It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

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Pigfarmer Jr
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It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

And can never be enough.
Last edited by Lunkhead on Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: make normal (again, oops)
Evil Grin bandcamp - Evil Grin spotify
T.C. Elliott bandcamp - T.C. Elliott spotify

"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Pigfarmer Jr
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Lyric thread here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12141
Evil Grin bandcamp - Evil Grin spotify
T.C. Elliott bandcamp - T.C. Elliott spotify

"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
pauley g
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by pauley g »

Here is my completely unbiased, unprofessional, and unnecessary reviews.

The Mellfire Trifecta
Big time REM vibes from how it is sung to arrangement to chord structure. Is this a true story? I like how you've taken what is really a heart-breaking story and wrapped it up in a nice efficient alt-pop groove. Love the strings solo, very emotional and moving. One thing that sticks out that I think could make this stronger - how the lines of the chorus are actually sung. It doesn't sound natural to me how you sing 'We did everything we could, things we never thought we would'...the emphasis on 'we' feels off, a little too unnatural. Could you rework the rhythm here? I know it's a minor quibble but I would encourage you to experiment with it and see if there's something there to really elevate an already solid piece of work.

Lichen Throat
Synth Butter. Love your sounds and arrangement, is that an actual Roland 606?. Vocal delay is super distracting and that's disappointing because I think it covers up clever lyrics. Nice job in adjusting the arrangement subtly to add interest and variety. I think vocals are also a bit overpowering in mix and may be a bit behind at times. After all that, overall I think think this works and it's catchy to me.

Berkely Social Scene
Tasty intro chords and guitar tones into verses. I'm kind of into how the mix has a blown out, warm, sixties vibe. Well written and masterfully performed but this doesn't grab me like some of your other entries have. Maybe not enough variation for my ADHD?

Paco Del Stinko
This thing has grown on me as your songs usually do! I like the chords because they surprised me, sung well, BG vox are tasty. Not much else to say about this except I'm grooving. It has a hint of Violent Femmes and that's one of my jams.

So, are you pitch shifting the vocal or did you record multiple tracks? Cut time groove at around 1:10 is sweet! This is pretty thin and underdeveloped but really, does it need anything else? Lyric is fun and honestly catchy. I can't give you a reason why this grew on me other than it gives me a feeling like I'm rebelling against something undefinable.

Brown Word and the Big Whine
Well performed all around, guitars, bass, drums, vocals, exceptional. Music vibe fits the lyric well. Breakdown is nice! The rising guitars at 2:25 then the rhythmic section at 2:35 is very cool and creative. The only thing I think that you could work on might be the Mix, in my headphones is sounds flat and I think this could benefit greatly from a wider stereo field and a but more sauce on the sub and the highs.

Music is great and grooving, nice vocal! the spoken parts are cool but might need some EQ, sounds to me like they bang against something in the instrumentation when they come in. You have me at the breakdown at 1:40, almost kind of a Sublime vibe! I need more snare! but use your own judgment on that one, my drums are usually so loud, they become offensive. There's a lot of great things going on here and they all seem to work together pretty well. The hook feels a little weak, is there a way you could bring it out more? Maybe add a solo instrument to ride with the vocal melody in the chorus?

Richard Donner Party
Fun! I like the three part harmony and they are well performed. Cut time is a nice breakup, you do a nice job moving between verse, chorus, break, etc. Digging the bass lick as well. All of this is good. that being said, I would like to hear this with drums, bass guitar, and all the vocals. that's it. Not that the other parts aren't working, I just feel like this could benefit from being seriously stripped down.

Yaks of the Industry
This is well-developed and really pleasing to listen to. Extremely well done BG vox and they're mixed really well! Breakdown at 1:50 stops the groove a bit too much. Maybe try removing the synth break from 1:50 to 1:56 and starting the break where you add the guitar arp? Solo is so well done. There is an undefinable dreamy quality to this and my favorite of the fight so far. Excellent work!

Jeff DeSantis
You have done so much with so little in this thing and that's something I struggle with mightily. My answer to everything is keep adding tracks and this is super simple, clean, and really effective. The arrangement supports the lyric and melody well and your vocal performance is also very well done! What genre would this fall into, midwest alt country rock? I can't think of anything I would do to help this, it's a great song as is.

Sweeney Toad and the Synthlads
I'm a synth guy so you have my vote on the first dirty bass tone. I like the pseudo-rap vocal and the way you modulate through the sounds. This is super. If I could add anything it would be a rhythmic arp in a high octave to help support the bass/kick groove. If you decide to try something like that, I would love to hear it! I especially like this song turned way up in my phones, you can really feel the groove!

Sumner Sloane
A nice chill downtempo addition to this fight. I think I get what you were going for here but the percussion is virtually non-existent! bring that up a bit with some bass and I think it improves this dramatically, overall it's a tightly written piece! Keep in mind that I frame every song in whether or not it holds up on a Spotify playlist and I think this would if you can add a little bit of spice to keep people with you through the course of the song.

Mix is right but a little avant-garde for my taste. I do appreciate the Alt-Reggae vibe. To me sounds like a lot of the sounds bang against each other and become distracting, like my ears don't know where to go. It does groove well though. I wonder if this couldn't be cleaned up with surgical EQ but believe me, I understand the time commitment in that.

Duncan Martin
Solid lyrics, melody, and chord structure. Made my left ear ache by the end of it, the mix is pretty brutal but I'm wondering if that was intentional? Production isn't everything but it still is something! I have to know what you recorded this on, if it was your phone, it's actually way better than anything I can get! It's a well-written piece on it's own but you lose me in the presentation.

The Pannacotta Army
Another solid entry from Pannacotta. Dreamy and smooth. Super professional and well perfomed. Not that any have been bad but I think think this might be your best vocal performance to date. This thing stands alone.

Zac McMillan
Digging the BG vox to lay down rhythm (and pretty much everything else!) Super catchy, kind of reminds me of Young the Giant in spots. Well done and very creative, nice hook as well. Lead vocal MVP of the fight.

My Social Uniform
This is me. I missed last week's fight so the optional 4 song story is out the window for me. I have this dream of playing on the main stage of SXSW or some big festival and how I would approach it. I would give it everything I had to make everybody there feel the music in their bones and I tried to develop a song that would reflect that ('We'll provide the thunder while you learn to fly'). Interestingly enough, my wife got something completely different from it. Ah, the power of music (and far-too-universal lyrics).

Critical Rave Theory
I love how all the elements in this all move forward to build this downtempo beauty dripping with feeling. At first listen, I felt the break was a bit too long but now I kind of feel like it's necessary to get you to the next song section. I totally could of stood for more hook at the end of the song, maybe just sung over top of what is already there, I think it would help tie this thing all together. Wow, this is something special.

Pigfarmer Jr.
I admire you for not just writing to your strengths but that every song I've heard from you is completely unique! This is good but it does seem to lack something to put it over the top for me. Maybe try a section in a different key to add some more variety? Still, well done.

Banda de Luchadores Melodiosos
lyrically and melodically spot on. Of course, Queen was some inspiration here and it's well done! I would not be surprised if this didn't end up on a huge Broadway production, then over the following decades, murdered in high schools all across the planet. Super creative and well written!

Another top notch fight, I will be interested to see who pulls this one out. My money is on Critical Rave Theory, Yaks of the Industry, Sweeney Toad, or Pannacotta but a great job by everyone!
"You're like the SongFight Weeknd" - Sleepysilverdoor
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by Duncan »

pauley g wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:43 am
Production isn't everything but it still is something! I have to know what you recorded this on,
Fully agree. We were camping with spotty roaming data, so I didn't try to download a DAW. But I did have the built in Samsung voice recorder, which is pretty brutal. It was recorded in the woods. Fluffy graciously took my m4a and converted it.
What I learned:
-the bit I tried recording in the car sounded a bit better with more natural high end, but it was too close to family commotion.
-maybe a putting the phone in a box would have provided a bit wetter of a sound, not sure.
-download a phone DAW to allow for layering, effects, and file conversion. "4 Tracks Lite" looks decent.
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by fluffy »

pauley g wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:43 am
Richard Donner Party
Fun! I like the three part harmony and they are well performed. Cut time is a nice breakup, you do a nice job moving between verse, chorus, break, etc. Digging the bass lick as well. All of this is good. that being said, I would like to hear this with drums, bass guitar, and all the vocals. that's it. Not that the other parts aren't working, I just feel like this could benefit from being seriously stripped down.
Thanks! Here's what the stripped-down version sounds like.
we did everything we could sparse.mp3
(3.02 MiB) Downloaded 91 times
I tried to keep things pretty spare but it definitely needed more and Ken gave me a lot of guitar material to work with (the guitar part of the mix is pretty complex since it's comping between a bunch of different takes/tracks). The mix could still be improved, that said. Feedback welcome. :)
pauley g
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by pauley g »

fluffy wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 10:02 am
pauley g wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:43 am
Richard Donner Party
Fun! I like the three part harmony and they are well performed. Cut time is a nice breakup, you do a nice job moving between verse, chorus, break, etc. Digging the bass lick as well. All of this is good. that being said, I would like to hear this with drums, bass guitar, and all the vocals. that's it. Not that the other parts aren't working, I just feel like this could benefit from being seriously stripped down.
Thanks! Here's what the stripped-down version sounds like.

we did everything we could sparse.mp3

I tried to keep things pretty spare but it definitely needed more and Ken gave me a lot of guitar material to work with (the guitar part of the mix is pretty complex since it's comping between a bunch of different takes/tracks). The mix could still be improved, that said. Feedback welcome. :)
I really like this stripped in verses and prechorus but I was wrong about the chorus! Definitely need to go all out with guitars there! I think with a little rearranging, this turns to gold. All the elements are there and it has great bones to begin with! Nice job and thank you for posting the edit, ginormous bass line!
"You're like the SongFight Weeknd" - Sleepysilverdoor
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pauley g
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by pauley g »

Duncan wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:36 am
pauley g wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:43 am
Production isn't everything but it still is something! I have to know what you recorded this on,
Fully agree. We were camping with spotty roaming data, so I didn't try to download a DAW. But I did have the built in Samsung voice recorder, which is pretty brutal. It was recorded in the woods. Fluffy graciously took my m4a and converted it.
What I learned:
-the bit I tried recording in the car sounded a bit better with more natural high end, but it was too close to family commotion.
-maybe a putting the phone in a box would have provided a bit wetter of a sound, not sure.
-download a phone DAW to allow for layering, effects, and file conversion. "4 Tracks Lite" looks decent.
Duncan, I feel compelled to apologize, I did read where you were recording while on vacation and I didn’t put 2 and 2 together. I’m very impressed that you were driven to get this submitted and that alone shames me for busting your chops a little bit :D I will look into 4 tracks lite, every time I’ve tried to record something on my phone as a sketch, it becomes so bad I’m not sure what I was doing in the first place! Attaboy for your tenacity.
"You're like the SongFight Weeknd" - Sleepysilverdoor
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by Duncan »

@pauley g -- no hard feelings at all. I'm here for the feedback, and appreciate it. I haven't missed a songfight since I started in January, so I figured I'd keep that streak going even if it meant submitting something late and muffled
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by BoffoYux »

I'll be holding the LP for We Did Everything We Could next Monday 7/19. I don't think the new fight would be up by then, and also have another work meeting tonight which would delay things. So, next week it is!

Congrats to Crown Shy on being the next Nur Ein!

BTW - the photo is something I hadn't seen before. It's the view from the OTHER side of the USS Enterprise bridge consoles. They used slide projectors for each of the displays - that must have been a noisy set!
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by slyeli »

Banda de Luchadores Melodiosos
Feels like I'm listening to Les Mis but with nasty fake drums. You've nailed the musical theatre style and the mood of the music gels nicely with the theme of the lyrics. I like the singing and harmonies too. There's a couple of places where the vocals don't blend so we'll, like "eternity", but the rest is good. The electric guitar sound doesn't really fit but it's used sparingly so I don't mind it as much as the drums. Overall I enjoyed listening to this. It's different to what you normally get on SongFight and was a nice surprise. You get my vote.

Berkeley Social Scene
There's some good individual parts in this, the solos are great, but as a whole it doesn't work for me. I'm not really sure what the song is about or what I'm suppose to be feeling and I think because of that it didn't leave a lasting impression on me.

Brown Word and the Big Whine
I think the mix is holding this song back a bit. I'm getting a lot of toms and guitar and I'm finding it hard to make out the vocals. There's some nice guitar playing on here, like the dive bomb effects, but it's not enough to save it for me.

Critical Rave Theory
This starts well. I like the way you set the mood with the stripped back percussion and echoing vocals. I was hoping it was going to have a bit more depth to it. At the midway point it loses my interest when it descends into a dull instrumental.

This feels like style triumphed over substance. There's plenty of cool effects and production trickery but I'm not feeling that's there's anything underneath that to get my teeth into.

Duncan Martin
I'm going to overlook the rough recording as you were limited by what equipment you had available. I don't think this is lyrically as strong as your other songs. The lines "he said he'd show her around. He proceeded to show her around..." encapsulate my feelings about the song. I don't think him showing her around was important enough that I needed to hear about it twice.

Jeff DeSantis
This is pleasant enough but there seems to be a disconnect between the lyrics and the music. The music and vocal feel bright and breezy but the lyrics seem melancholy and a bit bitter. The two don't really sit well together, for me.

Lichen Throat
Your songs often seem like they're on the edge of falling into chaos, to me. Usually you pull it back from the edge into something coherent but I feel this one takes a nose dive off the cliff.

The Mellfire Trifecta
The singer sounds happy about losing their home and father which is a strange mix. I feel like the music and lyrics are two different songs that don't really fit together.

My Social Uniform
You're getting plenty of emotion into your voice even though you seem to be singing about earthquakes. Or the weather. Or maybe bonfires? Luckily the funky bass line is enough to carry this song. Good effort, I enjoyed it.

Paco del Stinko
Nice stooges styles guitar work. This is pretty rough but that suits the genre. Some of the high singing grates a bit but overall I thought the song was good.

The Pannacotta Army
This is a strange breakup song. The music makes it sound like the relationship was trivial but the lyrics are saying "we did everything we could", which doesn't fit with that. I'm confused.

Pigfarmer Jr
The way "comprehend" is sung sounds like you're trying to fit too many syllables in and feels a little unnaturally. Apart from that I liked how the simple bluesy style fits nicely with the lyrics.

Richard Donner Party
The main vocal on this one veers between charming and grating. I think overall it lands in charming and you've got a good song here. I particularly like the switch into the half speed drums. It needs a bit of polish to smooth out the rough edges, but I think it would be worth doing, and it gets my vote.

Summer Sloan
In this song it feels like you're say "ah well, we did everything we could, it didn't work out, but it's all fine". Which is good advice for life but not very exciting to hear about in a song.

Sweeney Toad and the Synthlads
When this song came on my kid started dancing around the room and quit bugging me for two minutes. Automatic vote.

WTF did I just listen to. Was I indoctrinated into some kind of dog cult? I daren't listen again in case it corrupts my innocent mind.

Yaks of the Industry
Your singing in this reminds me of Chris Isaak in Blue Hotel. It's probably my least favourite Yaks songs but I think that's a testament to the quality of your output. I enjoyed listening to it but it felt overly long.

Zac McMillan
This is really good. It sounds like an old barbershop quartet song. You've even got the mix right and it feels like I'm listening to a record. Vote.
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by MellyP »

slyeli wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 2:16 pm
The Mellfire Trifecta
The singer sounds happy about losing their home and father which is a strange mix. I feel like the music and lyrics are two different songs that don't really fit together.
I like hearing all opinions. Yours is valid and I appreciate you offering it. However I'll point to just two example of a multitude of existing songs (exponentially better songs than mine here of course): Help! by the Beatles. (He's very depressed, needs help, so come on everybody and tap your toes and sing along), and Norwegian Wood (Think I'll burn this house down cos I'm a little annoyed). Yeah I like the Beatles. All the best.
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by slyeli »

MellyP wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:35 pm
slyeli wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 2:16 pm
The Mellfire Trifecta
The singer sounds happy about losing their home and father which is a strange mix. I feel like the music and lyrics are two different songs that don't really fit together.
I like hearing all opinions. Yours is valid and I appreciate you offering it. However I'll point to just two example of a multitude of existing songs (exponentially better songs than mine here of course): Help! by the Beatles. (He's very depressed, needs help, so come on everybody and tap your toes and sing along), and Norwegian Wood (Think I'll burn this house down cos I'm a little annoyed). Yeah I like the Beatles. All the best.
I find it tricky to leave useful feedback on a song that doesn't move me, one way or the other. With your song it's clearly well put together but I didn't connect with it and I was trying to get to the root of why. It's just one opinion though and I'm sure they'll be plenty of people who disagree.

I have a different interpretation of the two songs you mention and I'd say that they support my point. To me the music in Help! sounds restricted and tense and I really believe it when John shouts help. The fact that it's also got a beat and you can dance to it is why the Beatles were so successful. In Norwegian Wood the music sounds intimate and mysterious and that fits with the oblique lyrics that hint at a confession.
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by Caravan Ray »

slyeli wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 2:16 pm

This feels like style triumphed over substance.
Looks like we nailed it boys.

la substance est de la foutaise
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by the panna cotta army »

slyeli wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 2:16 pm
I'm confused.
well you're not alone
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by mo »

il n'y a pas de hors-foutaise (avec mes excuses à M. Derrida)
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by MellyP »

slyeli wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:09 am
MellyP wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:35 pm
slyeli wrote:
Mon Jul 12, 2021 2:16 pm
The Mellfire Trifecta
The singer sounds happy about losing their home and father which is a strange mix. I feel like the music and lyrics are two different songs that don't really fit together.
I like hearing all opinions. Yours is valid and I appreciate you offering it. However I'll point to just two example of a multitude of existing songs (exponentially better songs than mine here of course): Help! by the Beatles. (He's very depressed, needs help, so come on everybody and tap your toes and sing along), and Norwegian Wood (Think I'll burn this house down cos I'm a little annoyed). Yeah I like the Beatles. All the best.
I find it tricky to leave useful feedback on a song that doesn't move me, one way or the other. With your song it's clearly well put together but I didn't connect with it and I was trying to get to the root of why. It's just one opinion though and I'm sure they'll be plenty of people who disagree.

I have a different interpretation of the two songs you mention and I'd say that they support my point. To me the music in Help! sounds restricted and tense and I really believe it when John shouts help. The fact that it's also got a beat and you can dance to it is why the Beatles were so successful. In Norwegian Wood the music sounds intimate and mysterious and that fits with the oblique lyrics that hint at a confession.
Fair enough Sly Eli. Thanks for interacting on it and good luck in the 'fights.
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by jb »

Zac McMillan
Really lovely singing. I'm not sure I believe that the kind of un-synchronized relationship between the backing vocals and the lead vocal is intentional. It kind of sounds disjointed enough that I get desperate for the backing vocals to line up with the lead because I can hear how satisfying those harmonies would be. Anyway, intentional or not this is intriguing and the lead vocal is wonderful.

Brown Word
This is tomtastic. Ha, the first part of the lead vocal makes me think Devil Went Down to Georgia. The verse seems to be building to a big ol' chorus and then... womp womp. This is nicely and carefully constructed but feels like it coulda been... more... grander... epicker.

Niiiiiice singing. This is the Queeniest song i've heard on SongFight ever, especially when that guitar line comes in. You prolly coulda left those drums out. This'll reward at least a couple listens, there's so much in the production.

My wife said I sound like The Count from Sesame Street on this one. Heh.

Richard Donner Party
Instruments feel a little divorced from the vocals. FYI I'm listening on my MacBook Pro speakers, and that clean rhythm guitar is too far front. When the second section comes in, it's fun and I like the melodies. It's kind of fun to hear fluffy's vocal overdriven like that. Feels like the verses aren't as carefully put together as the chorus.

Duncan Martin
This would've worked better for me with some EQ to brighten it up. Sounds a bit muffled as it is. I dig the Mountaingoats like any red-blooded gen-x-er, so you know I can get behind a lo-fi g'n'g. Maybe a line or two that takes it in an edgier direction would've made this more memorable.

REMiniscent. Ha, see what I did there? I like the lead vocal line. Vocals are all well-performed. I don't like the drums. Nice harmony backing vocals. "Knew he didn't stand a chance" is pretty yacht-rock-ey. Nice. Ok now I'm getting an Eagles vibe in this chorus.The synth solo adheres to the chords too much so it's not solo-ey enough. OMG the drums must go. I'm sending assassins.

Critical Rave Theory
Oooh is this a slow jam? I don't seems to be able to pull off a slow jam. Totes Jelly. Nice vocals. I might be a little on the side of don'tboreusgettothechorus but it's hard to come down like that because I like it all. Ok the dude vox aren't as good. I kinda wish the bass would vary in some way, needs a freshness. The break is nice. It's a vibe, this song, though I do kinda wish it went somewhere.

Maaaaaybe too downstrokey for my taste? I like the doubled vox on the chorus. There's some kind of raucous punk song hiding in that chorus. Whoa 4:36. That's a nice synth patch, very analogey. I know the process doesn't allow for it, but I wouldn't have minded those solos being more written out.

Ha, that guitar intro made me expect a really acid-gargling vocal to come in and a more bluesy melody than this kind of chant style you went for.

My Social Uniform
Everybody wears one. Oh that's a nice synth patch. Drums maybe too hot. They're sorta taking over the mix. This hearkens to that type of 80's song that I only kind of tolerated on the radio because it was the only station that ever played what I wanted to hear, so you had to take the bad with the good. Not the kind of songwriting that appeals to me, I'm afraid. Not badly put together, except for those drums.

Lichen Throat
At this point I don't expect to like a Lichen Throat song, so it's a matter of to what degree. Others like your ideas and lyric concepts, but I'm that kind of jerk who can't hear past the atonal and semi-rhythmic vocals to hear the words. My loss.

I have 15% battery left on my laptop. Will I make it to the end of the fight? This has a pleasant opening, but I dunno about that rappy vocal style. Hmmm, maybe it's growing on me? The flow makes me think you learned your style from listening to Hamilton too much. My wife poked her head in and said "I don't hate it". I don't either.

I like the guitar tone a lot. And the solo tone too! The drums are too boom-chuck, compared to the guitars. I kinda want this to be more aggressive-- the solo wants to be more aggressive. Man this oughta be GRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! There's a really really raucous song in here, but I dunno if you get there with this take on it.

Sweeny Toad and the Synth Lads
Liking this intro, makes me tap a foot. But I know Sweeny's flow and it's not my taste so I'm kind of... yeah. This is striking me better than some other Toad songs though. The synth patch is pleasant on the ear. Kinda hope it goes somewhere... doesn't seem like it's gonna though. Nope, static to the end. Oh well.

Doggies! Ok now I have switched to my 7506 headphones. Kinda fun because the words are nice and evocative, they make me want to listen to the story-- the vocal style is offbeat but not so weird that they put me off from listening. YOU. WILL FEEL. THE FANG OF THE DAWWWWG.

Sumner Sloane
This feels to me like a song that you're really proud of, and it's not bad, it's just that every part of it feels like I've heard it a billion times. I know, right, me talking about overused progressions...

I think you guys probably like this a lot more than I do. Kind of interesting smattering of sounds and such. The guitar wankery is pretty fun. I like that burbly synth sound. I think like some of the other songs in this fight, this might have played better to me if it were more aggressive.

Jeff DeSantis
This panning is probably fine on speakers but in my headphones I'm annoyed by that acoustic strumming in my left ear. It's a tried and true chord progression, though I'm not as annoyed by that as I was for Sumner Sloane's entry. No explanation why-- maybe it's that this song sounds a looooooot like Wilco and I really like Wilco. So, like, not bad! Except that acoustic panning. Hmmm.

As always, lovely recording and playing. Nice and pleasant, though I think this could have benefitted from another hour or so of work to really polish and add interest to the lyrics.
blippity blop ya don’t stop heyyyyyyyyy
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by slyeli »

jb wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:36 pm
I have 15% battery left on my laptop. Will I make it to the end of the fight? This has a pleasant opening, but I dunno about that rappy vocal style. Hmmm, maybe it's growing on me? The flow makes me think you learned your style from listening to Hamilton too much. My wife poked her head in and said "I don't hate it". I don't either.
It's a testament to the SongFight reality check that I now take "I don't hate it" as a win :lol:.
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Caravan Ray
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by Caravan Ray »

slyeli wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:03 am
jb wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:36 pm
I have 15% battery left on my laptop. Will I make it to the end of the fight? This has a pleasant opening, but I dunno about that rappy vocal style. Hmmm, maybe it's growing on me? The flow makes me think you learned your style from listening to Hamilton too much. My wife poked her head in and said "I don't hate it". I don't either.
It's a testament to the SongFight reality check that I now take "I don't hate it" as a win :lol:.
That works for my love life. Why not SongFight?

What is bad is when they say the rhythm is sloppy and the chorus repetitive. And can we lose the bagpipes next time?
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by zacmcmillan »

jb wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:36 pm
I'm not sure I believe that the kind of un-synchronized relationship between the backing vocals and the lead vocal is intentional.
To be completely honest, it was not intentional, but I heard it and immediately fixed it after submitting. Bummed it got out of sync like that at the last second.

Also, thank you all for the incredible reviews! Not sure how I'm just now hearing of this awesome site!!
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Re: It's never enough... (We Did Everything We Could reviews)

Post by mo »

Caravan Ray wrote:
Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:44 am
slyeli wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:03 am
jb wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:36 pm
I have 15% battery left on my laptop. Will I make it to the end of the fight? This has a pleasant opening, but I dunno about that rappy vocal style. Hmmm, maybe it's growing on me? The flow makes me think you learned your style from listening to Hamilton too much. My wife poked her head in and said "I don't hate it". I don't either.
It's a testament to the SongFight reality check that I now take "I don't hate it" as a win :lol:.
That works for my love life. Why not SongFight?

What is bad is when they say the rhythm is sloppy and the chorus repetitive. And can we lose the bagpipes next time?
your love life sounds...exhausting
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