Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

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Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by Spud »

Be careful what you say.
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by Caravan Ray »

Great cover art Glennny

Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by hillbilly »

Masterhyde---(she was fools gold) like that.

Greg Boethin---keeper, vote

Nick Soma---beautiful, this is my new fav. song. vote

The Lookouts band--- This was different, You may have a issue with this fire thing.
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by anti-m »

Doh! Missed that the deadline was 10 AM. (AM! AM! Not PM!) Oops. Here's The Rollaround Goodtimes Band with a 13th (or 20th?) hour submission. ... nd_ntb.mp3


YAY! Thanks mighty Spudmaster! Our holy bacon! It is saved!
Last edited by anti-m on Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by Spud »

anti-m wrote:Doh! Missed that the deadline was 10 AM. (AM! AM! Not PM!)
We'll let in you just this once, for old times' sake.
"I only listen to good music. And Octothorpe." - Marcus Kellis
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by anti-m »

Here are my quick first impressions:

Barbies on the BBQ
Fun take on the Magnetic Fields or Human League.

?? Is this Berkley SS? TAG IT, PEEPS!
It must be. Nice stuff. Like the epic feel of this. Love the solo. Oh! Also the Cars-y end!

Flvxxvm Florvm
Dirty dirty. This is solid. Nice organ. (That's what she said.)

Gregg Boethin
Solid Country cut! I start to find the driving drum track a little claustrophobic toward the middle of things, but that's a minibeef. I'd like to hear a paired-down version of this.

Inflatable Vegetables
Low-fi pop-punky. What's this lounge bridge? Could do without that, but like the rest. It's reminiscent of late 90s OlyWa stuff.

Jezus, Johnny. The squalid remake of Sweeny Todd.

Once upon a drunken basement... Jesus Christmas – handclap gonorrhea humor?? GOD. BLESS. US. EVERYONE.

Is this the Lookouts Band? TAGS. PLEASE.
This starts out rather inauspiciously, but once it gets going (circa 35 sec in) is quite well done. Enjoyed!

Wow, bonafide hiphop on Songfight! This is great. A little slow to get rolling, but once we're there, solid.

Nick M. Soma
Like the swoony slow dance song, less sold on the vocals, but good bones. Is that a trumpet? Cool!
This is another I'd like to hear pared down.

That is a great riff. Love the harmonies on the chorus. Symphonic. We can count on Paco for smart complexity and precision. But this has more ass than I remember from your previous stuff! That's an added bonus.

I think I'd like this a lot better if the vocals were not sitting so squarely on top of everything else that's happening. That said I think I like the structure.

Wow, I mastered this low. There is so much noise on this. Not bad for a one night stand, I guess! Mo made do with my ancient acoustic gitgit.

LOL. Dude. My husband asks, “Did I write this??” Then he ran out of the room spanking his head.

Like this a lot. Pedro's vox are so dry for how deeply layered everything else is-- I'd muck them up a little bit so that they submerge a bit, but this is cool. Who else is singing? This might be my fave of the group – Built to Spilly.
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by j$ »

W.A.I.L. I.A.A.C.

BotBBQ - Not bad. "Don't trust anything with balls" is a bit .. incongruous? Not a fan of the chorus harmonies - they seem to blur the main melody? (although on second listen they're not soo distracting, TBF). the final mix a little bassy / flat

BSS - Some great guitar tones, love the chorus / pre-chorus / bridge (the bit before the instrumental sections) - very 90s epic! some occasional slightly off-key notes drag me out of the moment. Not really sure I follow / engage with the lyric - "play nice or don't play at all" doesn't sit well with me at all, obvi. It kind of just sputters out, but one of my preferred BSS songs.

FF - I love half this song. Specifically up to 2.30ish. The remaining minute and a half feel like an indulgence / fake jam / dragging out a Beefheartian grind for diminsishing returns. That first half really rocks, though!

Gregg Boethin - yeah, country. it's well done. The 'Devil' angle seems like a country staple, although I don't know enough country to be sure. I have questions as to why it's mainly philosophers who are in hell? Is it an atheism thing? Also the last joke isn't strong enough to work as a punchline, IMO. I guess what I'm saying is the humour is a bit broad for my tastes - but a very good pastiche, I suppose, and some nice lines in amongst the closeted rage (that last bit's a joke BTW, I always raise an eyebrow when there's that many references to blow jobs in a song).

iveg - mad and enjoyable. I love the ambition and enjoy the manic tune. However the mix is a bit thin / letting the tune down, but that's neither here or there. I love the 'frenetic' jazz break-down as well. I'm going to go against my instinct and give this a vote, for the energy and ideas.

j$ - Yeah, this is odd. I have been listening to a lot of Jacques Brel recently, and ... this ... is what results - go, figure. I felt sorry for JB and Spud, is all. Since I wrote the whole lyric as an extended metaphor, it didn't even occur to me that people might find the subject matter a bit dark. Not intended to be.

Klownhole - sloppy, entertaining,camp as tits, as subtle as extreme teabagging - solid grade A Klownhole then.

Billy NoTag - I have no idea what you're talking about (well, I do, but not really following it (fire-fighting, being poor [assuming your double negative is intentional], some girl) which is a problem when the words are the driving force of the song, but i'm liking the lo-fi Pop Will Eat Itself vibe. yeah, I like this song.

Master Hyde - That's a fun listen. Good flow / rhyming etc. A good twist on the title, too. The mood is created quickly but doesn't change, and then it just fades out. That's a shame. A little instrumental break, or bridge, would have improved the dynamic, but I like it.

Nick Soma - pretty, epic - I'll get my lighter. I guess it's just personal taste, but it's a bit earnest musically for me. I see a 90s music video on top of a rock in the desert, with wind machine. If that's what you were after, congratulations :) I don't connect with the lyric, even on second listen - "it's not just fate deciding that's how you're gonna choke"? "Nothing but sincerity is going to mend those cracks"? As I say, a tad too earnest for me - sorry - but it's undeniably musically pleasant.

Paco Del Stinko - I love the harmonies into the chorus - well, I say 'chorus' but there really isn't much of one. Just as I'm waiting for it to start we're back into the verse. Great boogie guitar all over this song. I like it when it goes all swivel-eyed prog-rock musical for a bit. Then we're back to the AC/DC / Status Quo. Overall - not bad.

Mosquito - That's a slightly clumsy lyric made to fit a great endlessly evolving tune, which I like a lot. It's a bit punk folk, I suppose, which is a crime against nature but it has the decency to get out quick :)

Rollaround Goodtimes Band - Well, this isn't perfect structurally - it sounds like it's about to go somewhere and then pulls back every time - but it's great anyway. I love the 'bells' keyboard parts. In fact all the plinky weird rhythmic keyboard parts. A great mood piece. As usual, no f***ing idea what you're on about, but it doesn't matter whenever you hit that high note. Vote.

Tyler Zahnke - There is, I believe, some 'idiot savant' genius at work here, but that said, I really don't enjoy the listen. Clearly I am "The Man". I want to like it, but it needs a little more thought towards the musicality and structure to really unleash the mad greatness I think might be buried underneath the "I'm wacky, me" defence mechanism. Nothing wrong with a song about customer service, quite the opposite, but the story needs to go somewhere else, perhaps. Without some development it risks coming across as a damp squib.

WSA - Lots of good things in here (some great harmonies, nice chord progressions, good guitaring). Some not soo good things as well (some tart harmonies, some staid progressions, lyric is a bit standard, structurally a bit, well, bitty). I like the keyboard breakdown part very much. It feels a little like each band member is fighting for pole position in the song to its slight detriment. But it's smooth and well done, overall.

So looks like I'm voting for iveg and RGB, then. And me, of course - someone has to :)

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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by anti-m »

j$ - Yeah, this is odd. I have been listening to a lot of Jacques Brel recently, and ... this ... is what results - go, figure. I felt sorry for JB and Spud, is all. Since I wrote the whole lyric as an extended metaphor, it didn't even occur to me that people might find the subject matter a bit dark. Not intended to be.
Lord knows I wasn't OFFENDED, just to be clear! :D
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by Spud »

I see what you did there, $Johnny.
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by j$ »


Bwah and indeed ha ha ha ha! I wouldn't expect anything to slip past ;)
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by Toby Roktot »

rollaround.... kinda jefferson airplane groove. love the vocal, seems like the music gets a little lost sometimes....but, with a mouth like that.. who cares !!!!

inflatvegies.... haha!! listening to this in the morning is better than drinkin' starbucks...and, cheaper too !!!

...doh !! interupted !!! finish later !!! cya
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by Toby Roktot »

the worldly self-assur... i really like the way you grab the music and jerk it around....maybe the vocals would be even better in a little higher key? just a thought...

pablo del stinko.... love the guitar riff !! all the rest compliments nicely....damn!! sweet outro !!

flvxxvm.... nice guitar, vocals maybe just a little more punch. singer seems more in a supporting role than leading man... love the organ !!

bss... very nice music, lovely flvxxvm's entry, the vocals are too much in the background...all in all, good bss song !!

greg boethin.... nicely crafted song. greg you made me GLOL with this one ...thx !!

barbies on the. reminds me of the T-bones...and i have always liked the t-bones...

nick soma.... sweet intro...and, what follows is another very good mr. soma song...thx nick

tyler z.... you guys are too funny!! uh, any possibility you'd wanna maybe consider, just this once, maybe taking back this song ?? no? ...i figured as much....haha !!

masterhyde.... witty lyrics, enjoyable song !!

rmosquito... . actually, i wish this song were longer...just as i was getting into DIED!!!!!

johnny $.... had to listen to this one several times, and eventually, i broke down and liked it !!!

klownhole.... next to last one i listened to...better be worth 6 mins....please be worth six minutes !!! after 5 mins 54 secs....i can honestly say....i really like the drummer !!!

the lookouts band.... " from mars...parkin' cars"
solid reminder of my ex "flame"

good showing this week....and, hardly anyone sucked !!!
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by anti-m »

Woah! We have to vote for at least two things now!

After a week of consideration, my fave of the bunch was inflatable vegetables. I would have voted oldschool-style for you guys alone, (THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE) but selfishly voted for our own effort as well, since the robot forced me to pick two.
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by jb »

It's almost like we should discount one or the other of every two votes. If we're feeling cynical, we'd discount the first one on the assumption that a) it was you voting for yourself or b) it was a friend/fan voting for his friend/obsession. Therefore the second vote is either random, or an actual "I like this one" vote. Perhaps not "I like this one the best".

But a) that second vote is probably often random, in cases such as this that I am describing or b) people like you, Anti-M, screw up the whole thesis by actually voting properly in the first place.


blippity blop ya don’t stop heyyyyyyyyy
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by anti-m »

There are no other people like me, so you're safe on that count! |D
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by Spud »

Been away a while, eh, m?
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by anti-m »

Indeed! It was nice to play again!
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by mo »

I have tried to reply to this thread a bunch of times off my phone but I guess it just doesn't like posting here.

It was a joy to play Anti-M's old Sigma from back in the good ol' days when we were WestCo floor mates; that guitar has aged really well tonally. My acoustic from back then hasn't aged nearly so well the last time I saw it. And there's something about these guitar blasts from the past. I wish I still had the Duboce Triangle Danelectro (one of the first 56-U2 reissues) but it apparently died in a freak sewage accident a bunch of years ago (fitting, really).

M's vocals on this are really gorgeous, especially the phrasing and harmony work in V3. In hindsight I feel like I should've done another pass at the Minifooger Ring modulator solo. It sounds nice but the phrasing is wack, along with the weird level spikes from playing the "wrong" notes on the ring mod. I don't mean to sound complainy though, the track sounds pretty good and the atmospheric stuff oozes mood.

I'll try to get in reviews of the other tracks soon!

PS. If anyone knows what SongFight!-winning track I am semi-intentionally ripping off in this song you can win a steaming mound of nothing but the approval of your SF! peers.
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by anti-m »

Nicely done, BSS!

Mo, I have no idea who or what you are ripping off... do we get a hint?
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by j$ »

anti-m wrote:Nicely done, BSS!
Don't encourage 'em! :)
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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by mo »

it's an ADD song from back in the day when that particular wave of fighters discovered SongFight!.

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Re: Remember, No Take Backs! (reviews)

Post by anti-m »

I should have guessed ADD given that we were just discussing the fact that he should be much a more well-known rockstar than he is.
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