I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

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I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

No that one's not taken, I don't mind if you sit here... and write some reviews.
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

some of the lyrics have been posted here: https://songfight.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11550
Evil Grin bandcamp - Evil Grin spotify
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by glennny »

Tron Air! -

Melvin! It's great to hear Melvin's voice again! Awesome track guys!
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by gizo »

Tron Air / vote / the sun is out, the roads are sticky with tar, and the children are playing in the spray of a fire hydrant, while Harry and Sally drive past on their way across the country

Phlebia / Do you remember that time we grew up in apartment next door to The Birthday Party? I think someone spilled red wine under the door

Paco del Stinko / “I threw myself upon my face, and clung to the scant herbiage in an excess of nervous agitation”

Micah Sommersmith / vote / a Frenchman in South America masquerades as a need for more cigarettes

Amby Moho / vote / the cod and the carp while separate remain conjoined as the water flows through their gills spreading life into their fish bits

Berkeley Social Scene / my brother is three quarters of the way through writing a rock opera, but he won’t let me play the lead or even do the lights

Vom Vorton / vote / running running down a naked highway as the cars and bikes circle back to cut me down and I am eating asphalt briefly before the breath is no longer mine no longer mine.

OG Lawn Darts / at a recent airshow there were no planes only a man with a sign around his neck imploring us to “look up and marvel”. Keep looking, keep looking, keep looking. I’ll tell you when to stop. Keep looking.

Sebacina / last night I dreamed that I was watching a secret episode of Glow, in which Sam Sylvia made all the wrestlers watch his new slasher film

Tim Hinkle / can you imagine what the world would be like if goblins and elves could just get along together?

Absolutely Credible / vote / did you know Dianna Krall kissed a man on the lips and he never featured in the movie ‘Singles’?

Glennny / time travel is a sham and a shambles, and we should probably stop trying to make movies which use it as a major plot point.

gizo vs. the 17,455 / c’est moi / a magpie is hit by a car and lays lifeless on the road. His partner flies down and sings to him, prods him with her beak, and waits for him to get back up and fly to the tree with her. She waits all day, she prods, and she sings, and he doesn’t shift his position, not even lift his head, he spills matter and fluid slowly onto the hot bitumen. Meanwhile, a middle-aged man struggles to come to terms with his best friends’ emigration.
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by MicahSommer »

There is some really great music in this fight! I've listened through the fight once, will post reviews when I have a chance to listen more.
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by Æpplês&vØdkã »

A strong batch of entries for sure! Amby Moho is an early favorite, mostly because it reminds me so much of the campfire headphase, but I need to let the others sink in a bit longer!
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by thirdcatmusic »

my votes:

Micah Sommersmith - this is a fun one. I like the combinations of rhythms. really cool vocal performance.

Tron Air - fantastic electro indie style, well done. if I have a complaint it's that it's a bit overcompressed.

Amby Moho - this is right up my alley. reminds me of some stuff I like a lot, for example Air's 10000Hz Legend album. probably my favorite of the fight.

Vom Vorton - lots of cool sounds and some catchy bits. love the synths.
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by Æpplês&vØdkã »

Absolutely Credible - Man, that's some catchy pop rock introduction on this song. At times your voice reminds me a lot of Mark McGrath, which is by no means a bad thing: 14:59 was one of my first favorite albums. The part with the anthemic riff that keeps coming back with the synth is super memorable. The riff reminds me of Sheryl Crow's Real Gone. I've watched Cars 1 way too many times. Anyway, I love it and how it builds. /vote

Amby Moho - Shew I love this. I mentioned in an earlier comment that it reminds me of Boards of Canada's album the Campfire Headphase pretty strongly at points, mostly due to the "soft breakbeats", "mellow arpeggiation", and "slightly warped" aspects of it. The vocal harmonies and sophistication of the chord progression has made this one of my favorites. /vote

Berkeley Social Scene - I hear that Phrygian! It's interesting hearing it in a more straight-ahead rock context, it lends a certain spooky element to it. There are a couple harmonies in the bridges and at the end of the keyboard solo that don't quit sit right to my ears, but I think that may be personal preference.

Gizo vs the 17455 - I got so sick of twee ukelele music in the 2000s I never want to hear it again. It's well written I guess but strong bias against the instrumentation.

Glenny - The chorus makes me very happy, the verses kind of go in one ear and out the other. Something about it reminds me a lot of some mid-90s tunes like the Pete and Pete song and I can't put my finger on why. Synth solo is pretty good, but could probably be like 4 bars shorter and I'd like it more.

Micah Sommersmith - This is great all the way through. Great vocal and instrumental performance, great use of Phrygian throughout the track. I have no idea what you're saying cause I don't speak more than a few words of Spanish but I want more songs like this. Also the harmonies here are so well executed. Also a favorite this round. /vote

OG Lawn Darts - I feel like I should be at a barbeque with a bunch of parrotheads drinking from a 12 back of Corona and wearing shirts with palm trees or airbrushed parrots on them where the average age is 65 and everyone kind of smells like marlboro lights but they're having a blast. No honestly it makes me think of a reggaefied Cake until the bridge that sounds like Cheeseburger in Paradise. Catchy, kind of drags for awhile around the 3 minute mark. Reminds me of my dad.

Paco Del Stinko - This song often doesn't feel like it's sure where to go with its melody...and it suffers for it. Once it gets into that 6/8 spoken word bit with the cymbals and that galloping riff, it starts to get pretty cool, and I love the solo it segues into. Very ambitious and the parts of it that land well really sound great. I just don't like everything else.

Phlebia - I've been listening to The Cure's Pornography a lot lately. Probably could have added some string synths to be more gothy but all in all I like how the chorus turned out and a couple of the lyrics. Production could have been done a little bit better though and wish I'd done a few more takes.

Sebacina - Sounds like The Spaceape with didgeridoos and a bunch of toms. Nice swooshy delay, I'm off to spaaaaaace.

Tim Hinkle - Oooooooooooooo. I love this track, and from my ears it definitely fulfills the optional challenge in a great way. Those synth swells are great. And the choice of synth voice/melody that comes in during for the chorus is amazing. I feel like this song has to be sung while sitting on a stump on a sunny day. Another favorite. /vote

Tron Air - When I worked at a college radio station in the first part of this decade I heard a million songs that sounded kind of like this. Very 2009 college radio. One of the better produced tracks that are here! During the Please Move chorus, I wish that stuttering vocal sample would stop. It detracts from the vocals. Though the sporadic use of autotune throughout is pretty good. Transitions between sections could maybe be fleshed out? It doesn't really ebb and flow, kind of stays in the same general key and dynamics. Basically I don't love it but I don't dislike it. The production's the best part.

Vom Vorton - I hear you, Phrygian! The bit about the indecent exposure has a fantastic vocal delivery, and the synth modulations throughout there give this song a lot of points for me. Actually the riff, melody, and synths work well for me pretty much the entire way through this song. Yes! Another favorite of mine. /vote
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by gizo »

Æpplês&vØdkã wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:20 am
Gizo vs the 17455 - I got so sick of twee ukelele music in the 2000s I never want to hear it again. It's well written I guess but strong bias against the instrumentation.
Yeah that’s fair enough I reckon. I’m not sure if my quest is now to find my other instruments, or win you over with my twee uke.... ;)
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by vowlvom »

Absolutely Credible - this hooked me in straight away with those crunchy power-pop guitars and the killer synth hook, but on my first couple of listens I didn't find the rest of the song as compelling. The rest of it really grew on me though - it's a really strong vocal performance. I wish there were some harmonies or gang vocals later on when you're repeating the lines about drinking tomorrow (or whatever it is) but after a good few listens through this batch of songs this is easily my favourite. Definite vote!

Amby Moho - the subtleties of this one were somewhat lost when I listened in the car, but on headphones there's a lot to enjoy. Really interesting production choices and lots of atmosphere, with some really nice touches - I particularly like the moment(s) where the bassline sort of... modulates under the warped guitars (I don't really know what I'm talking about). It never quite fully won me over but after your two submissions so far I'm definitely keen to hear more.

Berkeley Social Scene - great chorus, killer use of gang vocals (and backing vocals in general) and the rhythmic changes work well. The verse is kinda dull though, I find myself tuning out until the chorus kicks in, and I really struggled with the solo - and I know I say variations of "solo bad!" a lot but this one is particularly hard work IMO, it doesn't melodically or rhythmically seem to fit into the song at all. Although I'm sure it's phrygian!

gizo vs. the 17,455 - this is pleasant but not hugely memorable. I like the keyboard break and subtle backing vocals, always appreciated when a stripped-back track isn't just a single-take, but this still pales in comparison to some of the cool, detailed arrangements on display elsewhere.

Glennny - extremely mixed feelings on this one! The guitar and synth sound great together, the mix really sparkles, on the whole it's a good vocal performance and the lyrics include the word "zugzwang" so points for that too. I particularly love the squelchy synth bass on the pre-chorus. The vocal melody doesn't really hook me though, and some of the vocal doubling feels slightly off in a way that I found a bit distracting. I much prefer the synth solo to the BSS one but I wish it didn't just totally take over the song - I'd love to hear that synth interact with the drums and guitars rather than just drowning everything out. The stuff I like in this one is really great though and I enjoyed picking out new details on each listen, so I'm going for a vote.

Micah Sommersmith - this is really superbly executed, but I can't say the genre really does a lot for me. That left me admiring the effort but not particularly enjoying the song - I generally find your lyrics to be my favourite part of your songs so not being able to understand them probably doesn't help, but I think mostly I just have some genre bias against this one.

OG Lawn Darts - speaking of genre bias... I'm sorry that my reviews for OG Lawn Darts are just the same thing every time but... you do this well. It's well performed and produced. I just... do not like it very much.

Paco del Stinko - some interesting stuff here, I like the way the purposeful backing vocals echo parts of the stream-of-consciousness lead vocal, and the spoken word section is an interesting dynamic shift. On the whole though this is chaotic in a way I can't quite get on board with.

Phlebia - this isn't as appealing to me personally as your previous song, but there's still a noisy weirdness to this I like quite a bit and the drums are really driving and dirty and cool.

Sebacina - speaking of noisy weirdness... this is bracing but also quite enjoyable, I wish it had more than just one short section, I like the sound of it very much.

Tim Hinkle - love this one, the mix of your familiar baritone folk stylings with some dystopian synth is unexpected but effective, and the shift into the chorus (?) is great, especially the keyboard melody and that wobbly synth sound in general. Probably my favourite song that I've heard from you so far and definitely one of my favourites from this fight. Vote!

Tron Air - again there is something I can't quite put my finger on that left me feeling like this didn't quite live up to my expectations, but again those expectations were perhaps unfairly high. I did still like this quite a bit, the twin vocals work well and there's a lot of cool detail in the mix. My favourite bit is the "I'm guessing I don't have your blessing" bit - the lyrics are really fun. Anyway, vote!

Vom Vorton - I got a bit carried away with this one, it has three tracks of nylon-string acoustic with different EQ, distortion and panning, bass, reed organ, synth and glockenspiel. I wanted to do a load of vocal layers too but got a bit shy loudly singing about terrible neighbours with my (mostly pretty decent) neighbours possibly in earshot. The lyrics are mostly based in truth though, with some exaggeration. I think the gaps between verses are a bit too long, but otherwise I'm quite pleased with this one.
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by furrypedro »

Tim Hinkle: There's something medieval sounding about this track, I can imagine you singing this while playing a lute or an oud or something, I think it's the vocal delivery, and the use of the word "sanguineous", which I originally mistook for "Gwyneth". I am amused by the fact this is probably the least sexy song I've ever heard, and yet the opening words are "throbbing, pulsing..." Also I like that Vangelis went back in time to do provide a synth cameo for you.

Absolutely Credible: Awesome guitar sound, though occasionally a bit piercing on the ol' ear drums. The vocla melody in the verses is great, catchy and original in a very satisfying way, the chorus doesn't have the same impact, there's nothing bad per se, it just feels like the quality of the writing dips a bit there. It might be that the arrangement doesn't change so the song doesn't change gears like I want it to going into a chorus. Anyway, you sound just like the guy from Lit (says I, pretending I don't know his name; AJ Popoff). Either way it's a very strong vocal performance. Good mix. I like the synthy wibbling (it's an easy way to my heart), and the rustic outro is a nice touch. I'd be cheating all of us if I didn't vote for this.

Vomit Vorton: I did absolutely zero research on the Phyrgian thing but I'm gonna stab in the dark and guess that you've gone for the challenge. Nice rhyme of "clothes" with "exposure", the "respect, no?" part was a bit cheesy. I like the chords in this, it's got a good sense of tension. The drums seem a little bit muddy, did you do something different with them this time? I think I need to let this one sink in a little bit before passing further judgement...

Glennneth: Ha, a song about board gaming. Nice one. Probably my favourite section of this track is the intro/verse, that's a nice progression and the sound of the guitar and drums is nice and tight. Cool synth solo too. I think the song falls into the classic song fight trap of having a title which isn't super amazing, and so repeating the title in the chorus isn't particularly compelling. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The bum-bum-bum-ba-dums are fun, and it ends on the best part, so overall it's a pretty good job.

OG Lawn Darts: Did I ever mention I have a genre bias against reggae? Well it's all based on the fact that itallsoundsthefuckingsame, and while you have done the off-beat organ thing here I will remove the chip from my shoulder because this doesn't sound like all reggae so the bias should no longer apply. I mean, all things considered (i.e. mix, playing, etc.) this is a pretty damn good job. As per the review on Glennny's track you've gone for the sing-the-title-repeatedly-in-the-chorus approach; an easy way out but it works slightly better here. The vocals have the classic STM swagger and confidence which is cool. I would happily listen to this at a bbq, chilling with a Lilt.

Micah Sommersmith: For some reason I chose to view the lyric thread for this one (because while I can't understand spoken Spanish, I also can't understand written Spanish, Pete you fucking idiot). Anything with a well-employed wood block gets a plus point from me. Another plus point for the interesting arrangement. Nice way to get away with the sing-the-title-repeatedly-in-the-chorus approach (copied and pasted from the above review), from an aural perspective the Spanish works much better. I've got nothing bad to say about this, except that I probably won't ever listen to it again after the fight is over. Boom, punch to gut. Good job though.

Amby Moho sings!: This is like the first section of Happiness is a Warm Gun going on a bit too long. I really like the bass sound. This is quite nice, but just a bit too maudlin and it doesn't really go anywhere. The phase on the ride is fun. I feel like your track last week had more happening in a minute than this one despite this being almost 3 times longer. Can you do a track that sounds like last week, but has the length of this one, and...that's it! Thanks!

Gizo and the 17455: I made a note to myself last week to write a solo that follows the sme melody as the verses because it seems people don't do that much any more, and now you did it! Very nice, and twinkly. This feels like the song Bambi might have sung to his mother.

Sebacina: One of the few songs here where I had absolutely no idea what to expect, and boy did you deliver the unexpected. The frenetic tambourine over droning didge/synth(?) has a strong Goat vibe, which is good, I dig a bit of Goat. The drums are also cool. The whole experience is quite intense, but I like the trippy, tribal atmosphere. I could imagine you jamming this for another 5 minutes. I don't think I'm gonna vote for it, but I am very interested to hear this vein explored further.

Phlebia: Are you responible for the Sebacina track too? The drum sound and trippiness make me suspicious/curious. This is also pretty intense albeit in a more krautrock, gothic industrial style. Not a style I usually spend a lot of time listening to but I do like the atmosphere and the fuzzy, growling bass propelling this along. The Curtis-esque vocals certainly fit the style, and I like the way you tilt in a slightly more melodic direction towards the end. I like this, and I commend your commitment to the minimalist arrangement (something I am particularly bad at but appreciate in others).

Paco del Stink, oh!: I like the line "the only way out is through non-existent magic". The shuffle on this is interesting. I think probably my favourite parts are the breakdowns and the stoppy-starts in the intro. It's good, but one of the less memorable PacotracksTM.

BSS: Widdlyweee! Yes, BSS are back. This was in danger of being another well made but unmemorable track, but the chorus is definitely a trump card here, as it should be. The choice to write an actual chorus instead of just repeating the title is paying dividends, but the whole thing, the strong harmonies, cool guitars and half-time make this really stand out. Awesome synth solo, I really like that sound. Another good job chaps. Also, under the 3 minute mark. How restrained.

Tron Air: I'm always thrilled to do stuff with TFTF, and getting Melvin back into the fold has been magic. Somehow I feel like I slightly fudged this track. There's an extra 20% magic I wanted but couldn't quite find it so I'm left with a sense of missed opportunity. Next time...

I'm predicting Absolutely Credible for the win.
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by Æpplês&vØdkã »

furrypedro wrote:
Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:16 pm

Sebacina: One of the few songs here where I had absolutely no idea what to expect, and boy did you deliver the unexpected. The frenetic tambourine over droning didge/synth(?) has a strong Goat vibe, which is good, I dig a bit of Goat. The drums are also cool. The whole experience is quite intense, but I like the trippy, tribal atmosphere. I could imagine you jamming this for another 5 minutes. I don't think I'm gonna vote for it, but I am very interested to hear this vein explored further.

Phlebia: Are you responible for the Sebacina track too? The drum sound and trippiness make me suspicious/curious. This is also pretty intense albeit in a more krautrock, gothic industrial style. Not a style I usually spend a lot of time listening to but I do like the atmosphere and the fuzzy, growling bass propelling this along. The Curtis-esque vocals certainly fit the style, and I like the way you tilt in a slightly more melodic direction towards the end. I like this, and I commend your commitment to the minimalist arrangement (something I am particularly bad at but appreciate in others).
"Krautrock gothic industrial" is a pretty apt descriptor, and I definitely had the early 80s in mind for that Phlebia tune. Also I was wondering if anyone was going to catch on to the similarities in drums between the two tracks (and pseudonyms for that matter). Glad you liked them!

Also is Tron Air you and Melvin? If so glad to see you're still collaborating!
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by vowlvom »

furrypedro wrote:
Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:16 pm
Vomit Vorton: I did absolutely zero research on the Phyrgian thing but I'm gonna stab in the dark and guess that you've gone for the challenge. Nice rhyme of "clothes" with "exposure", the "respect, no?" part was a bit cheesy. I like the chords in this, it's got a good sense of tension. The drums seem a little bit muddy, did you do something different with them this time? I think I need to let this one sink in a little bit before passing further judgement...
Technically I'm rhyming "exposure" with "clothes, you're". Distortion and tape effects on the drums, I'm sick of my drums sounding too good / clean, I need to start using shittier samples or something but this'll do for now.
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by glennny »

Please Move

Absolutely Credible- Yes!!! This sounds like a long lost Superdrag B-Side gem. Excellent vocal performance! Super catchy melody! I love the synth lead and all of the dynamics! I really enjoyed the isolated acoustic and synth at the end. This song is a contender for the win. Bravo! VOTE!

Amby Moho- Vocals are a bit buried. This is pretty! I can’t understand the vocals, but the melody is nice.

BSS- Geech is wearing the Lead vocal hat as well as the producer hat. He’s also on bass. Ken on drums, Paul on keys. I’m on guitar. I love the vocals and the BV that Geech did. The little riff in the chorus was the nod to Phrygian. Pauls synth lead sounds a lot like Fripps guitar sound in the Belew era. I dig it!

Gizo vs. the 17,455- Cool band name! G&U. Not a bad G & U the high pitched Bell sounds were very welcome. I’m yearning for bass and drums to kick in.

Glennny- Always play chess with clocks or else suffer like the protagonist in this song.

Micah Sommersmith- I love it! This is probably my favorite Micah song. I am a sucker for 5/8. I would like to throw a criticism of me back at you. Remember Tearing History Down- the glenny song was in 7/8 and you didn’t like the same accents on the rhythm throughout the song. To me the same could be said of this song. However, I like it in both circumstances. I suspect Ryan of Jerkatorium finds odd sigs that add a beat pleasing and subtle, but is disturbed by taking away a beat. He compliments 5, 9, and 13, but complains about 7, and 11. I wonder if you feel the same? In any case, the instrumentation is awesome! Vocals are great! I enjoy the foreign language because I don’t understand it. VOTE!

OG Lawn Darts- An established form done really well. The band is tight. Smalltown Mike is always a great frontman/ vocalist. BV are nice. I love the drums. VOTE

Paco- So Cool! Love the grooves, love the bass and drums. Guitar is superb. All the vocals are tasty. BVs are great. My favorite part is the blistering guitar solo! VOTE!

So Goth! Weirdly quiet. Everything is so low. Low synth, low vocals, toms. Then there’s some cymbal splash. I could stand to have some Daniel Ash guitar on this one.

Sebacina- Did someone say krautrock? That’s spot on. The Can fan in me digs this, especially the drum pattern. So short. I’d like to see the video for this on Sprockets.

Tim Hinkle- Cool synth in the chorus. Lyrics are very cool too. It ends surprisingly, I thought I’d get another chorus.

Tron Air-
I believe there might be 20% magic in California. What Should A guy do? This is plenty magical. This is awesoma! My favorite song of the fight! It’s delightful to hear Melvin’s vocals. Frisbee sounds great too. Excellent mix! Wonderful Sounds All around! Welcomed Superb Agreeable music! Good job! Love to hear more! VOTE!

Vom Vorton- I like this song a lot. I don’t like the mix at all. Which is weird, I can usually count on really enjoying your mixes. The drums are so quiet on this one, and doing kind of a strange pattern. The synth lines and guitar lines are superb. I enjoy the lyrics, I think they are stronger than the melody. The more I think about it the more I just want all new drums and a pop tweak to the melody. Lots to like!
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by furrypedro »

Æpplês&vØdkã wrote:
Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:30 pm
Also is Tron Air you and Melvin? If so glad to see you're still collaborating!
Aye. This track is me, Melvin and Thanks For The Frisbee.

glennny wrote:
Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:33 am
Tron Air- I believe there might be 20% magic in California. What Should A guy do? This is plenty magical. This is awesoma! My favorite song of the fight! It’s delightful to hear Melvin’s vocals. Frisbee sounds great too. Excellent mix! Wonderful Sounds All around! Welcomed Superb Agreeable music! Good job! Love to hear more! VOTE!
Are you, um...trying to tell us something? :lol:
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by MicahSommer »

glennny wrote:
Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:33 am
Micah Sommersmith- I love it! This is probably my favorite Micah song. I am a sucker for 5/8. I would like to throw a criticism of me back at you. Remember Tearing History Down- the glenny song was in 7/8 and you didn’t like the same accents on the rhythm throughout the song. To me the same could be said of this song. However, I like it in both circumstances. I suspect Ryan of Jerkatorium finds odd sigs that add a beat pleasing and subtle, but is disturbed by taking away a beat. He compliments 5, 9, and 13, but complains about 7, and 11. I wonder if you feel the same? In any case, the instrumentation is awesome! Vocals are great! I enjoy the foreign language because I don’t understand it. VOTE!
I wondered if my podcast comments might come back to haunt me! I don't remember how much of a jerk I was, but I think my intent at the time was less to criticize your song in particular and more to point out what I see as a weakness inherent in a lot of complex-metered songs, this one of mine not excepted!

I don't think I conceptualize complex time signatures as adding or taking away beats, but rather as irregular groupings of 2s and 3s. So I think of my "Please Move" as being in 10/8: 3+3+2+2, which feels pretty natural to me compared to many other groupings - although I have also used 7 (2+2+3) a few times, such as my "Walking on Eggshells" entry in Nur Ein XI, or in this instrumental piece, where I tried to use fugal counterpoint to make the rhythmic patterns less monotonous.

In high school honors band I performed Derek Bourgeois' Serenade for Wind Band, which I think was my first in-depth exposure to complex meter. Personally I think the middle section in 13/8 (3+3+2+2+3) is more fun to listen to than the sections in 11/8 (3+3+2+3). Take that as you will. Interestingly, the 13/8 is grouped into 5 units (or irregular "beats") which I would further group as 2+3 - two layers of irregular meter! His melodies have some clever syncopations and variations over the ostinato rhythms that I also think help break up the potential monotony of the type I complained about back on the podcast.

Um... sorry everyone, I didn't think this digression about complex meter would go on so long. I promise I will post reviews of everyone's songs at some point. And glad you liked my song glennny!
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by crumpart »

gizo wrote:
Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:38 am
gizo vs. the 17,455 / c’est moi / a magpie is hit by a car and lays lifeless on the road. His partner flies down and sings to him, prods him with her beak, and waits for him to get back up and fly to the tree with her. She waits all day, she prods, and she sings, and he doesn’t shift his position, not even lift his head, he spills matter and fluid slowly onto the hot bitumen. Meanwhile, a middle-aged man struggles to come to terms with his best friends’ emigration.
Giz, I just realised the context of your band name (blame Lisbon for not noticing sooner and also for me not getting my entry done this round). I'm going to go right ahead and kid myself that this song is about me and not my husband if that's alright.
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by gizo »

Crump, the first verse is more like @furrypedro described - the kind of song Bambi would sing to his mother. The second verse is to you both, from that selfish part of me.

Everyone else / thanks for the feedback, I know I was underdone for this song, and I only had a couple of hours to get it from an idea to submission, but I’m glad that it hit something worthwhile for some of you..... <3
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by Æpplês&vØdkã »

gizo wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2019 7:50 pm
Æpplês&vØdkã wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:20 am
Gizo vs the 17455 - I got so sick of twee ukelele music in the 2000s I never want to hear it again. It's well written I guess but strong bias against the instrumentation.
Yeah that’s fair enough I reckon. I’m not sure if my quest is now to find my other instruments, or win you over with my twee uke.... ;)
Hmm, I may need a few more years before I'm ready for ukes again, but finding additional instruments is a good idea no matter the genre! Sorry my style bias is so strong...
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Micah wins!
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Re: I think you've got my chair (Please Move Reviews)

Post by vowlvom »

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