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Re: Grimm

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:26 am
by Rabid Garfunkel
Hot damn! (Insert jumping smiley here)

Re: Grimm

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:22 am
by Lunkhead
Can't wait!

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:05 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Twuz awesome as expected! I won't say anything, to avoid spoilers for the streamers.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:58 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Another great season ends. Last night's episode left quite a few great possibilities for next season!
I laughed when Rosalee volga'd when her and Monroe started getting romantic and Monroe smiled and said, "oHhh yeah, you are so hot!" :D

Re: Grimm

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:52 am
by Lunkhead
I'm looking forward to it. We probably won't have time to watch it till Friday night.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:17 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Friday night was the perfect time for Grimm. I was bummed when they switched to Tuesday night. But I guess they got that time slot due to popularity and it's a compliment to the show.
I liked Fridays because had Grimm get-together and ordered pizza and I made Grimm cookies and stuff, lol. No costumes or anything. We're not that lame. More of an excuse to drink beer/wine and eat while waiting until 10:00pm. :)

Before you ask, because I'm SURE you are just dying to know what Grimm cookies are. I buy 2 or 3 or 4 different types of Nestle toll house cookie dough packs. The ones that are the break-apart squares.
1 pack has to be the double dark chocolate because it looks like dirt. Then I like the white chocolate macadamia and the peanut butter cup or caramel one. Put the double chocolate ones down first as a base and press it down flat, then put pieces of the other flavors on top. They melt into cool looking things and taste amazing. It's fun to make faces too. :)

Also fun to cut the dough into triangle wedges and make a circle of black and white or make yin yang symbols. :)
....yeah, I'm too into it, I know.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:24 am
by Billy's Little Trip
The new Grimm season started last Friday, 10/25. It started right where it left off last season. Literally repeating the final scene where Nick gets Zombified by the blow-fish guy. They tried to jam a lot into the first episode to show the direction of this season.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:36 pm
by Lunkhead
We just watched it today. So awesome! I really hope Nick doesn't murder a kid in the next episode though. :(

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:14 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
I don't think they would do anything like that. But I'm hoping it changes something with him and he gets a super power when he gets angry, lol.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:31 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Looks like my prediction might be right. Which is cool, because that means they are going to bring in more intense wesen, etc. Plus now he has to deal with a very angry refurbished Hexenbiest that has a great deal of revenge to settle, lol.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:08 am
by Lunkhead
That episode was tense. It was weird to go from a bunch of ass kicking in the first 10-15 minutes to all that intrigue around covering up what Nick did. It doesn't seem like they can realistically get away with that, but we'll see.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:50 am
by Billy's Little Trip
It might just be me, but the whole time I was watching the coverup, I couldn't help but think that it's true to life. Even though it's fiction, I got a slight uneasy feeling watching it. But they are doing it for the good of mankind, so it supposed to be okay. But there are those with greed and evil in their hearts that do that for their own/group/secret society agenda. I'm sure that is the metaphor the writers wanted to project.

...or I'm reading way too much into it. ;)

Re: Grimm

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:27 am
by ken
I suspect the police captain is also holding on the video so he can blackmail Nick in the future.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:37 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Good point. I guess I'm too trusting. But Royals need grimms, as the story has mentioned. So you might be onto something. Although Ranard is half Hexenbiest.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 9:29 am
by Billy's Little Trip
So, I still like Grimm and it's part of my Friday night entertainment....which seems sad now seeing it in print. But yet I don't care. I order us Chinese and make chocolate chip cookies, and of course get intoxicated via some wonderful libations of one sort or another. :)

BUT, things are really getting corny! I don't mind le corn, but it's getting laughable. Except laughable in the "I'm a little embarrassed for you" kind of way. I usually watch it with my son and we've started saying things out loud, like "oh my god, I can't believe they just said that" or we just look at each other and at the same time say LAME!

Possible spoiler alert:
So now as most have seen they have a new teen girl Grimm. Ok, awesome! Great way to pick up the story angles. Except one problem, her name is ...(drum roll)....Trouble. Yep, she goes by Trouble. Her name is Teresa, but goes by Trouble. It is so fucking funny watching Nick calling for her when trying to find her for one reason or another. Yelling TROUBLE.....oh TROUBLE....where are you TROUBLE! Oh damn, we just start laughing our asses off!

I just hope they don't turn Grimm into a CW vampirey witch show with emo teens or I don't know if I can be loyal to it anymore. ;)

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 9:51 am
by Lunkhead
Yeah, I am not entirely enthused by this whole "baby Grimm" subplot they introduced. I don't get it. I agree that her name is really stupid, too. I think the actress is not that great either. Hopefully the last two remaining episodes of the season will improve things. (crosses fingers)

Re: Grimm

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:31 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Oh gawd, they called for Trouble like 5 times in the first 30 seconds on the first scene last night. After the second time, I said, if they say Trouble one more time.......then they said it 3 more times. I laughed. They seriously need to just start calling her "T".
But on a good note, last night was great. I can't believe there's only one more episode.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:10 am
by Billy's Little Trip
By the way, the Grimm camp will be missing a great opportunity if they don't procure an authorization to use this song in the background during a Trouble ass kicking scene. Or one of those scenes where she's walking in the rain in deep thought while occasionally karate chopping rain drops with a grrrr expression, lol.

[youtube]/_EAVmVijVw4[/youtube] I right or am I right? ;)

Re: Grimm

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:24 am
by Lunkhead
Billy's Little Trip wrote:By the way, the Grimm camp will be missing a great opportunity if they don't procure an authorization to use this song in the background during a Trouble ass kicking scene. Or one of those scenes where she's walking in the rain in deep thought while occasionally karate chopping rain drops with a grrrr expression, lol.
LOL Yeah, what is up with her damn face? She is getting really annoying. I really hope she bites it or gets sent away on a mission or somehow gets demoted to occasional guest star, and not promoted to series regular. Ugh. I actually thought last week's episode was pretty good, though, in spite of her. I'm excited for the season finale tomorrow night. Hopefully the obligatory major cliffhangers won't be too cheesy.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:42 am
by ken
Isn't there some kind of Grimm academy for this kind of thing? Not sure how long they can support this character. Maybe like so many other young apprentices, she will take off after only being half trained and have her own adventures.

Re: Grimm

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 1:26 pm
by Lunkhead
I hope they're not aiming for a spinoff show a la CSI/NCIS/etc. But that does seem to be a trend among shows these days, at least ones in the "police procedural" variety, which is part of Grimm's ingredients. Maybe it's time for the "The Grimm Cinematic Universe"? Turns out they already have Grimm comic books: ... T=DF-Grimm

Re: Grimm

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:36 am
by ken

Any thoughts?