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How good is Matt Striker on commentary?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:00 am
by Denyer

Re: How good is Matt Striker on commentary?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:15 am
by Niveous

See, there are only about 4 wrestling fans that I know of here at SF. That's a very small number. And then it's a question about a commentator on ECW. The number of people who watch ECW is all small number. And seeing as there's no options for anything like "Okay", "Not bad", or "Satisfactory"; this ought to be a very quiet poll.

P.S. Mr. Striker would be very upset to see you use fantastique as a synonym for great when really fantastique is actually a french term for the blended sci-fi/fantasy/horror genre. You can't make vocabulary mistakes like that when you are talking about "Your Teacher" Matt Striker.

Re: How good is Matt Striker on commentary?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:58 am
by bz£
Alec Baldwin is fantastique at commentary.

Re: How good is Matt Striker on commentary?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:18 am
by Denyer
Damn I thought I could look smart by using a French word. I hope fantastico works. I only know that one from Egotistico Fantastico. Maybe the poll should have been about him.

Re: How good is Matt Striker on commentary?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:45 am
by Rabid Garfunkel
Niveous wrote:Mr. Striker would be very upset to see you use fantastique as a synonym for great when really fantastique is actually a french term for the blended sci-fi/fantasy/horror genre.
It's also "fantastic" in French, which I suspect pre-originates the genre co-opting of the word by more than a few hundred years.

Or is this a Matt Striker reference that is escaping me? :wink:

Re: How good is Matt Striker on commentary?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:01 am
by Niveous
Matt Striker's character is that of an obnoxious educator, so he would be likely to pick on something like "fantastique" with no real grounds for doing so and make it sound like he's in the right no matter what.

So, yes. It's me being a dick Matt Striker style.

Re: How good is Matt Striker on commentary?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:08 am
by Rabid Garfunkel
Heh. :lol:

Re: How good is Matt Striker on commentary?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:28 pm
by john m
Surprisingly good, not great. Works pretty well with Grisham.

That said, Striker took over for MIKE ADAMLE, which is like eating a delicious jelly donut after eating a donut filled with semen. Looking good by comparison is not exactly hard to do.

And all that said, I'm still fucking irate they fired (oh, excuse me, "promoted to") Joey Styles. Best commentator in the business, period.

Re: How good is Matt Striker on commentary?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:50 am
by Chadderandom
john m wrote:I'm still fucking irate they fired (oh, excuse me, "promoted to") Joey Styles. Best commentator in the business, period.
[strike]Except that he asked for a position that didn't require him to travel, so, uh, he "fired" himself.[/strike]

Or not, since I just tried to find evidence of this via google and just found links that told me he'd still be on the road. I guess thats what I get for not really paying attention when anyone talks about that there insidery newz anymore but I thought I'd heard it at least twice that the reason was he asked for his current position, so he didn't have to travel and all the links I found were from when it happened, no follow up, so who knows, maybe that really is why and he doesn't actually travel anymore.

As for Matt Striker being a good commentator... I only really watch ECW anymore when I flip over to it briefly and see, like, Mike Knox looking like a big awesome crazy viking and maybe for some Finlay or whatever happens to be on when I turn it over there but Striker totally isn't annoying which is all I really need in a wrestling commentator.