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Listening to the entire archive

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:48 am
by Niveous
A couple of years ago, I listened to the entire Songfight archive. I did that by streaming the fights one by one.

Now that a couple of years have passed, I want to do a full archive listen again. But unlike last time, I want to do a download. (Streaming is a lot less convenient for me now, plus I think having an external hard drive with a total SF archive backup sounds like a wonderful thing). So, I have a few questions:

1- Just how big is the Songfight archive?
2- Just how taxing on the SF resources would this be? (bandwidth etc.)?

Re: Listening to the entire archive

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:04 am
by Lunkhead
It's up to 10079 songs now, according to the Jukebox. Let's say hypothetically the average song file size is 3MB (that's roughly the size of a 3 minute song with average compression settings), that makes it 30GB and change. I can't really speak to what the cost would be to the fightmasters if someone downloaded all the songs. Looking at Dreamhost's info, though, all the plans I see seem to say "Unlimited bandwidth included" so hypothetically it may not cost them anything extra. (Dreamhost was the service used to host Song Fight! last I heard.) Other than the bandwidth used I don't imagine it would tax the SF! server in any significant way.

Re: Listening to the entire archive

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:12 pm
by Niveous
Well, I haven't seen an ill effects so I think that went smoothly.

Now before I start listening to the archives, I need to do a lot of clean up. Any suggestions on a good program to help clean up thousands of id3's.

Re: Listening to the entire archive

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:27 pm
by fluffy
I have a bunch of scripts that do that already, although they need a UNIXy system to work (Linux, MacOS X, Windows + Cygwin, etc.)

Incidentally that's how I keep my local archive up-to-date.

Email me if you want the scripts. They're kind of fiddly though.