Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

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Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

I was only trying to help.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Would you be so kind as to post your lyric in the appropriate thread?

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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by Toby Roktot »

Wow !!
Lots of nice songs…

I’ll do reviews later but, one of my votes will definitely be for Duncan Martin!
When I first saw the 5 minute length, hmmmm…. But every line is enjoyable and the song has soooo many layers… an onion.
Great composition Dunk… look forward to more of your stuff.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by rone rivendale »

Great fight overall, I came back at the right time. I can honestly say my song is only better than 'maybe' two other songs out of the 15 total. Ended up voting for 6. Could have easily picked more, but tried to keep it to just the best ones.

I'm not the person to judge anything technical. I just know what I like and what makes me want to push skip (I didn't skip anything though that wouldn't be fair). To me, the best songs were by King Arthur, The Gross Tones, Duncan Martin, Pigfarmer Jr, and Dave Stiles and the Breakthroughs. And of course I voted for myself because if I don't, no one else will. ^_^

Big ups to everyone who participated. It takes alot of hard work just to submit anything. I hope I can make this a regular thing again and continue to improve. Thank you everyone who didn't skip me and maybe even enjoyed the song!
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by Duncan »

Toby Roktot wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:05 pm

Great composition Dunk… look forward to more of your stuff.
Aww shucks, thanks Toby Roktot. I'm going to try and get to some reviews this weekend.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by the panna cotta army »

rone rivendale wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:50 pm
Thank you everyone who didn't skip me...
I usually try to listen at least three times to each entry particularly when leaving comments/reviews.

Some brief thoughts on this fight

Rone Rivendale - Well I like the basic percussion. What is that; a 909 or 808? I get confused between them. There’s almost nothing polyphonic going on, so this is very minimal. To get away with this kind of simplicity I think you need a distinct, potent core sound or strong melody and this is where I think it falls down. Vocals are a bit restrained and the timing is a little off around the strict beat.

Duncan Martin - The vocals are characterful . They’re nicely out front and clear but the backing I find perhaps a little cluttered, messy sounding - too much reverb possibly? I’m not getting much separation or space between the instruments either. The chord progression and melody are nice though and I really like the mellow sax outro - I could’ve handled a bit more of that interspersed throughout.

Pigfarmer Jr - The vocals are very nicely judged. I like the Americana vibe. I would perhaps have preferred to hear some hi-hat with the drums - I think that might’ve added a bit of extra flow to the rhythm. Also perhaps some more reverb on the solo to make it sit in the mix slightly better but the tone slots in nicely with the song’s feel. Overall though, I’m digging this song. The genre is well executed and it’s strong on melody.

John Vader Four - It’s all kind of lush, dreamy and swampily ethereal with those pad sounds smothered in cavernous reverb, though perhaps it’s applied a little heavy handedly in some places. The guitar could be a bit higher in the mix as I find some of the interesting and unusual chord shifts (which I like a lot) get a bit lost. I guess I’d say this is kind of half spacey, half loungey what with those melodic crooning vocals. It fits with the optional brief.

Lichen Throat - Sounds sort of Devo-ish from the off. You really need to be ripping into the chorus vocals more when you’re singing “Tear it up” and “Sticking it to the man” - it sounds far too half-hearted as it is. The song is well structured and the lyrics are really excellent and witty - the best in the fight, but the music could do with some more punk energy.

The Gross Tones - Solid, melodic, guitar based rock song. It delivers pretty well without any twists or surprises. I feel like there could have been some other element thrown in to add a bit of colour and variation in feel along the way. From a mix POV the drums could be louder and the more distorted guitar tones are a bit on the fizzy side.

Dave Stiles & The Breakthroughs - I really like this one - it has a slight sort of Beatles-ish psychedelic vibe. The stabby piano makes a nice backbone to drive the song along and provides the clarity against the spitty fuzz guitar which is a possibly a bit OTT but I dig the idea. The vocal melody is great and sung with an easy laconic style. The synth stuff in the chorus works really well to provide some variation in feel.

Night Sky - The hall reverb/delay gives this a nice Two Tone/Ska kind of vibe, not unlike The Specials, particularly because of the sax stuff which sounds really great. I dig the whole dub/reggae beat thing that’s going on. The vocal melody is not the strongest. The structure is a bit meandering and jam-like, but this one is all about the feel for me, which is excellent.

Third Cat - The opening with the use of that sample brings to mind some of Washed Out’s stuff. It’s a track of contrasts though with the folky, catchy sing-along section next (is that spoons?) before going a bit more spacey and then some tuba-like bass and then returning to the intro progression. Nicely experimental, with some catchy melodic parts too - there’s a lot in this to like and it grows on you.

My Social Uniform - An absolutely cracking vocal performance; the timbre of your voice is superb. Your productions are always top notch but in this case it’s marred by the sampled nylon guitar which is very quantized sounding and obviously faux. I don’t know if it was a deliberate production choice but it doesn’t work for me in what is otherwise a terrific song. It’s less obvious when the other instrumentation is happening but being the main carrier of the backing it’s always there.

Phlub - Free-form avant-garde jazz session + musique concrete + spoken word = X.
I don't know the answer to this equation but you get a big box tick for accomplishing the optional challenge. However, having given it a few shots, I find this is too brash and hard going for my aging ears.

King Arthur - I’m getting a weird mix of messages from this: some elements are reminiscent of Steely Dan possibly, and then the midi brass section stuff reminds of the style of those 70s big band guys like James Last and Bert Kaempfert. Because of the latter there’s a certain cheesy (not a bad thing) appeal to this that I like. The vocal melody is pretty catchy and the chord progression is good.

Toby Roktot - There’s the basis of a good song here; I’m getting a Neil Diamond feel about the tune lines and phrasing of the vocals. I find the strummed guitar a little bit on the droney side though. The Dylan-esque harmonica could do with some more melody and it's too prevalent - I think a less-is-more approach would work better.

The Mellfire Trifecta - Getting a retro late 60s west coast vibe with the open chord acoustic strumming and the big reverb treatment. Great vocals and the harmonies are excellent slotting in perfectly with the whole vibe. The synthy strings jumping onboard in the second verse are nice too and I like the keyboard stuff in the short instrumental section -not sure if it’s both organ and electric piano.

The Pannacotta Army - I'm reasonably happy how I handled the busy production but probably overall this is a bit OTT grandiose in feel. I like the unusual chord progression of the verses though. With hindsight, I should’ve swapped out the clap for something else (a rim shot kind of thing) in the verses. Maybe the fuzz/tremolo guitar should’ve been nastier and are one or two of those notes are slightly out of tune? :oops:
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by sleepysilverdoor »

the panna cotta army wrote:
Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:05 am
rone rivendale wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:50 pm
Thank you everyone who didn't skip me...
Phlub - Free-form avant-garde jazz session + musique concrete + spoken word = X.
I don't know the answer to this equation but you get a big box tick for accomplishing the optional challenge. However, having given it a few shots, I find this is too brash and hard going for my aging ears.
Well I can't say that it's catchy. But it was pretty fun to make. I wanted to make something with 11 notes to an octave and so I did lol.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by jack »

King Arthur! Got my vote. Good to (virtually) see you old friend!
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by king_arthur »

Review notes after one listen to each song... votes to me, Mellfire Trifecta, My Social Uniform and Pigfarmer Jr.

Dave Stiles - I'd be interested in hearing this done faster, it's just a bit too plodding for my taste. Maybe a bit more variety in the chord pattern, or a few unusual chords here and there.

Duncan - Wish there was more stereo field panning going on, everything felt smushed together in the middle. Also maybe more dynamics - have some of the instruments just drop out or play less during parts of the song so it's not so much all at one level.

Gross Tones - as with Duncan, would like more dynamics going on and maybe some extra work on tuning... seemed like there was an issue where somebody was referred to sometimes as "you" and sometimes as "she" - personal pet peeve for me.

John Vader - interesting chord pattern, but the lead vocal sounds like it's guessing where the next note is going to be and not always guessing right. If you listen to my track, whenever there's an unusual chord jump, the melody doesn't come in right on that 1 beat, it gives itself a little space to hear what the new chord is

Lichen Throat - the intro grabbed me, but I wish the vocal had done a better job of nailing the notes. The MIDI-ness
of the track doesn't bother me, the instruments are doing interesting things and it works before starting to sing.

Mellfire Trifecta - like the vocals, the harmonies are nice and the instruments are close enough to in tune for me, and there's stuff happening out to the sides in the mix

My Social Uniform - if that's a real nylon string guitar, bonus points for how well it's recorded; if it's MIDI, well, I'm okay with MIDI sounds if they are doing interesting stuff. Even when somebody's using MIDI sounds, if I can convince my ears to imagine they're hearing somebody actually playing, then it's cool. I mean, we can't all afford to bring in a real horn section or whatever. Vocals are nice and though the arrangement is simple, it comes together. Nice song.

Night Sky - the instruments are nice, but I wish the vocals were a little more spot on. The "outro" part of the song kinda lost me.

Phlub - am I allowed to plead "not my thing" on this one? Sorry...

Pigfarmer Jr. - I like this, the lyric tells a story. Wish the instruments were more spread across the stereo field, as with Duncan's song, it just felt very smushed together in the center.

Rone Rivendale - hey, it HAS been a while, welcome back. I liked the way you used both pronunciations / meanings of "Tearing." I could almost deal with the pitchiness of the vocal if it didn't fall behind the beat so much (like around 1:03).

Third Cat - I wish the track had thinned out / quieted down during that first verse (?), it just overwhelmed the song before I found something to grab onto when listening to the rest of the song. I liked the way it quiets down during the chorus (?). So I see that you CAN vary the dynamics, maybe just spend a little more time thinking about how to do that in a way that supports the song as a whole.

toby roktot - I'd like to hear this with a more rhythmic half-time guitar part - the fast strumming just feels like it slows down the melody. Try to add some more "oomph" to the vocal. The ending in the last verse seemed a little too abrupt.

Well, there, I guess I had something to say about all the songs... all my own opinions, and if I missed the point or the intention on this or that, sorry. As I said, based on a single listen to each song, and these are just, "well, here's what would have made me more likely to vote for this one..."
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by thirdcatmusic »

Dave Stiles And The Breakthroughs: I really like the vibe on this one. cool layers of guitars with the piano. there's a place for each part. nice arrangement & mix. vocals have some nice attitude to them. the little synth riff in the chorus is tasty. cool bridge. doesn't overstay its welcome. I'm voting for this track.

Duncan Martin: slightly too ramshackle for me I think, there's a lot going on and it feels a bit messy, but that said; I think this is a lot more interesting than if it were just guy & guitar. the lyrics are pretty interesting. I like the horn towards the end although the wild panning doesn't seem like it quite fits the style. overall I found this to be a pretty enjoyable song to listen to but a bit too messy to get my vote.

The Gross Tones: lo-fi bar band vibes. maybe could be cleaned up a bit but I think this generally fits the style of the song. the vocals aren't too bad for this style either, they have a pretty decent attitude to 'em that I think fits. overall I think this is alright but doesn't really excite/interest me enough to get a vote.

John Vader Four: I'm immediately drawn in by the atmosphere you've created here. I really like what you're going for here and in places it really works for me (when the dissonance builds up around 1:20~ ... I find that really effective). I'm not totally sold on the percussion and I do feel like the vocals could be cleaner and a bit stronger, but considering the time limitations of song fight, I'll give you a bit of a pass. I really enjoyed this one overall. VOTE.

King Arthur: Cool horns. Pretty solid/catchy songwriting. The vocals have some emotion in them which fits the lyrics nicely. I'm kind of on the fence about a vote or not on this one because while I think it's pretty good, it doesn't really excite me much. I think the thin drums may be holding it back a bit. the drums seem really low in the mix. guitars & bass seem too loud.

Lichen Throat: I really like the repeating riff that starts this one off. nice stuff. the arrangement works. the "tearing it up" part around 1:15 is pretty cool, your voice really fits that kind of vibe.

The Mellfire Trifecta: Nice vocals. I'm digging the bass too. Kind of weak/thin drums. Some interesting chords. I really like the instrumental section around 2:15. I'm not totally sold on this song - it feels like it needs more listens to really get it all - but there's enough cool stuff going on here that it has to be a VOTE for me.

My Social Uniform: Great vocals and lovely atmosphere. Minimalist and it really works. like King Arthur I'm not really sure if that's a real guitar or not, but I guess it doesn't really matter (I'm leaning towards MIDI as it sounds a little too artificially perfect to be real). Overall this is a definite vote. Really good.

Night Sky: I like the horns and the heavy reverb on the guitar sounds cool. I like the instrumental. nice bass guitar. but I feel like the vocals could be a bit stronger, they don't really lock in with the instrumental the way I want them to. not really buying the shouting/talking vocal bit. (the instrumental and backing vox bits are cool but not loving the lead vocal there)

The Pannacotta Army: Excellent production/mix. Really nice intro. This is so good I find myself trying to find something to nitpick. The only thing I can come up with is I'm not sure about the drum fills - they sound a bit '80s cheesy but I get that's probably what you were going for and it does kind of work anyway. Overall this is an easy VOTE. The instrumental has so many tasteful bits and your vocals are really good.

Phlub: when I saw the optional challenge the first thing I thought of was "this is Phlub every time anyway" and I think you said you did your song without noticing the option challenge so yeah, you brought the experimentation which I definitely appreciate but what I was really impressed with on this track is your production stuff. the way the heavy bass hits and the various layers interact is really cool and the drums sound great. the vocal/vocal sound I think works really good in this context. this is psychedelic as hell. it feels like it's messing with my perceptions dead sober (well heavily caffeinated actually), I imagine it would be incredible under the influence. overall I'm really impressed with this track, not the type of thing I like to listen to all the time, but when I'm in the mood for something like this, I think it really hits the spot. well done. VOTE.

Pigfarmer Jr: strong vocal. guitar sounds nice. this kind of singer-songwriter guy & guitar style isn't exactly my thing and lyrics about a preacher/jesus/gospel pretty much makes me want to smash the next button but I do think you did a good job here. definitely not experimental, but hey it's an OPTIONAL challenge right? I often ignore them too, so it's all good. possible vote if I can get over my genre bias. OK, I did it. I got over it. VOTE.

Rone Rivendale: extreme minimalism can work for me but I don't think the sounds chosen here are interesting enough to make it work. I figure if you're only going to have a couple of things going on you have to make sure those couple of things are really interesting in some way.

toby roktot: the atmospheric harmonica is a nice touch. I kind of hate harmonica generally, but this is mixed far back enough to not drive me crazy. nice guitar. the song gives me a kind of Bruce Springsteen vibe (when he's doing acoustic stuff like on Nebraska, Bruce mixed his harmonica too loud for me !) . I do think you could have used some more reverb on your track to give it a bit more vibe. it's kind of dry. not too bad overall.

--- my favorite three are probably The Pannacotta Army, My Social Uniform, and Phlub. ---
Last edited by thirdcatmusic on Tue Dec 21, 2021 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by the panna cotta army »

king_arthur wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:30 am
Well, there, I guess I had something to say about all the songs...
well almost
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by king_arthur »

the panna cotta army wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 2:57 pm
king_arthur wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:30 am
Well, there, I guess I had something to say about all the songs...
well almost
Oops, sorry... "well put together, track and vocals, chord pattern gets a little repetitive, it feels like the track only does its weirdness when the vocal isn't going on. At the end I don't really remember what I heard," is what I wrote in my notes. The melody / vocal goes by so slowly that my short term memory deficiencies are coming into play here (kidding, but I did feel like I needed the whole thing to move along faster for me to stick with it). The harmony vocals are nice.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by Toby Roktot »

Listened and reviewed in the order the songs came up
Phlub — Hmmm ….. for the first minute or so, then actually started to really listen to the lyrics. The music is kinda like Metallica doing Jazz, not bad, just different.
So sorry for all the bad disasters falling on you.

Rone Rivendale — I believe I’ve heard you before…at an avant-garde coffee house in NYC circa 1967. You know, where the crowd clicks their fingers instead of clapping.
Seriously, I would drink coffee to this anytime.

The Pannacotta Army — ok, you guys must be the main act in the NYC A-G coffee house. Appearing live after the opener Rone Rivendale.
This is a very nice song; the unusual mood, the rhythm, lyrics and the delivery…vote.

Duncan Martin — This is one of the best songs I’ve listened to on Songfight. Surely a winner or, at worst the number one loser.
I was a little put off by the length (5:00) and, I believe a slimmed down version would be stronger. Nonetheless, the song is really nice as is….vote.

Night Sky — Early police vibe. Horns, a simple drum solo, then bass creates a very good composition. I’m not a big fan of the muffled vocals. Sayin’…good song tho.

My Social Uniform — Wonderful voice, so easy to listen to. Keyboard is really nice. You have put together a very good ‘love lost’ love song….vote.

Dave Stiles and the Breakthroughs — The piano is nice at the beginning but, kind of drones on through the rest of the song. The break about the 1:46 mark was distracting to me. Just my opinion on what you’ve submitted. Build on the beginning and tweak the piano to subtle fills, lose the break and I think this song would be very strong.

Lichen Throat — Music is catchy and the lyrics are ok. I think the song just needs something more to push it over the top. Maybe more vocal variations.

Third Cat — The intro has a Sgt Peppers vibe. I liked it. Lots of things happening behind the vocals makes the song very interesting. Good submission.

The Gross Tones — Nice song. I think it would have more impact if the vocals were mixed a little louder. Sometimes they get lost in all the rest. Loved the drums !!

Pig farmer Jr. — PJ, such a sad song. The lyrics vibe overshadows a good musical composition. Nice guitar solo…

John Vader Four — Drop the ‘Four’ in your band’s name and add ‘Project’. ( Look what it did for Alan Parsons). Overall, a nice sweet breakup song.

King Arthur — American Santana !! Great stuff, a real toe tapper. If I could dance, I would…vote.

The Mellfire Trifecta — Reminds me of that song about being Hypnotized (Fleetwood Mac). Same type of vibe. Very good stuff, witty lyrics. I like this one….vote.

Toby Roktot — Simple stuff, harmonica too up front….but, thanks for feeding Spot….now, SIT…STAY !!
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by lichenthroat »

Dave Stiles and the Breakthroughs—Good beginning. I like the verses, but I think this needs a bigger chorus. The mix is good, with the gritty guitars over the rhythm section.

Duncan Martin—This gets a little better every time I listen to it. I like the connection among all the disparate narratives. This is fun, and I think the long duration is correct for this song. I like the piano. It does sound like the mix could use more low-end, however.

The Gross Tones—I don’t think the loose vocal goes well with the tight instrumental; it seems to lack urgency, which is contrary to the lyrical content. I like the interplay among the instruments.

John Vader Four—The vocal sounds like it’s just barely too hot in the mix (maybe in the original recording). I like the calm, gentle feel of the song. I like the tone of your voice, too. The instrumental tracks have enough variation to keep it interesting.

King Arthur—This has a couple of genre biases—horns and the bouncy 60s chorus—going against it for me, but that’s my fault, not yours. I don’t think you need the doubled vocal; the main vocal track sounds good and would hold my interest by itself. Nice mix.

Lichen Throat—I occasionally hear about how people wrote their best songs in a hurry in a single afternoon. That is apparently not an ability that I have. This is my most unrestrained vocal performance so far, but as the Pannacotta Army noted, it still needs more punk energy on the chorus.

The Mellfire Trifecta—Pleasantly forlorn. Overall, I like this a lot. I feel like the mix isn’t quite right; it doesn’t sound quite “clear” enough to me, but I can’t define what I mean clearly enough to offer more concrete suggestions. Very nice vocal performance.

My Social Uniform—Your vocal sounds gentle but confident, which suits the song well. I like the simple guitar line. The low strings are cool too, as well as the solo.

Night Sky—I like the chippy, for lack of a better word, guitar on the left; it’s an interesting way to establish a consistent rhythm without relying just on drum and bass like everyone usually does. I might prefer a little more variation, but I think you accomplished what you have in mind.

The Pannacotta Army—All the instruments sound good, but the chord progression feels a little too familiar. Your vocal sounds very good. I think I’d like more variation between the verses and the chorus. That part when most of the instruments drop out except the drums sounds great; it punctuates the rest of the song well.

Phlub—The spoken word style works well, and I like how fast you’re doing it. This doesn’t really feel like a song, but I think it works pretty well as an avantgarde poetry performance. I like that bone-rattling low instrument.

Pigfarmer Jr—This feels right in your comfort zone, but sometimes that’s good. I think this is one of those time, because I like this song. It feels appropriately despairing without being oppressive. Thanks for turning up the drums enough. This is one of my favorites of yours.

Rone Rivendale—I wish the vocal sounded a little more confident, but I like the instrumental tracks a lot. You’ve got a good rhythm here, and everything sounds clear and distinct. I wouldn’t mind this being a little longer.

Third Cat—That moment when all the fuzz goes away is wonderful. I like the melody a lot, and you get extra points for innovation. This is unfamiliar without being too weird. I want another verse.

toby roktot—Your voice hooks me right at the beginning. I tend to really like slow-sounding songs with a lot of energy just under the surface, and this is no exception. I’m not sure you need the harmonica all the way through, but I like this a lot.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

I've been absent from reviewing of late (I really miss the jukebox which I can use at work) and these ultra-short reviews do little to make up for it, but here is, at least, something.

Dave Stiles And The Breakthroughs: Digging this lots. Kind of a Beatles feel in the drums, in the distorted guitars (weird, huh?) and in that vocal melody and performance.

Duncan Martin: Not the strongest vocal in the world. And your mix has a bit of a masking issue cluttering up the arrangement. But I like the mood, the vibe. I like the chorus melody a lot. I like that late fiddle? bit but it sounds a bit off tonewise.

John Vader Four: I like the arrangement, but the vocal performance is a bit... it isn't hitting me just right (especially when you go for the low notes.) But I like the texture.

King Arthur: Horns, nice. Cool bass. I like the doubled vox. I like this feel.

Lichen Throat: I think I would like this better if you had ventured for some different instrument choices tone wise. This is one of your better vocals. I like the idea but I think you need some dirty guitars and an increase in the tempo to reach its full potential.

The Mellfire Trifecta: Another cool vibe. I like the vocal and the melody. I like the gentle, but persistent groove that keeps me from being able to sit still.

My Social Uniform: I like this vocal a lot. Good melody. Well recorded. Might be my favorite of the fight.

Night Sky: I like this arrangement. Horns are cool. The guitar on the left side gets a bit monotonous. It needs something to vary it up a bit, I think. And I'm not a fan of that overly loud distorted/muffled vocal. I like the idea, but it needs to be mixed in better, I think. Lots of good stuff here but maybe not my favorite.

The Pannacotta Army: Oh, cool. I'm loving almost everything about this track from the intro right on through to the end.

Phlub: The vocal delivery works very well against the wall of sound and solid rhythm. If someone would describe this track to me I'd instantly dislike it. But this is cool.

Pigfarmer Jr: I had a cousin who lost his wife unexpectedly and then lost his two step children to their biological father. Right when it looked like he was coming out of a deep depression he took his own life. This is about him. I agree there were many mixing issues and I've gone back and done it up (slightly) better after reading a review or two.

Rone Rivendale: So, I want to hear you screaming or maybe just forcefully singing. Cool bass, nice arrangement. And after the first listen I started to appreciate the vocal delivery in this setting.

Third Cat: Cool vocal. And bass. And arrangement.

toby roktot: Guitar, harmonica and vox is NOT G&G dagnabit. You're hitting the Americana vibe pretty hard with this arrangement. This sounds like something I'd like to see performed more than I'd like to just listen to, but it isn't bad and I don't dislike it.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Pigfarmer Jr wrote:
Sat Dec 25, 2021 9:50 am
(I really miss the jukebox which I can use at work)
:( Yeah, it's been a bummer that it's offline. I've done a big update to the code, as step 1 of getting it running again on new hosting that I can control better. Step 2 is to get it running in Amazon AWS. I've got next week off so I'm hoping I can figure that out then at some point.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

That would be awesome. But you know, for an embarrassing long time, I didn't even realize there was a jukebox. You'd think I could take the time to download the songs to listen and review.
Evil Grin bandcamp - Evil Grin spotify
T.C. Elliott bandcamp - T.C. Elliott spotify

"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by rone rivendale »

Rone Rivendale: So, I want to hear you screaming or maybe just forcefully singing. Cool bass, nice arrangement. And after the first listen I started to appreciate the vocal delivery in this setting.
I accept the challenge for next fight :) (meaning next after If You Believe It)
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by the panna cotta army »

lichenthroat wrote:
Fri Dec 24, 2021 1:50 pm
the chord progression feels a little too familiar
That's a very odd observation as it's a unusual chord progression: I > bIII > bVI > III
I'm struggling to think of another song that uses the same pattern.
I'd be curious to know some other examples of songs/pieces it's used in.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by lichenthroat »

the panna cotta army wrote:
Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:16 am
lichenthroat wrote:
Fri Dec 24, 2021 1:50 pm
the chord progression feels a little too familiar
That's a very odd observation as it's a unusual chord progression: I > bIII > bVI > III
I'm struggling to think of another song that uses the same pattern.
I'd be curious to know some other examples of songs/pieces it's used in.
I am insufficiently knowledgeable about music theory to have specifically identified the cord progression, and I accept your explanation that it is, in fact, unusual. I listened to it again just now, and it still felt very familiar, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's something that's unique to my experience or neural processing.
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Re: Don't be sad I tore you a new one (Tearing Up reviews)

Post by sleepysilverdoor »

I intend to review. Christmastime busyness!
"There's a lot to be said about a full-on frontal assault on the ear drums" - Pigfarmer Jr.
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