Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

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Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

And totally rad. I'm stoked to read your reviews.
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »


Lyric goes up in that thread there at the top of the post.
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Previzla »

1) Paco Del Stinko--- I saw that you referred to this as budget acdc or something but theres nothing budget here. Great guitar sounds---terrific solo. Damn. Really good
2) The Produce Aisle feat. Christian Emond----Creepy Bowie vocals. Nice hook and bv vocals. Loaded with effects but weirdly doesnt feel overloaded. Love the ending. Solid tune
3) Possum Sauce-----I really like some of the melody choices and one of the chord changes in the chorus.
4) Pre Vizla--------I havent done songfight for a few years and when I do its basically "what can i write and record in an hour". This is a whatever punk-ish rock song. My biggest critisism is that I forgot to hit the button that doesnt cause the cymbals to cut short before I exported. Ugh. So annoying. And the solo was stupid.
5) Berkeley Social Scene-----Good start. I feel like such a hypocrite because mine is mixed horribly but it sounds like it might benefit from a different mix. However, Im writing this as I am listening and it is really coming together, specifically when the vocals go to a higher register. Great solo! Good tune---gets better as it goes along.
6) Gaping Maw-----Tight----really good recording!! Nice Metallica reference----very nice slow middle part!!!! Really like this one as it goes on. My favorite so far.
7) The Magnetic Letters-----Clap city. Picks up songwise and in general quality when the bass comes in. Wouldve liked to hear the melodic keys a little better in the mix.
8) Wreckdom---HA!!! Has anyone done this before? I love it! Makes perfect sense but Ive never heard anyone do it before. Recorded really well too!
9) Gil Sans----I really like this one. Has kind of an Evan Dando lazy vocal thing going on theat really works. Perfect simple solo---oops almost perfect---ha. As far as personal preference I think this song is my favorite.

Been several years since Ive been here----has songfight gotten alot better? Really seems like it!
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by WreckdoMelle »

My humble reviews. Trying to do a balance of the things I liked about the song and not omitting some things that didn't always work for me since I get the impression people find both useful.

Possum Sauce - The organ runs are a nifty touch. All the small accent sounds add to the brooding mood without taking up too much room. Nice transition between minor and major. If the vocals are meant to be the centerpiece, then it is appropriate they are a bit out front.

Berkeley Social Scene - The vocals in the verse and pre-chorus are a bit flat in comparison to the rockin' candy guitars, but belting it out in the chorus is much more confident. The line about restless leg was a surprise, I didn't immediately snap to the lyrics. Poor, sleepless song-people!

The Magnetic Letters - Another tune with nice minor-major transition. Holy crap, I looked this up and what a story! Well done.

WreckdoM - This was very fun, and the workflow was interesting as we were all entirely remote during the building of the song, with King Colon and I coming together at the end to fine tune and mix. Many times I find the creation of a WreckdoM song to be like opening a Christmas present - it could be anything! I was entirely pleased when I heard the riffs and these lyrics.

The Produce Aisle feat. Christian Edmond - Strong start. Broody lead vox, wouldn't really be my style but the theatrical delivery changes all that. Great backing vox. Very good!

Paco del Stinko - Solid rock-riff opener, very catchy chorus. The guitar solo is just what the doctor ordered, and as always impeccable tone. I found the vox to waver a bit but I also sense they are playing a character.

Gil Sans - Another rocker. Not such a fan of the distortion on the vox, with the guitars there's quite a bit of edge already but I can't offer any advice - it works, just not my thing. I am a big fan of a mid-song pause however.

Gaping Maw - Yes to the heavies, the pivot is alright, but it's just nice to hear some loudness in Song Fight. Lyrics tell an interesting story.

Pre Vizla - This guitar tone is sort of Big Black-like and I get a grunge feel from this. I appreciate the follow-through with the wailing vocals but they are a tad off key. That's sort of grunge-y though.
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by j$ »

Written as I listen (second time around). IMO.

The Magnetic Letters - Not that involved in the lyric; but I like the melody. I think overall I like the song but not the production. I would prefer something else; but I do understand that's not very helpful! I do really like your vocal and the individual instrument parts, so I guess it's an arrangement thing. Also that lyric is quite bad.

The Produce Isle et al.- "Monster Mash" hints aside, I quite like this, especially the backing vocals and the overall Falco vibe I get from it. I think that is all I have to say. The "monster mash" or possible on second listen "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell vibe gets a bit heavy as it goes on, but hey, good songs from which to draw your inspiration, I guess. Is it Halloween yet?

Possum Sauce - Are the individual tracks slightly off-time? Specifically that (albeit lovely) keyboard doesn't quite line up apart from the choruses. Nice lyrical take on "Thrash" BTW. Yeah, this slightly wonky timings (that might just be in my head, anyway) are fine.

Gaping Maw - I've been listening to a lot of Black Flag lately so this immediately had me. I think the slow bits (which I hate) are a curse of age. I am not interested, for instance, in your chat with your mother or your early 80s references, but I can wait until the thrash comes back in!This could have been better without two? three? Slow, slightly dull sections but yeah I think I may vote for this, so take that however you want to :)

Gil Sans - Now this is a song as soon as I heard it that I thought this would work much better as an acoustic only performance. I think you have the musical chops for it and I like your voice. I think that electric guitar doesn't add that much (though i LOVE the solo on the second listen). However in an odd way it sounds like a shoe-in in some ways, like I can do this so why shouldn't I? rather than just maybe I shouldn't. If you know what I mean. Dislike that fake end SO CLOSE to the actual end but not enough to lose any points, so to speak. Ah, have a VOTE, why don't you, despite your maybe unintentionally offensive name? I am sure you know the private history of Mr Gill Sans? Anyway, it doesn't matter and neither do the Green Day-isms of this. Overall worthy of a vote which is what I am about to do.

Pre Vizla
- Well, there are so many things about this that top Gaping Maw, such as the lack of slow bits and my thorough enjoyment of the sloppiness; but honestly for an old grumpy punk like me, I don't get beyond the sloppiness. Also the vocal is tremendously bad, verging on being brilliant. So unfortunately no vote this time round; but if you can get your game on, then why not next time? There is so much to like here but it's overpowered by the things that aren't.

Wreckdom - As NOT a professional "Wrestling Fan", this makes my brain fall apart. I just don't think it's a very engaging subject matter for a song. First listen I managed 48 seconds. I don't know if that helps, but I hope you know by now I love Wreckdom so hopefully this is a personal taste thing. Second listen, I was a bit more excited. Maybe it's just an American preoccupation (?) Anyway next time, write a song about Bertolt Brecht and we can talk. I think it would be healthy for you.

BSS - I have resisted listening to this song for so long, for various reasons that are entirely my fault. As soon as it starts, those reasons come flooding back. Could you please become the CCR cover band you clearly want to be? :) Obviously I am joking; but my skin is crawling as I listen to this, so the review is not going to get any better! :) How can you think a title like "Thrasher" should go on for FOUR MINUTES? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? That said, the second half of the solo is pretty damn fine. Who cares if you're "tired all the time" THREE TIMEs, just to rhyme (kinda) with "mind"? I do however like the "abrupt ending". Something very charming about that.

Paco Del Stinko - I think all my problems with Gaping Maw kick in here. I was struggling to remember which bad, late punk song this reminds me of, then I realised it's all of them. also minus points for "Thrasher" sounding like "Fashion" the way you sing it. However bonus points over that song for only have ONE slow section. Probably the cutest solo I've heard all fight (except perchance Gil Sans). It kind of ticks all off the boxes and doesn't hang around like a bad smell. Does that count as a positive review? I truly hope so ...

So based on my reviews, Gaping Maw and Gil Sans for the VOTE. Not that my opinion counts for much, I just felt engaged to review. Huzzah for me. I have no interest in rocking the boat, but just felt I should weigh in sooner or later with my opinions. Take them with a pinch or more of salt!

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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Previzla »

"also the vocal is tremendously bad, verging on being brilliant."

So awesome, ha! Totally true!!! At least the tremendously bad part! Thanks!
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by j$ »

Pleasure! I would have, in retrospect, phrased it the other way round but ... laziness!
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Gil Sans »

Shoot. No, I never knew anything about the man behind Gill Sans. I was a printmaking major in art school and it was my favorite typeface in our small collection of movable type, and it sounded like a pseudonym, so... I took it, way back when Song Fight was first born. Actually, looking at the archives, I guess it was a few songs in... zero to phantom. Anyway. Yeah. I hadn't used the name in years (20) and never heard a thing about the Eric Gill. Might be time to have a talk with the fightmaster about consolidating the archives and dropping GS. Thanks for the heads up. And, for the vote!
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by j$ »

Ah, no worries, I assumed as much, Art vs the Artist, right? Kind of wish I hadn't brought it up now!

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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Michael »

BSS - Inventive take on the theme. I like the 'tired all the time' section in particular, sets up the chorus nicely. Vocal sounds good on chorus and pre-chorus, maybe doesn't sit so well in the mix during the verses - could just be a competing frequencies thing.

Gaping Maw - Thrash half and funky laidback half both handled with real confidence. Nice tightrope-walking: affectionate parody of metal lyrics while actually making valid points. A song that knows what it's going for and pretty much nails it.

Gil Sans - Have enjoyed all I've heard from you. Simple ingredients, but you put 'em together just right. I like the ending fake-out, and nice feeling of movement on the instrumental bridge.

The Magnetic Letters - Nicely sung, some great soulful vibrato on the verses. Moving tale or elaborate dick joke? Why not both? Arrangement feels a bit rushed: loud drums and slightly mushy guitar (robo-guitar?). In fact, I'm imagining this done trad folk, completely straight-laced and straight-faced. Reckon it might be even funnier/more tragic. Good song as is though.

Paco del Stinko - Tight guitars. Tight song all round, simple and focused. I like that little refractory period at 2 mins. I know you're singing 'Thrasher' but my brain can't help hearing it as 'Thatcher', so I'm sitting here imagining you having sex with Maggie T. She's probably yelling 'Privatisation!' as she climaxes. Now the song's over and I'm still picturing it. Help.

Possum Sauce - This was much zippier in my head, but got bigger and slower when I recorded it. Not satisfied with the drums: hard to get a good live feel when you're just tapping away at a midi keyboard.

Pre Vizla - The song itself is lean and straight-down-the-line, but the committed vocals keep it from feeling run-of-the-mill. Nice solo, could have gone even more atonal and random there and I wouldn't have minded a bit.

The Produce Aisle - Ha, I haven't heard this kind of thing at Songfight before. Great Vincent Price-ing and backing vocals. Nice arrangement, lovingly cheesy, a lot of fun. That odd, slightly tinny effect on the drums, hmm, still deciding whether I like it or not.

WreckdoM - Didn't quite get a fix on you last time. I was still figuring out how seriously you were taking yourselves. I'm now listening to a wrestler give some impromptu baking advice, and I think I have my answer. Nice pummeling drums and guitars. 'Step into my brain, I will make a cake' may be the best/stupidest line of this fight.
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Michael »

j$ wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 10:26 am
Possum Sauce - Are the individual tracks slightly off-time? Specifically that (albeit lovely) keyboard doesn't quite line up apart from the choruses. Nice lyrical take on "Thrash" BTW. Yeah, this slightly wonky timings (that might just be in my head, anyway) are fine.
Cheers. Yeah, the timing's a bit wobbly on the drums, which is probably making the keyboard sound off.
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Toby Roktot »

Thrasher reviews…..

The Magnetic Letters - This is a really good song and story. Reminds me of Lightfoot’s ‘Edmund Fitzgerald’ song. Good lyrics and vocals are really nice.

Paco del Stinko - OK, I finally know you’re lineage, Paco….you are the thrashing spawn of an AC/DC and Van Halen hook-up….In the best of rock-n-roll collaboration.
Great song and perfect for my ears this rainy day in the mountains!!! VOTE!!!!

WreckdoM -Frickin’ HAHAHAHAHAHA…..That was better than actually being ringside at a ‘Wrestle Mania’ show. Another thought I had while listening was….’this is what it would sound like if ‘Wrestle Mania’ were to open on Broadway. I can see it all on stage now. Great job projecting the different characters and the story is priceless. VOTE !!!!

Previzla - Fighter’s this week sound like the lineup at a punk rock festival !! Love it.
This song is perfect for that line up. Great job !!

Berkeley Social Scene - Another good song from the BSS boys. Really like the music and goes great with the vocals…. Lyrics are cool.

Gaping Maw - I believe this is the best production this fight. IMO, should win by just a vote or two, due to the strong competition. Lyrics are great and love the head bangin’ ….VOTE !!!!

Gil Sans - Another punk arrives !! Production really cool and the break in the
middle ‘ish (the silence is deafening) is perfect to bring all the pogo’ers back into the pit. Nice Gil…

The Product Aisle feat. Christian Emond - Ok, this is one of the major hit songs of the ‘Wrestle-Mania’ on Broadway production. This is really a fun listen, though kinda silly …no, not silly…stereotypical maybe, in a good way.

Possum Sauce - Hmmm… interesting song. I listened to this one more than any other this fight. I just can’t figure out what feeling the music and lyrics are trying to move me toward….not the song’s fault….totally mine….so, I need to keep listening …
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Re: Road-rash is a badge of honor (Thrasher reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

The Produce Aisle feat. Christian Emond win!
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