Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

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Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Or I'll throw my trumpet at you.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Yo, throw your lyric in the thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12225
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by JonPorobil »

Wow, crowded fight this time! It seems that every time I have the confluence of time and inspiration to enter a fight, those same forces align for other people too. Heh.

On a first listen, my favorites were (in alphabetical order) Jeff DeSantis, Mellfire Trifecta, My Social Uniform, Paco del Stinko, Pigfarmer Jr., Robyn Mackenzie, and Stacking Theory. My perspective is likely to change with more listens. I hope to be able to write out full reviews during the week. So far, great job, everyone!
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by BoffoYux »

I'll be hosting the Listening party for 'Brace Yourself' next Monday. 1/17 at 9pm EDT. First of the year!

Good luck to all the artists!

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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

I know hasty and short reviews are unsatisfying but I'm up against a mother of an attention deficit and social anxiety so believe me, it's this or nothing.

Will Geoff WreckdoM vote for you?

Berekely Social Scene: Yes, great instrumentation and solid vocal performance. Good vibe all around, nice ending.

Brown Word and the Big Whine: Yes, I love the lead in and instrumentation. Provocative vibe, good balance of rocking and weird.

Buku Chauney: Yes, I like that it is straightfaced but also sloppy. Fun piano, really fun vocals.

Duncan Martin: No, Lots of good stuff but doesn’t click. It has a parody quality but isn’t often funny, and overlong.

Idle Susan: No, I don’t like the groove and the male vox are, I don’t know, trying to hard? What do you call that. It’s too much, difficult not to skip.

Jeff DeSantis: Yes, great choices in instrumentation, great performances, especially vocals. Very compelling at first, a little one note but still really good.

Jon Porobil: No, I really like the lead in and vocals but you do lose me with the chorus which is pretty over the top. You sure as hell can belt it, but I couldn’t get in to this one.

King Arthur: Yes, I was on board PRE tuba. Adorable.

Lichen Throat: Yes, I do think it’s a little too long but I like the vibe and instrumentation, and in a fight rife with political foreboding yours is a standout lyrically.

Markesetgo: Yes, it’s weird as shit, I like it. Remember when they sold keyboards at the mall?

The Mellfire Trifecta: No, I like the message and some jokes land but it’s not very compelling.

My Social Uniform: Yes, because it is a delicious ham sandwich.

Night Sky: No, the instrumentation is really tight and I like it but the vocals are a big torpedo, and I’m not following the story.

Paco Del Stinko: Yes, just how I like it, bold, bizarre and sleazy. Your vox are so great. Best in show.

Pigfarmer Jr: Yes, Love the message and samples, great energy and perfect length.

Purdy Lips: Yes, it’s an awkward energy but there’s lots of it and I like the lyrics. A little too long.

Robyn Mackenzie: Yes, but it’s close, much as I like that guitar tone the instrumentation gets redundant. Vocals and lyrics save it, nice chorus.

Rone Rivendale: No, this is tough not to skip. Your mix needs work and so does everything.

seemanski: No, It’s not bad, good vocal performance, just kinda dull, not into it.

shrts: Yes, maybe a little too short but I love the energy and rock spirit. Really like guitar tones and performance, really clicks.

Stacking Theory: Yes, it’s fun and inventive, and catchy. Cheese and ice cream.

Sweeny Toad: Yes, the track could sure use some punching up but the tight vocal deliveries are enough to carry it.

toby roktot: No, totally awesome vocal performance but story songs hinge on their story and this one doesn’t captivate.

WreckdoM: Yes, this is a huge fight and every entry repeats the title over and over except one so you’re welcome.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by rone rivendale »

Biggest fight I've been a part of since I came back. Really enjoyed the listen. I like the mix of newcomers and old favorites.

Pigfarmer Jr is quickly becoming my new favorite artist on here. Had me on this song in the first 10 seconds and never let go. The full list of votes this fight are: Robyn Mackenzie, Jeff DeSantis, Shrts, King Arthur, Duncan Martin, Purdy Lips, Toby Roktot, My Social Uniform, Jon Porobil, Pigfarmer Jr, (and myself).

My entry is probably the weakest of the three in this current streak. I took advice to sing louder but also stay further from the mic to avoid plosives. It didn't work out the way I had hoped. The notes are good, but faded. And I missed the spot a couple times on when to come in. I'll "brace myself" for the reviews. :D
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by MellyP »

WreckDoM: There is an originality of sound and approach here that's appealing, although I feel the song kind of gets slightly repetitive by the end. My toes tapped at times. The shambly, rambly, what-the-hell attitude of the singing (which matches the lyrical content) makes sense but ultimately the whole thing didn't work as well as it might for me.

Robyn Mackenzie: Always enjoy your harmonies and the chord changes on this one are particularly nice, especially on the chorus. When I got to the end I kind of wanted more noise, instruments and general doom, since there was lyrical tension building. I enjoyed this.

toby roktot: I like this chill Springsteen-esque delivery (hope you'll take that as a compliment - the way I mean it) and I definitely agree you do need to brace yourself before having a kid - or any of the other moments you describe. I would love to hear something more to accompany the guitar. The singing's great and the playing is too. Just would help to have sustained keys at some point to change things up -- for me. I know you got the harmonica and that's good -- I was thinking in addition to it.

Paco del Stinko: I find that this picks up after the first verse and chorus. It's a set of chords that's unexpected and for the most part I really like it. I like how spare it is at times and also enjoy the strange screamy synth about 1:10 from the end. Lyrics are spare as well, and you do more with less here. I heard a few minor timing issues - other stuff getting ahead of, or catching up with, the drums. It’s cool. Always something interesting from Paco.

shrts: The clarity of the drums, bass, guitars is incredible. More cowbell! The vocals also make this rock. This is a pretty shrt song -- but I can see that’s what was intended. Would have liked to hear more, so that you could explore more ideas lyrically. It's crunchy and sweet and a good snack -- like a musical Oh Henry maybe. I like Oh Henrys.

Rone Rivendale: There's an incongruity with the deep harpsichordy sounds and the the vocal delivery. With such a busy, loud keyboard part, I think you need the vocals to punctuate, or stay away from that dominance. Maybe try spoken word for this one? Definitely work to perfect the timing of the vocals. I like word creation to amuse or to make a point, so I really liked the "misspoking" line.

Purdy Lips: This is fun and there's so much going on. I loved the bass and the vocal delivery. The breakdown/solo at 1:15 works perfectly to slice this up into satisfying sections. Only thing I would have liked would be less double tracked vocals. Maybe you could turn one of them down so it's there but not heard quite as well? This is one of my favorites of the fight.

Night Sky: Good mood setting out of the gate and – really pretty sax fills. Also later on a gorgeous sax solo. All the playing on this one is excellent – and vocals too. Did you consider more reverb/echo just for the mood of the singing to match the music? Could add something. So, not much to say on this, since I think you did what you set out to do and I liked it.

Idle Susan: This is a well written song and I like the handoffs/shared vocals. Nice chord changes. Sometimes they drop out of the normal and take you in an unexpected direction. I think a couple more vocal takes in a few sections would have given you the chance to make this perfect. It's funny in many places, especially that last "vegan" line. Even the guitars during the fade-out do that handoff/share-the-melody thing. This is one of the more creative tunes I've heard on Songfight, and a Christmas song to boot!

Brown Word and the Big Whine: Yes to the mood quickly created, and who doesn't love a nautical theme? I might like you to have a more energetic middle section ("In the eye of the hurricane... surrounds”) but I think I see what you're going for. Not sure what I'd suggest instead, but it just temporary lost its energy (for me) during that section. The way you enter the chorus is unique and satisfying. The tension -- push/pull -- is really well executed. Enjoyed this.

Pigfarmer Jr: I like the energy and the commitment you have to the lines you are spitting out. Still, did you consider raising the key, so you could have yelled it more? Upping the guitar impact with distortion? That said, for the style you did choose, the mix is very well done. This is a really good topic for a song, and you seem to have a knack for consistently finding a way to make things accessible to the listener.

The Mellfire Trifecta: This one is us. I'm pleased with how it turned out production-wise especially, as in the past I'm always cursing what I perceive as my one fatal (avoidable) mistake. But I don't hear it this time. Maybe you will! Many who are living in Ontario can probably relate to this. For anyone represented by a "whatever you do just win, and maybe then we'll do some good"-type politician, and there are a few, I'll bet you can too.

Jon Porobil: I like almost everything about this one. Well thought out arrangement and I particularly like the line "The subtle encroachment of war, before you can brace yourself" –- as well as the whole hibernating bear related section. Lyrics are super, generally. I think maybe you could balance out the vocal delivery levels. At times it's quiet, and then your vocal power kicks in and it can overwhelm. Other than that, I found this to be really great.

Sweeney Toad: I feel the anger in this and it’s flawless production. The mix is good. It seems like you took a lot of time to write lyrics that would challenge and entertain simultaneously. It’s very visual. You are practically pissing out honey here. Good job.

Berkeley Social Scene: The guitar tones are sweet – nice variation in the playing/panning/placement. The chorus is simple but the harmony and call + answer in it goes a long way. I prefer the chorus over the verses. Love the guitar solo. Mixing is superb. Nice song.

seemanski: On second listen this gets nicer, and it was good on first listen. The verse is just awesome – the chords, vocals that sweep downward-upward-downward – can’t really describe why I like it so much. That’s the highlight for me. The chorus didn’t catch me the same way, but on the whole I enjoyed this a lot.

King Arthur: Thanks for that chord progression cos it’s pretty sweet. Tuba is a useful touch. Definitely identify with this one – I can fix a good meal but most of the repairs at my place are best left to the professionals. Nice collection of sounds. You’ll remember this one when you’re Sixty-Four, I’ll bet. Well done.

Markesetgo: Clever tricks afoot here, as you slowly pull us into your groove. Love all your piano playing. I’m a Joe Jackson fan and I think he’d be happy if you pitched this one to him. He might ask you for some more opportunities to vocalize in it though. Super creative and different from the rest. Really like this.

Stacking Theory: This is really nice. I was off balance for about the first half of it – in that good way where you're invested in it and looking forward to what’s going to happen next. The end does not have the same impact but you establish a very cool mood and (I think) you are talking about something personal and painful here. Skillfully done.

My Social Uniform: The singing’s really good and it’s professionally done. I like the falsetto stuff you did a lot. Playing is flawless. I think others may like it a lot and that it’s just me. I’ve really liked other Social Uniform songs. For some reason I wasn't feeling it, or I didn't receive it the way you were sending it out. In summary, I wouldn’t change anything – unless you want to.

Duncan Martin: This is funny and you worked hard to put in a lot of unique touches; are those horses' hoof clops? Nice harmonies. Please don’t keep us in suspense though… was he indeed dead? Good work. Lyrically a little different from previous songs of yours right?

Jeff DeSantis: What I like about this is the calm feeling I get when I listen. It’s soothing and kind of washes over you. Good section: “And our cover stories… while parts of us die.” Overall, a good rule to remember when we get bogged down by our weighty frustrations and disappointments and forget about the preciousness of time.

Baku Chauney: Other than the clipping or popping bass a bit too loud in the mix this is extremely cool. I like the solo a great deal. It’s a short song though. You have a bright singing voice and this is very melodic. I wanted to hear more.

Lichen Throat: This has a good Joy Division type vibe and the playing is inventive. Good breakdown section after the “unforeseen attack.” I think I understand the lyrics but I wonder if there’s one or two lines (to put outside of the three distinct sections) that would tie it all together.
Last edited by MellyP on Fri Jan 14, 2022 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by ken »

MellyP wrote:
Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:36 pm
Berkeley Social Scene: The guitar tones are sweet – nice variation in the playing/panning/placement. The chorus is simple but the harmony and call + answer in it goes a long way. I prefer the chorus over the verses. Love the guitar solo. Mixing is superb. Nice song.
That is really nice to hear. I upgraded my monitors and added some acoustic panels to my room and this is the first track I've mixed without checking in headphones. I'm pleased to hear that the mix is good.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by king_arthur »

MellyP wrote:
Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:36 pm
King Arthur: ... You’ll remember this one when you’re Sixty-Four, I’ll bet. Well done.
Ya know what's sad? That was five years ago, and I can barely remember sixty-four!

Thanks for the long reviews, though!
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by gizo »

MellyP wrote:
Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:36 pm
Stacking Theory: This is really nice. I was off balance for about the first half of it – in that good way where you're invested in it and looking forward to what’s going to happen next. The end does not have the same impact but you establish a very cool mood and (I think) you are talking about something personal and painful here. Skillfully done.
Aw shucks, thanks for that. I'm glad you got some enjoyment from it - and I tend to agree the second half comes up a little short.

I do tend to throw my emotions into my songs, and I'm glad you felt something in it, but I'm really just retelling a bit of The Martian from a couple of different perspectives.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Toby Roktot »

I have the reviews done and will post them as I type …

Buku Chauney - Very Beatles’ish vibe. A good thing. Really like the instrumental mix and especially the piano about 30 sec from the end. Very good vocals….vote

Rone Rivendale - Rone, your stuff demands several spins. Anyone listening prima facia will not usually get nor enjoy the subtle atmosphere of your creations. Seriously, the off key, off set vocals and instruments are not an easy thing to accomplish properly. Good on ya…vote

Markesetgo - About the only critique I have is maybe the intro is a few too many measures long. Once going, the song is very interesting and an enjoyable listen.
The “brace yourself” lyrics aren’t necessary, IMHO. Very good song. …vote

Sweeeney Toad - Great flow. Lyrics certainly worth several listens. I would suggest ending the song after the third verse…..”Goodbye”. drops mic.

Stacking Theory - Music and vocals are good. Trying to follow the story. Mars ?
Not sure about the disco thing… oh well, never figured out Louie, Louie lyrics, either.

Shirts - Lots of songs this week. For better or worse, a lot are short. I like this short one. In fact, I wish it were longer. Short songs can be powerful ; Ramone’s, Box Tops, even a few Beatles ditty’s. One of my favorites is Napalm Death’s ‘You Suffer’
Stronger lyrics and your song could be included in this partial list…Sayin’

Duncan Martin - Ha Ha….Another nice (sing-a-long) tune. The first two verses are strong. I believe after the bridge and chorus, you could maybe do the chorus twice and end. Forget the third verse….Sayin’

Paco del Stinko - Ahhhh Paco…. You never disappoint as far as I’m concerned.
I really like the throw back feel of your tune. Reminds me of Zappa around the ‘yellow snow’ sessions. Def worth a vote!!!

WreckdoM - Your tune wins the prize for the most accurate lyrics depicting real life today. Yes, we’re all screwed.
As for the song; I like it and maybe not quite a vote, imho, it is a very good listen.

Pigfarmer Jr - Finally !!!! Simon and Garfunkel meet the Sex Pistols !!!
These lyrics hit too close to home for me to really be objective.
I really like the music and energy….

BSS - Another great song from the boys. Really good everything and I predict will be a very close second to the winner….’the King’. Thanks BSS…vote.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by rone rivendale »

Rone Rivendale - Rone, your stuff demands several spins. Anyone listening prima facia will not usually get nor enjoy the subtle atmosphere of your creations. Seriously, the off key, off set vocals and instruments are not an easy thing to accomplish properly. Good on ya…vote
Can't tell if serious... :shock:
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Toby Roktot »

Hey Rone,
I’m serious with my reviews. I’m not smart enough to be something I’m not.
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You do good things. Keep it up.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Toby Roktot »

Jeff DeSantis - Lovely tune about the philosophy of life and mortality….I think.
It is a good song, just not sure when to listen to it. It’s one of those songs I would have played in college with my stoned date as we mauled on the couch. Followed up, of course, by the Moody Blues.

King Arthur - This is my favorite this week. Sooo Randy Newman. Lyrics are witty and very enjoyable. Really like this one…..oh yeah, did I mention the tuba ? VOTE !!

Idle Susan - Nice song about the yooths of today, or yesterday. Actually, any generation being raised by another. I like this song, especially the female vocals.
The first chorus at about :38, seems sloppy, though. Male vocals need to lose the vocal attitude (maybe the attitude is intentional) and compliment the female, not distract. Sayin’

My Social Uniform - song is ok. I don’t think I would Shazam it and download to a playlist. Kinda one dimensional……I know ‘pot’ (me) …’kettle’. You know.

Purdy Lips - Y M C A…….just one part but, when that song gets in the brain…
Some really nice instrumental progressions. Worth several listens as the song seems to reach out and grab you. Maybe a vote….

Lichen Throat - History, esp Western Civilization, has never caught on with me.
Good tune, good delivery, I’m just not into the lyrics.

Night Sky - This is such a sweet, throw back crooner tune. Really like-able.
The singer seemed to get into it and relax after the first verse. Very good song…..VOTE !

Jon Porobil - Good song, strong vocals. Lyrics kinda confusing, to me anyway.

seamanski - This isn’t a bad G&G song. Kind of bland, though. Like the Roktot song, needs to add a little spice here and there. Sayin’

The Mellfire Trifecta - HA!! I love it !! A political song not easily identified with red or blue. How refreshing. A very good song def worth a VOTE …

Brown Word and the Big Whine - Lyrics resonates with me. Red and I spent about 10 years ocean racing sailboats and a few too many times we experienced these lyrics.
I like the song, not so much the vocals. Less chipmunk and more human.
Good song, though. Sayin’

Robyn MacKenzie - Great song to end this music marathon…
Very good song. The vocals, the lyrics. Kinda Dylan-ish and that’s a compliment !!

I haven’t reviewed mine this week…too many other GOOD songs to bother.

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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by WreckdoMelle »

Toby Roktot wrote:
Sat Jan 15, 2022 7:15 am
... I like the song, not so much the vocals. Less chipmunk and more human.
Good song, though. Sayin’
Daaaaang! Thanks for reviewing, but unfortunately that is the voice God gave me, no effects. :oops:

Thanks everyone for your reviews. I usually try to take into consideration y'alls advice or if people like something, put it in my little hat for later.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Thanks for the comments so far, peoples. I should be free on Wednesday to write up some remarks. I know, I know, it's hard to wait that long, but yer gonna hafta.

Nice to see KA and Rone back around. Good job, fellas!

And Elle, your voice is plenty fine. :)
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Jerkatorium »

Pre-show is happening with a bunch of great music RIGHT NOW as I type this (8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST). Listen to a curated list of fabulous SongFight and Nur Ein songs for a bit, leading up to all of the Brace Yourself songs starting in a half hour. And participate in the live chat, it's a hoot.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Quick remarks on one listen through. Didn't dislike anything here, really, some stuff really, really good.

Berkeley Social Scene - The mellow California start way easy going, but after the first chorus, it kind of Crazy Horse-ish outs. Day-dreamy with a dark under-current despite the brighter sections. Solid and flowing like a steady cold river.

Brown Word and the Big Whine - Great start. The evil metal threat starts smooshing the oil lamp patterns dark and groovy. This feels both laid back cool but percolating and rubbery forward. Good ride with bonus colors. A metal version would require Udo Dirkschneider on vocals. This is better.

Buku Chauney
- This is tasty good the bass line is the driver here. Great line. The easy-going main hook is sweet with the right amount of sweet/sad going on. Too many repeats at the end rubs off a little grab factor. The mix is wobbly, but not near enough to distract from the don't let go embracxe of this tune.

Duncan Martin - Put me in the love it camp. Great story tune with folky fable feel. The telephone bridge was very Doors-like. Heady trip for a bit. This song could benefit from some tightening and either a crisp simple arrangement of tightened and vocal stacked, keys, etc., but it presents itself well. Dig it!

Idle Susan - Velvety whiffs of Prince with sped up vocals selling the urban night drama music. A stronger lead vocal would take it up a level but it's all very well done and arranged, good mood. Lovely instrumentation from a comfortable street.

Jeff DeSantis - Lovely patient and mature. Great start all around, so well balanced and opening up at its own pace. No drag. Neil Young on the Atom Heart Mother album. Very, very nice. Perfect arrangement, maybe a vocal line or two to tighten, but genuinely fine. Loving the lyrics.

Jon Porobil - Soaring and dynamic with lots of heart. The lyrics are strong and the vocal delivery feels genuine. This could feel like it's going on too long but avoids doing that. A more up-tempo stripped down modern folky version would crank. Dig it as it is though, very strong.

King Arthur
- Fantastic. The story is funny enough without being jokey and grown up yet family friendly ready. No baloney good time just right arrangement. You can hear where you came from, but it's all you. Lovely guitar and great vocal. Seems to me like a true song and a spirit of SongFight! classic.

Lichen Throat - Very nice new wavey club tune. The progression works very well, hooky and driving, the main melody has heart within the shaky vocal delivery. The rhythm could drive a wee bit more, but the chunga chunga heart is good. Echo and the Money Band. A different lyrical theme could work for as good as the lines are, they might fit better elsewhere. Or be edited to a vague love..connection. . . Somehow...

Markesetgo - Love the start. Oh my god, I thought it was gonna be stupid. And guess who's stupid? I don't know where this came from and suspect it's from something other thabn this site, but it's a very enjoyable and well-made piece. Berklee or something sniffin' about. Impressed.

The Mellfire Trifecta
- I'm sure that whoever this is about would not enjoy this much. It's dark and down but I can dig that. Almost Pink Floyd-ish at times, that could work, but this is just fine arrangement-wise. Very nice backing vocals under a solid lead one. I do kinda wish some drums had come in, I guess, but the version here hangs in your consciousness afterwards like a fog. or a dream fog.

My Social Uniform
- It's night-time at the club. Lights, smoke, arms raised dancing at not too late in the evening. Clear open and full production hooky and trancey enough to keep things moving. Funny how the lead vocal leaves at some point, perhaps to dance? Did I ever know that or not?

Night Sky
- Swingin' good yeah tune. Vocal is well done if shaky at times. Flansburgh, JB, Steve Durand elements or candidates to sing this. Warm vibe almost like a frickin' Christmas song. Much more fun to be around than that. Good lyric, tasty good sax, love this all around.

Paco del Stinko - Quick trying to get back in the game tune. Might as well get in the ring even if some punches aren't strong enough. I mostly like the sloppy sci-fi key lead.

Pigfarmer Jr
- Half 60s half 70s rock cake with today's horrors stuck in like bloody candles. Right to the point, stompin' angry, works for me. Louder more abrasive guitars and smashy drums would push it into the red zone. Jet fighter.

Purdy Lips
- Late night headphones at the one-man disco party. Just enough sizzle on the rubber (!) in this pretty manic but managing to stay on the road throb fest is quite fun. It doesn't necessarily take you anywhere you need to go, but it's a hell of a fun ride. Arms would fall off trying to dance to this which might be a funny video thing.

Robyn Mackenzie - Most excellent. The three-line verses pull me into an unexpected lean. Taking it's time into the tasty pre-chorus, the chorus is sweet and strong, sing alongy. Great bridge, too. Lyric work well and spite the presented imagery, allow you see what you see to yourself. Very much like this.

Rone Rivendale
- The sparse arrangement is all that this needs. The vocal delivery is hit and miss but the first half of the first chorus shows hook promise. I very much love the so very wrong implied genius of the provoking/mispoking lines. I am serious. Cymbals add a nice sunny splash.

- Tale about love tale vibe at the start, then the lyrics come in. Very nice, strong lines. Second verse esp. good. passionate performance, love the push and saturation as well. Guitar sounds great doing a very nice and bittersweet progression. Serious stuff, nicely done.

shrts - Party rock gets a ride in the Camaro arm out the window slapping the side of the car on neon wet city streets. No, not yahoo'in it up it Doofusville. The city, man. Bars. Chicks. Somethin' to eat later. This doesn't do any more than it needs to and that's why it's cool.

Stacking Theory - Bubbly and percolating with pastels and just soft edges. Bright addition second chorus is tickly scratchy nice. The vocal stacking is nice, could be a little clearer, eq-wise, guessin'. The length is good and displays how nutso a long dance mix, or whatever, could rule as well.

Sweeney Toad - I'm not sure that there's a narrative here, or if there's supposed to be even, but the lyrics are great. part dis, part conscio-ramble, dark and druggy. I like this very much, art I can only gawk and go hmm to. Could use a chip chop edit in there maybe, take a notch off the duration.

toby roktot - Very nice life story song. Very every day people, too, not mythic creatures of the modern day. The simple and direct presentation works well, harmonica just right and where needed. Last I'll brace myself sends it home. well done.

WreckdoM - The rockin' garage start is great and then detours right into a golden pool of molten mind scariness. Little ticklish though, too. The gang is bouncing along, bouncy bumping off the walls, not falling down. What are we gonna do?
Bringin' the stink since 2006.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Toby Roktot »

Thank you Stink and all those who reviewed.
I appreciate every comment and actually try the suggestions made….as my tech (boomer brain) allows.
Y’all have fun out there,
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Duncan »

Hoped to get some reviews done but this week didn't allow it I'm on an every-other-fight reviewing schedule it seems. I've given them all a listen and enjoyed pretty much all of them. Lichen Throat, thanks for the heads up on your sci-fi bibliography -- I'll check that one out. Melly P, Texas Jones did, in fact, die (unless he didn't -- Bobba Fett survived, after all).
Awards this week go to
Robyn - Most Satisfying Harmonies
BSS - Boldest Dylan citation
Brown Word - Most Nautical
WreckdoM - Best Description of 2022 "A turd in every corner"
Mellfire - Best "fuck you" to Doug Ford
King Arthur - Most depressing post-holiday song
Paco, Melly P, and Wreckdom - Extra points for reviewing all these
Pigfarmer Jr. - Best "fuck you" to anyone who favoured jailing Chelsea Manning
Toby Roktot - Commitment to carrying on the barfight narrative tradition (thankless job, but somebody has to do it)
Lichen Throat - 2022's first use of "Kellogg" as a good word.
Seemanski - Great vocal performance
Markesetgo - Most delightful instrumentation

I'd do more awards - many more are deserved-- but it's so late. Voted for lots of people this go-round.
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Re: Don't hit me with a guitar (Brace Yourself reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Jon Porobil wins!
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