Just say "no" to Spam ("Control Yourself"

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Just say "no" to Spam ("Control Yourself"

Post by Ross »

Since the previous thread had met an untimely demise, I figured I'd go ahead and re-post mine in case anyone cared, and for archives sake.

Paco del Stinko – I like the way this unfolds, and appreciate that you let it take the time it takes. The second half works fine with the first half musically, although lyrically the connection doesn’t seem as strong to me. Good +

Larry and Al – SO far I guess I’m having a genre bias reaction, I’m not all that big on this ambient stuff unless something really grabs me ( like the first track on Kid-A). I don’t think the obscured vocals on the first part works, although I’m also not sure what you thought their function would be. Once the other vocals come in, this reminds me of a Peter Gabriel album cut. This seems someone rudimentary as a song, but the production gives it depth. I know people who would love this, but it’s not my thing. Good-[after viewing your lyrics online I alos find the title connection to be on the weak end]

Andre was here at midnight – There are some very awkward moments in this that I’m going to assume are intentional – a little of a Tom Waits thing going on here. Topic is a little creepy, but workds well with the whole artistic package. Most of the time I think the stilted rythms and delivery work, but sometimes it just sounds like your having trouble getting ht eright number of syllables in or knowing where you are int eh changes. AN interesting piece – part of the interest is the mystery fo whether those moments are intentional or not.

Those Meddling Kids – Right off, the tune is not lying well with the backing tracks for me. Close, but not quite. Not sure if it’s the performance or not. Production wise, I think more reverb on the vox would help it sit in the same space as the rest of the tracks better. Interesting concept on a lot of levels, but I’m just not sure all of the parts fit together as smoothly (or interlockingly) as my ears would like[untell the end]. Nice build. All in all interesting, but sort of uneventful, I think. Good

Wages – Sounds like a demo.I think you should still be working on trying to get a full band sound. I think the words are interesting and I like the way it’s put together, but I feel like you’re trying to push the song past it’s instrumentation and can’t quite get there. I do think the “cause I am the bossâ€
"I don't like this song, but at least it's good." - veGetar Ianra Ge
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Post by Thanks For The Frisbee »

well i take full blame for the thread dissapearing. i was a moron and posted a reply to the spam .i didnt know that it was electronically generated.
Thanks for the frisbee is on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music ect.
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Post by Denyer »

I have resisted replying to two spam threads and the streak continues.
Niveous wrote:It's a song about your dick and there's just not enough material to satisfy.
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Post by Lunkhead »

I have mine in a text file on my Mac at home and will repost them when I get home from work tonight, for posterity. This blows!! F U Spamming MFers.
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Post by Steve Durand »

Well, That really sucks.

Here are my reviews again.

Blake Walker: This flows along nicely. Sounds like quite a bit of clipping going on in the middle. I like the ending with the organ and the little round with the vocals. This is quite an improvement over what I have heard of your previous work.

PiGPEN: Nice musical buildup at the start. The vocal delivery is...interesting. Not sure it goes with the lyrics very well. Some of your instruments are kind of overpowering. The strings in particular. I feel like the instrumental section that ends it needs more life somehow. It just kind of plods along.

The Hipnotics: Sounds like a live recording. Pretty straightforward Blues-Rock done pretty well.
Decent guitar solo. I would like to hear some ad lib guitar licks in there on the last verse to add some interest. Nothing to write home about but all around competent.

Eddiebangs: Nice thick guitars at the starts. Good mix, it sounds great overall. Good Song. I like.

Thanks for the Frisbee: This is a very nice song. I would have liked to hear you put harmonies in rather than double tracking the lead vocal. I also would have liked it if you could have added some other instruments or tones to color it up a little.

Paco del Stinko: How do you record your guitars to get such a clear tone? I like the slightly manic vocals. Nice change-up there in the middle. Wow. Now the character has changed a bit. But it works. I have liked pretty much all of your entries. This one included.

Those Meddling Kids: I guess I finally have to just give up and say, I don’t get you. You always seem to put in a lot of interesting musical elements that don’t go together. It’s interesting in parts but doesn’t hang together as a whole to me.

Jim of Seattle: I’m not really much of a fan of minimalism but that’s normally because I can’t take the 15 minute long compositions of this type. But, for a couple of minutes, this is really a very good work. I think it walks the line on actually being a song but it’s a good piece of music. However, If you do as you propose and string together a bunch of Songfight titles like this into a long piece I won’t be able to listen to it.

Tam Lin Music: I like the jazzy feel of this. The drums need a change-up. It seems like in a couple of places you didn’t quite know what notes you were going to sing. Overall nice performance.

Flvxxm Florvm:Well, too much distortion for my tastes. I can’t take it.

Wormsweater: There have been some joke songs on Songfight that have been pretty funny. This isn’t one of them.
Andre Was Here at Midnight: I think that there is a real nice song in here but the lack of competence in the singing and the timing problems make it hard to find. Someone could probably do a real good cover of this.

Melvin: You always have such good production. I don’t really care for the rap sections but you have enough real singing and musicality in this that I like it overall.

Merisan: Erin has such a nice voice. Nice harmonies. A little bit of slide action. I think this song needs little bit of variation in the backing on the different verses. Without it, it makes it seem like it kind of drags on too long. Very nice song.

Eight Legged Oedipus: I like the vibe. I like the flow of the lyrics. At the chorus it sounds a little messy to me. I don’t think that the synth fits the rest of the song. Pretty good. I liked this

Ross Durand: I don’t think the mix issue is as bad as I would have thought based on the previous reviews. I think the strongest part of the song is the lyrics. Which I think is usually the case with your songs. You need a better drum track.:). Good job

Lunkhead: I like the contrast of the fast guitar rhythm and the slow melody at the beginning. Solid chorus. Your voice fits the song well. Very good.

Demon Kiss: I can’t figure out what you’re saying. Not a style that I like, sorry.

Dangerous Dave and the New Wave Soldiers: It’s got a good, insistent, bass line, a little over distorted for my tastes. This feels really long to me.

Phlim: Nice guitar work. Fun song. I like the tempo change. Well done.

Larry and Al: I like the atmosphere that this builds. Can’t make out the vocals at the start. That’s frustrating. Drum track is awfully repetitive. Nice vocals once I can understand them. After a while the atmosphere just becomes a drone.

The Oriental Kings: It sounds like things aren’t quite in synch. Oh, I guess that’s intentional. Meh.

Klownhole: Seems typically Klownhole to me. Not my style but, keep doing what you do.

Sue: Another Metal entry, again not my style. Taking a long time to get to the actual song. That was an unexpected change in tone about ½ way through. I guess there isn’t going to be an actual song here.

The Semolina Pilchards: This has a nice thick sound and yet each instrument is clear. Good mix. The vocal panning seems a little extreme on the chorus. I like the changes in meter. The guitar wanking doesn’t come off so well. Good Job overall

Wages: This needs some other background than just banging away at the chords. The vocal performance seems passionate.

Caravan Ray: This is a fun song. Pretty light and fluffy.

Heuristics Inc.: Electronica doesn’t seem to get much respect on Songfight. But I like it. One thing I would like to hear is more of a melody.

Favorites: Eddiebangs, Frisbee, Paco, Tam Lin, Merisan, Ross, Lunkhead

I think I’m going to vote for Lunkhead

"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture" -Unknown
"Seems to me this is the point of Songfight" - Max The Cat
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Post by jb »

I repeat, this is in no way Frisbee's fault. I should have been more careful.

I'm grateful to the durands and lunkhead for being paranoid enough to write their reviews outside the compose box on the boards.

As penance, I will post my own full reviews later tonight.

blippity blop ya don’t stop heyyyyyyyyy
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Post by Lunkhead »

I usually write mine in a text editor because of all the times I hit "submit", only to lose reviews because my session had timed out. I recommend to anybody who gives a crap about their reviews that they do that, too.
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Another saver of reviews

Post by wages »

I've been gone a while, trying to hone my skills. Sorry, not any better at mixing or getting bass & drums, but I got 2 guitars and a vox.

And these reviews are all about labels...

Andre Was Here at Midnight
I like your tune. The mix and the vocals are a bit off. Is this what Tom Waits and Modest Mouse would sound like together?

Caravan Ray
a bit too bubble-gummy for me

Dangerous Dave and the New Wave Soldiers
I hear the significance of your band name! You could also call yourself Depeche Westward or Stabbing Mode. Personally I'd drop some of the techno sound and add more guitars, but then they wouldn't be called The New Wave Soldiers

Demon Kiss
With a title like CY, there had to be a song like this.

That's a nice riff and pretty good song altogether! Another strong Bangs entry.

Eight Legged Oedipus
Nice groove and melody. This is my fav tune in this fight yet. This is zee vote getter for me.

Flvxxvm Florvm
Hardcore blues? I think my life is now complete!

Heuristics Inc
ewww, electronical

ha! what can I say?

Jim of Seattle
Nothing I'd listen to, but this sounds like a strong tune for this style. Reminds me of that Sting song...

More hardcore. Not bad.

Larry & Al
Nice groove to the song. I'd like the vocals to be mixed a little more to the front, but a good entry.

I'd like more vocals! Nice feeling to the tune. Perhaps it could be slowed down a few BPM. Nice lead work!

I liked it till I heard "you better check yourself before you wreck yourself". That's a bad rhyme, but otherwise, kudos for the hiphop/Weezer-type combo.

Not a bad little tune! I don't care for the style in general, but it seems solid.

Oriental Kings
A strange little interlude.

Paco Del Stinko
Eerie and oddly attractive. An odd psychedelic-Alice Cooper-Henry Rollins combo.

Trey Anastasio harmonizing... oooo, tempo change! Nice!

I liked the overall tune, but it started to get a little too "epic" for me. This coming from a guy who has difficulty getting 3 minutes out of a song.

Ross Durand
This is the song I <i>could</i> have written.

Semolina Pilchards
The verse part was alright, but the chorus is, well, you should control yourself. :(

Jan & Steve Durand
Not bad. The lyrics are nice too.

I didn't like the hardcore intro, but the second half of the tune was excellent.

Tamlin Music
It's be wonderful to hear this song with a live band. This is a really nice little tune.

Thanks For the Frisbee
You didn't need to say "I love you so much", otherwise I only have to say your tune IMHO should be less easy listening and a *little* more alternative.

Those Meddling Kids
Cool band name! Your voice needs serious work. The music is as solid as anything else on SF, just need to work with your voice more (or record it better?).

Crazy-core? Funnest song of the week. :)

My top picks (in order):
Eight Legged Oedipus
Larry & Al
Flvxxvm Florvm
Wages - Hoglen & Wages - The Affirmative Mention - Gawking Urethras - The EAF - and more
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Post by Al »

I'm excited it got deleted... i will post reviews that make sense and when I'm not shitfaced later this week.

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Post by Lunkhead »

My two cents:

andre was here at midnight
i like the feel of this song, and the instrumentation. the singing starts out pretty rocky but gets steadier later in the song. there are still some pitch issues, but they don't detract too much. i like the accordion (or melodica?) parts a lot. i think this is one of the songs of yours i've liked the most. good work!

blake walker
you sound like future boy a bit. i like your chorus. this sort of feels to me like it's not sure whether it wants to be new-wave or casio-tone synth pop. whoa, the drums are going crazy in the middle part! i think the drums aren't quite fitting the casio sort of sound of the rest of it. check out future boy's stuff for some drum palettes that might blend in better. also it could use one of his crazy intense million-note solos. anyway, ok song.

caravan ray
this song is weird, but catchy. i like the "ba da da da da dah" parts. i like that it's simple and short.

dangerous dave etc.
i'm not really into this kind of music, but this seems pretty well done. i like some of the lyrics. good work but the song's not doing a lot for me, personally.

demon kiss
rawk! huh, that was short. i guess that was ok... i can't really understand anything except "control" and "yourself". "take your last dollar" wha? well, at least it was short...

catchy melody and guitar hook. i think i'd like to hear the guitar tracks playing that hook during the verse panned apart further. is that you playing the drums in the bridge? nice. another well done song, but not really my cup of tea.

eight legged oedipus
this is one of my favorites and a potential winner, i think. i can't decide if i think the lyrics are hilarious or revolting... the production is cool, i like how choppy it is. great chorus. i think maybe the acoustic guitar gets drowned out too much by everything else in the chorus. i think i like the second chorus instrumentation better. this could use some harmony somewhere, i think. anyway, good job, possible vote from me.

flvxxvm florvm
not really into that guitar tone, or those drums, right off. this all sounds pretty overloaded and gnarly. i'm not really getting into this one. the song's ok but it's not holding my interest, and it's so loud and things sound overblown, so it's a bit tough to listen to.

heuristics inc.
alright, more new-wave-y songs. sadly that's not really my bag, but whatever... the constant 1/8th notes of the vocals kinda brings this down for me. i'd love to hear some different rhythms, some syncopation, etc. in the vocals. they kind of fade into the background when they're so robotic. i like the lyrics, too, so i'd like to have them more distinct from the background music.

the hipnotics
sounds like it was recorded live with one mic or something. the guitars and bass could be louder. the drums sound alright, but i mostly hear drums and vocals. some good singing in there. this is another song that's not really bad but isn't doing much for me.

jim of seattle
the attack on the second of the two repeating piano notes is kinda harsh. another well done song in a genre i'm not really into, but i think this one is cool. i might like this more if we were in a "composition-fight". i like the arrangement and everything, but as a "song" i feel like the lyrics are totally unimportant, you could be saying anything, or nothing, and so the connection with title is pretty flimsy to me. maybe i'm wrong, though, maybe you took "control yourself" as a command to write a minimalist piece. it doesn't sound very restrained, either, though.

you guys need to stop doing the talking/laughing/etc. before and after your songs, it's not that entertaining. this mix sounds really crowded and noisy, too. sounds over compressed or there's too much <80Hz frequencies or something maybe? i dunno, i don't have the production chops to figure out what it is. are you putting a hi-pass on the guitars? is the piano in there the whole time? seems a little unnecessary since you can only just barely hear it and you've already got a bass guitar. this might be a good song to put up, if you're interested, for people to remix, as there are lots of elements to try to get to fit together without crowding each other and overlapping, etc. i think the song's fine but i'd love to hear a clearer tighter mix.

larry and al
some of the vocals sound like boltoph. this is another one of my favorites and a potential winner, i think. the drums sound good (nice playing, too) but i think they're too quiet, at least in the first minute or so. that synth sound is too loud, though, throughout the whole song. nice singing. that's got to be boltoph. i like how this is building up but i think it's taking too long. i would have liked to have the guitars/etc. get louder during the second minute or so of the song. nice guitar solo, though i think it could be louder. ok, the solo's going a little too long. i keep hoping that some heavy guitars will come in and this will start RTFO. hm, another solo... um... what happened to the distortion there, it just disappeared in mid solo? strange. dang, then a fade out? this seems like a good bunch of ideas for a song but it needs to go somewhere.

this is the first song i've sent in as lunkhead in over 2 years! and the first one i've written my own lyrics for in over 2.5 years. it's good to be back. thanks for the reviews and feedback.

this one's another top song and potential winner, i think, though personally i really don't like the rap parts, especially "check yourself etc." solid chorus in this one. i still think it's really weezer-y but i don't mind that. i like the lyrics in the second chorus. "rational discussion", awesome. i think the last verse is the best one. i like the backup vox and the 7th chord in the chorus, good stuff.

i like this one, but i may be biased...

the oriental kings
this sucks. if this wins because the guy who did it posted a bulletin about it on myspace, i'm going to be pissed. (that means you, fitz! :P )

paco del stinko
your singing reminds me of hoblit's a bit in this song. otherwise it frankly reminds me of spinal tap. then it gets kinda dead kennedys-ish later on, those parts are my favorite parts of the song. if more of it were like that i'd like it more. i like the ending, except the very last spoken/sung vocal part. cool guitar noises at the very very end.

nice guitar tone/playing. vocals sound good, too. the lyrics are a little corny. the song's alright, i like the build-up at the end. you sound familiar, have you submitted with a different name before?

this song is much better sounding to me than your other songs. you still sound kinda whiny, but the music is way more interesting than the beats you usually rap over, even if it does have a bit of a video game music vibe.

ross durand
a different style for you, interesting. the lead vox stand out too much and it doesn't match the style of the song too well, in my ears. i hear more like an eddiebangs style for this song. nice chorus, i like the mix and the distorted guitar there. the vox at the end of the bridge seem a little off perhaps. the acoustic guitars sound really good. not so into the lead guitar tone, though. i think you should do more rock songs like this one.

the semolina pilchards
i like the music a lot. the drums sound great, and i love the drumming and bass playing. the synths are cool, too. the guitar is fine but until the solo it's not really the standout part of the instrumentation, which is fine. nice solo. the lyrics and melodies of the vox sound good, but they don't totally fit the style of the song to me. maybe if they had more effects applied to them or something, i don't know.

steve durand feat. jan durand
yay, more female vocals! good song, and well performed, but again not a genre that does a lot for me.

aargh, this is instrumental, huh? there's some ok stuff in there, but it's not really worth sending in, frankly. this is not "guitar wankery fight", much as i personally would like it to be. ;) that's what we have sidefights for. speaking of which, it's probably about time for another "epic guitar wankery" sidefight like that one we did a year or so ago. keep your eyes peeled for that, and definitely enter into it.

tam lin music
this is nice. the guitar could be a louder, maybe the bass a touch quieter. that cheesy 1 bar drum loop has got to go, though, it's sucking the life out of this. maybe try an even cheesier casio samba beat type sound, or just forget it and use shaker and tambourine. nice guitar playing in there.

thanks for the frisbee
there are some pitch issues with the vox early on but otherwise they sound alright. nice falsetto moments. i'm not into the distorted guitar, it just sounds kinda like noise. another acoustic and a bass would be better, i think. ok song.

the vox are a little all over the place, volume wise. not a lot to this song, and i'm not into the chorus, not sure why.

ha ha, this is funny! oh wait, maybe not so much. very mike patton-y vocals. alright, getting a little funnier with the spoken part about carrots. doh, back to not so funny.

I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for... probably Eight Legged Oedipus.

Note to Ross: that new mix is definitely better.

Those Meddling Kids
Oops! Missed you guys somehow. I like the music quite a bit, especially the shimmery guitar parts. I'm not really into the hoarse whispery vocals, they sound kind of forced. I like how it builds, especially when stronger percussion comes in. Kinda reminds me of Modest Mouse, as I'm sure has already been written here. Kind of fizzles out in the end, though. Anyway, good song.
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Thanks For The Frisbee
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Post by Thanks For The Frisbee »

the best i can do right now is the first half of my reviews.
i didnt save the second half. i'll try to do them again tomorrow. they may or may not be the same as the ones today, but oh well...it will be an adventure...yeah :lol:

Andre was here at midnight : this song is weird. I like it a lot. Sounds like it was fun to make. I especially like the chorus harmonies. A little long for the style.

Caravan ray : im not a huge fan of dance music or whatever this is, but its well done. Plenty of changes and interesting lyrics with that driving beat keep it interesting.

Danger dave and the wavy soldiers : very well put together. The music is flawless. That piano riff is really catchy.

Demon kiss : I like the music. The vocals are cool too although a little quiet. Needed some juevos when you say “ control “ and it would have packed more punch.

Eddie bangs: wow!! A+ for production and performance. This reminds me of the very early 90’s when hair metal was transitioning to alternative rock. Great job!!

Eight legged Oedipus : groovy. Oldies feel to it. I love it when the other instruments come in, but it kinda drowns out the cool vocals in places.

Flvxxvm florvm: cool fuzzy blues tune. That blues riff isn’t really interesting all the way through. Great leads and vocals..OH and harmonica! Good blues song

Heuristics: good job. Not really my preference outside of sf but its well done and I respect that.

Jim of seattle: wow, I love how this song builds up. Great musical qualities here! Kindof a latin-dance vibe goin on here. Great work…I do love me some lyrical content..and you don’t really have any of that .
Oh yah…did I miss something? How on earth did you get your ‘ignorance is bliss song on the control yourself ‘fight?

Klownwhole: it sounds like you are yelling at me from the other side of a tunnel being chased down by a train…that is about to crach into the one chasing me. So I guess im scared and…a little hungry. Good solid rock entry. I really dig all the live instruments. Kudos for that !!

Larry<3al: I cannot hear the words you say until the chorus. Great voice in the chorus. I wish it was louder in the beginning. Although once the vox pick up I do like the contrast of the slight background vox. Awesome song. Holy crap I love that acoustic lead. This song is awesome.

Lunkhead: im in a trance of awesome guitars and great voice in this song. Sounds like something I would want to make if I was 100 times better than I am. I think this is my favorite so far!!

Melvin: okay okay melvin raps haha, you gots the guts man. I always like your songs. I agree with the weezer comparison, but IMO weezer has been slackin lately and they would probly pay you to write for them.

Merisan: B-E-A-UTIFUL song!! I think you could read the dictionary to a tambourine or something and I would love it. Lovin the harmonies…..oh snaps you brought out the slide guitar…nice. Sweet song.

The oriental kings: I don’t like this at all.

Wages: I have been anxiously awaiting your return to the fight of song compadre. you do clip all over the place, but I really see massive improvement in your vocal CONTROL. I hope you keep entering songs.
You have a great voice and you have learned to use it pretty well.
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Post by Eddiebangs »

Understanding my opinions mean nothing, here they are:

Andre Was Here at Midnight- I think if you tried taking this a little more serious I would like it a lot more. It sounds too much like a joke, which sucks because there are some cool ideas here. The singing sounds like the cookie monster sucked on a helium balloon. If that’s what you were going for then good job. :D

Caravan Ray- Cool sounds. Cool rhythms. Redundant Vocals. Sounds like the good humor truck exploded and ice cream is splattered all over a bunch of kids. Like a happy kind of chaos. :twisted:

Heuristics inc.- I dig the sounds – very techno/club/house whatever- lets just say very electric. I wouldn’t mind the vocal rhythms being so square if there was a second part that was more fluid to counter it. Sounds like the blue-man group.(That’s good) :o

Klownhole- Sloppy start. Very busy. I love the vocals. Awesome. Nice delay effects. Sounds like Monty Python meets Queensryche. A bit too long for a song like this. :wink:

Phlim- Great guitars. Not crazy about the choppy vocal phrasing- ha- love the line “go easy on textiles and carsâ€
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or you suck
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Post by Erwin Cloibhofer »

Last edited by Erwin Cloibhofer on Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Stable Diffusion
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Submitting as: The John Benjamin Band
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Post by jb »

As promised:

Andre- I like how it seems to start abruptly. I like the stompy kick and snare. This has severe lo-fi charm, like Tom Waits channeling Wesley Willis. Vocal rhythms remind me of fluffy porcupine somewhat. Nice piano sound in there, and it's catchy. Careful not to let the singing get away from you. Maybe a little longer than its charm can hold up. Probably my favorite AWHAM song ever.

Blake Walker- Ambitious. The main vocal is way too muddy. EQ it to remove some of the lower tones, and this will clear up a lot. Pretty catchy. Also maybe a little too long.

Caravan Ray- I like that clocky percussive keyboard patch. Oooh electropopavan ray. For this style I think the vocals need to be cleaner-- hands off the reverb knob, sir. The music is way catchier, but unfortunately catchier than the melodies you guys are singing over it. :-/ However, I suspect it's more my taste than some objective truth, so take that as you may. This one isn't long *enough*-- I expected some other section to start, but it faded out.

Dangerous Dave- Nice heavy synths reminding me of The Faint. Vocals don't hold up to the cool synth programming, alas. A little to goth on the vocals for my taste. I wanted like, DOnna Summery kinda vocals, but if wishes were pickles I'd own a deli. Five minutes? Need to pick and choose from your ideas a little more, whittle them down to the best parts, curtail the indulgence a little. Murder your darlings.

Demon Kiss- Rock n' Roll! Megadeth! Charming, I'd say, and just the right length. Probably should have been a little faster, imo.

Eddiebangs- Look at all the bars on winamp's EQ! They're all going up and down! HARDCORE LIMITING. I wouldn't mind a rounder sound, however, 'cause this mix is kind of harsh to my ears. (Listening on Tannoy PBM 6.5II monitors). I wouldn't mind if this was faster too, and some closer harmony would sit well con moi. I'm sorry to say, I got a little bored with this one. I think I have to blame it on the mix, 'cause if the kick and bass and such were really grooving, this would have me shaking my rump.

8leggedediface- Nice, I like the stuff popping in and out. Guitar is a little booming. Maybe you played it live and sang and it was hard to eq without ruining the vocal? I like the melody and there's lots of ideas and stuff going on, it's keeping me interested. Definitely need to EQ, very apparent when the bass comes in, 'cause everything gets muddy. But the rhythm has my foot tapping. THe different things coming in and out keep it fresh, but they also prevent it from having any kind of consistent thread running throughout, which makes it feel unfocused. Maybe one of those ideas should have happened in the beginning and then come back later. Reminds me of Ranch on Suede (compliment).

Flvxxvm Florvm- Most annoying band name to type, possibly ever. Thankfully these days you name your file right so I don't have to hate you. THe distorted vocal is annoying. If the vocal was normal, that distorted guitar might be charming. But you still would need to mix it into the rest of the instruments. If I could stand to listen to it, this might be pretty good.

Heuristics Inc- I have owed you a CD for like two years, but you have been really nice about it. More electro-pop, sweet. I likes me some electro-pop. I wish the vocals were more rhythmic, and I personally dig vocodered vocals, so I wouldn't mind if you did that rather than this. The vocals here kind of remind me of Ween. I want to like this.

The Hipnotics- What is this going to be... ok, garage rock. Put a mic on that kick, fellas. Whoops, somebody almost wanted to change chords too early. THis reminds me of King Arthur. Oooh, nice note you hit there. I wish this were all recorded and produced. Recruit Ken. As it is, the bass and kick aren't present enough to reinforce your groove. I think your drummer might need a heavier foot, too. Slam that pedal down, man. And keep it around 3 minutes, what is the deal with people this week and their long-ass songs?

Jim-O-Seattle- Reminds me of John Adams more than Steve Reich. I wish you had sacrificed the concept a little and gave us a bridge, or a climax. I really wanted some big crescendo and a breathtaking chord change that would make my heart sink. Alas. Still, I like it, and it's pretty. I don't like the synth pad on top, it's a little old to my ears. Definitely not too long.

Klownhole- If the guitars/bass were a bit cleaner, this would really groove. As it is, the rhythms you're playing are kind of blending in from note to note and nothing as distinct as I want it. I can hear the lead vocal nicely, so that's good. Oh man, I wish those drum fills were clear in the mix, that would rock. I would probably have voted for this if it rocked my socks off, but the mix is keeping my rump rather still in its seat.

Larry et Al- I like the pad when it comes in. The rainstick is a little much. Uh, how long is this? Ok, now, let's have a little focus. What's with these vocals sort of sort of not coming in? Is this really five minutes long? With a little discipline this might have reminded me of Peter Gabriel. At 1:32 it really is Gabriel-esque. Gabriel-ey. Gabrielish. But I think the pad should have been enveloped down in volume after it's first introduction. It's keeping everything else from being nice and clear. The drums might have too much reverb. I like the guitar solo, although it might go on a bit longer than I would prefer. Ok way longer.

Lunkhead- ooooh nice. oh i like the harmony, and i like the split guitars, and the chord progression is pretty, and i like the bass sound, and i like the guitar line in the background. mmmmmmm finally i'm getting that tingly feeling in my head. this is what songfight's for. And look, it's just under 3 minutes long. That length isn't tradition, people, it's the right length for so many songs, it's like the golden mean of pop songs. If it's good enough for a conch shell, it's GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU.

Melvin- You have a high bar, Mel. Nice production. Does that ever get old? I think it wouldn't get old for me. Production is such a struggle, but some people make it seem effortless. You and Jordan Seavers seem to be like that. The distorted vox are a little played. This reminds me of Brother Machine a little. I think the music is better than the lyrics. If you had some really great visuals and a lyrical hook or two, this would be classic.

Merisan- Beautiful vocals. I really like this, so don't take what I'm about to say wrong-- it's too familiar. It's in that style of lots of groups with female singers. I like them all, but I'd love to hear something that sets Merisan apart. Perhaps if Lunkhead's vocals popped up on a regular basis or something. As it is, it's a nice song, but it could have been sung by Jenny Lewis or that girl from Hem. They've already got recording contracts.

The Oriental Kings- kinda catchy, but yelling "control yourself" into a mic every so often does not a song make. I like the samples you chose and stuff, but it's kind of a letdown that there's not more behind it.

Paco del Stinko- Hey look, 3:08. Are you related to Roymond? Vocals are similar. Ok, it needs to pick up with a beat or something, 'cause I'm wavering. Ah, there it kicked in a little. But I wish the drum beat didn't pause like that-- it's stifling your groove. At 1:32 it picks up, a little more traditionally than I'd prefer, but still it's faster. Has some Octothorpian leanings too. Maybe if the hihat were ticking along the stuttering beat it would have kept more momentum. Ooh, I like that guitar solo into the high yell. Verging on good, but a little disappointing.

Phlim- Nicely recorded guitars. A little more rehearsal would have matched the vocals up better. A little too Josh Woodward for my taste. Actually, a little tamer than Josh, in that kind of 30-40-year-old-guy style certain people like. I'm not one of them. Perhaps if you put a "shit" and a "fuck" in it I'd like it better. THe elf line kind of bugs me. Reminds me of Trout Fishing in America. Shudder.

PiGPEN- So far so good. Plonky synths. Dreading the vocals. Ah, and I was right to dread. Zzzzz. Sorry man, I just wish I felt like there was some inspiration in the lyrics and in the vocal delivery. It could probably have worked pretty well with this music. Four minutes though? No really.

Ross Durand- Vocal too far front. Ooh, kinda rockin' after that intro. Bass needs to be more present to fill out the band sound. Kinda like that telephony guitar sound. Wish the chord progression wasn't quite so repetitive. Heh, says the king of repetitive chord progressions.

The Semolinas- Ooh, kind of Police-esque. Takes a lot for me to like a song in three, and alas I don't quite care for this one. I like it better when the vocal line is in three than when it's syncopated. I really dislike the split vocals. A lot.

Steve Durand and Jan- Hey, these are the first lyrics that have really caught my ear. You're actually saying something I can figure out. Man, love those horns and stuff, so nice to hear on Song Fight. She gets a little drowned out by all the instruments when the whole band is playing. Nice job, lady and fella. Charming!

sue- Ok, I like a good kick and guitar thing. Kinda wish it was LOUDER. But turning up my speakers doesn't work, because the guitar is drowning out your drums. Hard to mix that sort of thing sometimes, I know. It's nice and fast, I'm digging that, and I'd like it if the kick drum was pushing my eyeballs into my head. But it's not. Ok, soft sort of Rushy section here... dunno what I think of that, bring back the rock, yo. Hmmmm. Well, this could have been worse. Needs some mastering.

Tam Lin Music- Everybody seems to love you, so my hopes are up. Listening for a bit... Pretty faithful to your style. Could wish for a little more rehearsal on the vocals to smooth out those rough spots. Nice job hitting the falsetto spots, though, they really work. The progression is too standard, so that's turning me off a little. The lyrics are nice though, you have some good interest-keeping lines in there. It's such a struggle when it's one single after another. Good job. A certain je nais se quois would have made this get my vote. Maybe a pinch of weird would have done it.

Thanks For The Frisbee- Is there a "High School Indie" genre? This is exemplary of that style, I think. But as of 30 seconds into it, it's working pretty nicely. Could wish for less standard lyrics; it's like, I know what you're getting at, but you need to add a twist, a hook, to make this subject matter your own. "You are like a stone before Michaelangelo" doesn't quite cut it. This would be a lot better at 2:00 than 3:23. Needs another instrument to come in after a while, and one of those to cut out. Give the listener a break, y'know?

Those Meddling Kids- Hmmm, atmospheric. Ok this vocal style reminds me of Michael MacDonald's "Stewart" character. Not the association you should be striving for. Definitely not working for me. I think I'd really like this as an instrumental.

Wages- I think my ears are a bit deadened by this point, so I apologize if your song gets short shrift. Oooh, I like when guy/guitar songs get kind of screamy. Reminds me of Iggy Pop a little. If it had two more really visceral images in the lyrics, I'd be totally into this. Just two really good lines to make me want to sing along. I could do with about four fewer repetitions of "control yourself". The screamy parts also have a Kurt Cobain sound to them. But he'd have those visual lyrics I so desire. So get on that.

Wormsweater- A skit! Cookie Monster! Maybe back up from the mic when you want to do this style. Although it hardly matters, I mean, 'cause it's a skit right? Perfect length. Well-calculated duration. Not talking about ranch, not talking about raw, no f that. Ooh, another song that reminds me of Megadeth! This one I think might be intentional, right?
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Post by Ross »

oh yeah, I forgot to repost my improved mix


for interested parties :-)
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Post by PiGPEN »

i dont get it.......why is the former review thread deleted and the spam thread still there?
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Post by Rabid Garfunkel »

PiGPEN wrote:i dont get it.......why is the former review thread deleted and the spam thread still there?
http://www.songfight.net/forums/viewtop ... 8899#68899

Act of God, heh.
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Post by Caravan Ray »

Why has spam started appearing all of a sudden?

(halfway through reviews - coming soon....)
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Post by Niveous »

For those who reviewed already and the review is gone, remember you can go to google and search for Songfight Control Yourself Reviews and pick up the cache which includes all the old reviews so they can be reposted. (Just do so quickly before a new cache is made)
"I'd like to see 1984 redubbed with this in the soundtrack."- Furrypedro.
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Post by wages »

Niveous wrote:For those who reviewed already and the review is gone, remember you can go to google and search for Songfight Control Yourself Reviews and pick up the cache which includes all the old reviews so they can be reposted. (Just do so quickly before a new cache is made)
But that just doesn't have the same ring to it as 'having saved the reviews in the first place'. :P
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Post by Larry »

Seems that the cache on google is no longer effective. Just found the thread on google but got this when I clicked: The topic or post you requested does not exist.

I did mine in a text file...just had to re-review blake. Here they are, again...alpha order...

You hit on some bright eyes stuff, but with the edge of an old blues singer or something. Dude, the rhythm on the guitars is solid, man it's turning over a new leaf here, foot stompin' proud and honking along with the cloud that just keeps greening my mind. I like it on the oh baby, my baby.
The intensity and potential anxiety-feeding bliss of the heavy 1-2-3-4 rhythm is great. Nice thick tones. does feel a bit like losing control...nice fat bass is what I like. Backing vocs are cool, I like the ambience created by them. I like how it's like an 80s music-meets-emo feel to it. Add some ripping guitars half way through for the half time drop and it'd be slammin. Nice rhythms, and I like the solo, the general architecture of starts/stops.
Tripping out and this one made me turn circles in my smokey room. I had to dance. I love the stops and starts, the steady rhythm is dank, gyratingly skunk! The baby voice in the gagaga part was perfect.
Dangerous D
Just turned my silly laugh high into a doom paranoia, and i had to scream and get all fired up. It's dark, dank, stompin like a techno fury. Diggin' it. Diggin in with nails 'cause I'm paranoid.
It's dirty, it's grungy. Reminds me of scraping resin from a little metaly thing. I like it that metal. I screamed along with the "Control". And the ending is like rocking hard man!
Holy shit I am back in my element now, this is like professional and just rockin. It makes me horny because chicks dig this and I can see them baring breasts to this music. The concert I'm at is just rockin. Everyone's psyched and we're burning j's cause we're psyched! Awesome.
Eight Legged
Damn, this is some down home tunes! Drums comin' in were at a great time. I love the vocal stylings they make me think of a dirty generation Xer type lady and we're smokin big doobs in the key west sunshine. Damn I miss the $, wish I could get back there.
Wow it's like a round n' round rodeo at times. the rhythm guitarist jams it. I was thinking of firing up another, and then this tune just got me fired up! It's like a hippie guitar solo with some techno bliss.
This is some real techno and I am in space nine with this, so diggin it. The robot voice, man it's cold but makes me feel its rage. This makes me chill on the vibe that we're in a robot world, the robots are losing it. Control the humans. Way creative, enrapturing. I think of the remote as the mother ship.
Oh yeah it's a dirty garage band and I can almost smell the doobage in the room where these fellas are jamming, smiling ear to ear to ear...to pie eyed eye! Love it.
Jim of S
This is really cool, i like the space age stuff and the way simple piano line. It kinda freaked me out though at first, like I just took a bigass nitrous hit...so I went and got a whip cream and did it up and I swear i heard the echoing like ten times more and it was in my head. Hey wait. Ignorance is Bliss? Did you work on this for two weeks while everyone else did an entry in one week? Shucks. Let this be a lesson to me.
Whoa! That's the perfect band name for this. My neck was sore from headbanging after I listened to this. I have to admit I got carried away and i hit my head on the wall, there's a hole in the wall and a mess of sheetrock in my hair. Damn! So heavy. I kept expecting something really really nasty about a dirty hole. I bet the clown gets so sweaty.
Me and Al
The groove, the vibe mesmerized us so we looped it three times. Just fade it out if it seems too long. We like to zone out with a particular vibe so it still wasn't long enough for us. By the way, Al's drunkenness is the real thing.
Man finally i'm getting to chill back in my seat and relax this buzz. This was a real nice warm cushion after all the hard hitting metal and slam. I really dig the smooth vibe. Really like the vintage feel.
This is jammin, this is just a good tune and I'm bettin' the high schoolers there are diggin this too. This guy's big in New Jersey? I think that I heard this, I love the guitar and rap mix, it's just jammin. Gets heavy without being overkill or painful.
I really like this, it would go real good on a cd with lunk's toon. Reminds me a little of a catholic church song which I'm really really liking, takes me right back to my younger years and I can almost taste the communion wafer. Such smoothy goodness.
What 80s song is this? No wait...which cartoon? Ah man I gotta admit i'm bouncing around the room. So fruity. fun and tart. This has to be a clip from a cartoon somewhere.
I got caught in between headbanging and rockin out in my seat with blue balls. I like this alot. I needed to grab one of those blue squishy stress balls hard in my fist. Vein makes me a little nausea so I'm squeezing that thing. I have to fart and but the song wont' let it come out! It's like fart-cuffs.
Another great rhythmic guitar track. This would be a good "uplifter" on the Lunkhead/Merisan album. The textiles and cars line kills me, that and "go lucky" "tassle toe". Good stuff.
I really dig the beginning and the words just cracked me up. Man, this guy is as stoned as me, that's what I think when I hear this. The part about hands as cold as death and the earth stop...that's cool shit, too. Wow gets a little stomach clenching there with blood from the eyes.
The classic rockin is great...I like the backing vocals they remind me of piece of my heart. These guys could be the opning band for eddiebangs. I dig this stuff alot.
All the talk of blood is all building up to this point...kinda freaky, unsettling..i like the verses a bit. The verse vocals all way left and right are kind of weird. Wacky shit!
Oh so chill man I just sparked another one for this sweetness. I love the jazz and woman's vocal and she's making fun of the dude out in public! What a great jazzy tune. So sweet! Smokey rooms, sexy ladies, awesome horn harmonies, like yeah!
Wow the dialtone stuff that starts it out, so sweet....crunchy, smushy...makes me tingly. Another headbanger!
She's Come to Claim Me
Huh? This one must have gotten in the wrong fight? She's comin'! Always a glorious thing, and guys, always remember: LADIES FIRST means alot more than WHO COMES through the door FIRST. :-) And a dirty mind is an asset to u. Get your dirty on. Treat it right.
This is really a great bunch of vocal melodies and heartfelt music, and I like the addition of a little overdrive on the left guitar, and the open tuning feel on the chords.
Dude this one was sweet when it sung about alcohol. How did people create it!? If it weren't for the sweet nectar, I might have never met Al, that crazy bastard. I like it. I really like the emo vocal and the spooky halloween sounds.
Man I really dig it! Keeps surprising me with a chord I didn't expect. I love how the singer literally loses control. I can almost see the blood red veins in the eyes, a red face, and feel a splattering of the foam at the mouth.
This is damn funny, what a little bang to end the fight. The only thing is instead of carrots, i would have liked to have been about crullers and donut holes. Sausage and meatballs. The little acoustic-death-metal + drums thing is great, could be a whole new style there, "acoustic death metal" I dig.

I've voting for Wages. Horrified me. Halloween and Christmas are coming. The goose is getting fat.
jb wrote:Larry et Al- . . .The rainstick is a little much. . .
I know it's the same difference, but this is actually ice clinking against a glass while the singer tips back margaritas on the rocks. I would never even dream of using one of those rainstick things. . . so cheesy. . .
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Post by Niveous »

Larry wrote:Seems that the cache on google is no longer effective. Just found the thread on google but got this when I clicked: The topic or post you requested does not exist.
It still works. In fact, here are some of the missing reviews:

Reviews by Wages

Andre Was Here at Midnight
I like your tune. The mix and the vocals are a bit off. Is this what Tom Waits and Modest Mouse would sound like together?

Caravan Ray
a bit too bubble-gummy for me

Dangerous Dave and the New Wave Soldiers
I hear the significance of your band name! You could also call yourself Depeche Westward or Stabbing Mode. Personally I'd drop some of the techno sound and add more guitars, but then they wouldn't be called The New Wave Soldiers

Demon Kiss
With a title like CY, there had to be a song like this.

That's a nice riff and pretty good song altogether! Another strong Bangs entry.

Eight Legged Oedipus
Nice groove and melody. This is my fav tune in this fight yet. This is zee vote getter for me.

Flvxxvm Florvm
Hardcore blues? I think my life is now complete!

Heuristics Inc
ewww, electronical

ha! what can I say?

Jim of Seattle
Nothing I'd listen to, but this sounds like a strong tune for this style. Reminds me of that Sting song...

More hardcore. Not bad.

Larry & Al
Nice groove to the song. I'd like the vocals to be mixed a little more to the front, but a good entry.

I'd like more vocals! Nice feeling to the tune. Perhaps it could be slowed down a few BPM. Nice lead work!

I liked it till I heard "you better check yourself before you wreck yourself". That's a bad rhyme, but otherwise, kudos for the hiphop/Weezer-type combo.

Not a bad little tune! I don't care for the style in general, but it seems solid.

Oriental Kings
A strange little interlude.

Paco Del Stinko
Eerie and oddly attractive. An odd psychedelic-Alice Cooper-Henry Rollins combo.

Trey Anastasio harmonizing... oooo, tempo change! Nice!

I liked the overall tune, but it started to get a little too "epic" for me. This coming from a guy who has difficulty getting 3 minutes out of a song.

Ross Durand
This is the song I could have written.

Semolina Pilchards
The verse part was alright, but the chorus is, well, you should control yourself.

Jan & Steve Durand
Not bad. The lyrics are nice too.

I didn't like the hardcore intro, but the second half of the tune was excellent.

Tamlin Music
It's be wonderful to hear this song with a live band. This is a really nice little tune.

Thanks For the Frisbee
You didn't need to say "I love you so much", otherwise I only have to say your tune IMHO should be less easy listening and a *little* more alternative.

Those Meddling Kids
Cool band name! Your voice needs serious work. The music is as solid as anything else on SF, just need to work with your voice more (or record it better?).

Crazy-core? Funnest song of the week.

My top picks (in order):
Eight Legged Oedipus
Larry & Al
Flvxxvm Florvm

Reviews by sbaskin

This is our first try at Songfight. I am blown away by everyone's production quality. We, The Hipnotics, did our tune live through one condenser mic at my house.

For me, (and excluding our entry) the songs that I liked are:

Melvin: This is great. I love it. Great chorus. Great transitions

Eddie Bangs: I really like this song. Sounds like something Pearl Jam would do

Lunkhead: nice sound

Larry and Al: Got that great Peter Gabiel vibe

Eight Legged Oedipus: Best lyrical concept of the bunch, I like the song, but you lost me with the musical jump at the chorus.

Ross Durand: Good feeling song. It would be good live. " Maybe you should give yourself a big timeout" good line, funny

Thanks for the Frisbee: This song grew on me.

Phlim: Good energy on the vocal. Good job

Steve Durand featuring Jan Durand: Very Loungy.

Merisan: Nice voice. Good acoustic song

These are all very impressive, but the Melvin song just struck me as the one.

my two cents

Reviews by Glennny

Eight Legged Oedipus- I love this! Nice catchy melody with good singing. The quirky drum track is what really makes this song a gem. Awesome!

Larry & Al- Drums and haunting keys are fantastic. So far the vox are really buried. They come out at 1:28. Vox sound great when I can hear them. Vocals remind me of My Morning Jacket. The chunky rhythm guitar with the acoustic solo is very very cool! Wow! great song!

Lunkhead- Guitars are top notch! The acoustic rhythm guitar with the lush pretty chords is what hooks me into this song. The electric noodling is very tasty! The breathy soft vocals really work well, they remind me of Owen, or American Football.

OK this is my 1st listen and my player is on random and so far the 3 entries I've heard could all be winners. Sounds like everyone broought their A game. OK, I shall proceed.

Dangerous Dave and the New Wave Soldiers- I like the vox a lot. I really don't like New Wave music so I have a genre bias. (Unless it's the Faint, I love the Faint!) The drums get grating after a couple minutes. This song is only 5minutes, but it feels really long. There's a lot of cool things in this, I just think it would be stronger if it were shorter and the drums varied more. Edit-I've continued to listen to this fight as my soundtrack as I cook or work or game, and this song stands up a lot better with more listens and when I don't sit at my PC and scrutinize.

Alright at this point I've had about 3 listens through...

Demon Kiss- Pretty cool little metal tune. I think the under a minute serves the song really well.

Heuristicsinc- I fear this is what music will sound like in the future when robots take over the world. There's some cool sounds going on, but there doesn't seem to be much movement in the music. I can't find the melody to hum along to.

Those Meddling Kids- I always look forward to a TMK song. This one struck me strange at 1st, but I really got into it as the song progressed. This is now one of my favorites of this fight. That guitar line is sooooo beautiful, what great tone. The DNTEL rhythm track is awesome too. I always like Furrypedro's vocals, this one's pretty great too. It's nice to hear a slow tempo song that's interesting throughout. Good job!

Andre Was Here at Midnight- There's a collection of wrong in this track that mysteriously kinda works. The awkward drums are the hardest to deal with. When the guitar has up strokes on 2 and 4 , I want to hear snare on 1 and 3, it's weird to hear it on 2 and 4 also. However with the acordian and piano and strained vocals it does set the mood for some one out of control. There are timing issues, but again adds to the tension. This is actually kind of charming.

Paco Del Stinko- This is one of the better examples of the power of dynamics. There's a lot of meaty parts in this tune and it's strung together excellently. No complaints, I'm yet again rather impressed by the variety and execution of Paco. The guitars are the best of the fight, and this song rocks!

Phlim- I'm jealous of the vocals and harmonies. Nice melodies, nice harmonies, very well played guitar. Nice guitar line. The tempo slow down is done really well too. Very well done! No complaints.

Flvxxvmflorvm- I don't like 12-bar blues. I've been over-exposed in my life. When I hear it it feels tedious. I suppose that's a genre bias. I like the over distorted vocals, it reminds me of Rube Waddell. Some of the sloppy guitar licks are kind of charming, the best part for me is the harmonica cliche' solo. The enormity of fuzz makes me think it might be mocking the blues.

Tamlin Music- Wow, best vocal performance of the fight! Awesome vocals man! This is a very good song. It's a shame it's a drum machine and fake horns. But the writing is there, for another version of this with real instruments which would truly be fantastic. Nice guitar playing. Lo's of soul on this tune, i'd love to hear the full production of this someday if it ever happens. Good song!

Melvin- Melvin makes good music period. Like most rap songs I endure the rap to get to the melodic chorus. The rap portion is done well, it builds a nice tension for the big release in the chorus. The music is tight and very well played. Nice song!

Merisan- This is beautiful. Singing is excellent. Sounds a lot like the Sundays. The 3 over 4 towards the beginning of the verses isn't the best touch of the song. The verse is stronger than the chorus for me. The solo is sweet. The harmonies and "ahs" make the song for me.

Wages- The guitar playing is terrible. the electric detracts more than it adds. The rhythm of the acoustic is all over the place. This is tough to listen to. The drawl on "cross" makes me cringe, not to mention the descending bend on "self". I like the earnest delivery of the anxious parts. A lot of the vocals spend more time scooping up or down than at the note they're going to. There's a good voice in there, needs more takes. The song desparately needs to be recorded with a click track.

Eddie Bangs- Nice rock vocals! Bitchin' guitar licks! Very cool guitar solo! The song is not very original but it's a good rock tune!

Ross Durand- This is a decent tune. I don't much care for the lead guitar tone, but the playing is fine. This is not as catchy as other R Durand songs. It's OK. Vocals are good, but pretty loud in the mix.

Thanks For the Frisbee- I always look forward to a TFTF song. This has all the usual charms. Great melody and a well written song. I love the octave jump in "on", great hook! I"d buy a TFTF melody if I ever saw one. Good job!

Oriental Kings- Weird syncopation, I count 1-2-3,1-2,1-2,1-2,1-2,1-2,1-2-3. Anyway, delightfully quirky and cool. Not much of a song, but a cool little soundtrack piece.

Sue- When one rocks this hard i really want to hear the drums more in the mix. Nice speed metal playing. Pretty break, with very cool solo. Actually reminds me of Yngwie of all things.

Klownhole- Nice! Metal needs loud drums like this. This has much rock power, in a very Danzig kinda way. Nice riffs! i think the vocal melody could be stronger but delivery doesn't get any stronger than this performance.

Pigpen- This is an odd and enjoyable little tune. It's very much a product of the software. It's nice in it's sparsity.

Steve Durand featuring Jan Durand- You know it's a female vocalist, but it's curious how the vocal inflections sound a lot like Steve. Especially the slight rush on "there's just one thing that I ask" that's exactly how I'd imagine Steve Durand delivering the line. It's not a problem just an obsservation. This song is sooooo good. Horns and piano are wonderful. Walking bass is great too. I love this song! Excellent work!

Caravan Ray- What's this song called? I can't tell by the lyrics. This housy bubblegum pop is pretty damn infectious. Very catchy and a very fun listen. This actually reminds me most of the Japanese pop I hear whenever I'm in Asia. Cool sng!

Jim of Seattle- Ignorance is Bliss? Was this started last fight and finished on this fight? I think the lyrics consist of those 5 words so it's obviously not a lyrical song. So anyway the music, this is great! What software is this? i love all the sounds and the grooves are very groovy! I like this song a lot!

Worm Sweater- This is funny, I thought I'd hear more songs of this ilk. It actually only needs to be a minute long. The 15 second song at the end is kinda cool but out of place. Ever heard tequila by Idiot Flesh? Reminds of that song.

Hipnotics- It's performed well, but a rather boring song. It's half of the Sunshine of Your Love riff, then 12-bar tedium. Good singing , good playing, just does nothing for me.

Semolina Pilchards- This is my project this week. Ken myself, and our old band mate Ry-Dawg got together and put down the rhythm guitar, bass and drums. Then via the world wide web, i sent Ken my pitchy chorus vocals, dual guiatr licks, and sloppy guitar solo. I'm really a poor vocalist, I apologize. The chorus warranted more takes, but I ran out of time. The guitar solo is pretty sloppy but i still enjoy it, hope you do too. Ken threw down some really great verse vocals, which make my chorus vocals seem all the worse. I really love this song, I think all the flaws are my doing, I wish I had more time to improve the performance, but i hope you can hear what we were going for. Oh yeah, Ken laid down some awesome synth as well! Hope you enjoy!

OK, whew lot's to have gone through. A very strong fight. Tough to choose or even predict a winner. My favorites are Eight Legged Oedipus, Larry & Al, Lunkhead, Those Meddling Kids, Paco Del Stinko, Melvin, Tamlin Music, Thanks For the Frisbee, Steve Durand featuring Jan Durand, Jim of Seattle. OK that's ten favorites.
Last edited by Niveous on Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I'd like to see 1984 redubbed with this in the soundtrack."- Furrypedro.
Lucky Witch and the Righteous Ghost
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