Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

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Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Anyone else every play gauntlet? No, for realz... I loved that game. Speaking of games, up your game with some bad ass reviews.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by neutronflow »

Jerkatorium - Very Spinal Tap. It's ridiculous, but it's also pretty catchy.

Glenn Case - I'm not buying-in to the lyrics' optimism. Quite possibly that's down to baggage I'm bringing with me rather than the lyrics themselves. Love the sound of all the guitars on this. Some beautiful vocal harmonies.

Lichen Throat - The hotel room recording of the vocal is dreadful. There's a tiny bit of the vocal, though, starting about 1:30, that is possibly the best singing I've heard from you. The composition generally seems less focused than some of your others.

Third Cat - Wonderful trippy psychedelic stuff! The instrumental section really threw me the first time through (in an enjoyable way).

Berkeley Social Scene - This is irresistibly delightful. I think this could be my favorite song out of all the fights I've entered this year.

Glenny - There are things I like about this, but I don't like this. I always enjoy a bit of Mellotron (the title just cried out for it somehow). I need to get hold of a mandolin.

Tim Hinkle - Me.

Ghost Pup - Fairly likable little thing. Quite slight, though.

Pigfarmer Jr - This is really good. The spare arrangement works perfectly. Had to stop listening to the other fight tracks and learn to play this.

Paco del Stinko - Really like the intro. It kinda loses me after the first minute. Could use a stronger melody to pull me through all the chaos.
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by ken »

Berkeley Social Scene - Love the opening guitar riff. Catchy Chorus. Great harmonized guitar solo!

Ghost Pup - I like the jazzy guitar. It's hard to hear the rest of the band though. Even the vocals are a little lost behind that guitar.

Glenn Case - Classic Glenn Case! I like the lead guitar part on the right side. Very interesting and active.

Glennny - Banjo! Is this BSS Double Take? I'm not sure all the different style vocals fit together, but I like the stacked harmonies.

Jerkatorium - A power pop song with classic heavy metal lyrics. Could use better chorus lyrics. They are a little repetitive. This song got my foot tapping!

Lichen Throat - I like the guitar riff and the way it plays off the other instruments. Something about the vocals is a little too deep and slightly out of time. I wonder if a little bit of EQ cutting the low end of your vocals would help, or maybe just moving further away from the mic to avoid the proximity effect. Regardless, you should be able to sing in time.

Paco del Stinko - Damn, that's some great sounding country rock guitar!

Pig Farmer Jr. - I thought this was Ross Durand for a minute there, but then it sounded a lot like Neil Diamond. An enjoyable song overall.

Third Cat - I like the break between the verse and chorus. Very effective. This song has good energy. The guitar solo is really nice too.

Tim Hinkle - You had me with the mystical flutes. You've got a good vocal range. There's a lot I like about this song, the vocals, the instrumentation, I just feel like I can't hear it all that well. Maybe it is just my computer speakers...
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Quick comments with beer.

Berkeley Social Scene - Merry Christmas! Great anthem rock, and a distant cousin of Melvin. Thick in all the right places. Key solo a little underwhelming, but right ideea. Excellent chorus.

Ghost Pup - I like the idea of this. Wondering if the vocals singing in between the chords might be fun. Or a good spot for backing vocals. Open and airy, lyrics work.

Glenn Case - Verses are sold via the great guitar hookage. But the chorus sections are classsic Case and delicious. The only thing missing is the DJ speaking over a fadeout at the end. Feels genuine.

Glennny - Pumpkin music this week, a lonely Jack'o lantern singing an ode to the smurf chick. Playful and wacked at the same time. Could use a walking up bass line during the choruses, maybe.

Jerkatorium - Oh man. It's Dio meets Blue Oyster Cult. From you guys? Nearly Robert Quine leads. This is smart dumb-rock, a great combo somehow. Some variation or flourishes during the verses would add a bit of spice. Diggin' it, wish I could belt this out like a metal god.

Lichen Throat - Yeah, whittle the bottom end off of the lead vocal. This one feels a little meandery at the start. Begins to find itself a bit halfway through. I almost like the opening/recurring riff theme, but it's off enough to throw me. Cellos are good.

Paco del Stinko - I thought the story idea was different. Maybe too much stuff packed into the busy arrangement. No good hooks though I like some of the guitaring.

Pigfarmer Jr - Cardboard box beat is great. Mellancamp I can listen to 'cos it's better. Shit, if I coulda played some twangy guitar on this, I'd be very happy, but the patient flow of this is tops. Acoustic sounds great, too.

Third Cat - Nice guitar intro. I like your voice and would like to hear it smoother. Tasty melodies and progressions. Your psychedelic approach is just twisted enough to be off-putting but not get you lost. Love the post bridge return. Excellent.

Tim Hinkle - This is great. Rainy day English folk made new. What a lovely, complex melody and a good fit for the timbre of your voice. Smart restraint, production-wise. If it were crowded it would not work. This is near perfect. If nudged and polished a bit, this would be as great as anything.
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by vowlvom »

Berkeley Social Scene - amazing attention-grabbing intro, killer vocal melody, crunchy guitars... definitely up there with the best BSS for me. There are a few bits where the (rhythm) guitar timing feels like it could be slightly tighter, but that's the only critique I can offer because this rules. You spelled your own band name wrong in the mp3 tags though, I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.

Ghost Pup - I like the jazzy vibe but this is almost a bit too laid back for its own good. It's a very pleasurable listen but it lacks that stand-out factor to really grab me.

Glenn Case - such a great mix, I love the way the vocals soar over the twangy guitar arrangment. Fuzz guitar sound for the solo is sweeeeeeet. First time through I found myself admiring this but not loving it, but second time I could just enjoy the songwriting.

Glennny - that kinda staggering rhythm is really intriguing and I like the arrangement here, unusual instrumentation (is this a response to Micah complaining about too many guitars on the podcast?) and a peculiar mix of vocals, some of which border on Muppet territory, which is DEFINITELY a good thing. Love the glockenspiel!

Jerkatorium - this is full of great stuff but I really want to hear those lyrics sung in, like, a full-on Bruce Dickinson-esque wail or something, to get the full classic-metal effect. It's fun, but doesn't quite do it for me like a lot of the other Jerkatorium stuff I've heard.

Lichen Throat - I actually quite like the vocal distortion in places, if the volume was more consistent then I think the fuzziness could be an asset. Agreed with earlier reviews that this gets better as it goes along.

Paco del Stinko - some of this is good, other bits (some of the vocal timing on the first couple of sections, and the messiness of the "you'll never know" section) didn't really work for me. The good bits are great though, I like the kinda psych-country layers of tinny fuzz guitar and the sprawling vocal break before the last verse.

Pigfarmer Jr - really strong melody and a classic feel. I really liked the percussion early on but it gets a little repetitive. Strong songwriting though and a good vocal performance.

Third Cat - damn, the weird places that guitar solo goes to! It's like a shimmering waterfall of sound. This has a lot of that great ambient-rock Third Cat sound and I really like the way the vocal melody goes as the song shifts into the chorus.

Tim Hinkle - this is really interesting, some of the folky melodies remind me of a less unhinged version of Richard Dawson (to which I say: more unhinged, please!) and the chorus is really good. Felt a little long to me, but that's possibly just because I'm not hugely well-versed in this genre.

BSS and Glenn Case my favourites, another strong batch of songs. Also I really like the cover art for this fight!
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Berkeley Social Scene - Sounds good and catchy. The dual guitars at the end of that solo is tasty.

Ghost Pup - Enjoyable but the vocal could be tightened up a bit and mixed in a little better for my taste.

Glenn Case - Tasty mix/arrangement. I like the power pop melodies. The chorus is cool.

Glennny - That music/rhythm is like a drunk man walking purposefully toward his true love's abode. I like the arrangement and the feel.

Jerkatorium - I like this song. That's a cool guitar solo. There's something about the vocal that just doesn't sit perfectly for me, but it's good.

Lichen Throat - The vocal overpowers the music. A compressor and a lower level would do wonders for it.

Paco del Stinko - I like the Allman bros feel to the guitars in the verses. Something about the vox just... I think it's getting masked by guitars.

Pigfarmer Jr - Drums/Bass line are 8-bit chiptunes. The guitar is a touch too high in the mix. The arrangement is static and needs dynamics.

Third Cat - I like this song quite a bit. Top three of the fight for me.

Tim Hinkle - I like the vocal performance, the technical singing. But the story telling, folk approach isn't to my taste. My fault, not yours.

BSS, Glenn Case and Third Cat are my top performers in this fight (in alphabetical order.) But this is another fight of consistently good entries.
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by lichenthroat »

Wow, with the exception of mine, everyone’s songs sound so professional this week. This is a really strong fight; probably the highest percentage of songs I’ve ever voted for.

Berkeley Social Scene—The vocal sounds good, as do the guitars. I like the contrast between the verses and the chorus. Solid all around.

Ghost Pup—I feel like this would benefit from another instrument. There’s not much going on besides the vocal and the (fairly subtle) chord progression of the guitar. Something like a continuous bassline throughout might add both cohesiveness and energy. Performances are good.

Glenn Case—This is my favorite of yours that I’ve heard. Well-crafted, as usual. I like the keyboard (or synth bass—whatever it is). Lots to like, nothing to dislike.

glennny—The beginning sets a great tone: off-kilter but not too unfamiliar. Your lyrical take was one of the ideas I considered; I’m glad somebody did it. This is fun and it sounds good. I like the chorus, too.

Jerkatorium—I like your embrace of the optional challenge to use unusual words. I find the chorus a little lackluster, but the verses are quite enjoyable. The keyboard fits in well. The solo is sweet.

Lichen Throat (me)—A couple of people have commented about my vocal timing being off. I had never tried to sing before Song Fight, and one of the things that most surprised me was how hard it was to get the timing right, as is extremely evident from some of my early recordings. I also seem to have trouble hearing when my timing is off, since this one sounds okay to me. I believe you guys; I just don’t hear it myself. I did EQ down the lower end of the vocal, believe it or not. I found this song hard to mix, since the end has so many more active tracks than the beginning. I did use some compression, which helped, but didn’t solve all problems. I was trying to write a 60’s style protest song that gradually built as it went along. Meh, it’s okay.

Paco del Stinko—The instruments sound good. I did not find the vocal melody particularly engaging, however. I do think all the instruments work together well.

Pigfarmer Jr.—This seems a little too long, but otherwise I like it. The chorus, in particular, is good. This is one of your best vocal performances, in my opinion.

Third Cat—I’m not sure what to make of this song. It doesn’t seem like something I’d like, but I kind of like it anyway. You’ve got something good going on, even if I can’t put my finger on it.

Tim Hinkle—I’m digging the Cat Stevens vibe on the chorus. This is another of several songs this week that I feel like I don’t quite understand but which I nevertheless like.
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by BoffoYux »

Pigfarmer Jr wrote:Anyone else every play gauntlet? No, for realz... I loved that game.
I lost a lot of quarters in that game. We also did a song using the sound samples called 'The Elf Shot The Food'. ... t-the-food

Fun time!
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by thirdcat »

First Listen Reviews Here... I'll add my votes after listening again later on.

BSS - Great mix/production, cool verse & chorus. Pro sounding. Reminds me a lot of Weezer. If I have a complaint it's that I wasn't crazy about the intro solo but that's more of a personal taste thing I think. I like the later solo though - with the double guitars. Sounds really cool. Vocals are really strong too. Overall I think this is one of the better BSS songs I've heard and a definite vote. Also I want to mention that little instrumental section with the keys before the lead guitar comes in (~2 minutes), that was a really tasty touch and I think made the guitar solo have more impact.

Glenn Case - When the vocal comes in it reminds a ton of Olivia Tremor Control which is one of my favorite bands. Actually this song really reminds me of them overall but a bit of a straighter version, less overtly psychedelic, more classic rock/pop. Really impressed by the melody/songwriting on this one, great tune. Another definite vote. This is great.

Ghost Pup - Some interesting ideas here, and I like the sparse arrangement. Vocal could be a bit stronger I think (with such a spare song the vocals have to really kill.) Lovely guitars. Like the laid back jazz vibe.

Glennny - The rhythm is quite interesting as it almost sounds like a mistake but it's clearly on purpose. There's a lot going on in this track which I think makes it the type of song that may grow on me with time, but I don't love as much as BSS & Glenn Case tracks on first listen. A possible vote depending on how I like it on 2nd & 3rd listens. Definitely a lot of cool ideas in here.

Paco del Stinko - Digging the different sort of style (sounds like a bit of a country rock influence) on this one than I've heard on the other Paco del Stinko songs. Still there's the definite PdS stuff going on here too with the distinctive vocals (and the backing vocals which is one of my favorite things about your style.) Cool trippy break at around 2 minutes. I'm always impressed with the crazed arrangements and musicianship on your songs and this is no exception. I could say it's a bit busy but that seems to be your thing and you're good at it.

Tim Hinkle - Really like the mix of acoustic guitars with the atmospheric keys. The overall production/mix maybe sounds slightly muffled / could use a bit more high end I think. Overall I think you pretty much nailed this style, very well done. Your vocals fit it nicely, and I noticed the Cat Stevens vibe too (not saying that just because of lichenthroat's review, I think I would have come up with that comparison on my own, but I did just read his.. so hard to say. Maybe I shouldn't read reviews before giving my own. Now I'm off on a tangent. sorry.) Nice song and a possible vote. I can imagine it growing on me with repeat listens.

Jerkatorium - Impressive sounding rock, sounds damn near classic rock radio ready instrumentally and the vocals are strong too. Really sweet guitar leads/solos. Not quite as much up my alley as say the Glenn Case song but that's more of a subjective taste thing - this is probably just as well done for its style. Another good one. This week is another impressive one (I thought last week's "Yes I'm A Robot" was the strongest collection of SF songs I've heard thus far but this week's is rivaling it, maybe even bettering.)

Pigfarmer Jr - Much better sounding than some of the earlier Pigfarmer Jr songs I remember, the simple percussion/drums really add a nice dimension to this, just guy & guitar can be a bore so it's a good thing to add some percussion even if it's simple (and simple I think is often best with this kind of track.) Some really nice little guitar licks and I like your vocals on this one too. Reminds me of an early '70s Rolling Stones acoustic song. (or Brian Jonestown Massacre doing their version of that) Good stuff. I think this is my favorite Pigfarmer song to date.

Lichen Throat - Vocals could feel more connected to the instrumentation. Maybe a bus reverb to put the vocals & instrumentation in the same space could help. I like how the intensity builds a bit towards the end with the pulsating bass sound - cool idea.

Third Cat (me) - I think this is my favorite of my song fight entries so far, so I'm pretty happy with it and I appreciate the reviews you guys have given. Did something pretty tricky on the guitar solo too which I was trying to make twisted but in a subtle enough way to not be totally off putting, I think it worked. Not sure if it's an idea to explore further or a one off thing. Thanks for the reviews of my song, I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by glennny »

Blue Woman Yes

BSS- Martin couldn’t make it, so it’s just Ken, glennny and Lunkhead. We were talking about how much we loved the Blue album before this session. Especially all of the B-Sides like Susanne and Jamie. So we were very much in a classic Weezer mood. We played with 2 guitars and drums for basic tracks live. I overdubbed bass. Lunkhead took the project home and finished it off with the awesome guitars, keys, and vocals. I think this is a classic, this will be fun to play live.

Ghost Pup-
This is pretty cool. I think maybe the tempo is a little too slow, but it’s nice. I think brushes and a lot more cymbals would be nice on this track. The washboard is great, is that a sample? It’s short and sweet. It makes me want to smoke a cigarette, I quit a while ago, damn it!

Glenn Case- This is wonderful. Easy vote for me. I love your vocals. The super fuzzy lead is really great. That other guitar line I like, but were I to arrange this song it would cut out. I don’t think it needs to keep going the whole time through. That’s a little thing, this is great! Bravo!

Glennny- I thought there would be more Smurfette songs. I start with drums when I write most of the time. I was liking the sound of the 90 bpm swing brushes. However, once I added the Mandolin and Acoustic and Banjo there was so much competition for the high end. Consequently, the bass really pops, but were I to re-record it, I would not do brushes. I also picked a key where I couldn’t hit the lowest notes I wanted to, so I moved it up 2 steps, sang the part and moved it back down. Hence the goofy low vocals, but this is a novelty song, so I don’t mind it.

Jerkatorium- Paco stole my joke mostly, beat me to it, I should say. I was going to call this Ronnie James Dio and the Heartbreakers. Did the old English/Metal diction come from the awkward title? This reminds me of Ween on tracks like Buckingham Green, the vocals are totally committed to the fantasy tale. Though I found it rather off-putting on first listen, I like it better every time I listen to it. I grow to accept the genre mash.

Lichen Throat-
The music is really interesting. It’s rather cool actually. I like your voice when you nail the notes, but there is a lot of scooping and wavering going on. This sounds to me like lyrics written before melody. May I suggest writing a melody 1st. Make a keys line in your vocal range that you find melodic. Then write words to that melody. Sing along with that guide vocal. Then subtract it from the mix.

Paco del Stinko- Brilliant as ever! I like the lyrics a lot, however, I think they are referring to something I am not familiar with. They’re making me feel stupid. Give me a hint (another hint, looks like there are lots in the lyrics.). Your playing is amazing, is that pedal steel? It sounds fantastic. Your dynamics are superb. I’m a big fan. Another great one! VOTE!

Pig Farmer Jr.- These are great songs. They always sound like underdeveloped recordings though. I kinda want to take all of your songs and add more drums, and bass, guitar leads and other colorings. Consequently, it always sounds like a demo and I’m listening for the potential rather than the realization. That said, this is a nice simple song. Your voice sounds good. I’d like to hear more dynamics. Good writing, I’d like to hear you get more adventurous on your recordings.

Third Cat- There’s a lot to like about this. I love your vocal delivery. The beat is good. I love some dissonant weird shit, I mean a lot, but to me, there is something so profoundly wrong about that solo. What is that chord(s) behind that scale? That 1st half of the solo ruins the song for me. Otherwise, this is rather cool. I think it’s the chord behind it. I see you did something tricky there. You’re successful in twisting my stomach, I suppose in the tension and release sence it’s a wild success, it’s quite a release for me when that chord goes away.

Tim Hinkle- Utah! (I grew up in Murray). Nice Mellotron! This reminds me of super early Genesis, like Trespass era. I think the vocals are good, but a little too loud in the mix for my tastes. I wish the chorus had more of a lift in orchestration e.g. adding vocal harmony or introducing another instrument. Chord-wise I like the progression. Good Stuff!
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

glennny wrote: Third Cat- I love some dissonant weird shit, I mean a lot, but to me, there is something so profoundly wrong about that solo.... I suppose in the tension and release sense it’s a wild success, it’s quite a release for me when that chord goes away!
It sounds like the bass note slowly changes pitch at like 2:25 ish. There's something about that long, held bass note that I like and makes me feel uneasy at the same time. I don't know, for sure, what the trick is.. but to be honest, I liked it.

Pigfarmer Jr- I’d like to hear you get more adventurous on your recordings.
I hear you. To be honest, I'm usually treating these songfight entries as song skirmishes (more or less.) An hour or two tops and usually at the last minute if I find time. But it looks like, after this weekend, I should have more free time to actually give songfight the proper attention it deserves.... if I don't get distracted with something else.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Paco Del Stinko
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Glennny - Thanks for the kind words. The story is about Violet Beauregard, the girl who turned into a blueberry in Willy Wonka. Here, however, she is being kept by the Oompa-Loompas as a source of liquid food. Sup with pissings, and all that. The guitar is my trusty Telicaster equipped with b-bender. It goes all the way back during my SF! tenure. Love that thing.
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Chumpy »

The Jerks are back with another podcast for the Blue Woman Yes fight, this time with special guest Brian Raiter!

There are a few ways you can listen to it:
Also, if you'd like to give us an earful of what you liked, or didn't like about this podcast, you can email us at:

We won't blame you if you don't want to hear us yammer on about every song. Use the timings below to jump right to the song(s) you're interested in, the entire podcast is well over an hour again.
  • 00:00:00 - Intro song
  • 00:01:07 - Beginning-of-podcast yammering
  • 00:04:50 - Berkeley Social Scene
  • 00:11:59 - Ghost Pup
  • 00:16:25 - Glen Case
  • 00:22:21 - Glennny
  • 00:28:40 - Jerkatorium
  • 00:35:04 - Lichen Throat
  • 00:43:56 - Paco del Stinko
  • 00:48:09 - Pigfarmer Jr
  • 00:52:54 - Third Cat
  • 00:58:44 - Tim Hinkle
  • 01:04:16 - End-of-podcast yammering
Hope ya enjoy it!
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Glenn Case did a live stream of him making his song, in case anybody didn't see it. ... 059710683/

You can see his whole process, it's pretty cool! (Although while he gets the whole thing done in an amazing 3.5hrs there are of course times where there's not much going on or the same thing is happening over and over...)
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by thirdcat »

I will definitively check this out. His song was my favorite this week.
Lunkhead wrote:Glenn Case did a live stream of him making his song, in case anybody didn't see it. ... 059710683/

You can see his whole process, it's pretty cool! (Although while he gets the whole thing done in an amazing 3.5hrs there are of course times where there's not much going on or the same thing is happening over and over...)
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

thirdcat wrote:Third Cat (me) - I think this is my favorite of my song fight entries so far, so I'm pretty happy with it and I appreciate the reviews you guys have given. Did something pretty tricky on the guitar solo too which I was trying to make twisted but in a subtle enough way to not be totally off putting, I think it worked. Not sure if it's an idea to explore further or a one off thing. Thanks for the reviews of my song, I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.
I like the weirdness of the first half of the instrumental bridge/solo and would love to know exactly what you're doing there. I haven't listened enough to really be sure, sounded like maybe the synth bass note is sliding up from the starting note to the end note linearly or something?
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Very enjoyable podcast again, thanks for that.

Re: the art, it's funny to me to hear the art that's used being referred to as the "winning" art. Maybe we should have community voting on that or something rather than fightmaster fiat?

Thanks for the Songfight Coverbot art, it's very helpful. And thanks to Pigfarmer Jr for being a Songfight Cover-human. :) My own personal tastes are to prefer illustrations over photo+caption so, that's why I picked the art I did for "Blue Woman Yes", fyi.
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by thirdcat »

Lunkhead wrote: I like the weirdness of the first half of the instrumental bridge/solo and would love to know exactly what you're doing there. I haven't listened enough to really be sure, sounded like maybe the synth bass note is sliding up from the starting note to the end note linearly or something?
All of the parts (guitar lead, guitar chord, synth bass, synth pad) are slowly (over 8 bars) being bent up a half step - all in different ways (ie using pitch shifter on guitar and pitch wheel on synth) so they are kind of wavering out of tune with each other, all on one chord... I figured it would be too much to follow chord changes while this was going on.
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Lunkhead wrote:My own personal tastes are to prefer illustrations over photo+caption so, that's why I picked the art I did for "Blue Woman Yes", fyi.
I assume two things.. 1) If someone actually draws, colors, paints or otherwise creates art then they will likely be chosen and 2) if someone who hasn't submitted in a while (or isn't consistent) submits art they will be heavily considered. Both of those reasons are perfectly fine with me. There have been one or two instances when I thought the art I submitted was the best and it wasn't chosen. I'd be lying if I weren't ever disappointed. But, honestly, I'd much rather have "real" art than a photograph with a title in most cases and I'd also like more people to have their art on the site. If I were choosing the art then I'd be doing those two things on a regular basis.
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Pigfarmer Jr
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Re: Red Warrior Needs Reviews Badly (Blue Woman Yes reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

thirdcat wrote:All of the parts (guitar lead, guitar chord, synth bass, synth pad) are slowly (over 8 bars) being bent up a half step...
I assumed that was happening in at least the bass... Cool idea and I've kind of done that sort of thing in the guitar before... slowly bend the last note out of tune to create some tension coming out of the solo or whatnot. I have to admit that I've kind of done that in my entry this week sort of. I held the bass note (pedal tone) while the guitar played the riff/chords over top to create some tension. And There are some slight bends in the guitars that are pretty subtle except for the last held note that is pretty glaring. So nothing like what you did, but kind of the same idea goal wise. I hope you don't mind.
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