Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

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Pigfarmer Jr
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Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Probably because I deserve it?
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Your lyric goes in the lyric thread.
The lyric thread is here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12231
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by jeff robertson »

King Arthur - this is much more interesting than what I had in my head for those lyrics. Well done.
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Ever wondered what a junior pigfarmer thought about your song the first time he listened to it? No? Yeah, me neither. But here you go anyway.

Berkeley Social Scene: I'm digging the crunchy guitars, the bass and the vocal. Well, whole thing. This is cool. Kind of an 80's throwback in a way... maybe with some Sisters of Mercy vibes thrown in for good measure.. but still sounding current. Cool.

Brown Word and the Big Whine: Damn that intro reminds me of something I can't quite place. It's like a cross of April Wine doing "21st Century Schizoid Man" and Iron Butterfly's "Inagaddadavida" and maybe Black Sabbath's "N.I.B." but none are exactly right. ARGHARGH!!! Regardless, I'm digging it. Lots of classic rock vibes coming off of this one without being too throw back. This would be fun to play live. Back when I did such things I could jam on this for an hour.

Duncan Martin: So I never would have thought that I'd like this by the description. But I can't help but smile while listening. I like the lyric. You nailed that low bit and the verby distant high parts, too. This is fun.

John Gillespie: Dang, boy. Another classic rock throwback riff. I wasn't sold on the intro drum sound, but the guitars kicked in and wow. Vocals aren't mixed just right (neither are mine this week, what you gonna do?) but I like the performance and the result is the guitar sticks out like a sore thumb but it's the best bit so good call.

King Arthur: I like your melody. Not especially a fan of the first rhyme road/load. But I like your vocal a lot. It's beautiful in its imperfection. Is that a phaser on the rhythm guitars or another instrument or just the mix? That "misery, my share" reversed wording for a rhyme thing was noticeable but works for me. There's just something about your vocal performance that hits me just right.

NeurodivergentNeroNexus: So I was a bit leery of this one because.. well because this. I only made it 32 seconds before I had the urge to fast forward. I guess I'm trying to say that I don't have an open enough mind for this one right now. It's been a stressful week.

Objective Collapse: I'm digging that two note riff under the vocal. Yes, it's been done before. Yes, I still like the way you use it. The vocal is interesting. You've got me digging the rhythm, too. That organ bit and bass.. .yeah, good bits. That sudden ending was cool, too.

Paco del Stinko: Ooh, the Stink's rhythmic groove is cool. I'm liking that guitar break. Cool vocal performance/delivery.

The Pannacotta Army: Guitar playing and sound (reverb) makes me think of "Kathy's song" by Simon and Garfunkel. Interesting melody/vocal from you. Those low notes are almost asked by the guitar. But it lends a depth/immediacy that I like. Quite the lyrical subject from what I'm catching. Adding another vocal is a nice touch and sounds great. Yeah, I'm gonna stick by my first feeling. This seems like a modern take on something Paul Simon might have done. Not exactly, but it's got that vibe.

Pigfarmer Jr: I like my song, but the vocals are too low by a hair and I had some trouble with the mix and rendering and I finally just gave up and sent it in. Those bits aren't as bad as I remember, but still...

shrts: Cool guitars, cool vocal (melody and performance.) Nice doubling effect. This is cool. I always think of your name as "shirts" instead of "shorts" like I think I should think of it as. That didn't make much sense, did it?

WreckdoM: Cool bass sound. Driving. Cool guitars. I like the vocal effects but that low bit and the lingering downward moving last note you hang onto kind of gives it a halloween feel. But just a little. I like the instrumental break. That's really cool. I'm not sure how much I like this on first (and so far only) listen but I'm digging the groove (and that includes the vocals, cool) that driving bass rocks. Oh, you have an outro breakdown right about the time I was thinking the song was gonna go on too long. I dig it.
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by rone rivendale »

I am awful at reviews. I rarely do them. But I decided since I'm not IN this fight, I may as well try. These are my thoughts, and my votes.

BSS - I can't believe how incredibly awesome these riffs are. It was a vote within the first 10 seconds of the song. Might be my favorite SF song since I came back.

Brown Word - Vocals are hard to understand. Another song with great guitar. Simple but effective drums.

Duncan Martin - Accapella is really unique. Vocals are in rhythm. Short run time left me wanting more, for better or worse. Vote.

John Gilespie - Guitar is decent but drowns out the rest of the song, including the vocals which is a shame. I'm the wrong person to complain about bad mixes given my entries but this song could have been twice as good.

King Arthur - I have to admit I have a little personal bias because I love everything sung in your voice. You seem to have a certain formula for your songs, and this follows it to a T. Lyrically at the top of this fight, tells a good story. Vote.

Neurodivergent - Don't like your style at all. It's like Crazy Frog but without the catchy music behind it. Sorry.

Objective Collapse - This has a strong Grunge vibe to me. I grew up near Seattle so that's a compliment. Vocals are the strong point of this song. Vote.

Paco - I almost thought I was listening to Ballroom Blitz! I really like the style of this song. From the opening riff to the last it's non stop madness. Vote.

Pannacotta Army - The easy going music and vocal style of this is such a sharp change from the rest of the fight that went in hard and fast. It's beautiful to be honest. Vote.

Pigfarmer Jr. - Very catchy hook in the way you sing 'Lightning Rod!' Wish this had more substance though. It's like you had a great idea for a song, and then never finished fleshing it out.

Shrts - It's good for what it is. I get the short thing is your gimmick (I had it first).

WreckdoM - I like the music portion of this song, especially the solo. The vocals are good, but it's just not my cup of tea. It's hard to enjoy fully.

So 6 thumbs up and 6 thumbs down-ish. Nothing in this fight was bad (cept Neuro sorry) so congrats to everyone who entered. Hope to be a part of things next go around ^_^
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

mellfire has been added to the fight.
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Paco Del Stinko
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Very quick comments. An ok fight. Nothing horrible, mostly, but not many giants either.

Berkeley Social Scene - Great chugging intro. The verses are les exciting but lead back into the intro/chorus very nicely. Nice synth lead could be even more nervousy, but dig it. Lead more like it. The arrangement is just right, using that verse section just enough, propelling the song with hookier chorus and varied bridge sections. Makes me want to hear the next song on the album.

Brown Word and the Big Whine - Very Easy Rider soundtrack or something. Boozy jam with the poppy verse balance each other instead of non-stop stoner jam. Little incomplete feeling, but the rockin' chuggage works well. Song later on in the set at the party.

Duncan Martin - Grabbing good intro. Nice and tight all around, hummable, lite fun. It makes me think of the Persuasions doing Zappa album a few years back. Just the right length, very pleasant listen, family friendly but not watered-down Disney dreck.

John Gillespie - Nice and gnarly riff, love it. Very 70s Big Star, tunes WKRP would've played. Vocal is shaky but is certainly trying to go in the right direction. I like the later half of the verses where it opens up before the belty vocal. R\That into the riff is tops. Call Joe Walsh, he wants his guitar back. Dig it on side one!

King Arthur
- Love the dark and swinging vibe. Your experienced voice sells this well in a seen it all manner, works well, love the set up to hear the title line. A short and tasty melody inspired lead section might put a short breath into the longer feeling vocals at the end, but this doesn't overstay it welcome. Tasteful.

mellfire - Pleasant and strummy all easy-going vibe. The vocals are well done, good amount of supporting harmony. I love the minor key shift back into the veres. Great progression all the way through. Very nice breakdown. This could also been done as a sped up goofy sounding song. Not that you'd want to do that. Casual afternoon in the softly lit lounge.

- I like this for 30 seconds. A great mind bender in between songs on a mix tape/playlist type scenario. More fun to do and listen to for yourself, doesn't necessarily translate to others well. But you know that. Wicked whittle needed.

Objective Collapse - Groovy vampire nightclub vibe. Love the dissonance and too cool guy vocal. mirky, too. Gets a little straight forward feeling, rhythmically at times and the vocals could use some support at times. Loses its way as it goes, despite some nice bass line changes and synthy textures. Still, I like where this resides, would love to hear it more live band sounding.

Paco del Stinko - A non-goon could've made this as a funky sexy guy vamp. Pleased with the main rhythm guitar tone. Amp it up, baby!

The Pannacotta Army - Lovely intro. Airy and watery at the same time. Ripples, not drip. Excellent lyrics, heavy at times, they are held up by the tasteful musical support. If this song was all minor key dark, sheesh. Very nice arrangement, I don't know if it leaves too early or not. Classy, genuine, and mature.

Pigfarmer Jr - I dig the switcheroo start into the up-beat but rocking two chord progression. Chorus serves up zero baloney, sticks in that way. A smoother and less angry Neil and company. It rumbles, if not recklessly, in the right places. Accessible rocker that sits nicely a couple of tunes in on side two.

shrts - I dig the pufferoo vibe here, although I was hoping a blistering drum fill was going to start it off and peel this out down the street in a hurry. The cooler vibe works just as well though, thank you. Live and not crazy loud, with the guys, oh yeah.

WreckdoM - Call and response of the acidy mostest. The direct into the console tone makes this all the better somehow. Wizard bit is great. Late night need to slap the side of the tv to get the picture working colors abound and elctro-tickle my brain. I love the super battle take off at the end.
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Smalltown Mike »

I really thought this was the week I was going to complete reviews — but no. I do have this, though:

Panacotta Army:
Really nice clean sound on this. One of the best SF entries I’ve heard in years. Because I’m digging it, I’m going to get picky — the second verse is a little too on the nose for me. Too direct, especially “We keep on poisoning every ocean / Making promises that are broken.” A bridge or something and then back to the chorus would be great, or at least a longer ending. This is excellent.
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

the pannacotta army wins!
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Pigfarmer Jr
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Congratz, Tim!
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Paco Del Stinko
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Re: Why is everyone giving me so much static (Lightning Rod reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Congrats P Army! Great tune.
Bringin' the stink since 2006.
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