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Cave Story Wii

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:50 pm
by fluffy
I bought this the moment it came out and I've been enjoying playing it all over again. I keep waffling between Wiimote and Classic Controller controls though. Both suck in different ways. I actually found it much easier to control on the Mac (via a PS3 controller, of all the crazy things). Too bad the Wii can't use the PS3 controllers even though they both use Bluetooth HID as their basic input layer.

I only play it in little fits and spurts. Both of my savegames (one as Quote, one as Curly) are stuck at the same spot (Monster X at the end of the labyrinth). With Quote I am taking the snake weapon path (something I never did on the Mac). The snake is awesome. With Curly I am taking the more typical machinegun path, which makes it a lot easier with the jumping bits, but unfortunately I forgot to get the Bubbler before entering Sand Zone, not that it's that useful anyway (and of course it'll be easy to grab it if I ever get past Monster X).

Oh yeah, the new graphics are phenomenal. The new music is... well, it's neither better nor worse than the original, just different. The annoying bug with the map not displaying right in Sand Zone is still there. The new translation is great (although the conversation mechanics when playing as Curly are a bit odd), although Balrog no longer says "Huzzah!!!!!" so that's a bit disappointing. Still, all in all it's worth it, especially if you want to send some money Pixel's way.

Re: Cave Story Wii

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:16 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
I wish I could get into games. They seem fun.

Re: Cave Story Wii

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:33 pm
by fluffy
Well, Cave Story is free on Mac and PC and Linux and a few other platforms, and it doesn't require any special hardware to play it. Try it out.

Re: Cave Story Wii

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:05 am
by Caravan Ray
Billy's Little Trip wrote:I wish I could get into games. They seem fun.
I have never really been into games much (except Age of Empires II) - but I like the Wii.

Just the standard Wii Sports that usually comes with the console is the best as far as I am concerned. The tennis is great.

I also got Wii Fit which is great - except my Mii looks like a fat bastard on it. The skateboarding and snowboarding on it are very cool. And I like doing the exercises. The female instructor is cute and every morning she tells me how impressive my abs are.

Re: Cave Story Wii

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:30 am
by ujnhunter
I'm waiting to buy Cave Story when/if they release an audio patch... the music/sound is messed up. So you might like the remixed music, except you can't tell because it isn't playing properly.

Re: Cave Story Wii

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:02 am
by fluffy
How do you mean it's not playing properly? The new-version music is also supposed to be chiptunes, isn't it?

[edit] Ah, apparently some of the composers have said that some of the audio tracks are missing. Well, poo.

Re: Cave Story Wii

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:23 am
by ujnhunter
fluffy wrote:How do you mean it's not playing properly? The new-version music is also supposed to be chiptunes, isn't it?

[edit] Ah, apparently some of the composers have said that some of the audio tracks are missing. Well, poo.
Yeah missing tracks and apparently there are looping problems and possible out of sync issues.

Re: Cave Story Wii

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:07 am
by fluffy
I'd forgotten how insanely difficult this game gets right after Monster X.