Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

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Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Niveous »

Dr. Songfight or How I Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love The Art Bomb.
"I'd like to see 1984 redubbed with this in the soundtrack."- Furrypedro.
Lucky Witch and the Righteous Ghost
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by rick.mealey »

Describing An Arc I: Over The Curve by atFulcrum on iTunes

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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by wages »

Looking forward to seeing what y'all say about this one... my first solo entry since 2010. And of course, I met the challenge of "write and record in a single day", of course! Let me know if you identified the theme used to write the lyrics. I figure it's pretty obvious. :geek:
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Caravan Ray »

That's a big fight

This will take a long time, so I will review one at a time - and re-edit this post.
Reviewed in alphabetical order - and listed in strict order of preference:

1. HIJ$KM: Who is this? Obviously J$ - sounding better than I have ever heard him before. But the backing music is great. Well done people. This is great

2: PACO DEL STINKO: Great variation and energy thoughout. Love the drum riff thing in the verses, and cool chorus. Great ending. Nice.

3. MICHAH SOMMERSMITH: Great lyrics. Good song, good arrangement, good performance. Well done.

4. GROCK: This is totally cool. Totally Nirvana-ish - but I see nothing bad about that. Reading other reviews - Glenn Case compared it to the Stray Cats. WTF Glenn Case?!?! Put down the crack pipe.

5.CODPEACE: I detect the reek of Paco del Stinko about this? Whatever - I like it. This will take some beating. Well done whoever you are. Oh...and you win best band name too. Double kudos.

6. BERKELEY SOCIAL SCENE: Wow!. BSS have entered a time portal which has transported them to Brisbane in the summer of 1982. This sounds remarkably like early Go-Betweens (albeit with an American accent) - and this is something I approve of. I have often suffered from genre bias with BSS entries in the past - but not with this one.

7. KENS SDBNS: Happy, catchy, hooky. You can't go wrong with that.

8. HOBLIT: Cool song. Great vocals . Love what Paco describes as "locust guitars"

9. ADD: I like this a lot. Very catchy and nice vocal hook. Guitar break is pretty cool too - and I am not usually a big fan of guitar breaks. Well done.

10: NIVEOUS: Nice work. Like the repetitive riff, good and atmospheric. And the repeated chorus. Would like to hear the vox cut through a bit more, to sound more ominous.

11. FOOBAR: Very cool song. I like it. Let down a little by some dodgy pitch on some of the "na nas"

12. GLAD BAGGAGE: No idea what you are singing about. But I like it.

13. JIM TYRRELL AND THE SUMMITEERS: Nice build up. Sounds very 'new romantic'. I hope you got a perm and a puffy shirt to record this. Fun.

14. JAMES OWENS: Good song. Good vocals and nicely put together. Enjoyable. Well done

15. BOFFO YUX DUDES: These are sensational lyrics. They got several audible chuckles from me - which is a hard thing to do. Filling up easels and painting walls with primer. Great stuff. Only problem is that it sounds like a novelty song. I hate novelty songs. My philosophy is - although I may rarely get it right - is that novelty lyrics can be made to sound like a proper song. That is my main aim in life - to write a novelty song that does't sound like one. "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones is my favourite template. The lyrics in that are so childish and silly - it could easily be a novelty song. But it isn't. Not by a long shot. These lyrics could make a great rock and roll song.

16. LEVEL NIVELO: Shame about the muffled recording of vox and uke. Good song that could have really worked well with a better sounding uke and some simple additional backing.

17. BALANCE LOST: Very good as always, but not my favourite of your work. The last verse is good, especially the 'buttercup' line, nicely delivered. The 'direct action' chorus isn't quite hooky enough for me.

18. MAGNETIC LETTERS: Promising. Reminds me of Dead Eyes Open by Severed Heads. Falls apart a bit towards the end. Lot of good sounds, not quite gelling in some parts

19. THE GRAMMYS: A bit half-arsed sounding - but it is quite likeable. Not bad

20. HAND FORMULA: I was hoping for more. It was a great start. I quite liked this. But it needed to expand.

21. FRONTALITTLE SQUAD: Competent and catchy. Not really my cup of tea I suppose.

22. C. LAYNE: Pleasant sounding. Likeable in a Flaming Lips sort of way, but nothing really grabbing me

23. CHIRON RETURN: Production issues. Very hard to hear vocals, which is a shame because it is an otherwise well produced and recorded song. But by not hearing the lyrics, I can't tell if you were trying to sound like an overly histrionic 1970s disaster movie theme song in a sarcastic way - or if that is just what you sound like. Which reminds me - surely after hearing Maureen McGovern sing just before the Poseidon sank, why on earth did they get her to sing at the Towering Inferno too? Didn't they know they were just asking for trouble?

24: NEW IMAGE: Competent but not particularly interesting. Seems to match you band name which is likewise bland and uninspiring.

25. FLVXXM FLORVM: Sounds a bit more "Art Bomb" than DJ Den's instrumental - but still an instrumental.

26. DJ RANGER DEN: Interesting potential movie score - but not saying "Art Bomb" to me.

27. GLENNY: Dodgy vocals and excessive jazziness are turning me off here


Political Suicide
Rio Mondo
Ross Durand
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Last edited by Caravan Ray on Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:04 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Caravan Ray wrote:ADD: I like this a lot. Very catchy and nice vocal hook. Guitar break is pretty cool too - and I am not usually a big fan of guitar breaks. Well done.
Sorry ADD. But you just got the Australian kiss of death. :D
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Caravan Ray
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Caravan Ray »

Billy's Little Trip wrote:
Caravan Ray wrote:ADD: I like this a lot. Very catchy and nice vocal hook. Guitar break is pretty cool too - and I am not usually a big fan of guitar breaks. Well done.
Sorry ADD. But you just got the Australian kiss of death. :D
The Billys Little Trip entry is by far the best I have ever heard from you. I wish all your entries were like this.
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Caravan Ray wrote:
Billy's Little Trip wrote:
Caravan Ray wrote:ADD: I like this a lot. Very catchy and nice vocal hook. Guitar break is pretty cool too - and I am not usually a big fan of guitar breaks. Well done.
Sorry ADD. But you just got the Australian kiss of death. :D
The Billys Little Trip entry is by far the best I have ever heard from you. I wish all your entries were like this.
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by EvelBist »

Sounds good. Vocals sound almost VFemmes like, but not as annoying. Drums a bit thin. Overall, a very high ranking piece. *

Balance lost
Has a new wave feel to it. Could use a bit more bass. Cool, I like it.

Not up to the usual higher standards i've come to expect. Sort of sounds like the vocals were pushed. But sounds like it fits together. Bass is good, Robert Frippe lead guitar is cool in break. Was hoping for more energy towards the end, not there.

Big Matt Hyatt
A clever comedy routine with some music inserted, but doesnt fit my image of a songfight entry.

Twangy and fun. I liked listening to the chorus twice, three times lost the charm. The vocals came through great. Lacked bottom, keys didnt give the beat justice.

Caravan Ray
I couldnt help think of PacoDS initially. Great production and clear presentation. A winner. *

Female vocals are nice in an operetic way, male vocals not so much. Cut back on the vocals, and let the instruments carry some of the tune. Didnt hurt my ears at all, but could have been shorter.

Catchy in a folksy way. I was tapping my feet. The vocals came through clearly, but I was more interested in the backing guitar work. Good stuff. *

Wow, another paco-inspired piece. I can hear green-day influence here and nice guitar work, so maybe better than green day. I like. *

Instrumental -

Instrumental -

Kind of clever, but too much nananana-ing. Voice is not my cup of tea - maybe thicken it up a bit. Guitar and keys work is good, maybe play them up next time.

Real cool playoff of one voice against another. Almost brings up a BlueOysterCult feel, except for the rap bottom. Well produced and clever. *

Was this done live? If so, I can excuse the out of sync drumming. Otherwise the tune works out towards the middle, then loses it again. I cant help but hear Paco again in this. He's much more influential than he knows.

Sophisticated as I expect such from glenny. The vocals are nakedly bearable, even though out of tune at times. Are you doubling yourself or is there someone else on the other track. It takes more than one listen to get.

Simple vocal and guitar work well together. Hard to hear the vocals at times, but the F-bombs come through clearly!

Its well done but not my cup of tea. Nirvana didnt float my boat.

Hand Formula
Ok, I get it, but I may be one of the few.

I had to listen to this twice before I got over the anger it emanated the first time. Sort of post new wave, cool.

Epic intro. Reminiscent of King Arthur - vocals mixing with effect-laden instruments in a good way. Your vocals in the chorus are awesome.

James Owens
I always loved the P-furs, and I could hear them in your voice and the structure of the tune. So I'm biased. It lost the flow in the break ("we've got an art bomb") started in the verse. *

Jim Tyrell
I could have done without the stage-intro. But the tune itself is pure 80's pop - and I like it. *

Something about this blends the 60's, 80's and 90's sounds together in a tasty shake. Maybe the use of a farfisa, nasal vocals, beat, harmonies, etc. Easily my favorite of this fight. I wish it was longer. **

Starts out interesting, but the ukelele gets annoying after the first verse. Perhaps more instrumentation - bottom, drums would provide more interest.

Nice production work, vocals good, but not my cup of tea I'm afraid.

A clever dirge. Were the vocals processed? Sounds like some buzzing going on there. Song is structurally sound.

New I
As promised a naked non-autotuned vocal. Next time I'm tuning down a half step.

Cool in an unobtrusive way. I have to pay attention to find anything to criticize. The vocals ride on the simple background, dynamics arent called for and dont show up, check.

I used to think of you as a modern Alice Cooper. But you are on your own planet - maybe in his solar system. This is one of my favorites you've done, if only for the varied structure of the tune. *

Its got groove. Sort of hohum, maybe a break somewhere?

Well produced, fun in a nonsensical way. Sounds like you had fun recording this.

I'm between liking the acoustic simplicity and disliking the acoustic complexity. When the dynamics started later, maybe bury the acoustic and enhance the phaser to differentiate the two.

If it wasnt the airy feel to this song, I could mistake you for Gordon Lightfoot. I liked the dynamics build up to the keys. At the end the harmonies evoke the Thamesmen. *

the last third of the song was the best. Without a strong backbeat, I finally got into the song in the last third when you had the harmonies going.

Could use more bottom. Vocals get muddy in the bridge. I could see this being covered by the Talking Heads. Goofy and fun.

Instrumental -

Instrumental -

Instrumental -

Has a bayou feel to it, was that what you wanted. Acoustic is adequate, vocals are kind of hard to make out when they are doubled.

The guitar has an 80's Gabrielistic sound. But the vocals are definitely your own. Maybe a break after the chorus?
Last edited by EvelBist on Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by foobar93 »


Good first 0:20, intriguing. The vocals are cool, kind of an unusual style. The backing track is a little bit monotonous for my taste, wish some of the elements from the guitar solo came in sooner. Ending was too abrupt for my taste, too. But cool track overall.

Balance Lost

Another strong intro, don't like the verse as much. Nice clean stereo field. Lots of going on, makes it a little hard to hear the lyrics at times. Solo is more dissonant than my taste, would have like a sweeter resolution. There is a lot to like here. What's the song about? It's leaving me a little empty.

Berkeley Social Scene

There must be something wrong with my system or the file, because I hear nothing. The track correctly lists as 2:27 long, but I hear no sound when it plays.

Big Matt Hyatt and his Rusty Red Riders

Comedy gold. Well, bronze at least.

Boffo Yux Dudes

Lot of interesting lyrical ideas (although can't endorse the use of "caboose"). Vocals are inconsistent, mix is very soft. The whole thing is just a little slow to me. I wonder what would happen if the drums and tempo were both cranked up a bunch. By 2:30 I was definitely losing interest.

Caravan Ray

Nice hook, nice mix right away. I like the meter and timing of the verse. Chorus isn't as much fun to me. There's just a great groove that runs through this whole track. I like the cold restart at 1:40.

Chiron Return

Piano sounds thin, but I like the performance. Vocals are hard to hear, especially in the chorus I can't make out the lyrics. But the performance seems really fantastic, especially the first verse. Strong emotion coming through, which I appreciate. After the break 2:42, the vocals are a lot easier to hear. I think it maybe the overactive drum part that's drowning them out elsewhere. By 3:20 it's starting to seem a little long. The precision in the vocals seems like it's slipping by 3:50, now it's turning me off. On my monitors, the music sounds all bunched up in the middle of the sound field. It's like the vocals and all the instruments are all sitting on top of each other right in front of me. I think this track has a lot of potential, with some more mixing and editing, it could be a solid pop song.


I like the vocal texture right away. Mixes really well with the understated guitar. Louder guitar part sounds good, although maybe slightly out of tune? Sleepy vibe, I keep expecting a faster or more intense contrasting section. By 2:40 I'm starting to get fatigued. The guitar solo rescues me, though. That part sounds great, especially right when it comes in. Falters a bit right at 3:20. Really like the returning chorus at 3:40.


OK, let's go. Hardcore start. Not my favorite genre, but well executed. I don't think the vocals live up to the quality of the guitar parts, or the seriousness of the sound. Oh, gross. Nevermind.

DJ Ranger Den

Spooky. Feels like background music for an artsy film noir.

Flvxxvm Florvm

Catchy start, tapping toes already. Keep waiting for the song to start. As an instrumental, this is good. I like the different sections with slightly different themes, could be the overture to something cool.


This is me. Had to split my 24 hrs over two days, so not sure that counts for the optional challenge. Still I was glad to try something up tempo and I like how this one turned out. Can't wait to hear what others think. I'd love advice for how to prevent the vocals from taking on that scratchy quality. I tried a lot of different things, but everything seemed to make it worse.

Frontalittle Squad

Reminds me of "I'll Form the Head" a bit. Vocals are too soft, though, so it's hard to hear all the lyrics on my monitors. I like the drop out at 2:10, would like more of that.

Glad Baggage

Classic sound. I gotta learn how to do that. Anyway, back to your song. I can't find a level to listen where I can make out the vocals comfortably. Either they are too soft or the main guitar part is painfully loud. No idea what this song is about, but seems like you're having a rocking good time.


LOL feels like there's no way to have come up with these lyrics unless you've lived through it. Funny. I guess it's kind of derivative and too aware of itself. Other than that, I like it. Especially the little jazz breaks. Kind of wish it ended at the awesome trumpet solo. Overall, very enjoyable.

The Grammys

Free drugs? I don't understand, but nice guitar sound and performance.


You're dangerous with digital tools. This is great all around. I really love the repeating motif and the bass groove. Vocal parts are great, could be a tad louder, as they get a bit washed out as the track gets louder. Love the contrasting sections. Very menacing vibe. Good separation between the guitar parts, too. Love it, worth a second listen. Hope you'll post lyrics.

The Hand Formula

Tiny echoes of the opening bits of The Wall, and I kept expecting the big reveal that never came.


Another track that reads as blank to me (although still a 2:26 length mp3 file). Anyone seen a bug like that before?


Like the retro 80s feel. If the Police had a cameo, it wouldn't seem strange. Lost me at the loud part, though. It's not that I don't like the idea of it, it's just so muddy that I can't hear any of the parts anymore. The second loud section is clearer. Not sure if that's just that I'm used to it or if it's mixed differently. Vocals are more wobbly here, too. I like the "nothing ever goes as it's supposed to" bit a lot.

James Owens

If you use the Napalm clip, you really have to live up to that expectation. Let's see... OK, I like this a lot, but I want more punch. More monster drums, maybe a little faster tempo too. I'm not sure what to suggest, but I think this could use more energy. The vocals sound great, and I like the song itself. Each section is strong, too. It's just a little mellow for the lyrics. I keep feeling like the song it going to break through this appetizer at any moment. Even the cool little outtro last few seconds could be way way way amped up and I think it would be really great. There's a good song in here somewhere, but where's the Apocalypse?

Jim Tyrrell and the Summiteers

Choral was unexpected. This is cool. Great 40 second buildup. Applause from me, too. I am trying to work out the chords and melody for this, sounds like A harmonic minor. Is that possible?

Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff

Another MP3 that plays without sound for me (length 1:44).

Level Nivelo

Production issues aside, I like the song. Starts to fall apart around 1:35.

The Magnetic Letters

LOL. I shouldn't like this, but I do. More history lessons like this, please.

Micah Sommersmith

I like the intro. Melancholy and direct. Well mixed, performed, and composed. I have nothing to add except I enjoyed it immensely.

New Image

Vocals are strong and clear. I'm not in love with the guitar parts, but that may just be a style thing. The bridge section around 1:30 doesn't work for me. I think the vocals just don't stay as strong. I wish I had something more helpful to say, but I'm not sure what to suggest. This doesn't float my boat but I can see how someone else might like it.


Dark and sinister. Vocals fade in and out for me, I think the synth part maybe what's fighting with it, at least on my monitors.

Paco del Stinko

Musical theater. This could be an opening number on broadway. I don't know what else to say, packs plenty of sonic punch, fun to listen to.

Political Suicide

Intro feels very familiar, but I can't quite place the reference. Lots of bass ringing in my room; not sure if that's my setup or the recording. It forces me to turn it down more than I'd like. Guitar solo sounds like it's being played through a kazoo. I'm sort of getting the idea behind the lyrics, but the details are kind of confusing.

Rio Mondo

Lots of good stuff in here. I have to admit I wish it was just warm up for a "real song" using that material instead of a descent into silliness. But what's there is pretty funny.

Ross Durand

Epic use of the word puce. Nice simple straightforward chord progression, good energy, good buildup. Worth a second listen. Guitar solo sounds a little thin, compared the guitar tone throughout the rest of the track. Unlike most of the other tracks this week, the vocals are crystal clear and crisp so I can make out every word. But I'm still not sure I get the lyrics. It's definitely a lot of fun, I just wish I could figure out a little more. Still, great song.

Ryan Dawson

Sad and very beautiful. I hope nothing like this has actually happened to you. Everything is just a tad quiet, I wish the levels were a little higher, especially for the backing parts like the piano (if indeed that's what it is, I can't quite tell). This is a thoroughly enjoyable song, well performed and written. I hope you re-record it and ditch the phrase "art bomb" because this song deserves better than this challenge, IMHO.

Schlimminy Cricket

Of all the tracks so far, this has the clearest, thickest vocals. Well done. Space kazoo sounds great, too. Good song, another one I wish I could unpack a little more. What is the art bomb? I'm dying to know. Simple chords rocking back and forth, very soothing. Like.

Scott Gesser

I like the stripped down arrangement. Everything is nicely separated and each hit and note is interesting. At least until 1:30, anyway. The lo-fi vocals are pretty distracting, but it does kind of go with the vibe. There's just not enough here to keep my interest past about 2:00. If I wasn't reviewing, I'd have stopped. I really like the verse and the prechorus, but the chorus is a let down to me. Somehow there's not that much emotional impact. I am trying to be more specific or make some kind of suggestion, but I don't have anything to offer. My favorite parts are the xylophone octaves in the verse and the simple alternating bass hits in the prechorus (after "secretive" and "spots" etc).


Ready for the song to start around 1:00. This would be a great lead in or intro, but is that all there is? OK, going with instrumental. There's actually a surprising amount of storytelling you've been able to pack in with each section.

Tokyo Expressway

I like the opening, high energy and promises a lot of fun. I like the minor transition at 0:30 too. Now my expectations are getting higher and higher. Kind of falls down a bit right around 0:45 and again around 1:00. The guitar performance is slightly inconsistent, and the horn was cool the way it was mixed at first, but now I'm just having trouble hearing it. I'm now resigned to an all-instrumental track, which is too bad because I think the first 30 seconds was a great lead-in to a classic rock type song. Now it feels like an introduction repeated over and over again with hard-to-make out sound effects in the background. I like the new riff at 2:30, would have liked to hear that sooner to break up the monotony. And not to be rude, but some of the bomb sound effects sound like to me like a toilet flushing. Unless that's the effect you're going for...

Tyler Zahnke

Electronica ren faire. Good idea. The lead instrument (not sure what is) sounds kind of thin to me, compared to the lush texture behind. When the piano kicks in I had a Legend of Zelda moment. This could easily be a cut scene from a game like that. I was with you through 1:10, but now it just seems kind of all over the place. My ears are actually starting to hurt, I am not exaggerating for effect. There's something about all those sounds bunching up in the same frequencies that I am finding phyiscally painful. I am determined to stay through to the end, but I can't say I am having a very good time. I did laugh at the "shave and a haircut" ending.


The intro confused me. The "radio voice" was quite hard to hear compared to the guitar, and it seemed at moments like there was another guitar poking in and dropping out but I am not sure what I was hearing. Once the song gets going, it's good. I like the multiple voices at the chorus. Good guitar tone, too. Is one of the voices not in sync with the others? Or is that an echo effect? There are a lot of little distractions in this song that are confusing me. I'm realizing that now I haven't really heard the song because I'm so focused on figuring on what's going on. What's the song about? I can only make out some of the phrases, like "middle of the temple" but others are just too hard to distinguish. I like the loooooong saaaaaaay towards the end. Overall, a confusing but mostly enjoyable three minutes.


This is just not up my alley. It's kind of in a no-mans-land between straight rock (in which case it is too dark and dissonant) and a Nick Cave "red right hand" kind of track (in which case it is too mellow and laid back). Does that make any sense? I almost had to turn it off at 2:20, but decided to persevere for the sake of the review. In terms of production, it feels on my monitors like the whole band is standing at exactly the same spot just slightly left of center - drums and vocals and everything. I think it'd help to have some separation. The drums sound like they were well performed but the sound is like they are in a warehouse next door to the band - way way way far away. At least that how it sounds to me.
Last edited by foobar93 on Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Billy's Little Trip
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Codpiece rocks!

.....is that Ace Frehley on guitar? :P
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by furrypedro »

foobar93 wrote:Balance Lost
What's the song about?
Graffiti/street art mainly.
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Jefff »

Billy's Little Trip wrote:
Caravan Ray wrote:ADD: I like this a lot. Very catchy and nice vocal hook. Guitar break is pretty cool too - and I am not usually a big fan of guitar breaks. Well done.
Sorry ADD. But you just got the Australian kiss of death. :D
I'll take it.
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by ken »

foobar93 wrote: Berkeley Social Scene

There must be something wrong with my system or the file, because I hear nothing. The track correctly lists as 2:27 long, but I hear no sound when it plays.


Another track that reads as blank to me (although still a 2:26 length mp3 file). Anyone seen a bug like that before?

Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff

Another MP3 that plays without sound for me (length 1:44).
I realized last night that I exported these mixes in mono instead of stereo. This might explain why you can't play them. I have sent stereo mixes to Spud and hope he will replace them soon. Thanks for mentioning it!

Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff - Berkeley Social Scene - Tiny Robots - Seamus Collective - Semolina Pilchards - Cutie Pies - Explino! - Bravo Bros. - 2 from 14 - and more!

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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by HeuristicsInc »

Not sure, it played fine for me, but in any case, stereo mixes shouldn't hurt :)
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by AJOwens »

foobar93 wrote: James Owens

... I want more punch. More monster drums, maybe a little faster tempo too. I'm not sure what to suggest, but I think this could use more energy. . .
I'm hearing "Make it louder." Try the attached remastered version. (Also, as a simple test, please try turning the original up and see if it works better for you.)

I have three theories about what went wrong:
1. The master mix was way in the red, so I just turned it down, instead of turning down each of the input tracks to get a reasonably clean master.
2. So many of the tracks had heavy compression that the final compression on the master track (which everybody adds to compete with other compression junkies round here) had little effect.
3. Points 1 and 2 together.

For the remastered version, I started with everything at -12dB, all effects off, then tailored the effects on each track. First I removed compression wherever I didn't really need it. Then I EQ'd out any annoyances or spectrum-related level spikes on each track. (Following a tip in the Mackie documentation, I added a fairly pointy band with an extreme positive peak, swept it across the spectrum until the track sounded godawful, and then cut the band at that point.) Then I tweaked each effect's wet and dry controls so that the overall track level stayed near -12dB. Then I mixed the tracks to my taste. Finally I added some subtle reverb to the master, and ran the rendered WAV through Goldwave's "Dynamics > Amplify lite" as usual to pump it up.

To add more energy instrumentally, I also kicked up the level of the solo. Somebody who understands rock guitar better than I do could probably get more intensity out of the rhythm tracks. And some vocal harmonies wouldn't hurt.

(I'll talk about the napalm clip, your kind words, etc. in my song reviews.)
Art Bomb remixed for Foobar 2.mp3
remastered for Foobar's review
(2.76 MiB) Downloaded 224 times
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by GlennCase »

Add: Somehow you continue to improve with age. This song is fantastic. Ridiculously catchy and original, which describes the mass majority of your musical output.

Balance Lost: I started grooving in my chair from the second this started. Vocals are slightly lacking, but that doesn't drag the composition down all that much. I LOVE the chord structure in what I initially identified as the first bridge. A second listen makes me believe it's the chorus. I could easily listen to this a third time without protest, so good job!

Berkeley Social Scene: BSS has created some of my favorite entries in Songfight history. Sadly, this is not one of them. The playing is good, of course, but the composition is lacking.

Big Matt Hyatt and his Rusty Red Riders: My initial thought was that the song was not living up to the intro. Then I realized there WAS no song. It was just a three minute long intro to nothing. This is a composition to be endured, rather than enjoyed.

Boffo Yux Dudes: Lyrics fluctuate between clever and embarrassing, 'though thankfully more towards the former. Lead vocal is sometimes reminiscent of Andy Partridge, which is a good thing in my book. Lead vocal goes off pitch in spots, however. Background vocals that kick in after 2:30 are initially startling, they don't seem to line up with the song, and they actually detract from the song rather than blending in.

C Layne: Vocals are slightly off pitch in spots, but I LOVE that kick-in at :32. Fantastic vocal melodies throughout the song. Great chorus! This is one of my favorite compositions I have heard thus far, and the one I could most easily imagine being performed by a professional band.

Caravan Ray: Rhythmic placement of the words is very fun, and expertly crafted. I enjoy this a lot. Catchy chorus too. The switch in rhythm around 1:40 is very enjoyable as well.

Chiron Return: Chord structure got an 'ooh!' out of me at 1:03. Not sure I'd like the vocals with a different arrrangement, but they work very, very well within the context of the song. I would probably listen to this for pleasure if it were at least a couple of minutes shorter. There is nothing new that happens after the 4 minute mark that hasn't already been done. Like a beloved house guest that is welcomed with open arms at first, before wearing out said welcome by staying ever so-slightly too long. Still one of the most enjoyable songs in this fight.

Codpeace: Superb energy. Excellent guitar solos, 'though there are too many of them for my personal taste. This is enjoyable. I danced in my seat.

DJ Ranger Den: Creepy, atmospheric sounds throughout. The disjointed sound of the song sounds intentional. Would work well as part of a movie or video game where something odd is happening. The chime sounds that kick in at 1:45 sound out of place, however.

Flvxxvm Florvm: Loose and chaotic, but not necessarily in a bad way. Not bad, as far as instrumental entries go, but nothing particularly special either. There's nothing I heard the first time that makes me want to listen a second time.

Foobar: Composition is better than the performance suggests. Music sounds like it is fighting to stay in rhythm with itself.

Frontalittle Squad: Frankie Big Face created one of my favorite FAL verses of all time. I'm proud of how far everyone else in the group has come, as well. It wouldn't be a Frontalittle submission if I wasn't feverishly working on it the night before it was due, and this was no exception. While I have created far worse mixes for FAL, there are some things I would have definitely changed about the mix. Most of the things I would alter involve the EQ of the vocals. Still, it's nice to see FAL back after a 7 year absence.

Glad Baggage: Another example of a vocal that makes up in personality what it lacks in pitch. I'd describe the singing as bizarre, yet entertaining. Musical elements sounds fantastic, and performance is good and tight overall. I danced in my chair to this.

Glennny: I like the vocal delivery in the verses, but not so much in the chorus portions. +3 for passionate delivery, -4 for the loss of pitch. Fun arrangement, and lyric concept 'though.

Grammys, The: Guy and guitar submissions often leave me feeling nervous. The quality of a composition (or lack of it) will stand out with these stripped down arrangements. This is a fun, short, sweet song that left me wanting more. Good job!

grock: Verse music sounds a lot like a slowed down version of "Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago" by Soul Coughing. Or a portion of "Rock This Town" by Stray Cats. That's a shame because it is distracting, and I actually like the sound of the band otherwise.

Hand Formula: I'm trying to think of any redeeming quality that I can mention here, but I'm having a tough time coming up with anything. It's short? Yeah, it's less than 2 and a half minutes. That's cool. Thank you for that.

HIJ$KM: Not liking some of those keyboard patch choices.

Hoblit: I was excited to see your name among the entrants! Not your best work, but not bad. I like the lyrics, but the chord structure isn't doing much for me. Good use of dynamics, 'though.

James Owens: Cool singing voice. Rhythm of the musical elements don't sound quite right, as if the instruments are hanging on by a thread, threatening to break apart into utter disarray at any moment. The lyrics aren't grabbing me either, but there is undeniable potential here.

Jim Tyrrell and the Summiteers: I love how the arrangement builds on the stomps and claps. That kick-in is fantastic! Vocal delivery isn't bad, but seems at odds with the arrangement, and I'm not sure that I like that.

Ken's Super Duper Band 'N Stuff: This may not be your best work, but it is wonderful to hear you doing your thing again! The verse melody essentially sounds like working your way down a chord like a vocal warmup, and it is my least favorite thing about the song.

Level Nivelo: Sounds like a ukulele, and it sounds like it is not in tune. Vocals veer into being off pitch on several occasions. Lyrics aren't bad, but I didn't find them to be terible engaging either.

Magnetic Letters: Fun beat, but I admittedly enjoyed this more before the singing kicked in. If the artist was shooting for 'strange', then kudos for getting it right.

Micah Sommersmith: The story in the lyrics is oddly intriguing. I'm not wild about the arrangement, but I like the composition. A rare instance where I think the song could be just a big longer, as it feels like it ends too abruptly.

New Image: I greatly enjoy the fuzz tone on the bass. I wasn't sure I was going to like the vocal delivery, but ultimately I did.

Niveous: The primary riff is great at first, but wears out it's welcome after a while. An occasional break here and there would have been nice, even if it were just a brief one. Not particularly wild about the vocal delivery, either. Sorry, Niv. Glad to see your name in the mix this week, but I'm not really feeling this one.

Paco Del Stinko: Excellent chord structure and switches in tempo. Anything in the vocal performance that is lacking in pitch is made up with energy. Love the harmonies at the end.

Political Suicide: I greatly enjoy the music, about as much as I dislike the vocal delivery, and I REALLY like the music. Cool composition, but the vocals destroy it for me.

Rio Mondo: There was potential in the music. I kept expecting vocals that didn't come. I suppose the use of samples for the verbal portions was a better choice than terrible vocals, but I didn't hear anything that made me want to listen more than once.

Ross Durand: Lyrics and music aren't bad, but the rhythmic placement of the words makes the composition sound uninspired to me. Ross's voice continues to fall into the category of 'not my thing'. I wouldn't say this is poorly crafted, but it doesn't do anything for me either. I don't enjoy it.

Ryan Dawson: I had to come back to this one, and I'm glad I did. It didn't leave much of an impression on me at first, but it's a decent composition in my book. Especially when compared to some of the other submissions this week. Good lyrics and chord progression, and the lead vocal performance is decent too (albeit slighly emotionless.) Great harmonies towards the end 'though.

Schlimminy Cricket: Good lyrics, and a decent melody but there are rhythm issues with the music that makes this nearly unlistenable for me.

Scott Gesser: Vocal is grating to my ears. "God damned thing" lyric sounds completely out of place with the rest of the song, and seems like an excuse to insert a lightly shocking profanity (in contrast to the other lyrics) for no particular reason.

Tentillum: For me, the challenge of an instrumental is that the melody has to be exceptionally strong, or there has to be enough there to keep my attention. This falls into the latter category. New elements are brought into the mix at a reasonable rate, and I actually find this to be quite enjoyable. I was pleasantly surprised by the superb chord choices in the keyboard part near the end.

Tokyo Expressway: Vocals are so buried that I'm not even convinced that they ARE vocals. This sounds 'loose' for lack of a better term. Intriguing enough, but ultimately not enjoyable.

Tyler Zahnke: Introduction sounds seriously cheesy, mostly due to the instrument patch selections. Rhythm appears to have been optional, and the option not taken. Mercifully short.

Wages: There are serious rhythm issues plaguing what could otherwise be a decent composition. The lyrics seem good, but I am having a hard time listening to this because of the wildly inconsistent rhythm. That's a shame, because I actually like the vocal.

Wreckdom: Difficult to make out the lyrics, but the parts I can hear seem to suggest terrifying mental imagery. A Thanksgiving gone horribly wrong? Pitch doesn't even enter the equation with this style of vocal delivery. Musically enjoyable enough for what it is.

Votes go to Add and C Layne.


Glenn Case
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Phew! That's a heap lotta songs! Lemme know if you need clarification. Peace, yo yo yo.

Add Catchy, I like the guitar trade off a lot. Could use a little more snap in the rhythm department, but it's far from draggy. Diggin' the minor vibe.

Balance Lost Manic without requiring Lithium. I still have no idea how you play guitar and sometimes they don't even sound like guitars. Neato! Right channel guitar especially kooky, and the vocals are well done if not leaving sticking around melodically afterwards.

Berkeley Social Scene Intro works but thought it'd take me somewhere else. I like the 'standard' pop chorus progression and laidback headbob feel of the track overall. Nice e-bow down the hall sound.

Big Matt Hyatt and his Rusty Red Riders I was hoping this was going to be a Song Fight! supergroup doing some country rocker or whatever. I don't mind hearing this once, but that's enough. I don't mind cheap, but this is cheap cheap. Lame.

Boffo Yux Dudes Tour bus to Goofytown. Hey! I live there! I like the progression and theme, just needs a re-working. There's almost a Caravan Ray odor to this at times. Tighten it up!

Caravan Ray Somewhat restrained for you, it works well. Gives it a sense of cool and not just manic bunny buggering. Good out from the bridge and vocal work all around.

Chiron Return Is that dueling pianos or just something bouncy in the mix? Very adult composition. The bass gets more real sounding as the song progresses, it sounds keyboard at the start. I dig the bridge best as it lets loose nicely. Epic love storm music.

c.layne This comes off like a very loose structure although it certainly isn't. Simple, yet effective and strong bridge, very nice. There's not really anything top complain about here just maybe that it sounds very digital emulatey. Great tune.

Codpeace Rockin', could use a bit more kick to the balls on the kick. Tears it up good despite the cartoony vocal and schnoodley doodley guitar solos.

DJ Ranger Den Where's Daniel Johnston's voice? Love the flange sounds and Shine soundtrack mood. There's even bugs or something in here. Yeah, you might get shit for the vocal biz, but nice atmospheric piece.

Flvxxvm Florvm Been wonderin' about you. Almost a cartoon theme here. a little threatening a little hossy ridin'. I think sometimes instrumentals need to have their vision explained. Regardless, good guitaring here, I'm digging it.

Foobar This wants to get where it wants to go, doesn't it? Good nah-nah stuff and the melody is mostly good. I think I'd like the hear a dynamic drop in the middle/near end and then have it explode again. Good work though.

Frontalittle Squad I dig the rapid fire delivery, and dense vocal stacks. I'm not going to pretend I know who everybody involved in this is, but am glad you guys got together again to do it. Good loops and simple but effective layers. Smells like a winner, or very close to it.

Glad Baggage I'm listening on headphones and hear everything here right up the middle, mono, except maybe the reverb. Vocal is pitchy but mostly fits. Antifreeze and Stacy?

glennny Your vocals aren't working as well this week, but I like the arrangement a lot and the Glenn chord progression. Nice acoustic tone too. This isn't just you, again, right? Nutty solo!

The Grammys Sounds very spontaneous. I'm surprised when you actually repeat the progressions, I was sure they were one timers! I like where this goes, mostly, but would prefer it a little more focused.

grock I really dig the back alley progression, cool! Needs a China cymbal, all trashy. Nice key change-up in the chorus. I like this a lot, it's one of my faves of the fight. Not perfect, but on target.

The Hand Formula Good as an intro or for a minute. Feels too long even at only 2:25. Comes off as pretentious.

HIJ$KM I like the throb of this and the menace. 60's organ is cool, as is the wubba-wubba sound. Gets a little cluttery feeling by the end. I'm split on this one.

Hoblit Where's the real kit? Nick Cave or one of 'those guys' meets Gary Numan. Ha! The layered locust guitars are great. Impressive all around considering it's over basically two chords. Not that that's wrong! I like this and am glad to hear you around.

James Owens Laidback Who. I really like this, it could use a bit more fire in its belly is all. Guitar work is fantastic and the almost one note bass line is a quiet killer here. Get Moon drums and send it home.

Jim Tyrrell and the Summiteers Heady arena rock. This one ends too quick. I wouldn't want to hear the same groove for too long, but a huge one time and soaring change would be great. The no bullshit approach sells this well. Melody could switch up a bit, as well. Still, nice'n tough.

Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff A good one to put to video. Dig the synth lead but am surprised when the song ends right after. Hard for me to hear the chord change that I'd probably wreck this tune with at the end of the choruses. HA! pleasant.

Level Nivelo Glad you showed up! This sounds like it has some rust on it but a nice, easy melody shines through. The bridge hints at trippiness, I'd like to hear this song again after it was spiffed up.

The Magnetic Letters Frankie Goes To Poughkeepsie. This should be weirder than it is, somehow. It's like it's weird and boring at the same time.

Micah Sommersmith This is the theme I expected to hear a lot of. I like the musical mood of it, overall, if not all of the lyrics. The ending is kind of abrupt, but the song doesn't overstay its welcome, either.

New Image Courageous vocals at times. There's something almost early 70s AM radio about this at times. A simple break in the beat in the middle, and occasional vocal harmonies wouldn't hurt.

Niveous Glad you entered your suggested Mucka Fight! The guitar loop gets a little too repetitive, but I get where you wanted to go with it. How dramatic would a fat (phat?) synth bass growl be? I like the other key work and your voice is pleasant if perhaps in need of a bit of variation in delivery or melody.

Paco del Stinko This is based on my failure to utilize the artistic skills I once possessed and how I should (almost kinda did) have gone to art school. I threw them away for rock and roll. Hold your lighters high!

Political Suicide Ooo, I like where this wants to go. I'm not sure it gets there, though. Bridge brings it closer. I think it's just missing some, I dunno, ooze or something. Ha! That doesn't sound good, but maybe just a smidge more grit or something. I like it much, though.

Rio Mondo Is this about Picasso? Oh, wait. It's you guys. Fun to put together, interesting to hear for a round. Mucis doesn't have to be serious but I'd like to hear you guy(s) do something more songy, I guess. Sounds good, is played well and constructed well too.

Ross Durand Need some drums on that rockin' chorus. Builds well and grooves along fine but man, you need some blazing drum fills in between the chorus lines. Still, this is a good head bobber.

Ryan DawsonThis is nice. A friend of mine once told me that all you need is two chords and this (as well as Hoblit) mostly proves it. But it's nice when the song opens up. I like the easy-going supporting vocals and the Sunday morning vibe of the song. Very pleasant.

Schlimminy Cricket I like the low key stateliness of this. TMBG on ludes, yet not very druggy. The synth line near the end is very welcome. I'm not smart enough to get what you're singing about, but I enjoy the lyrics nevertheless. I rank this one high this fight. Arrangement is just right.

Scott Gesser Fun as this gets going, the chorus isn't as fun as the anticipation leading up to it. Nice layering of instruments and sounds. I thought this'd be one of those songs where the voice gets all loud and clear, but it's ok that it didn't. Not that it has to.

tentillum Impressive arrangement and performance/production. Very professional. No idea how it's an art bomb, but would work well underneath imagery of city lights reflecting on a driving car's windshield.

Tokyo Expressway I like the acoustic instruments. The beat is loosey goosey, but the drive of the guitar actually propels it along nicely. This is certainly artsy and probably is the most effective instrumental of the fight. Took me few to remember who this was. Yay! Rough, but fun.

Tyler Zahnke My, dramatic! I like the instrumentation, and keep waiting for the intro to end, but it doesn't. This would work well playing underneath a a grainy silent film that was missing sections of film. Interesting.

Wages I like the melody here, the guitar needs work. Vocals could tighten up too, but I know you did it quickly. Give this one a re-visit, it's very pleasant underneath the shakiness. Definitely would be worth your time.

WreckdoM Love the Zeppelin feel. And the opening verse is too wonderfully sick to ignore. I'm digging you guys live approaches lately and this one, despite any sloppiness, is sleazy good fun.
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by MicahSommer »

V = voted

Niveous - I like the lyrics, though I don’t really care for the vocal delivery. The intro drags on too long and the mood shifts in an unexpected direction when the lyrics come in. It’s got a nice riff but it can’t carry the entire song.

Tokyo Expressway - The performance was a little sloppy, and it sort of rambled and left me wanting more variation. I did like the samples.

Jim Tyrell and the Summiteers - A nice groove which went in in unexpected directions that I enjoyed - like the choir! The lyrics did feel cliche except the great line “every wall you put up is just a canvas for the art bomb.”

Glad Baggage - I like the rhythm guitar and saxophones(?), though the guitar solo was pretty meh. The lyrics were hard to understand, with some awkward phrasing especially “It was an art bomb.”

Berkeley Social Scene - I liked the lyrics, though they felt a little under-rehearsed with some weird phrasing. The instruments were great, I loved the e-bow(?) solo in the middle. V

Boffo Yox Dudes - I like the They Might Be Giants-type keyboards in the verses. A catchy chorus, and clever lyrics which could have benefited from a faster delivery - I read the lyrics first and expected more of a hip hop type delivery.

Schlimminy Cricket - Some timing issues in the instruments and i don’t really care for the voice, but I like the arrangement, the melody and the lyrics. I like the coda.

Tyler Zahnke - I wish the sound quality was a little better and the performance a little tighter rhythmically. Otherwise really liked it. I felt like it ran out of steam about a minute from the end, and thought the “shave and a haircut” ending was a little gimmicky for what was otherwise a legitimately good composition. V

Big Matt Hyatt and His Rusty Red Riders - Not for me.

Balance Lost - Great lyrics and melody. The drums were a little fatiguing, otherwise the production was great too. V

Codpeace - Instruments were very tight and very well-played. I didn’t care for the vocals, though the melody wasn’t bad at all.

Rio Mondo - I was enjoying it until the “ART BOMB!!!!!” and ensuing annoying fighting/laughing. I would like to know who the artist referred to in the first sample is.

Grock - All around very well done. I wish you had posted the lyrics. V

Hoblit - Very nice rhyme scheme. Wish the drums were better quality, is my only complaint. V

Add - I like it. Though the drums got annoying. V

Paco del Stinko - Like the main riff and the bridge, but otherwise doesn’t do much for me.

Political Suicide - Nice groove.

New Image - I wish the whole song was as good as the last minute.

The Grammys - It grew on me. It sounds like a demo of what could be a really really good song. V

Flvxxvm Florvm - I’ll vote for that. V

Level Nivelo - Very nice tune. I wish the recording quality was better and maybe it was more of a full band arrangement. V

tentillum - Pleasant enough.

Ryan Dawson - Nailed it, nailed it, nailed it. Great lyrics, great melody, great performance, great piano interlude, great production, great backing vocals on the last chorus. If I must reach for a complaint, I’ll say that the drum was a hair too loud. V

c.layne - Very nice guitar sounds, and very well played. Excellent vocal melody, especially in the chorus. I would have liked a return to the clean guitar sound of the beginning, for at least part of the song. V

Chiron Return - Nice piano work. I really like the vocal melodies and harmonies in the chorus. Feels like a showtune (this is a good thing). The vocals could be higher in the mix - I had trouble understanding most of the lyrics. As it got more intense about ⅔ through the vocal performance wasn’t quite as good. V

Ken’s Super Duper Band ‘n Stuff - Well played and produced, though it feels pretty generic, and the lyrics felt a little awkward at times. I like the solo, and that the song doesn’t drag on at all.

HIJ$KM - Very nice bassline. Otherwise it didn’t do much for me.

Scott Gesser - I wasn’t really feeling this one though by the second chorus it had started growing on me. The marimba riff was a highlight.

James Owens - I’m a sucker for some tasty slide guitar.

The Magnetic Letters - I like the groove and the robot vocals - both fun and informative! The delivery of the live vocals was pretty grating to me - I don’t see why you couldn’t have kept using the robot vocals...

Wages - I thought the wordplay was clever at first, then it got tiresome. Pretty good guitar work, and the double-tracked vocals were interesting.

Caravan Ray - Very nice groove, well-produced. I liked the vocal delivery despite some weird phrasing, e.g. on the word “philosophy.” And the timing of the backing vocals on “Art bomb!” is just off enough to annoy me. Otherwise, nice tune. V

DJ Ranger Den - Nice and soothing. But when I think “Art Bomb” I don’t think “nice and soothing.”

WreckdoM - I didn’t like the vocal delivery but it was pretty good otherwise.

Ross Durand - Great production and performance, though the composition itself was a little dull. Good lyrics, though I’m not sure anyone can ever justify using the word “puce” in a song.

Foobar - Good music, good lyrics. I would have liked a more energetic vocal delivery - maybe in a higher key? V

The Hand Formula - Good song but I didn’t care for the performance.

Micah Sommersmith - It’s me! I was pretty happy with the results here, though not 100% satisfied with my keyboard playing, or how the guitar sits in the mix. Follows my usual structure of “verse, instrumental verse, another verse, it’s over!” V

glennny - I really liked everything about this song except the vocal performance - some tuning and timing issues. Nice piano and guitar licks.

Frontalittle Squad - I like it. The song overstays its welcome just a bit, but I enjoyed the variety of vocal delivery and the contrast between verses and chorus. V
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Vince Havoc »

The artist to which it referred to in Rio Mondo's entry this fight is founding Dadaist Kurt Schwitters.
I would have supplied a link, but I wasn't allowed to.

Noting him, was meant as a simile to our "audio collage" style. In tribute to the foundations of changing art to be non standard, funny, strange and beautiful. Hence the clips and random. Not always with Rio Mondo. But what I try to bring to my personal music, and other attempts.

Thank you for the reviews. And for your time listening to our music. Even if you liked it or not. :).
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Alvis »

Thanks for the reviews, all. This is the first time the Boffo Yux Dudes have done a Song Fight! proper, though we've done Nur Ein a number of times. Our entry was pulled together VERY quickly, so hopefully we'll have a less "pitchy" version to post in the near future if anyone cares to hear it.

Oh, and the comments made about Andy Partridge and TMBG are much appreciated, since we're big geek-out fans of those guys. Appreciate the feedback!
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Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Hoblit »

Paco Del Stinko wrote: Hoblit Where's the real kit? Nick Cave or one of 'those guys' meets Gary Numan. Ha! The layered locust guitars are great. Impressive all around considering it's over basically two chords. Not that that's wrong! I like this and am glad to hear you around.
Were there real kits in the 80s? (I KEEED, I KEEEDING)

I wish I had more time to mix it and master it, I think that has something to do with some of my reviews. The verse is actually 3 chords and the chorus is 4.

Thank you for your review and I hope to enter more often in the next year.

foobar93 wrote: Hoblit Like the retro 80s feel. If the Police had a cameo, it wouldn't seem strange. Lost me at the loud part, though. It's not that I don't like the idea of it, it's just so muddy that I can't hear any of the parts anymore. The second loud section is clearer. Not sure if that's just that I'm used to it or if it's mixed differently. Vocals are more wobbly here, too. I like the "nothing ever goes as it's supposed to" bit a lot.
I agree that the mix needs a little work. It should be the same for both choruses though. Maybe somehow I managed to make changes on one and not the other. So that is possible.

Thanks, I tried to leave a hook in the song so that it got stuck in the listener's brain.
GlennCase wrote: Hoblit I was excited to see your name among the entrants! Not your best work, but not bad. I like the lyrics, but the chord structure isn't doing much for me. Good use of dynamics, 'though.
I'm sorry I let you down? Thanks for the 'dynamics' comment though. I was going for quiet, then BOOOOM! (and air raid siren guitar) The outtro is the aftermath of the second boom. Thanks for noticing, because the dynamics were the tie in for not having used the title in the song.
MicahSommer wrote: Hoblit
Hoblit - Very nice rhyme scheme. Wish the drums were better quality, is my only complaint. V
I usually do a better job with the drums, I picked these samples and made them as basic as I could to emulate the (sometimes bad) sterile 80s drum machine style.

Thanks for noticing the rhyme scheme, I worked really hard on that.
EvelBist wrote: hoblit
Epic intro. Reminiscent of King Arthur - vocals mixing with effect-laden instruments in a good way. Your vocals in the chorus are awesome.
THANK YOU! I really do appreciate the listen and the compliment. Thanks again.


Anybody who knows me realizes that my reviews always come a little later because I really like to listen to the songs over and over before I can for a conclusive opinion. So my reviews are still forthcoming.

This fight is chock full of great entries, with C.Layne's sticking out the most so far.
Last edited by Hoblit on Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Paco Del Stinko
Stable Diffusion
Posts: 3542
Joined: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:20 am
Instruments: Basic rock, at a basic level.
Recording Method: Roland 2480
Submitting as: Paco del Stinko
Location: Massachusetts. God save the Commonwealth!

Re: Dr. Songfight (Art Bomb Reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Thattaboy, Hoblit! Glad you're giving everything a few extra go-arounds. As lame as my comments may be, I wanted to get them up and add to the stew. It's a lot of work as is, so anyone doing them in chunks is probably on the right track.
Bringin' the stink since 2006.
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