A rooftop chase and then (Oh No, Vertigo! reviews)

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A rooftop chase and then (Oh No, Vertigo! reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Have at it.
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Re: A rooftop chase and then (Oh No, Vertigo! reviews)

Post by deadnettlez »

Berkeley Social send smooth as can be really hot pop hot gym summertime Romancez

Johnny Cash Point reminds me of Dutch artist Harry Mary brilliant lyrics the protagonist in the song places all the blame on his accusers no you're the one with the problem

Ken super 10 band let's surf I saw mr. Hooper from Sesame Street once surfsand are that garage can hang why can't stand straight

Pig farmer roky Erickson and I once spent some time in the institution to prove him wrong the baseness of matter with meaningless I told him to jump out of the window the third story prove them wrong that I won't hit the ground

Shirts brilliant on the length frequency oscillation I love that era of indie rock and feel Mogwai and fugazi short-circuiting my inner Nostalgia glands

Verb for pepsksin kiss me in the sky I'm an airplane lover and so such a romantic are you

Rectum it's hard for me to focus on this new track from you for I still have lasers in my ball stuck in my head since last week and have trouble cummunicating to friends and loved ones
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Re: A rooftop chase and then (Oh No, Vertigo! reviews)

Post by vowlvom »

Pigfarmer Jr - love those crunchy riffs! The creative use of echo really fits the theme well.

Johnny Cashpoint - probably my favourite that I’ve heard from you, the music in particular is ridiculously charming. The lyrics are really clever and fun, too.

Vom Vorton - this is me. Really pleased with this one.

shrts - shrt and swt! I’m not crazy about the fuzz guitar sound, but I like the song.

Berkeley Social Scene - really like the switch from the dancy synths of the verse to the more straight-ahead indie-rock chorus. Reminds me of the brief wave of British bands that got christened “new rave” about ten years ago. The synth solo is rad.

Ken’s Super Duper Band and Stuff - really good and stuff! Those bright riffs that open the song are a great intro and the jangly guitars remind me of early REM and 80s indiepop.

Deadnettlez - haha, this is really fun. Really creative beatboxing stuff - love how the ‘bass’ stuff kinda sounds like didgeridoo. Somehow reminded me of cLOUDDEAD a little bit.

Wreckdom - smoooth synths in the opening section, the fake ending / switch caught me off-guard in an enjoyable way!

Johnny and Ken are my favourites for this one, with BSS, Deadnettlez and Pigfarmer Jr. close behind.
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Re: A rooftop chase and then (Oh No, Vertigo! reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Berkeley Social Scene: Maybe just a little busy for my taste in places. But I liked the feel in the break. And that synth solo is tasty. Nice use of the pitch wheel. And your melodies are good, if a little repetitive.

Deadnettlez: What the hell did I just get myself into? I don't know if I'm smiling because it's fun or if I'm afraid of offending someone whiletrying to get out without getting jumped by thugs. Regardless, I liked the creativity and kind of wish we had more of that going on here... but then I'd be kind of what might transpire if we did.

Johnny Cashpoint: I'm liking the arrangement and the melody here. Someone said this might be one of your better songs of recent listening and I'd agree completely. There is something enticing about this that just screams "hit repeat" when it's finished.

Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff: Rawk guitars to start. Cool. It has an older rock (classic?) feel without being too dated. Garage rock guitars and vocal melody and rhythm are all fun. This one is sticking with me longer than most. I only wish there were some backing vox on the choruses (just a bit.) But one of my favorites this week.

Pigfarmer Jr: I hadn't listened to this in a week and I kind of like it. Not much too it, really, but still.

shrts: More rawk guitars, which I like. Clean production. Damn, that was short. But killer start to finish.

Vom Vorton: I thoroughly enjoyed listening. The melodies are good and I like the guitars. The mix might be just a bit muddy or masked, but it doesn't sound bad.

WreckdoM: Cool sonicscape to start, but I've noticed I tend to enjoy your musical choices. Or at least find them interesting when they don't sound thrown together (which, to be fair, is most of the time.) The vocals and the performance work well here. (Maybe up just a bit at the end of the opening section.) I'm digging the guitars. Heaviness to end is fun.

Ken, shrts and Vom are my top three, although this is a strong fight all around.
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Re: A rooftop chase and then (Oh No, Vertigo! reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff wins. Congrats!
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