Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

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Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

I know, the thread title is really bad, but Spud said he won't post the songs until there's a thread, so I'm just doing my part to get the fight up. Feel free to post suggestions for better thread titles.
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by glennny »

John McCain wins the Election
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by ElaineDiMasi »

glennny wrote:John McCain wins the Election
Haha! vote!
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by Lord of Oats »

Rone Rivendale makes another song.
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by Reist »

I submitted some cartoony art, if that's what you're looking for, Spud. It's pretty scary, if you know what I'm sayin. :)
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Rosie O'Donnell naked. :? *quivers*
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by rone rivendale »

Lord of Oats wrote:Rone Rivendale makes another song.
I'm vain enough to like that idea alot! :D
From spoken word to actual singing, I can screw up any style with style. :D
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by ElaineDiMasi »

Are we allowed to make up our own next title now, too?

Or is that "getting our panties in a bunch"?
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by jb »

You can make up your own titles at any time. That's what normal songwriters usually do. Of course, you're here, so you're abnormal.

However, the odds of the title you make up coinciding with the next Song Fight title are fairly long. And if you start on your song before the title is announced, then you are accidentally cheating. :)
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by melvin »

Andrew: I’m nearly at a loss for words here. Your songwriting, performance, and production chops all continue to grow by leaps and bounds from one month to the next. It’s really fascinating to listen to it happening! Whatever I don’t like about this song (excess guitar wanking) pales in comparison to what’s great about it. Great vibe, great vocals, great un-ironic (I think) use of incredibly cheesy synth, great chord progression, great development of emotion/mood, great recording/mix. Your new mic has made an incredible difference in your vocal track. Seriously, you’re going to be an absolute monster. Maybe even an Elton John. In terms of musical prowess, I mean. VOTE.

B. Ellison: Feels like the chorus is a long time coming, but then it’s great when it arrives. But then, it’s also quite fleeting. Fantastic recording. Really love that lead tone. I think this is a good song that requires more than two listens and the right mood to fully appreciate. Will save it for additional listening.

BSS: Wow, this fight is off to a really good start. I like just about everything about this song. Wonderful guitar playing, and really sweet rhythm section, as I would expect from this mega-band. Those bendy lead bits starting around 1:40 are just brilliant... and the outro keyboard changes it up in an equally awesome manner. Very good track. VOTE.

Elaine: You sound very "cool", by which I mean it sounds like you don’t give a damn. That can be attractive in a vocalist. But while I like the attitude, I can’t find a whole lot else to like here. The melody’s just kind of meandering and the sonic approach is not pretty or energetic or hard or romantic so... what is it? Kinda boring, I’m afraid.

Jake: Huh, I used the word “democracy” repeatedly in my entry a couple weeks ago, yet as soon as I heard it in your song about 3 seconds in, I found it annoying. Don’t know why that is. It’s probably a bad word to use in song lyrics – so big and sloppy. Nevertheless, this gets major points for being interesting, frenetic, textured, aggressive, and pretty damn funny. It loses points for not being terribly pleasant on the ears. Overall, not bad.

JR: This sounds like honest, unpretentious music, but I’m having trouble getting into it. I feel like I’m watching some kind of 80s musical movie... I dunno.

JTH: Really cool vocal approach on this. Also like the change of feel at 1:30. Solid, well-executed tune. Feels like it might have been recorded several decades ago, which is cool. Especially dig the big, round bass tone.

Lonbobby: Still trying to get over the fact that I thought your name was Lonlobby for a very long time. I’m not usually big on this soft-techno thing, but you craft a very nice melodic/harmonic landscape here. Even that “ratcheting” sound becomes a hook after the seventh time you hear it. This is really very catchy and likable. VOTE.

LOA: Sounds like you’ve beefed up your sound a bit. Those drums can’t be real, but I like the grinding bass sound. Very nice. Also like how that Strat picking sound shows up around 1:20, and the sense of fearlessness in the noisy, loosey-goosey lead track(s). Well done.

Maggie: Dark, crunchy guitars AND a chick singer who doesn’t give a damn? This starts out sounding promising and delivers fairly well. I like the general poppiness of the chords/melody. I think a harmony or two wouldn't hurt, some lead instrument stuff would be cool, and the mix could use some tweaking. But the overall sound of this track is a refreshing addition to the SF line-up. I like your moxie, and I hope you will enter more songs.

Manhattan: This track grabbed me right off the top. That bass/guitar riff just resonates with me. Awesome. Interesting use of a scratchy guitar assault to shit on its understated prettiness. Very interesting track, and probably the type of song I'd be most likely to listen to while driving my car out there in the Real World. I feel like the vocals might need a little something—maybe some harmony bits and a little more emotional range. Still, hot track. VOTE.

MCEB: Usually I can credit your track with bringing the “heart” to the fight, even if it’s not bringing the tunefulness or the actual playing of instruments. But now that I’m a tuneless rapper who uses samples instead of guitars, that would be hypocritical, right? And, in truth, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sing so passionately before. So, all in all, I’m going to vote for this song twice. TWO VOTES.

Melvin: I don’t know where I’m going with this rap thing. I think it started as a lark, but now I’m putting out some of the best hip hop of the last 20 years. WTF? VOTE.

Naked: Maybe I’m getting review fatigue, but there are three things I hate about this track. (1) The background hum, which is nearly as loud as the rhythm guitar, (2) The direct-in acoustic guitar sound, and (3) that hard-to-define-but-know-it-when-you-hear-it bar band dreariness. Sorry to be a dick!

Oddbod: Wow, this is really well done. Lovely melody, great playing, very nice and warm instrumentation. Although I can't pick out anything I dislike, I did find myself wanting to hear more of the harmonies in the mix. Like, a lot more. For some reason, this song sounds to me like it would lend itself so nicely to an Everly Brothers-style dual vocal assault, rather than just subtle harmonies. But I guess that’s a pretty big change from your actual sound, and I certainly wouldn’t expect you to change it that dramatically just for me. Great track, and it will get several more listens. VOTE.

Paco: Nice guitarmonies. Those never fail to please. The vocal tune and performance are maybe not as instantly accessible as some of my favourite Paco numbers, but then the chorus harmonies are just bloody outstanding, aren’t they? As always, amazing recording and mix as well. LIKELY VOTE.

Pig Pen: How many bits is this? 8? 16? 32?! Whatever, I find this business insanely catchy! Dang. If this were my tune, that change at 1:20 would stay upbeat and go to a really catchy vocal thing. Sorry to be a prick-this is your tune. And when the hooky bit comes back around 2:01, it’s still a really great payoff, no doubt. Super-cool track. As with Mr. A. Reist, I find myself enjoying Mr. P. Pen's music more and more as time goes on. Great to see. Funny little musical tag at the end too, by the way. VOTE.

Rone: Ah, the “heart” of this fight, at last! Wow, the section from 1:02 to 1:22 might be the best 20 seconds of programming I’ve ever heard from Rivendale Studios. The flow is still Rone-esque, but there’s something else going on there too... something dark and almost dangerous. Welcome back, kid.

The STs: Sweet chord voicings, but this is not really a song.

Testes: This is cool. I like the vocals. I think I’m slipping into a hypnotic state, actually. Huh. Not a lot to comment on... just nicely done.

Todd: I think you’re a new SF star, Todd. This is very nicely put together. Moody, catchy, really well written and performed. Nothing to criticize. There are chords in this that I don't know how to make, but when I hear them, I think, "wow, this person really knows how to play". Maybe I should just buy Guitar For Dummies and solve the mystery. VOTE.

Weakest Suit: It’s really, really hard to make a great song with just one acoustic guitar and one voice, at least according to my ears. There’s nothing wrong with this, but absent a genius melody and/or really amazing lyrics, it just can’t make TOO big an impression, you know?

Where de fluff: Hilarious!! Wow, this is really quite funny. The sped-up vocal tone is probably funnier than the lyrics. Actually, I take that back. They are equal parts funny. Good note to end on. Thanks.

Overall, I think this is one of the best fights I’ve heard in some time. Awesome everyone!!
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by signboy »

Nice mood, and great guitar solo. I love the drums when they come in. Overall, fantastic song. This goes on my mp3 player.

I don't know why this doesn't ooze mood, but it doesn't. It's well done and everything, but it just isn't grabbing me. I wish I could put my finger on it so as to be constructive but I can't. This goes in someone else's mp3 player.

Berkeley Social Scene-
The synths, the guitar, it was all going great until you started singing. Very well written, though. The solo guitar over the chorus is great. Actually, you did a great job with the vox in the chorus. It's just the verse that grates at me. This goes in the "to be fixed" pile.

Elaine Dimasi-
There are some nice layers in here. Things are meshing well. The vox feel pretty uninspired, though. Are you recording with roommates in the other room? Production hurts it a bit, particularly on the drums. This goes to the Painting Daisies fan club.

Jake Lions Band-
Pretty chaotic. I'd guess that's what you were going for, but it aint my thing. This goes back to where it came from.

Jeff Robertson...-
This feels old. It makes me want to "do the boogie". If the late 60's production was on purpose, yer a genius. If not, then this goes to my grandpa.

Jeff Henderson-
Wow. Two songs from the late 60's back to back. This one's better. Great guitar recording. I gotta pick your brain on that. The vocals have some good soul. I'm diggin it. This goes to the young kids that don't know what music is anymore.

That's some pretty slick vocoding there. Very intelligible. If you're going to do this a lot, you should tweak your sound to get rid of some of the high end filter resonance. Other than that, it's pretty good. This goes into random shuffle in a long playlist.

Lord Of Oats-
This is actually not bad. Not terribly good, but, you know... As usual, the guitar is a little golden nugget out in left field. The vocals fit the style, but have more feel than sing in them. This goes to my roommate who likes this kind of thing.

Maggie Kanuka-
The vocals need to rock as much as the rest of it. The drums kinda suck, but just a bit. The guitar is great. People just don't play with sounds like that. Very balls to the wall. This goes up againt the wall.

Manhattan Glutton-
Singer needs more balls. Lead guit seems funny in there. A well written song, though. This goes in the "to be covered" pile

MC Eric B-
I don't know what to make of this. The simplicity works okay, the chorus vox... they worked the twitch in my anus until I went back and listened again. With the lyrics, the vox are perfect. Don't tell anyone, but I might keep this. This goes into the same pile as my heroin and barbie dolls.

The synth that isn't far enough in the background of the verse is pissing me off. Everything else is great. This goes in a white gangsta's car.

Naked Philosophy-
There are only minor things keeping this from being great. The tone of the chorus guitar is brutal. The vox sound like they are just out of your range. This goes over there with the horseshoes and hand grenades.

Happy. I get the feeling that everything's going to be alright. Good job on the accordion solo. This needs to go in Brian Wilson's player.

Paco Del Steenko-
Aww... It was such great raw punk, and then that silky smooth lead guit came in. It just doesn't fit. Other than that, You nailed it. This goes to open for The Faint, right after I dropkick them.

I have to admit, you did a fantastic job micing your gameboy. This goes away from me.

Rone Rivendale-
Dammit, I just got Roned! The angry twitch in my anus just came back. This goes to the doctor. You need help.

The Scary Things-
Big sigh... This goes into the bathroom, so I can poop on it.

The Tests-
Not bad. Not my thing either, but maybe it just needs some percussion at least. This goes to the bard.

Todd M Chatton-
Pretty. The effects on the vox might be a tad too much. I betcha this goes onto a radiohead fan's player.

The Weakest Suit-
Short on time, no drums, I'll try to let go of my inbred bias against GnG. Having said that, the only things I would notice are the lyrics. There are a couple times when the song really didn't want to say the words you said. Good concept, it just needs some tweaking in the way things are phrased. This goes back to the drawing board.

Where's Fluff?-
You should claim you were drunk. This isn't going anywhere.
Irwin: I'd sell my soul to jesus to program drums like signboy.
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by ElaineDiMasi »

Andrew Reist - The beginning is short on singable melody, but a bit more comes later, which it needs. The hook "too scared to move" is just ok, same with other lyrics, added energy in the structure does some of the job needed to help. It was good to put in the more reaching melody line later.

B. Ellison - the "Laura won't ever come home" is simple but it works. This is a kind of beat and chord structure I like to listen to. Main criticism is that there are no surprises.

Berkeley Social Scene - another triple meter, cool. Beginning verse sounds like a Spinal Tap nudge and wink, "give me some money!" and the chorus is cheesier. I do like the wobbly guitar thing in between and the synthy stuff. Yeah, the chorus is some wrong combination of whether it's making fun of itself or not.

Elaine DiMasi - Flat affect of suicidal narrator is deliberate; YMMV. Happy Halloween!

Jake Lions Band
- The transitions to the sections with the irregular rhythms are painful after the very monotonous beat of the rap sections. I kind of like the "you're taking too long", "you're doing it wrong" stingers. But I don't get the setup to "it's a scary thing". What is? Oh, now you're explaining ...

Jeff Robertson and the N-C'ers - Jethro Tull retires to a trailer park in Louisiana! I liked where it rocked, hated where it twanged. Then I really liked the piano.

Jeff Travis Henderson
- Good job drawing me in with the vocals right at the start. Even where they're silly, the chorus and other spots in the melody are charming. [keeps listening] Yep, I suspect I'll be voting for this one. Yep!

Lonbobby - Linkin Park Lite?

Lord of Oats - Vote! The verses aren't perfect, but the choruses always got me and pretty soon so did the beat. [listens again] Yeah, the beat is like the Go-Go's played half-speed, I like it.

Maggie Kanuka - The melody is very very very very very repetitive. That spot in the verse where you jump up a sixth doesn't seem to match the chord. Looking at stars together with monster is an interesting image, though.

Manhattan Glutton - I'd be curious to hear the intro with some kind of drum beat in at the start, to hear how it sounds without the beat being ambiguous in the guitars. I like where the phrasings are going overall in the song. Lyrically, and structurally, it's a mixture of surprises and predictables. Will collect the mp3, but not vote.

MC Eric B - I can't listen to a keyboard line that monotonous, no matter what the rap is. I do like the "cut the string" line.

Melvin - High drama is a crowd pleaser at the beginning. But, then, like, who are you talking to? And what's a scary thing? Oh, now you're explaining. + points for science geek callouts and bleepy noises to go with them. Later (2:30 or so?) I got bored, sorry.

Naked Philosophy - I think the chord progression is the main element I like. And even so, I found the song structure too repetitive.

Oddbod - Everything sounds nice but maybe the track overall is a bit bland. I really liked a lot of the little passing chords as they went through, though.

Paco del Stinko - Was never sure where it was going, but fun along the way. LOL at "A Scary Thii--ii--ii--iing". I'm not usually one for random sounding guitar solos but these aren't spitting me out. Some nice synthyness in there.

PiGPEN - This wasn't scary.

Rone Rivendale - This wasn't a nice noise.

The Scary Things - Laurie Anderson wouldn't have published this after she was done fooling with it.

the tests - Arrangement is a nice surprise, good idea keeping that horn texture in most of the time. By contrast I didn't like the choruses. Energy and uniqueness fell out, suddenly it went from what it was to some generic 60's-folksinger recipe. Do something different with the choruses, make them as sonically interesting as the horns make the verses, and record it again!

Todd McHatton - Trippy at first, then delivered some bite. Nice! Nice music. Not a fan of the vocals, the lyrics, or the phrasing this time though, except the "doesn't have to be a scary thing" hook, which I do like.

The Weakest Suit - Held my attention at first. Think the verse chords/melody works better for me than the choruses. The storytelling didn't climb up much from the starting point.

Where's Fluff? - This, um, takes the vampire out of vamp. Or something. Listening to the whole thing rewarded me though, because you rhymed "pedophile" with "and we've been hanging out all of this while", and I got to hear it!
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by glennny »

A Scary Thing Reviews:

Andrew Reist- The music is very good. I hear the Genesis influence, unfortunately with that keyboard patch and that guitar tone it’s coming off more like Marillion. The music is there though. Very pretty! The vocals and the harmony vocals are well done! Good stuff, but short of a vote.

B Ellison- I like the beat. Not a fan of the guitar tone. The sparseness suits this song well. I enjoy this overall. No hook really grabs me. Short of a vote I’m afraid.

Berkeley Social Scene- Hey this is us. I’m on lead guitar duties. Lunkhead is the lapsteel player. Ken on drums and keys, Martin on vocals and bass. This reminds me of Bright Eyes, Fevers and Mirrors era. Especially due to Martin’s vocals. I love this song! I’m not objective, gets a VOTE.

Elaine Dimasi- Lead vocals are too loud in the mix for my tastes. Rhythm guitarist could be A LOT tighter! There’s a Velvet Underground charm to this. Reminds me of “What Goes On”. Not a lot going on musically especially to justify 4:36. I think it would be stronger at 3:00. I don’t really like fade outs, bit of a cop out. Just slam on an agreed chord and have an ending.

Jake Lion Band- This is a mess. The vocal performance on the chorus makes me laugh and enjoy this. This way too long for what it is. The organ is funny too. I couldn’t listen to this again.

Jeff Robertson and the NCL- The piano makes me think of Warren Zevon. Guitar is very cool. I like the intro. The length is spot on. The nice change up is great too. I think the vocals are too loud in the mix. I’m considering voting for this. MAYBE VOTE.

Jeff Henderson- Ummm I guess ripping off the Zombies “Spooky Little Girl Like You” is appropriate. The other melodies are nice, are they original? This is a pretty solid song. Pretty enjoyable. I just can’t vote for it for originality reasons.

Lonbobby- I’m always a fan of your music. This is great! The vocoder is getting dated. Though central to your sound, I think you ought to move past it pretty soon. Gets a BIG VOTE.

Lord of Oats- I can imagine monsters dancing to this. This music fits the theme well. Nice guitar tones, I wish the guitar solo was a little more creative. The beat heavily reminds me of Gary Numan “ We Have a Technical” (or the Matt Sharp cover of it). Thank you, it’s nice to be reminded of that song, I just had a listen. OK back to your song. Too many words in the lyrics. A better melody would take this up a notch. There’s a lot of good in this. Short of a vote I’m afraid.

Maggie Kanuka- Drum machine and reluctant vocal affectation makes it hard for me to get into this. Nice loud guitar with awesome fuzz, but not really playing anything that interesting. The instrumental break had no solo! What are people supposed to dance there? Not bad, but not a vote.

Manhattan Glutton- Stereo! Nice “Just” guitar tones. The descending scale lick I don’t really care for. Vocals are great, maybe a bit hot in the mix. Drums are very cool and interesting. Yeah that main lick needs to be rethought, I think it brings the song down which is otherwise very strong! Short of a vote.

MC Eric B- Hilarious!

Melvin- CHIPS? On this rap jag of yours I’m about 50%.. I like this one. The beat is very fun and dancey. I wish you had a nice melodic chorus to grab on to like “In the Tank”. It’s still pretty awesome. Genre bias keeps me from voting for this, but you have been able to transcend my genre bias before.

Naked Philosophy- That buzz is Horrible! I triple checked, it is indeed your track. There’s some cool stuff in here, but this song is nearly un-listenable with that buzz. I had to take the headphones off. Decent riff, but a sub par melody, makes the riff sound really repetitive. No vote. PLEASE figure out that buzz issue!

Oddbod- Solid tune! Great progression. Excellent playing, and superb vocals. This easily gets a vote. Harmonium solo is pretty safe. That clean guitar sounds great! BIG VOTE!

Paco del Stinko- YES! The guitar harmonies are bliss! Those riffs really kick and punch hard! This rocks the hardest by far! Now there’s a solo! EXCELLENT SONG! Nice ending! VOTE!

PiGPEN- This is pretty much an instrumental. I love it. This gets a vote from me. I’m a sucker for such square waves and melodies. VOTE

Rone Rivendale- Torture.

The Scary Things- I can’t tell what this song is called.

The Tests- This is nice. The fake horns in the distance is a great touch! The harmony vocals sound great! Just short of a vote. I think it was too long for what it is.

Todd McHatton- Wow man! This is wonderful. I love how I don’t know where this is going. The changes are awesome! Performance is stellar! Vocals are sooooooooooo good! Wonderful! Probably the one to beat. VOTE!

The Weakest Suit- This is a very respectable guy and guitar song! I usually think you over sing a little, but I really like where you’re at on this one. Is this the middle of the night song you spent 90 minutes on? This totally fits my mood as I am writing reviews at 2:30 AM. Short of a vote I’m afraid.

Where’s Fluff- Jazz Discharge Party Hats improvised vocals without the awesome guitar. Tedious riff. If you want to hear some really funny done well cartoon vocals on a rockin tune, check out Applesauce Baptism by Those Meddling Kids. This ended a strong fight with a wimper. No vote.

Strong fight!

The gems that get my votes are : Todd Mc Hatton, PiGPEN, Paco del Stinko, Oddbod, Lonbobby, Berkeley Social Scene, and yes indeed I’m going to vote for Jeff Robertson after all.
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by rone rivendale »

Well, at least Melvin liked my song. That's all that matters. :P

Reviews from myself will come by the end of the weekend. I'm about to give them all a 1st listen now. Will give a 2nd tomorrow and then post reviews. Peace.
From spoken word to actual singing, I can screw up any style with style. :D
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by 0ddb0d »

signboy wrote: Good job on the accordion solo.
glennny wrote:Harmonium solo is pretty safe
Actually neither of these is the correct instrument.
Anyone else want to hazard a guess?.....there's a prize of a vote for the first person to get it right :wink:
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by glennny »

Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

0ddb0d wrote:
signboy wrote: Good job on the accordion solo.
glennny wrote:Harmonium solo is pretty safe
Actually neither of these is the correct instrument.
Anyone else want to hazard a guess?.....there's a prize of a vote for the first person to get it right :wink:
Funny that you bring this up. When I heard it, I thought to myself that it sounded like one of my dad's old mini organs. He played accordion as well as other air powered reed keys. I couldn't help but think it sounded like his Pianica because of the harmonica like tones.
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by ElaineDiMasi »

0ddb0d wrote:
signboy wrote: Good job on the accordion solo.
glennny wrote:Harmonium solo is pretty safe
Actually neither of these is the correct instrument.
Anyone else want to hazard a guess?.....there's a prize of a vote for the first person to get it right :wink:
A melodica? Made of plastic, articulated with a little piano keyboard, has a free reed like a harmonica or flutophone?

EDIT: Argh! BLT posted the same guess as me during the five minutes I spent answering!
EDIT2: Oh, but he's not in the fight. Either I get the vote, or oddbod has to vote for BLT next week ...
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Actually, I said pianica. Glennnnnnny said melodica.
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by ElaineDiMasi »

Billy's Little Trip wrote:Actually, I said pianica. Glennnnnnny said melodica.
Whoops, I didn't even see his post wedged in between there. Oh well. Anyway, isn't the pianica the same thing?
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by 0ddb0d »

glennny wrote:Melodica?

one like this...
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Re: Fear of a bad song (A Scary Thing reviews)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

ElaineDiMasi wrote:
Billy's Little Trip wrote:Actually, I said pianica. Glennnnnnny said melodica.
Whoops, I didn't even see his post wedged in between there. Oh well. Anyway, isn't the pianica the same thing?
I believe they are. They sound pretty much the same. My dad's pianica had a tube you blow on and the key board sat on the table.
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