ruins it for me. Guitar sounds distant.
Like the melody.

Paco no Stinko
Damn BANG BANG fuckin cracked me up everytime I heard it. That lead work is badass! it goes slow and heavy; nice transition. That guitar you sick bastard is wonderfully delicious. MMmmm tasty.

Richard Brooks
sounds like you are whispering. slow and somber. sounds good just very sad.

Rio Mondo
“Your dead if all your blood gets sucked out.” Silly. ends suprisingly very softly

Ross Durand
Nice guitar. Guitar tone is great. Tamborine good. Too many overdubs on the harmonies.
Just one harmony will do you . Like the song .

Rossby Wave
You should go all out on the vocals. Lay it out. Sounds like your unsure. You reach for the low note and barely hit it. I like that this is a different take on the red thief concept. but maybe more believable with a womans voice maybe on harmonies at least.

Ryan Dawson
I was night light young is a great lyric. done well good playing and singing.

Schlimminy Cricket
Go sshlimminy. some Ween for your soul. I could hardly tell your completely obsessed and probably stalking Gene and Dean. Good song. Not everyday you hear accordion on SF.

Tuners union.
I immediately think of Peter Gabriel kind of stuff. Sounds very 90s. I love your keys/organ sounds. I think your vocals are too pristine for my taste but obviously done well. Are you using a pedal for the harmonies? you should let your voice stand alone for the verses so when the harmonies come in they have more significance.

Probably not too helpful but at least honest.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by eggnogadam »

g_rock wrote: EggNogAdam
Guitar is great. good separation. nice harmonies nice vocals. Liking it. Built right up to where it should all come in. You left me hanging. Good tune but I want to hear the band too. Bring em in.
Aawww man! I left you wanting more, eh? I've always wanted to try that. I wonder if I can do it again? As far as The Band goes... We've not been a whole band for the better part of a decade. It's a shame how truthful that sentence feels... ANYWAY... Thanks for the comment and ROCK ON!
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by kaz »

AJOwens wrote:Brian Eno, circa Fat Lady of Limbourg.
Not my intention, honestly, but I love me some Eno. Thank you.
g_rock wrote: I immediately think of Peter Gabriel kind of stuff. Sounds very 90s [...] Are you using a pedal for the harmonies?
Also love Gabriel (most of him, anyways). Thanks. Regarding the harmonies, it's really just a stereo-width plugin in ProTools coupled with a doubled track. By that I mean that for each backup vocal track, I sing a given part twice on two different tracks, and then pan one track to the left a bit and one to the right a bit. Gives a real rich sound on vocals, I've found. Also helps to mask pitchy problems. Yes, this winds up being a whole lot of tracks... for this song, I think there were 12 just for the backup vocals, and that's only counting raw vocal tracks. Let me know if you want more details, I'll fill you in.

Berkeley Social Scene
The synth gets a little grating for me. Perhaps grating isn't the right word. Stale, maybe? This isn't so much my cup of tea, though there's certainly nothing wrong with it. Production is solid. I do like the vocal work. Not much more I can add to this, unfortunately. A, because it's clearly well done.

Cigar Charlie
The vocal doesn't seem to sit quite right in the mix. It sounds good, as does the instrumentation, but something is just a little off. It might be that the vocal is just too dry and a litt1le low in the spectrum. High-pass the vocal, and maybe a touch (and no more than a touch) of reverb might let it mix in just a tad better. B.

Love it. I hear Alice in Chains unplugged, which happens to be one of my favorite albums. Okay, so the production isn't great. The hiss is pretty nasty, but that's not your fault, and once you get going I forget about it. The vocal harmonies are subtle but spot on. This could stand to be maybe thirty seconds or a minute longer, but no more. Please keep submitting. A-.

On 6th (maybe?) listen, everything is bottom heavy. Take this for what it's worth (which could possibly be nothing): I don't want to hear the guitar and the vocal come through my woofer. One or the other might be okay, but honestly, a song of this length and of this feel can probably stay free of a bass-y sound. For this style, I consider perfection to be Nick Drake (

Go figure, through this review I've connected Alice in Chains to Nick Drake. As I've said before, I only nit-pick when I really like it.

Love the chord progressions! A lot, actually. The horns sound good too. The lead vocal isn't quite as crisp as I'd like, but it's nothing to worry about I don't think. Besides the backing vocals are pretty killer. Hm and I'm not too keen on the guitar solo. I think that given the jazz/swing style I expect some crazy solo melody and this doesn't quite live up to my expectation. It's by no means bad, I just don't know that it fits here. All in all, I like this. A-.

Glacial Equinox
Alright, house music, I get it. Get on with it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What is this? I mean... Are you trolling? You do get how this works, right? D-, only passing because the mix isn't a complete failure.

I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the hard pan on the acoustic, but that's just me being picky. The vocal sounds great, though I'm missing most of the lyrics. Maybe make them a touch louder. Also I noticed the pan on the drums when they drop out towards the end, and that's a little distracting too. Overall I liked it. B+

James Owens
Vocals could be stronger. They're not bad (good, even), but it might be a little below your range. It's on key and all that... but I'd rather hear it a little stronger, if that makes sense. Oooh guitar solo is totally kickass. Pull the organ back just a tad, I'd say. Nice little song you got here, all things considered. B+.

King Arthur
Ease up on the reverb (or is it delay?) on the vocal. I lose a lot, but not all, of the lyrics. The guitar work is very nice... I particularly like the intro. Mmm. This is quality. Lyrics flow really nicely. Except for the "sex with children" line (I mean it works and makes sense, I just don't want to seem like I'm condoning such things). Nice. A-.

Merle Fyshwick
I don't usually notice lyrics unless they're awesome, and I noticed these. Nice. Good sound. Reminds me of Adam Green and/or Elliot Smith. I also usually don't like the use of the word "fuck" in songs, because 99% of the time it sounds forced, but it actually flows really really well here. I could nit pick the vocal, but I don't want to. Mix isn't perfect (vocal sounds a little hot sometimes), but it works very well for the feel of the song. I like this a whole bunch. A.

New Image
Autotune is way, way too distracting. I hear the vocal and I think "Cher". Sorry. I got all the lyrics, which is good. I do like the melody and the structure, and at parts I do hear a bit of Flaming Lips, which is pretty killer. The mix is good, although a little bit more volume in the bass end would be nice. B.

Paco del Stinko
Paco now holds a special place with me thanks to the cover fight. That said, I didn't hate this, but I didn't love it. I'm reminded of Weezer at times. So it's mostly great, but there are some parts that sound very dissonant to me that I really just can't get into. Perhaps it's just not my style. The mix is excellent, of course, as always. B.

Richard Brooks
Process your vocal. By that I mean take some of the bass out of it. Your voice is nice, but I don't want it coming through my woofer. It clashes a little with the guitar. Lyrically it's quite nice, and the overall structure works well too. B.

Rio Mondo
Alright I can get into this. I wasn't sure at first, to be honest. I like the sung vocal behind the rap a whole effing bunch. I can't add much to this, it's great. A.

Rossby Wave
Music is great, but the vocal could be better. Sounds like it's a bit below your range. I'm not sure though. It might be that the instrumentation mixes pretty well on its own, but the vocal sounds pretty dry. Something that might help you could be doubling your vocal. Sing it twice on two different tracks, and on the final mix pan one a bit to the left and the other a bit to the right. It's a cheap little trick to cover up minor pitchiness problems in the vocal. If you're not into doubling, transpose this whole song up like 3 whole steps. Another option, add an EQ to the vocal and get rid of some of the low end because I think it's battling the instruments. For the record, nit picking because I like it. A-.

Ross Durand
Quality sound, as always. This sounds like it should be on the Breaking Bad soundtrack somewhere. I have nothing critical to say about this. A.

Ryan Dawson
Good voice, good playing, not terrible lyrics. Hm, very good voice, actually. I'm not a fan of the production here though. I'm sure there's a legitimate reason for it (not sarcasm), but it's distracting. B-, but there's massive amounts of potential here.

Schlimminy Cricket
So I like the style. It's a little odd, although in an appealing way. But I can't understand any of the words. Lyrics aren't my strong point, but my rule of thumb is that they should be totally understandable, even if they make no sense. I didn't get most of these. Anyhow, the accordion (melodica?) sounds good, and the overall feel works. B.

Tuners Union
I'm pretty happy with most of this, except the middle part. I realize the lyrics make little sense. I had more, but believe it or not they served only to make things even less clear, so I cut them. The part in the middle where it sounds like lyrics are missing, well, that's where they went. This week I learned to step an extra couple feet back from the mic and turn up the gain, contrary to nearly everything I've read... the lip and tongue noises are a little diminished this way and it doesn't sound like the singer is right in your ear the whole dang time. Much easier to mix, too.

Worn Cords
Counting Crows? Do you drop a beat about 0:45? Again at 1:02? Can't be doing that man. This is a cool sound, but sharpen it! You have a great flow going, but when the rhythm drops it kills the mood. Vocals sound really good and the harmonies fit nicely. Lots of potential here. I like the idea a bunch, but the execution could be better. Definitely keep submitting. B.

Dang this was a quality fight! Awesome!
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by eggnogadam »

Love it. I hear Alice in Chains unplugged, which happens to be one of my favorite albums. Okay, so the production isn't great. The hiss is pretty nasty, but that's not your fault, and once you get going I forget about it. The vocal harmonies are subtle but spot on. This could stand to be maybe thirty seconds or a minute longer, but no more. Please keep submitting. A-.

On 6th (maybe?) listen, everything is bottom heavy. Take this for what it's worth (which could possibly be nothing): I don't want to hear the guitar and the vocal come through my woofer. One or the other might be okay, but honestly, a song of this length and of this feel can probably stay free of a bass-y sound. For this style, I consider perfection to be Nick Drake (

Go figure, through this review I've connected Alice in Chains to Nick Drake. As I've said before, I only nit-pick when I really like it."

Hahahahaha. I'll take it.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by EvelBist »

kaz wrote:I hear the vocal and I think "Cher".
eggnogadam wrote:I get a weird Beatles vibe from this.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by kaz »

EvelBist wrote:Owww
Let me rephrase - the effect you used reminds me of the effect Cher used. No disrespect intended.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by eggnogadam »

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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Berkeley Social Scene
This week we've got me on drums and mixing, Martin on fuzz bass, Glen on guitar and vocals, and Ken on keys. Glen turned his red Gibson ES-335 getting stolen into this revenge fantasy song. I like the energy he brought to the vocals. I think this song was fun for us because it's a little more grungy, raw, and unhinged sounding than usual. Glen fortunately had insurance and was able to buy a new guitar, a natural finish ES-335, hence the "blonde" in the third verse.

Cigar Charlie
I like the jazzy vibe. Songwriting wise, it feels like it could use a stronger chorus. Everything sort of sounds the same through the song, and it took me until the third chorus before I realized that was the chorus. Maybe try some simple way of differentiating that part, like changing the instrumentation, or added a double/harmony/backup vocal, etc. Mix wise things sound OK although I think the bass is a little loud and your vocal sounds a bit muffled. Maybe EQ off some low end from the bass and vocals next time.

I like the guitar. Nice soloing. The bluesy resolution is nice but it also feels very well worn, like straight out of the playbook for this genre. Good singing. Very short, but I think that's fine, it doesn't even come close to wearing out its welcome.

More jazzy vibe, I like it. I like the build in the refrain. The lead guitar is mostly pretty good, though it sounds like it could have used a couple more takes of the solo to really nail it. Your vocals also sound pretty muffled, maybe roll off the low end on them next time, run them through a compressor if they aren't already going through one, etc.

Glacial Equinox
This sucks. This is not funny. WTF does this have to do with the title? Please stop wasting our time, seriously.

I'm not a big fan of how the guitar is panned off to one side and the bass is on the other. On headphones it's a bit distracting. It'd sound better if you recorded a second rhythm guitar track, and panned the two guitars to the side, with the bass in the middle. Mixing aside, the music's pretty good, instruments are played well, sound good. The singing's good too, I like the harmonies. Another short one, but I think it's the right call. Good one.

James Owens
More really muffled vocals. What is going on? Most of the rest of your mix sounds fine. I like the guitar on the side with all the reverb on it doing the stabs on the 2s. Your organ could use some more dynamics though. A real organist would probably be using the volume pedal to swell in/out some of the time. Yours is always on and always the same volume which is kind of distracting and takes up a lot of the dynamic space in the mix. Good drums, are those loops or programmed? I like the guitar solo, and it's got a nice tone too. You've got some kind of digital artifact at around 2:25, maybe from a bad edit or compression or something. Good one.

King Arthur
I'm not really sure there is much point in me reviewing your song in detail. You pretty much do what you do, you've got your sound figured out, and it is what it is. I'm kind of jealous of that, it seems like it would be nice. Anyway, for me this song is OK, not a standout good or bad from your usual output.

Merle Fyshwick
Nice imagery in your lyrics. I like the mood of the song. I wish the rhythm acoustic in the right were louder and more prominent, maybe more centered. Nice cello-ish sound that comes in. Nice chord changes in the chorus. I think in your drum beats if you could make the rimshots quieter that might sound better, and help bring the dynamics down more in the verse. Good one.

New Image
I feel like what you're going for could be OK, but this mix is really making it hard for me to listen. Your vocals I think are maybe too loud, and the autotuning gets a bit hard on my ears at points. You've got way too much reverb on the drums I think. The drum beats are a bit too weird and fake sounding sometimes too for my tastes. Maybe your vocals are over compressed/maximized too or something, as sometimes they cut through the mix and get a little painfully loud. If you're interested in posting the raw tracks this might be fun to remix. OK overall.

Paco del Stinko
Like King Arthur, you've pretty much found your sound, so I don't really feel like there's much constructive feedback I can really provide here. I guess maybe I would just say that this mix sounds very guitar heavy (as do your mixes in general, I think), maybe experiment with trying something different, bring the guitars down, cut some more lows from them, and see how things sound if the core/backing tracks are more drums and bass focused. Your guitars always have awesome tone and you play really well, though. Nice solos. Fun song.

Richard Brooks
This is a nice relief for my ears after Paco's skull beater. ;) Nice playing and singing. I wish your voice had less bass and that your guitar were louder and in stereo. If you have two mics and inputs you can use on your guitar recording it in stereo, with one mic pointed at the bridge and one at the 12th fret, ish. See here:

Rio Mond
Guys, hate to break it to you, but nobody wants to hear your stupid skit about you coming up with your idea for your crap song. I don't even want to hear your crap song, for that matter. Ugh.

Ross Durand
You've also got your sound dialed in, like King Arthur and Paco. Your guitar sounds really nice, folks, this is how you record an acoustic guitar. I think your kick drum sound, whatever it is, is down in too low a frequency range for me. It doesn't quite thump enough, it's sort of more like an air sound without any meat to it. Good song. Another nice and short one.

Rossby Wave
I like the vibe, with the Ebowed guitar or whatever that is, and the industrial sounding drums. I really wish this were mixed better and louder. Most folks here use a plugin called a maximizer on their master bus to boost the overall loudness of their final mixes, so if you're not doing that, that's probably something to play around with. (Don't overdo it, though!) Your vocals could use some ambience on them so that they match up with the backing tracks better. You might want to try using autotune on them and trying to get the pitch close enough when you record that you can tune things up without hearing weird artifacts. Some harmony vocals somewhere could be nice too. Good one.

Ryan Dawson
Lots of guytar this week, which I think I actually prefer over the usual glut of nerdcore Song Fight! suffers from. Nice playing and singing. I assume you're using a stereo recorder device to just record yourself playing and singing live. It might be nice if you could find a less noisy environment, or maybe get a windscreen cover for your device's mics or something to help with the noise.

Schlimminy Cricket
At this point I'm running out of reviewing steam. This song's kind of ok but it's maybe too much of the same sound over and over for too long. Try finding some ways to mix things up more.

Tuners Union
Very Peter Gabriel sounding as others have noted. Sounds great, especially the vocals, and the bass synths. Dang, some nice electric piano licks in there too. Good groove with the funky bass. I like the drum programming but I think you might need to keep working on your kick drum sound, it needs some more work in the EQ/compression department. Really good song, I think you've got my vote.

Worn Cords
Good song. Singing's good and has some good emoting. Wow, very short. I actually could have listened to another minute of this no problem. Keep working on your mixing. Sounds like maybe you recorded your main vocal and guitar together live, so maybe if you can try recording those separately and trying to get less room noise on those tracks.

Things to try when recording vocals:
1. Make sure you keep your mouth 3-6" from the mic
2. Use a pop filter/windscreen
3. Cut the low end using EQ, you probably don't need much <100Hz in your vox
4. Run them through a compressor, find a good preset or just try to make sure the compressor is cutting the gain anywhere from 0-6db
5. Maybe apply some subtle ambience which should be felt more than heard, or, apply noticeable reverb/delay if you are going for a certain effect/feel

Ways to spice up your guy and guitar song:
1. Buy a cheap ($50-100) two-channel USB audio interface, or even just a USB mic
2. Overdub stuff: shaker, tambo, bass, harmony, lead guitar, etc. etc.
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by AJOwens »

Lunkhead wrote: James Owens
(1) More really muffled vocals. What is going on? Most of the rest of your mix sounds fine. . .
(2) Your organ could use some more dynamics though. . .
(3) Good drums, are those loops or programmed?. . .
(1) I always have a hell of a time with vocal production. I don't think it's the mic (an ATM41HE), or my technique, generally about six to eight inches from the mic (leaning in or out as needed), or my preamp (Mackie VLZ3). Possibly my effects chain, which varies. Obviously I need to take advice.
(2) I should get a volume pedal. Also a foot controller for the Leslie effect, if I can figure out how to patch one in on an M-Audio 88ES.
(3) Drums are live, on a low-end Roland electronic kit. But I'm no drummer. If the fills sound good, it's because I got lucky.

Thanks for the detailed review!
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by EvelBist »

Lunkhead wrote: Things to try when recording vocals:
1. Make sure you keep your mouth 3-6" from the mic
2. Use a pop filter/windscreen
3. Cut the low end using EQ, you probably don't need much <100Hz in your vox
4. Run them through a compressor, find a good preset or just try to make sure the compressor is cutting the gain anywhere from 0-6db
5. Maybe apply some subtle ambience which should be felt more than heard, or, apply noticeable reverb/delay if you are going for a certain effect/feel

Ways to spice up your guy and guitar song:
1. Buy a cheap ($50-100) two-channel USB audio interface, or even just a USB mic
2. Overdub stuff: shaker, tambo, bass, harmony, lead guitar, etc. etc.
I REALLY appreciate the technical advise here. It's easy to try out. Thank you!
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Re: Glennny Wuz Robbed! (Red Thief reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

A long time ago these forums used to have a lot of folks looking for and providing all kinds of technical advice about songwriting and recording/producing. If any of you folks actually are interested in trying to make your stuff sound better, don't be shy to start threads asking for help with anything. There are a lot of knowledgable folks (way more knowledgable than me) still lurking around who would probably come out of the woodwork with helpful info. Some may even be interested in remixing your tracks and showing you what they did.
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