Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

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Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by LibraryDogs »

I'm not in this fight, but here's your thread and art has been submitted.
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by Spud »

Game on...
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

BSS submitted a song but we don't see it in the fight...?
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by Spud »

Sorry about that. Somehow, the re-send confused me into thinking I had already put it on the list. The song was uploaded, just not linked. My bad.

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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

No worries, thanks for posting it Spud!

Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by hillbilly »

greg bowthin------ dig your voice &lyrics, colab with stink.
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by EvelBist »

Mime - Ponderous. Nice drums at the beginning. Needs to develop quicker.

Ken's Band - Reminds of Green Day in vocal tenor, progression and tempo. Needs vocal doubling or harmonies in chorus. Otherwise quick, lean and clean. Possible vote.

Myster ese - I like the live drums?? Not sure. Needs some more development - I hear something trying to speed up, not happening though. Perhaps the guitar solo is too laid back.

Greggers - Nice thunderstorm effect to start off, kind of creepy. Wish it developed quicker. Seems to stay on the original theme too long. I would have wanted to hear more of what happens at the 3:00 earlier on.

HATE - Cant hear what you're saying at the beginning. As the song builds, have to work at getting whats going on, but the chorus is great, too bad it took till halfway thru to hit it. Possible.

Benny - Comedy. cool, clever kind of catchy. Possible.

SonOf - on the cusp, but not there. Hangs too long on the ponderous. Especially around 2:40.

JohnnyReb - Drunken rebellry. Too much dissonance for my taste.

RyanR - Nice, takes too long on standard intro. Safe gospel-tinged ballad. Not ringing my bell.

Balance Lost - intro, tempo, changes occur at recognizable intervals. Nice feel. Possible.

Greg B - Swamp beat, vocal could have had a southern accent and not made things worse. Yeah, definite vote.

Paco DeS - This is your kind of song - smilingly singing a beheading ballad. I can see moms horrifyingly grabbing kids and taking them back to the tents as you sing this around the campfire. Another definite.

Tiny Ghost - I feel your pain.

Ice Weasels - reminds me of first new music days of the early 80's. Needs more dynamics, end is too abrupt and sounds too much like the beginning.

Klownhole - screaming is gratuitous. A live band recording is always welcome but shows errors too much.

Milton - needs to be clearer. sounds like two things going on - backing track wants to do one thing, vocals trying to do another.

Daddy Bop - cant tell what the words are unless the lyrics are in front of me. Kind of bouncy, ok in that way. But Steve's horn doesn't fit.

Brown Whine - Big production at the beginning isnt catchy like it should be - all the pieces are there though. female voices arent providing the dynamics needed after the channel sweeps.

Lookouts - Bar band feel, doubled vocals give it that. sounds like I'm playing pool at Mollys and I've heard it before.

Birt K - Peter Gabriel could do the first half of this, til the tin man starts up and then it falls apart.

Spitball - Open minded good. Definite.

Berserkly - tempo, background vocals are ok. Lead vocal is slipping, sliding all over the place. The lead solo doesnt fit the rest of the song. The last chorus is the best one.

Uz M - intro percussion has a motown feel, then the redneck vocal gets going. It sounds like three songs in one, what a deal. doesnt grab me.

Tuners U - boutique music at its best. background and doubled harmony vocals work together. The only part out of place occurs at around 1:45 for about 10secs. Then it comes together again for the final run including the chorus. Definite.

KFC - Bass is off a bit. But overall gets the feel you want. Horns add a new dimension. Possible.

glenny - background instrumentation is good. Vocals hunt the correct pitch too often.
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by furrypedro »

Benny C: Nae good. Not sure what it is that's supposed to be compelling about this. It's not funny. There's one bass riff and some shitty noodling.

Berk Social Seen: My comp really didn't like your mp3 for some reason. This is alright. I like the fuzz guitar for a while but it doesn't really go anywhere and the song plods a bit.

Birt Krinstin: This song wasn't totally rubbish but it felt like it was going on too long by abut the 2 minute mark.

Brown word: Sounds like the theme tune to Round the Twist. Bloody good show that.

Daddy bop: Classy little arrangement. Makes me think of a mix between Belle & Sebastian and Sting (purely for the clarinet solo or whatever it is). It's funny cos the whimsical and effete delivery contrasts the slightly macabre lyrics. All that D4, D6 crap. What's that all about? And when will you write a set of lyrics that don't need an additional explanation to make sense?

Glennny: Ambitious. I commend your vocal bravery, but think it might be more effective if you write a vocal line that doesn't demand such acrobatics.

Gregg Boethin: Best production so far. Robust tune and well delivered. I think you overuse your cymbals a bit. I find that the less you use the crash the more impact it has when you do use it, and your whacking that thing every 4 bars. Tone it down a bit, yeah?

Greggers Inc:
This takes too darn long to get going. The tone on those jangly guitars that kick in later is good but the whole thing sounds like 1 riff padded out for 5 minutes and not executed too expertly.

Hate Noize: Dig the phat bass. This is a kind a weird sounding track but it all hangs together quite well. Can't really hear what the words are saying but it works. I like the percussion and overall atmosphere of the song.

Ice weesels + Krebnar: This song's pretty wicked. My first thought when i play it is that it's another dodgy MIDI-fest, but the writing is totally from the Magnetic Fields school. The addition of the banjo affirms this hypothesis in my mind.

Johnny Reb: This isn't too bad. Doesn't really grab me but one problem for me is the 2 vocal takes seem to be battling against each other. I'm sure there's a discernable melody in there somewhere but only 1 track is singing it at a time.

Ken's super duper stuff band: Good ol' fuzz pop. Can't go far wrong. Good stuff. I prefer the verses to the choruses I think.

Kenzie Chickens:
Chicken noises are awesome. This sounds like Prince backing Buck 65 with Mario Caldato Jr on the keys. Doesn't really go anywhere though.

Klownhole: This tracks' freakin badass. I'd complain about it going on a bit long but I think it takes you a minute or two to get in time with each other so it's better by the end of the song. I like where you fart in the middle.

Lookouts: Production win! This song ain't bad but I don't have much patience for lead guitarists who think that lead guitaring means shredding all the time. It is possible to have a nice little bit of lead guitar that augments the song/arrangement without necessarily trying to grab the centre stage with pentatonic widdling.

Milton: Not sure what to make of this. I think there is potential here for a good song, but you need to trim away the fat. Try writing a track where all the sections have a point, rather than carrying on the song and noodling for lack of any other ideas.

Mime Cavity: Would you like some paracetamol? Thank you for bringing the dooooom. I will apologise to you as I listened to this once in the back ground and skipped it after 4 (or 5 or 6) minutes, then listened again with headphones and skipped through it. Them's the breaks if you write 10 minute songs old bean.

Mr Ease: I see what you did with the name there! Cos it sounds like "mysteries", right? I get it! That's nearly as cool as Val Kilmer playing Batman. Anyway, enough taking the piss from me. This is a good song, I like it. You could teach the Lookouts a thing or 2 about playing lead guitar without sounding like a wanker (I mean that in both the British and American sense). I will consider throwing a vote your way.

Stinko: I like to freak my friends out by playing Paco songs in the living room when they come over. They don't come around any more. Your songs have this weird claustrophobic feel, like there is no world beyond the one painted in the lyrics. Is this what your life is like?

Ryan Rickenbach: I dunno what I was thinking when the music for this started, but I was liking it and then the voice was unexpected, but the longer it goes on the more I like it. The Oohs are what make it. Proper Oh Bother Where Art Thou stylee. Really nice harmonies and voice. Vote maybe?

Son of Supercar: Weird ass mix on this. Like rock music mixed like a dub track or some't. This is cool, but doesn't really have much of a hook. The main thing to set it apart is the crazy middle breakdown. Kinda tight, could be shorter.

Spitball: Badass. Both MC's are good. Good track. Probably gonna get a vote for this.

Tiny Ghost: Not a bad tune. Borderline shitty because of the pause between each line, part of me likes it but it would be a much more effective dynamic tool if you did it once or twice rather than all the time. It gets to the point when I just want you to play the darn song. Nice vibe though.

Tuner's Union: This song is so Dog's Die In Hot Cars it's unreal. Fantastic song, hilarious choice of sounds. I worry that your relentless layering of sounds occasionally threatens to overpower the song but it's okay. Good stuff.

Ux Mpuzm: Any band called Ux Mpuzm that farts out ill-conceived nuggets of underappreciated whimsy is okay by me.

Balance Lost: This is my song.
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by ken »

I think the file name is wrong in the m3u file. BSS doesn't play properly.
Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff - Berkeley Social Scene - Tiny Robots - Seamus Collective - Semolina Pilchards - Cutie Pies - Explino! - Bravo Bros. - 2 from 14 - and more!

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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

The URL for the BSS song in the .m3u file is missing the "_hatchet".
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by Ryan Rickenbach »

glenny - you need some more support behind your vocals. bongo is fun, but a bit out of place. synth kicks in, the song starts to take shape. the sound changes a lot. i like the build ups and change ups, but i think the sound could be a bit more focused. the lead guitar riff is pretty bad ass.

paco del stinko - love that riff after "how else can we survive". the verses seem a bit stiff, as if you're reading the words as you sing them.

the kenzie chickens - string cheese incident? no, the kenzie chickens. quirky, fun. kind of sounds like james brown. your voice is really fun. yea, this is totally james brown…and that's perfectly fine with me.

sonofsupercar - ominous. that line "the static fascination that delivers" is something that will come back to me in a few days and i'll understand what it means in some great epiphany. the drum machine reminds me of hall and oates "i can't go for that (no can do)". i'm sorry. i do like this, though.

ice weasels feat. krebnar - the arrangement is cheesy and the drums are busy, busy, busy. i love banjos, but it's clashing hard with the digital drums. is this about making good art or breaking hearts? the ending sound made me laugh in a good way. this reminds me of this. i am so sorry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCOy_J1jSn0 you're an honest singer and it makes me feel warm. or maybe it's the valium.

brown word and the big whine - big arrangement. this song starts off so bad ass, reminding me of pink floyd, then those "la dadadadas" come i'm lost. but i guess they're growing on me. but then it's over quickly. i think you could push this song to insane amount of noise before you cut it like that. the insanity was just beginning. i want more insanity.

johhny reb - bring that lead up a bit. your hamonies are off and the melodies kind of meander. the repetition of the word hatchet is obtuse.

the HATE noise - i like this a lot. the lead at the end is amateur sounding

birt krinstin - over my head.

klownhole - your scream is pretty cool. i'd like to see you when i'm pissed. FUCK! awesome.

lookouts - production is pretty tight. i want to hear the vox a bit higher. good shit, fades out too quick.

milton - nice bass line. what is that chorus? i don't know. i've lost interest.

tuners union - aw yeah. the end vocals are awesome.

greggers inc - a lot of elements here. kind of catchy, but it's far too long and i'm just not buying it. reminds me of stripped down staind or something. doesn't really go anywhere.

greg boethin - good stuff here, but i don't like the constant lead guitar. i think it could use more thought out placement. but the production is good, and the lyrics are solid. good job.

tiny ghost - a multi-track recorder would help you. i would wager you have some talent and i did enjoy your song, but this is bare fucking bones and needs some work. keep at it.

bennyc - matchstick for my farts is funny. it's a minute long. would have like to hear something more. guess not.

ux mpuzm - christ man. i can't do 4+ minutes of this, regardless of how funny you may think it is.

daddy bop swing set - i laughed out loud a few times at your lyrics juxtaposed against the merry instrumentation. this is different and just nice to listen to. you're a talented musician. "only one of us walks away alive tonight" haha, still getting me.

ken's super duper band 'n stuff - great production. you packed in a lot of song in two minutes. can't find anything bad about this. but it's not getting me that excited either.

balance lost - has me tapping my feet. the vocals could be a bit louder in some parts. you do a good job incorporating electronics with the guitars. the ending is the best part.

mister ease - the panning back and forth during that one part is a bit much. you live up to your name - the song does have an ease to it. "like a beach with gentle waves" is a really nice piece. this is a good song.

spitball + tklb - "i've got a plan and i'm gonna hatch it" is catchy. is the bitch you're referring to gabby giffords?

berkeley social scene - why are you cutting down a cherry tree? you won't have any more fruit if you do that. good stuff though. i like the solo @ 2:20, maybe a little more?

mime cavity - 1:20 long intro…alright. you're a good vocalist. you sound like satan. you're high if you think i'm listening to 10 minutes of your song. sounds like it really picks up around 9 minutes…haha

favorites: sonofsupercar, tuners union, greg boethin, daddy bop, mister ease, lookouts, berkeley
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Hatchet reviews or: Glennny runs amok. Feel free to ask for clarification, I reviewed some of these before my coffee had kicked in.

Balance Lost I like the dun-na-na-na-nunt:weeooo parts best. I need me one of those weeooo thingys. Excellent guitar work and synth touches, the melody fits just right if not overly memorable. Glad you submitted.

BennyC I like the manic section best, as well as the creepy whispers. The lyrics are fun, if disposable. This reminds me of my early 4-track recording days.

Berkeley Social Scene Martin in reins. The guitars are crunchy and similar, I'm guessing plug-in or re-amp. Sound good, anyway. The chorus melody is simple and hooky and the verses pleasant as well. While this doesn't sound 80s, it reminds me of something from then, in parts.

Birt Krinstin This might make a fun little animated feature. Muddy sounding which obscures some of the less than typical sounds in there. Or is it because of the mud that they sound so? Julia Child bit is fitting but over a messy section. I dunno. Chorus is kinda catchy, song is a mess.

Brown Word and the Big Whine You sound more confident in this song than in some of your others. I hate to suggest it, but maybe a re-mix is inorder. Try leaving the voices in a particular spot and leave them there. The backing ones can be far off to the side and distant or whatever, but now, some crowd and push against each other. Regardless, a ballsy and twisted effort full of great synth work and odd but accessible melody.

Daddy Bop Swing Set Django mania. The horn is fab as is the wonderful guitar work. The vocal works/doesn't work but the jaunty energy of the song carries most of the way. Like Django, perhaps a brief blast of energy would be a better fit.

glennny I'm impressed by this effort but have to agree with Pete on the vocal line. It is certainly ambiytious, though, and the raw edge to your voice fits well. I'm concerned about the subject matter: is it tough times at home or something fantastical and tongue in cheek? Nice synth work and auto-wah guitar. Strong 80s touches.

Gregg Boethin I like the progression and arrangement. It's like the Stones without the swagger or sleaze. I'd probably notch it up just a few BPM. The lead guitar doesn't need to noodle through so much of it either. Let it break out after certain vocal lines. It's right there, though.

Greggers Inc. Glassy tones on the out of phase guitar and plunks. Everything is well separated in the mix, very nice. The tension mounts early, but goes on a bit too long I think. It might almost have been better to not open the song up, maybe. Snipping a bit off of this wouldn't have hurt.

The HATE Noise Love the threatening bass, sounds like an acoustic all amped up. Balls. Funny this goes from something almost metal to a Moody Blues chorus. Works for me although I'm no Moody Blues fan. No idea what you're singing about but the dark atmosphere, rhythm tracks and instrumentation are very effective.

Ice Weasels featuring Krebnar This sounds so synthetic and cheesy to start, I kind of roll my eyes. But as it goes it becomes pleasingly melodic and warms up. Good lesson in keeping it simple and letting good melody sell itself. The layers are all appropriate and not overdone. Good art!

Johnny Reb At first I thought you were playing some cool Robert Quine inspired leads but then realized that they are just way off. One vocal would have been better here. You gotta pretty much nail it to get away with doubling or it turns to poop. There's probably a good enough tune in here but it's buried under a big mess of un-tuned, not playing the same thing at the same time mess. Focus man, focus!

Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff Ramones Acid Eaters meets Jesus and Mary Chain. Good energy and drive. No need to make this any longer than it is. Backing vocals answering the repeated chorus would work, but not needed. Tight, punchy fun.

The Kenzie Chickens A good fit, title and band name. This could benefit from the three girls around the mic support that is not here. Simple and effective arrangement works as does the instrumentation. The key horns must frustrate you as they are doing the right thing but lack that brassy air of the real thing. I feel your pain while I program or play key drums with a kit sitting piled up in my friends attic. Anyway, your party band set list grows and grows.

Klownhole I might have written this same riff years ago. Obviously you're not copying me, but maybe it says something about where we come from. I dunno. I'm missing the bass except for occasioanl notes. I'm confused, It would definitely help propel the song if it were complete. Doesn't matter as I still dig the 'Hole and this still rocks.

The Lookouts You sure do dig that groove. It's fine and all, but I'd like to hear you come tearing through some week all reckless and scary. It seems as though the voice and guitar fight for frequency rights during the bridge, something to check out, perhaps. The story is fine for this and the guitar accents are good. The bass could use a bit 'o beef, methinks.

Milton Middle of the night headphone recording, sounds like. Wierd, the bass off to the side in the mix. I like the mood, mostly, but this comes off as done pretty quickly, understandably, and with little thought to the title.

Mime Cavity Ah, there's the bass that was missng before. All distorted and grubby. This progression is wonderfully ugly and makes me wish I were hungover. Sort of. I dig the trippy vocals. Bottom of the sea blues.

Mister Ease This has some White Album attitude if not sound and execution. I like the melody and chord changes, mysterious narration. Slightly odd but effective arrangement and diggable, if warbly, guitar work.

Paco del Stinko Based on a story from the history of my home town. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah_Duston I tried just mic'ing my guitar here per Ross' suggestion from earlier songs.

Ryan Rickenbach I like the patient flow of this, gentle river-like. Nice guitar and vocal work. Drums could afford to be reverberated, I think. It wouldn't make it artificial but, rather, more ambient. I wish you had sung my song instead of me. You accomplish more of a genuine folky thang than do I. Good work.

sonofsupercar Some whiffs of Frank Black, probably not by design I'm sure, in here, but it's all you guys. The pulsing throb goes from I'm not sure I want to hear this for 4 minutes to an addictive drive. Great progressions and the dissonant chords and bridge are sweet to my ears. Production is dense but appropriate for this. Mucho diggo.

Spitball and TKLB The vocal delivery is better when spat out and not all cool guy spoken. I like the creepy supporting loops. Some good rhymes but I'm not sure what you're talking about if it's just a murder plot of talking shit, it kind of sways back and forth, to me. But I can be dim, too.

Tiny Ghost Commit already! The hesitations are frustrating. If it's by design, then good job. But this would be excellent done straight forward and with rhythm. Your voice sounds famiiar...

Tuners Union Hook filled and melodic. This is superbly crafted, almost to the point of excess. Great vocal work, all around, very impressive. And the playing/programming is tops too. A bit compressed sounding, production-wise, for me, I'd like to hear it breathe a bit more. Regardless, this is top shelf work.

Ux Mpuzm I was expecting a Motown bass line, all driving, to come in, and was disappointed. But that's fine, as I dig experiemntal music. This is very stuttery and I reckon the hatchet is more about how this was assembled than anything else. Some nice fragments her and interesting slices of sound. The vocals are all mockery and inside joke winking. Good for a listen or two.
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Thanks for the reviews. I hope to make time to write at least some comments if not full reviews this weekend. I enjoyed several of these songs, specifically the Balance Lost, Ken, and sonofsupercar tracks.

This was a weird song for us, as it was an all Lunkhead/Martyr production. If you don't like it, don't blame Ken or glennny. ;) I wrote the lyrics on the way home from work, then we met up and wrote the song with me on drums and Martyr on guitar. We tracked those together, then tracked Martyr on bass and me on guitar together, then vocals, then lead guitar. I added the synth while mixing. I think it's decent for a one night two person project.
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by Misterease »

Happy to be here and submit our first Songfight and our first reviews:

Milton: Love the groove and the sound. just when I thought I was bored, the rideout vocals caught my attention and left me with a smile on my face by the end of the song. Nice!

Johnny Reb: The intro guitar gets pretty rough. Vocals are horribly mismatched in tone and pitch. This needs to be reduced to a single vocal to be listenable. Unless that's the vibe that they're going for, in which case I'd say I guess I just don't get it.

Ryan Rickenbach: Verse arrangement and harmonies are very nice. A nice set of inspired lyrics, too. Well done.

Tiny Ghost: It simultaneous feels like you are brilliant and have no idea what you're doing. That makes this one of my favorites. That being said, I can't tell if you keep bumping into the microphone or if that's supposed to be percussion, and that sound is super annoying.

Spitball and TKLB: Great lyrics. Not too original. But whatever, it sounds cool.

Paco del Stinko: Cool groove, nice story. The acoustic sounds great.

Daddy Bop Swing Set: Well done all around. Nice chord lyrics! Django Reinhardt lives!

Greggers Inc.: Did you embed some weird tones in this song to mess with my head? I'm seriously getting sad while listening to it.

sonofsupercar: Super cool stoner riff and Michael Anthony-y bass line. Great vocal tone but there is some weird aspect to the processing on the voice that's less than desirable. I'd definitely go see this band.

Gregg Boethin: Cool country groove. The lows sound great. His voice is good but needs a little more help, maybe doubling, some harmonies or some processing.

Balance Lost: Cool! Kind of a mix of Cracker and Squeeze. I bet no one else agrees with that comment.

Brown Word and the Big Whine: Great sound overall but the mix suffers from all the voices competing with each other. The pretty odd melody is strong, however.

Berkeley Social Scene: This is great except for the "like a cherry tree" line.

The HATE Noise: No doubt, this is my favorite song of the fight (to this point). The lyrics seems completely nonsensically whimsical, which gets me every time!

Mime Cavity: Ugly, dirty blues that sounds like it was recorded outdoors 30 years ago! Trippy vocals put this one over the top - nice! Time to start drinking!

Tuners Union: Fun, dancey feel! Good, catchy chorus. Nice job.

Klownhole: Is the bass player really only playing 1 or 2 notes here and there? Is he busy doing something else in between? That makes this song very weird for me.

BennyC: I'm not wild about the right-channel guitar but I do like this song. Lyrics are fun.

Ice Weasels featuring Krebnar: New Order-y sounding vocals, which is cool. A simple, but effective., song.

Mister Ease: Our first Songfight! Written & recorded in about 5 hours on a 20-year-old Tascam cassette 8-track that was in a box since the late 1990s until about 3 weeks ago! I know I'm getting old when it's easier to set up my old 8-track than figure out how to use Cubase in time to submit to Songfight!

The Lookouts: Reminds me of a cross between Neil Young and Alice in Chains, which is sweet combination!

Ux Mpuzm: Kinda weird, but definitely interesting. Couldn't listen more than a couple times to this...at least at not my current volume!

Birt Krinstin: Made me laugh, but otherwise seems aimless and meandering.

glennny: Vocals need some work before this could be final but there is a lot of promise buried in this song. The melodic shift to the change is nice. Lose the bongos (not a typo for "love")!!!

Ken's Super Duper Band n Stuff: Reminds me of bands I used to see at the Cubby Bear in Chicago in the early 90s. They were all good bands, so don't get me wrong. Good chorus. Good college pub rock.

The Kenzie Chickens: I don't really like the groove, but I love chickens, so it's easy to reconcile. James Brown is rolling over in his grave that he didn't think of this first.
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by lesChaps »

Balance Lost - Hey, check this out. First song I listen to is already the frontrunner and presumed nominee. I am fond of this, and listened to it again. At first I thought the vocal doubling could be improved (that is doubling, right?). Anyway, now I think that it is great. Can't quite figure out what this reminds me of... XTC? Hūsker Dū? Maybe a bit of The Mountain Goats. Anyway, this is a promising start to the fight. A good one in the bin. Boom!

BennyC - I was not liking this at first, probably b/c of the bongos and the bass kinda sloppin around. But then it got to the second verse (chorus?), and I wasn't entirely comfortable with the matching of "ratchet" ... But then it wrapped up with fart, I realized it all was funny and you said fart. Which busted my son up, notching up his respect for the whole Song Fight thing. Ha! Funny! Fart! And now I like the song. Bravo! For the blue flame reference. Poof! Another in the plus column.

Birt Krinstin - Hm. Kinda jumbled up, but a clever refrain. You've got Dr. Seuss writing lyrics, then a King Missile thing going on at the end, which is pretty great.

sonofsupercar - Hot mic! Hot mic! I kind of get aggravated by the detuned or atonal stuff, which is just a bug I have up my ass. Ironic for someone with almost no sense of rhythm and a trick ear, I know, but, you know, Jehovah made me this (Yah) way, and he don't make no junk. Wait, what was I saying about the song? Slop around the drums is also kinda dissonant for me. What the hell is wrong with me? I actually am liking the song, but I keep getting distracted by some of the details. Lyrics are fun. BIF!

The Kenzie Chickens - When it started, I was thinking, "how great it would be if The Kenzie Chickens actually had something to do with chickens?" Imagine my extreme pleasure now. Funk funk funk. I am exceptionally fond of the chicken guitar solo. Nicely done -- this is my new favorite in a lot of ways. Good length, too -- quit while you are ahead, not too much, leave them wanting more (I did). Just like

Question: was there JB or Prince style dancing? Image

Mister Ease - Hey, it's Klownhole's Jason! Wait! No, it isn't! It's Harry Nilsson! Harry: is it really that fun to get high with Ringo?

I'm kidding, of course -- Getting wasted with Ringo and Nilsson would be fucking fantastic! I was just going to add a reference to Michael Nesmith, who would have gotten behind this, too, but I was confused -- Mickey Dolenz was the Monkee that got all messy with Ringo and Nillson. Check it out!


So. This song. This song is kind of like the second day of ripping it up with those guys. The real cool people all split hours ago (to see Led Zeppelin), but some people stayed and gather around the big fireplace, on the big sexy bearskin rug. There's a bowl full of keys, and a bowl full of ludes, and we're at the part in the evening when people all gather around the accoustic guitar and start jamming. Someone keeps requesting Brown Eyed Girl (he wants to impress some chick that has already passed out). It's okay, though, because Mister Ease takes control. OOOF!

Ice Weasels featuring Krebnar -
Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come. -- Matt Groening
Just a warning: I'm burning out on this fight's keyboards already. However, I am enjoying how much all of these songs take us back to the 70s and 80s. Let your passions do the dirty work. TMBG drum machine. Uh-oh. The out-of-tune stuff happening here. Dammit. Distracting (but remember, I am the world's most distractible man, so don't take it badly). Well, setting that aside, about the only thing I would actually suggest here is fewer instruments/patches, fewer cymbal hits, and you have yourself a nifty little pop song here. Seems like it would be fun making this, so I find it fun, too. ZAP!

Ux Mpuzm - Here we go, starting this one up. Please have a banjo, please have a banjo ... Okay, more keyboards and highhat/cymbals. NO banjo. An excellent bit of guitar stuff, but now ... well, this experimental sound thing doesn't work for me. Too much artsy, not enough fartsy. Also, as expected -- and this isn't your problem, this is the title "hatchet" -- everyone uses the lyric "scratch it". I'm having trouble finishing this one ... I think it's the high hat. Seriously. Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!

But wait! The sampling thing is fun towards the mid-point. That is the thing about this kind of experimentation -- you sometimes have to wait for the nuggets. I wish I could be patient enough to find them all, but I can't say this is one that I'd listen to a second time. That doesn't make it bad. It's not you, it's me. TING!

Berkeley Social Scene - I like everything but the high hat and more keyboards, oh god, shoot me now. "CATCH IT! HATCHET!" ;) I think I need to take a break. But I recommend, seriously for a moment, doing whatever it is when you record music that makes the high hat not so prominent. Mixing? EQ? Expensive microphone mufflers? Or, perhaps I should be wearing different headphones. But during the chorus, everthing is fine. Oooo. I also like how there are more guitars in this song than many that have come before it. I like the guitar sound. This one has worked out for me. Cooooooooool.

Okay. I'm taking a break now, because I am being such a jerk so far. Seriously, I am happy with how good this Song Fight is so far, but my ears must be getting tired. Sorry, no more sweet potatoes. I'm full now, and I'm saving room for pie.
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by blue »

Where are you hearing feedback in the sos tune? It's all tracked. Is it the sibilance on the vocals?
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by ice weasel »

two meta comments: there were way more entries this week than i thought there would be, and way more of them than usual were great.

balance lost - so catchy and happy. everything works together, and the little bloops and bleeps at the end are just icing. A+

benny c - kinda spastic, but cute. oh, hm, not really into the fart joke. at least it's short.

berkeley social scene - wow, you guys sound different now. reminds me of old simple machines singles, in a good way. i would play this on a road trip. i want it to hold my attention more than it does, but the chorus is great.

birt krinstin - funny effects. nice melody, though sometimes the guitar seems to be fighting it. you lost me during the minute of talking at the end.

brown word and the big whine - i feel like i fell into a drug trip. i really want to hate this but it's making me laugh. all the drums and bassy freaky things going on down there emphasize that you're insane.

daddy bop swing set - pretty sure you got exactly what you were aiming for, so while it's not my style, it's good. the chorus is catchy and almost makes the rest of the song seem out of whack. sounds like it could have been done by early talking heads. the guitar/flute bit in the middle made it go from "ehh" to "good" for me.

glennny - mmm piano. your singing is even worse than mine, though. strings yay, phil collins bongos boo. i think i'm focusing on the instruments because the song itself isn't grabbing me. they want to go somewhere but the song kinda spins in place.

gregg boethin - great production. it almost sounds country. not really my cup of tea, but no specific criticism, so i think if it was my cup of tea, i'd drink it.

greggers inc - cute, and sounds haunting. the drums are weird and i like them. was getting a bit boring until the flangy guitars came in, but then yay. it maybe goes on a bit long. i might have ended it after the "oohs", a minute and a half earlier.

the hate noise - really muddy and i can't hear your voice well. it feels like it sorta collapses and goes all over the place, but it lost my attention pretty quickly.

ice weasels featuring krebnar - (me)

johnny reb - sounds out of key to me. i like the lyrics.

ken's super duper band 'n stuff - good work on making something that sounds like straight-up rock. the chorus is catchy and the keyboard fits in perfectly. the final repeat sounds a little stilted. overall smile-worthy.

the kenzie chickens - is that a pro wrestler at the beginning? so james brown is in the talking heads now, cool. this is a fun song that went on a bit long for me.

klownhole - you probably got exactly what you wanted out of this song, but hard for me to get into.

the lookouts - haha, i like the emphasis for the punchline. fun song.

milton - it's a bit skeletal to start with, and doesn't really fill out. i like the tinkly keyboards in the chorus but don't like the slowed-down bossman voice. not sure where i would have taken this, but it feels half done.

mime cavity - a ten minute song is a really hard sell, so you didn't pull it off. it sounds like what i thought metal was like when i was ten. your voice and guitar work sell it, though. so i mean, make no mistake, i really hate this, but at least it's not half-assed, it's polished.

mister ease - the chords are making me feel warm. it never makes me jump up and get excited, but it's pleasant all the way through. kinda like floating down a river. the fade-out actually works, which is a rare accomplishment.

paco del stinko - the chorus singing gets a little wonky, but i like how it escalates. oh my goodness, so violent. but no, the lyrics are making me laugh, so this is winning me over.

ryan rickenbach - really nice feel to it. the production is well done and it grabbed my attention in the first few seconds. i kinda missed a "hook" or variation, but i think you get away with it by letting it just flow and glide along. A+

sonofsupercar - dark and forboding. the vocals came out excellently. the interlude sounds like everyone's waiting for one of the band members to come back from the bathroom -- would have been better to figure out something different to stick there.

spitball and tklb - can't make myself like the talking songs. if i understand the lyrics, i like them. for what this is, it's great.

tiny ghost - interesting idea. i grew up in a place where this was a legitimate kind of music so i'm giving it a soft spot of my heart. thanks for keeping it short.

tuners union - i like the way this came together, even if it's a bit muted. and i always love organs. ooh, and it gets dancy toward the end, possibly in a way that other reviewers will forgive. (i've noticed songfight reviewers hate dance.) one of the rare ones that i immediately want to listen to again.

ux mpuzm - are we being trolled? this is so far outside what i would normally choose to listen to that i can't give it a fair review. it's borderline headache-inducing.
"ice weasels: move to the 1980 Philippines and you would be a huge hit"
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by glennny »

Hatchet Reviews (15 of them Anyway)

Balance Lost- You know I’m a fan. This is my favorite song of the fight! If anything, maybe I’d like your vocals slightly higher in the mix. Hey that hook is familiar! Similar punch as in “Go Suck” yeah? The bass line is awesome! Vocals are great! I love the dynamics! There are some seriously cool noises in this song! Well done Pedro! For the WIN! Big VOTE!

Benny C- This is funny. The whisper scat is the most hilarious part. I really like the bass, the guitar noodling is nice too. Short sweet and cute!

Berkeley Social Scene- My band, but I’m not in it for this one. Martyr and Lunkhead carrying the torch for this one. I love it! There’s lots of rock energy and pop sensibility! The guitar riffs are nice, I like the punches too. Sweet Lunk solo as expected! I don’t get the lyrics, but they are good rock lyrics. VOTE!

Birt Krinstin- Kind of the same idea as Fish Heads. This is a terrible recording. I like the earnestness in the vocal performance. The lyrics are pretty weak. I look forward to hearing your voice again with better production. Oh man, why is there a skit? This should have ended at 2 minutes.

Brown Word and Big Whine
- The backing vocals are quite catchy. Everything else is quite weird, but interesting. The lyrics are pretty dull. The music is really wild! Terrible ending. The ending could have been a lot nicer, feel like someone just pulled the plug. The composition as a whole is lacking an arc. What’s there is pretty cool. It sounds like it needs more development. Fun!

Gregg Boethin- I like the vibe. I think the instruments could be a lot tighter. If they were this could be devastating. Your vocals are great! All the guitars are playing in time together, but it’s like they’re arguing over the accents. I like it, but I don’t love it. I think a tighter performance would make me love this.

Gregger’s Inc- I don’t think the drums work well with that guitar line. I don’t think the chorus is much of a lift from the verse. It’s weird when things get louder and more intense and the drums stay at the quiet level. This song is way too long. It’s a good riff, but a little played out.

The HATE Noise- I look forward to your entries. This sounds like a totally different band than I was expecting. The production is very hissy. I like the big picked bass that carries the song. Your vocals are very buried. The tambourine adds a nice texture, but the timing is super shaky (no pun intended). This song especially with that bass line is starving for a drum kit. I like the chorus melody. The acoustic lead is pretty nice. I could do without the hand claps, but you were in need of percussion. This is a good sketch for a song, needs a serious remix and some drums. Cool stuff, I will continue to look forward to more Hate Noise.

Ice Weasels featuring Krenbar- I like your voice. I wish I could turn up the Klownhole in your vocals. You stay very safe, and way too quiet with your vocal line. It sounds nebbish and passionless. This is a well-structured song. The whole thing sounds like it’s in a tiny box. I really hate the line “cuz that’s how you make good art”. I get that that’s the idea of the lyrics, but I feel like I’m being spoon-fed the concept. The drum machine gets annoying. I look forward to your songwriting, I hope the production improves, and you find some lyrics it sounds like you believe in.

Johnny Reb- The lead guitar is drunk (some bad note choices). Wow the vocals are totally out of key. I’m way too used to Western music with 12 notes in a scale to tolerate this. Your voice is nice enough, but the notes are torture. I don’t like fade outs. The bass is kinda groovy. You could correct this song, I’m left thinking this is some art experiment.

Ken’s Super Duper Band and Stuff- By far the best drums of the fight! This is a contender for the win. Great chorus! The verse gets us to the chorus, like it should. It gives us a chance to bob to the drums. I’m not sure the synth is necessary. I think I’d rather hear backing vocals and no synth. The guitars and drums and vocals kick serious ass though! VOTE!

Klownhole- This sounds nearly improvised. You guys have much rock power. I’d like to hear you compose more of a song. I like listening to this, I find it entertaining, but it won’t get the repeated listens. Nice drums! I like the energy of the vocals a lot! The melody isn’t very catchy, but the conviction is. I like the punches in the bass line, but it feels like there should be a part where the bass line jumps on the train, instead it sounds like the punches were the only part he was sure about. You guys are just cool.

The Lookouts- There’s a nice saunter to this song. Simpe and tight! The bass and the drums are great! The acoustic and the lead sound good too. I really like the lead guitar playing. The tone is okay, but not my style. Good playing! I like your voice. I don’t get the point of the lyrics. The vocal production is okay, but I’d prefer it not so wet. Is it doubled? I think it’d sound better solo. Great playing and singing, nice groove. It’s just not exciting enough for a vote from me I’m afraid. Cool stuff!

Milton-The bass line is really cool. The drum machine gets tedious after a while. The monster low vocals don’t really work. Besides a hatchet is a small tool, it should have a higher pitched voice. That voice sounds like an axe. The sparse keys are okay, but so loud compared to the other instruments. The bpm is way too slow too. I think more lyrics, less vocal effects, faster tempo and a remix.

Mime Cavity- 1st off I need to thank Ken and Paco for their good production, they serve as touchstones for when I feel crazy. This huge monstrous, would-be awesome metal is underwhelming due to thin production. This should sound huge. Okay, I’ll turn it up and EQ it a bit for tolerable listening. The song has serious dinosaur feet, that’s okay, I like some plodding metal. I love the tone of the guitar. I dig the vocal delivery and the swirling from Hell effects on it. OUCH! There’s a serious pop at 2:48, that hurt. There’s really not a lot of music in that 9:28, the bpm is so slow. Oddly enough if you take the Daddy Bop song (at 220 bpm) and slow it down to 55bpm it sounds exactly like this. I’m a Prog Rock guy, so wherein I love me a long song, I like many more movements within it. This is pretty cool, there’s a lot going for it, but it needs a serious remix, and I think some editing. I look forward to the next one!

I apologize for not getting to everyone yet. Big fight......
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by glennny »

Some responses...

1st off on the Daddy Bop tune, Steve is the muted trumpet, and Lorigan is playing a soprano sax. Not a flute , not a clarinet.

2nd off, my son turned 5 this past weekend, I did indeed name him Django. When I announced his birth on the boards, Steve chimed in that we should work together. I wish we had more often, I was stoked he was able to jump in on this one. I do owe him an apology for the keys of E and D, they are not horn friendly and he still played like the champ he is. Thanks Steve!

But Steve's horn doesn't fit.
Yes it does! Quite well in fact to my ears, I'm curious why it doesn't work for you.

...All that D4, D6 crap. What's that all about? And when will you write a set of lyrics that don't need an additional explanation to make sense?
It makes all the sense in the world to any Dungeons and Dragons nerd. I wish I wrote these lyrics, they are the lyrics I wanted for the song. So I got my old roommate, and the biggest D&D nerd I know (though the Prisoner gives him a run for his money) to write them. I couldn't have been more pleased.

Ryan Rickenbach:
you need some more support behind your vocals.
I need vocal lessons, or another singer with chops. I'm practicing though nowhere near where i want to be yet.
the lead guitar riff is pretty bad ass.
Thanks man!

Hatchet reviews or: Glennny runs amok.
LOL! Yes, the wife and kids were out of town for the week, so I got to work on a lot of music.
I'm concerned about the subject matter: is it tough times at home or something fantastical and tongue in cheek?
We're dealing with my music habit. There's nothing more cathartic than a song about murder. Grains of conflict spawn fantastical tongue and cheek stories. Mostly I wanted Poet vs. Scientist lyrics. e.g "...get to a higher plain..."- Poet, "...with a ramp"- Scientist.
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by furrypedro »

glennny wrote:Pete:
...All that D4, D6 crap. What's that all about? And when will you write a set of lyrics that don't need an additional explanation to make sense?
It makes all the sense in the world to any Dungeons and Dragons nerd.
Ah, I seeeee....also, for what it's worth I had that chorus stuck in my head all day Sunday (you bastard) :)
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by EvelBist »

glennny wrote:Some responses...
But Steve's horn doesn't fit.
Yes it does! Quite well in fact to my ears, I'm curious why it doesn't work for you.
To my ears it was like that anasazi dude bent over and blowing his horn off in his own world while the other instruments were in the room. But what do I know ... I cant mix anyway.
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Re: Write a Hatchet Job (Reviews)

Post by glennny »

Hatchet Reviews Part 2- The other Eleven

The Kenzie Chickens- This is silly and fun. It’s a funny joke, but there’s plenty of room to develop into more of a song. My morning ritual is to start the day with Bootsy Collins. So I want my funk super tight. This is very loose. Where you might approach the timbre of James Brown, your phrasing and timing is nowhere near where it should be. This is the most unforgiving of genres. Sorry this sounds like a negative review. I liked the song, it made me laugh. I could love the song with tighter performances and maybe more lyrics.

Mister Ease- You left the click track-drum machine in the garage. Okay you brought it in to the studio. This is a great groove! The melody reminds me of Donovan-Season of the Witch. Nice chords in this song! Your vocals are great! The backing vocals are good too. I second the notion Pete brought forth that the lead guitar is indeed tasty! Yep, this is great! The lyrics don’t do much for me, but they’re not bad. The music is superb, nice mix too! VOTE!

Paco del Stinko- Nice move with the miked acoustic! Every instrument sounds awesome! I’m awestruck by the vocals, they’re so good. It’s amazing to me how many voices you can conjure up. This makes the backing vocals the best of the fight. This song will make a Halloween playlist too. Believe it or not, I do not think every song needs a solo, but come on. You’re Paco! You have a theremin! You recently learned how to make your acoustic sound amazing! It was all set up after the bridge, then NOPE no theremin, no pedal steel, no solo. Bummed! The song is awesome, it gets a reluctant vote.

Ryan Rickenbach- This feels like the last track on an album. These vocals are stunning! This mix is really nice. That tambourine doesn’t sound natural to me. Is that muted by the tambourine player, or is that heavy compression? Either way, it was smart. This is also a contender for the win. The acoustic sounds great too! Man, I wish I had your vocal chops (especially for the glennny track this week). The lyrics are not hitting me. I’m just not getting them yet. I feel like there’s a story, but I don’t get it. Luckily listening to this repeatedly will be a pleasure. Well done! Bravo! VOTE!

Son of Supercar- Plenty of tension! Where’s the release? This mix is really weird. I think that’s a good thing. The main riff dances a little too close to Purple Haze for my comfort. Blue’s drums are bad ass! I like the bass line a lot to. That synth pulsing noise is very cool too. The vocals have an awesome timbre! I like the performance a lot, some of the melodic choices are off. It’s not the easiest field to write a melody over, it’s a good effort. “…complete” at 1:02 is the biggest offender. Wait, you did it again. Cut and pasted? On purpose? Voice is awesome, but I’d make you recut the 1st 2 choruses and the 2nd verse. The 3rd verse and chorus NAILS IT! I’m on the fence for this one. Lots of cool stuff, could have used a Frippy solo! I hope to see this live someday.

Spitball and TKLB- Nice backing tracks! Nice flow! Unfortunately, the lyrics are weak. That’s really unfortunate for the genre. Another, pulls the plug ending. The composition could use some dynamics. A catchy refrain from a soul singer would help this out a lot too. This is a great start, add a melodic chorus with a hook. Write an ending. Work on the lyrics, so they’re not just rap fodder. (plenty of rock is guilty of the same, but that’s not what the genre is about).

Tiny Ghost- Is that a tap the microphone percussion? It’s impressive how arrhythmic this is. This is a track that hates its audience. Why do you hate me? The intension I assume is to make one uncomfortable with the timing and headache erratic pulsing. I see this as a symbol of the ennui of modern life. Unfortunately, I don’t ever want to listen to it again.

Tuner’s Union- The keys are great! I don’t like the drum sound. The overall volume of the track is really quiet. These vocals are very impressive. Excellent dynamics in this composition! This would be awesome with a real drummer! This is a super fun listen. I wish the mix was better. The writing is killer! Nice ending! I love how I don’t really know what to anticipate in the next section. The singing is top notch, excellent harmonies! Great song! Vote!

Ux Mpuzm- This is listenable because the tambourine continuum is in time. I feel like I’m flipping channels. I like it. It’s entertaining. I like the meta joke “this is a hatchet job”. Yes there are a lot of things cut up and assembled into this track. Fun.

Glennny- It was a Tueday night. My wife and kids were in LA, I just got home from BSS night at the studio. We had a failed attempt to work out what would become the Daddy Bop tune. I had been brainstorming lyrics with Ken and Erin on a google doc as we do when a title comes up. I started to develop this idea for the lyrics earlier that day. In my day around the Tesla factory I sought literal tools that I could make a lyric out of. I wrote the ramp line going up a ramp, the lathe line as I saw the machine shop lathe, the laser line when I used an IR gun, etc. The point is I had these lyrics I liked brewing. For the swing song I had cast a wide net: Steve trumpet, Lorigan Sax, King lyrics, Prisoner drums, Erin backing French vox. When I got back from the studio I received the King lyrics, so I cut them. Then I couldn’t sleep, it was 3am. I busted out my ipad2 and wrote a piano based song. I used those lyrics I was brewing. The rest of the week I would wait until 3am and cut the vocals while lying on the floor. The vocal styling felt more like acting than real singing, but I don’t have much of a real singing voice. Frankly I’m tired of the safe little space my sometimes passable indie vocals occupy. I did my best intensifying through instrumentation (wannabe fake plastic trees). I love the song, I’m hoping someone with real vocal chops will ask to cover it someday.

Daddy Bop Swing Set- So Erin and I went and saw the Hot Club of San Francisco a few weeks ago. I wrote the music to this song originally with the intent to have Erin sing. The lyrics took a non-Erin turn. Someday, we will get that Gypsy Jazz song together with Erin singing in French. Seeing the HCoSF, I knew the lead guitarist in the Django would be amazing, he was, and I could wrap my brain around everything he did. What struck me was how awesome the rhythm guitarist was. I had to practice to get those chord changes so quickly. So the composition started there, with an up-tempo jazz chord pattern with a key change in the Hot Club Style. So I was stoked to have both Lorigan and Steve Durand join me on this track! The muted trumpet rocks my world. Steve is SOOOOOOOOOO Good! We never spoke about it, but he only recorded over the 1st 2 intro sections. Leaving the 3rd one free, obviously this was enough reason to do my best Django lead guitar. I wish I would have added the signature bend that BB King based a career on, but I liked this take a lot. The best part for me is Lorigans solo. I gave him that middle sixteen, and he gave me the best solo I’ve heard in years. It goes on my list for all-time best solos in a Song Fight song. That middle section guitar underneath the solo, strays from Django, it’s more of a Tuck Andress thing. Thanks to King for perfect lyrics! VOTE!

Excellent Fight Everyone! One of my favorites!

Vote Getters:
Daddy Bop Swing Set
Mister Ease
Tuner's Union
Paco del Stinko
Ryan Rickenbach
Ken's Super Duper Band and Stuff
Berkeley Social Scene
Balance Lost (For the Win!)

Honorable Mention:
Son of Supercar
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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