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Songfighter Album-a-day Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 2:23 pm
by feldspar
<a href="">Album-a-day</a>, for the uninitiated, is a project in which songwriters are challenged to create an entire album in twenty-four hours. So far, a whole buncha Songfighters, including myself, Future Boy, MC Poncho, King Arthur, Niveous, Jon Eric, Jim Tyrell, Starfinger, the Blind Mime Ensemble, Blue, Glenn Case, 15-16 Puzzle, and Heuristics Inc, have all contributed albums.

This is the thread to plug your albums, review other Fighters' albums, and and whatnot.

To get things started, I just completed my fourth AAD, <a href=" ... ">'Welcome to Iceland'</a>. Check it totally out!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:33 pm
by drë
yeah i'd actually heard your last one, last night while seeing if the guy had posted mine...(but he hasen't.. and its been like 2 weeks.. :( )

anyways i though your best track was
Imaginary Soldier,
and hey, were do i go to play exploding chess?... did a search but nothing comes up
[maybe setting my self up, with a stupid question]

edit: my last aad ... index.html

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:45 am
by Denyer
Last saturday I did about half an hour of raps that don't really count as an aad cause the beats weren't done that day. This saturday I did over 20 minutes again but again I am being screwed by using old beats.

Maybe next saturday I will just do something with guitar.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:38 pm
by Tony Asbestos
Are any songfighters doing AAD?? Doesn't seem like it from this thread. I was thinking of doing one later this month. Any suggestions, etc? Or is this a dead art form...?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:59 pm
by GlennCase
I wouldn't call it a dead artform, necessarily.

I have been entertaining the thought of doing another AAD when I have a few less projects on my plate. I would like to see another Glenn Case AAD and a Rachael AAD also.

As far as suggestions... I recommend setting a day aside for the sole purpose of recording your album. It can be a really draining experience, but the payoff is really nice. I am very happy with my first AAD, and I am curious to see if I can make another one that is as good.


Glenn (DR FUNK)

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:24 pm
by starfinger
yeah, i've been thinking about doing another one soon. but with this new baby at the house, i will be putting it off indefinitely.

it is definitely worth trying. a very satisfying experience.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:01 pm
by HeuristicsInc
Yes, many songfighters have done AADs. In fact, last week (synchronicity) on a whim I went and counted every entry (on Tom7's page, link at the top of this thread) in which I knew the creator was a submitter to SF. How many?
Out of 166. Now that's cool.
Oh, and two more that I know outside of SF.
If you need a list, I can probably oblige later.
Oh, I have one. You can check it out:

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:14 pm
by Tony Asbestos
Yeah, I know SFers had done them, but there hasnt been any discussion about it lately. I might do one between Christmas and New Years. Wasnt there a thread that just gave song ideas? Like it would say "write a song about eating a pound of cheese" or other things like that... I think I would like to go into the AAD experience with a lot of potential ideas or titles- I don't want to cheat and think about them beforehand, but I think I might need some help in the creative spark department. That and red bull. Anyway, if anyone knows where that thread is, or anything else helpful to prepare me, that would be great.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:46 pm
by drë
i'd also been planning on doing a 3rd, AAD before the year is over..
hopefully after the secret gift thing next week.

for some reason though, the guy that runs crapart did not want to publish my second AAD... don't know why? i guess he must of though i cheated or something, but after several attempts to inform him of my lates AAD, he just ignored it, its a shame too cuz i was really proud of it, (still am)

Dres lost AAD: ... index.html

i really do love the concept of crapart and AAD.. mostly cuz its so much of a freeform, and you just do it. you don't really think what other people would say, mostly cuz theres no time... you just record what sound good with no masterplan behind it, and also cuz you know its mostly going to be you who listens to it.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:38 am
by HeuristicsInc
Tony Asbestos wrote:Wasnt there a thread that just gave song ideas? ...Anyway, if anyone knows where that thread is, or anything else helpful to prepare me, that would be great.
"A song about a pound of cheese" is not in there, but the list still exists. Perhaps you don't ever look at sig-blocks, but take a look at mine:
SF Lyric Idea Generator
That's a CGI I wrote that gives you a random idea from that thread.
It was on the old dumbrella.
Perhaps it's about time for Freudian Slip to resurrect that thread, she was always the best at posting new ideas :)
So, my suggestion is, on the AADay, load up that page and get a lyric idea for each song. If you get a really crappy one hit "reload." :)

PS don't know why he wouldn't have posted yours, dre, he did post some that broke the rules, like Jon Eric's first AAD. Weird, he's always been very responsive in email.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:32 am
by starfinger
you need to add the thing about a pound of cheese to the idea generator.


Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:31 am
by HeuristicsInc
ok, it is done.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:01 am
by Spud
We will undoubtedly do an AAD one of these days. Just not today. Many other projects to finish first.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:19 am
by Future Boy
I've been thinking about doing another AAD, as well. Maybe I'll do something crazy and start working on one at 12am on January 1st. Seems like a good way to ring in the New Year.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:23 am
by j$
Also me intends to do new one soon.

Dare I consider an internet collaboration AAD with someone to celebrate my spanky new broadest band connection?


Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:04 am
by Niveous
Once my beloved Tascam is fixed and I can record again, I'm going to do my second AAD to celebrate.

Dre, I don't think it's you. I think something must be up in Crap Art land. There hasn't been a new AAD listed there in quite some time.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:05 am
by Tony Asbestos
To H. Inc.- I looked around and I found your idea generator after my last post. I also found some song name resources. I am thinking of documenting my AAD experience on video so that the AAD arbiter doesn't think I broke any rules (even though some rulerbreaking AADs are on the list). Is it OK if I make a list beforehand of song titles? Or should I have someone else do it, seal them in an envelope and open them on the AAD day? Or am I taking this way too seriously?
I want to hear the pound of cheese song if anyone ever does one!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:46 am
by HeuristicsInc
you shouldn't know the song titles/ideas that you will use beforehand. the rules state that you don't use ideas that you came up with before the day.
either have someone else do it, or just find the ideas dynamically on the day-of.
i wonder if tom7's email submitter form is broken. i wrote him an email last week and he responded quickly, so he's still around.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:13 pm
by Tony Asbestos
Do other AADers agree with Mr. Heuristics? It's not OK then to see potential song titles beforehand. Is it OK if someone else compiles a list and I don't see the titles until the day? (hopefully Dec. 28). Anybody want to give me some titles? Maybe it should just be a concept ablum about a pound of cheese- but it can't cuz I wiould be thinking of it beforehand! Drat!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:18 pm
by starfinger
yeah, i think that's the rule for crapart.
but who cares? do whatever you want to do.


pound of cheese

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:29 pm

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:28 pm
by c hack
Tony Asbestos wrote:Do other AADers agree with Mr. Heuristics? It's not OK then to see potential song titles beforehand.
Yes, it's not okay. I don't see why someone else couldn't write some and give them to you on the day of, but when I did it, it was much easier to just write whatever came into my head at the time. That's also kinda the point.

Bill's idea generator is useful. I used it for "Holy Land."