Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream reviews)

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Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

I just want to stop coughing, one of these days...
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by furrypedro »

Brain gesundheit
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Lunkhead wrote:I just want to stop coughing, one of these days...
Which one? Serious question. :P
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by user »

EDIT: Phunt's been added, I've been gladded. What, you can't verb "glad"?

I have callously and ignorantly categorized your song with a bunch of artists who you don't sound anything like.

Category: Dat Bass These songs, it seems to me, are all carried along quite strongly by the bass, yet they all have a sort of songfight-indie-rock feel to them, or something like that.

Balance Lost
Brings the funk. I like the deedly-deedly-deedly thing that makes me feel like I'm watching some educational video. I'd turn up the drums, especially the snare sounds, to make it extra funky. Enjoyable.

The Chocolate Chips
You know what you're doing, especially with those stringy things with the frets, whaddyacallem. Good atmosphere. Is it just me or is the guy in the video saying "Fuck me" on repeat?

Berkeley Social Scene
Best drums in the fight, yes indeedy. They could be a little louder (apparenty I feel this way about practically every song in the fight). Also like practically every other song in the fight, I'd like to hear more harmonies (instead of, in this case, the melody sung over the melody). Mind you, me making this suggestion is like a dog requesting that string theorists get on with it and figure this stuff out already.

Full of sloppy soul. This one grows on you. It's my favorite of the fight, but I'm hard-pressed to say why. Just a good feeling.

Category: Kick Ass

Inflatable vegetables
Actually this could kick way more ass than it does, but I'm not sure how to go about that. Iron Maiden style vocals would help, but that may not be feasible.

Paco del Stinko
Good solid rock track. Best guitar solo in the fight, and second best drums too.

Even ignoring the lyrics, this is evoking images of swirling nebulas and black holes 'n stuff. Nice 5/4 action. At "equatiooooon" I'm really feeling it. My only quibble is that the chorus doesn't rock quite as hard as the rest of it, while I'd like it to rock more than the rest.

The Grim
Oh hell yes. Tear that shit up! The kick drum oughta be at least twice as loud, real or not. More gain, more pain. Songfight needs more of this.

Category: Silly

Pretty groanworthily (grinworthily?) cheesy. A double hey! I like the jarring drumfill, the switch between swing and not-swing, and the random tom hits thrown in here and there. I think another instrument track, like a real guitar or a fake guitar or something, would take this to the next level.

The John Benjamin Band
This sounds a lot like a Wesley Willis song, except with good instead of horrible singing. Easily the best cheesy song in the fight. Rock over London; rock over Chicago!

Relentacle Tentacles
A throwaway song, but you knew that already and I laughed more than once. Those damn clever monkeys with their tiny hands…

Shlimminy Cricket
I love the little farty synth in my right ear. Good weird fun. Beaver's scheme? Good vocals, and the lyrics suggest that you're gonna keep joking whether we get it or not.

Category: Guitar and/or Piano

"March 12, 2015 2:45:32 PM" by Beanie and Cap
A little long if it doesn't change that much--I thought you had hit the last note at 2:08, but nope. I refer you to Mr. Soma's song in this fight, for an example of how to pull this kind of thing off. I've been up too late too, man.

Nick Soma
Decent, and I'm biased against this genre. It gets better as it goes along, and it isn't repetetive. Weird falsetto singing? A plus. If you added harmonizing vocals, the whole song would level up.

Ross Durand
You sound like Lou Reed if Lou Reed had musical talent. You've got the production side down pat, too. Flawless execution.

Category: Creepy

Manic Pixel Dream Girls
I'd add more creepy noises, add more musical changes, and cut out a minute or more. Also, more of those harmonized "uh uhhhh"s. I feel kinda dirty now but not complaining.

"It has a stick-shift that speaks to me." You too?? Thank God for a little sanity in the world.

Phunt Your Friends
A gift for anyone with a song-programmable alarm clock. That's Egg on guitar & stompwhack, me on busted lapharp, singing, & screaming.

18 songs. I'll vote for a third of them: Zipline, The muddafuggin Grim, Signboy, The Chocolate Chips, Balance Lost, and The JBB. I am truly tempted to vote for 6 more (Schlimminy, WreckdoM, Ross, Soma, Bombernaughts, & Paco) but I will exercise restraint.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by furrypedro »

JBB: There's a fun skip to this track. I like all the synth bits and wibbly vocals underpinned by the energetic rhythm and clear vocal tone that occasionally veers into the robotic. The contrast between the melancholic verses and poppy/slightly whimsical chorus is quite cool, and although "I don't ever want to wake up..." line always seems to fall over itself clumsily it adds charm and memorability.

Manic Pixel Dream Girls: Cool beat and the samples and minimalist synths are interesting. Although it does develop a touch over the 4 minutes it goes on for, I don't feel there is enough to keep me interested. It feels like an album intro/instrumental track that should turn into the first proper song after a minute and a half, but this doesn't.

Choc Chips: This is pretty cool, I like the almost psychedelic indie/electro style and the various layers. The songs catchy and you've got a distinctive voice and ability to hold a tune (which makes me think that it is interesting that you often seem to put some kind of vocal processing on your voice. I understand this may be a stylistic choice rather than a desire to mask your voice but I suspect it is unnecessary. By which I mean, if you're feeling timid about not having your voice masked by effects then you shouldn't be as I think you can carry the tune without them, but if you do vocal processing just cos you think it sounds cool then that's fine too).

Schlimminy: Fun tune. The lyrical angle pleases me and I like the synth wibbling slightly off key near the end. It has a child-like quality, like I could imagine on a kids TV show.

Ross: I like the way you capture the randomness of dreaming in this song, the way the lyrics skip from one theme to another with no apparent connection or reasoning. The music is standard fare, pretty good.

Bombernaughts: Sounds like Bananarama, which is awesome?? It's really weird the way the rhythm keeps switching around, but it's cool. The intro doesn't hint at the bouncy pop to come in the verses. In fact, it almost reminds me of Prefab Sprout, which is a comparison I would've found insulting a few years ago but now not so much. The change in the "We're so done with being lonely..." is really good, I'm a sucker for those kind of synth lines these days. So in summary, this is very dated but in a cool way and I love the "hey!" bits.

Wrckdm: There are a lot of cool things about this track but ultimately it feels a little unsatisfying. It repeats the verse structure a few times without developing in any particular direction or going anywhere. The lyrics are quite entertaining, although - and this isn't a criticism of you specifically, but most people in the fight so don't take it personally - weird-ass dreams are not a symptom of a fever are they? Otherwise why would I keep having that banana-hang-glider dream?

The Grim: That's some pretty competent grinding. I haven't heard screaming like this on SF since Jute Gyte. I like the transitions between thrash and sludging out. Doesn't outstay it's welcome. Good stuff.

Inflatable Vegetables: The opening guitar riff is probably my favourite but as it hits my jangle button and the guitar tone is very rich. The gothic rock of the rest of the track is competent and catchy enough.

Retentacles: Moderately fun. Sounds like you're playing in the far corner of a large room.

Nick Soma:
I've heard better from you. The piano ballad style makes your voice sound hammy and the song is stuck in this limbo where it's too straight to be a slanted pop tune (like Eels, say) but then the indie-ish elements of the casio beat and haunted "oohs" in the middle bit (which I like) prevent it from being a fully-realised OTT power ballad, so it's rooted in a slightly stilted earnest-ness. The more I think about it the more I think it could be a good recording but I think a change of arrangement might be the answer, I don't think the piano rhythm and the drums match so well.

BSS: Interesting track. Almost sounds unrecognisable as a BSS tune apart from a few signature guitar lines. The choir bits are very cool, but it sounds like you've had to make a trade-off and sacrifice your usual recording quality for the more adventurous sounds as this sounds more bedroom-y than normal. I think the bass is a touch overpowering and the lead vocal doesn't quite have enough punch. Apart from that it's pretty cool, I like the "things that you hide from yourself" section and melody.

Beanie & Cap:
Nice piano playing. Other than that it's a bit run-of-the-mill and a bit slapdash.

Paco: The first time I listened to this I was surprised by how much the guitars reminded me of "Hand In Glove" (or something) by The Smiths (who I love), weirdly as soon as I got home this was the first song I heard on the radio, whacky coincidence. This is a pretty good tune, the chorus manages to become memorable just by the end of it, but yeah, those verse guitars are the bomb. More of that please. I like how the solo ends all spacily as well.

I like the stripped back garage-y feel to this. My least favourite bits are the incessant widdling, THE WIDDLING! WHEN WILL THIS END?! SURELY YOU REACH A POINT IN YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU REALISE HOW POINTLESS THE WIDDLING IS! Fortunately, the song has enough to redeem itself in spite of the relentlessfuckingwiddling. The nostalgic lyrics, the dreamy chords in the background (underneath all that goshdarned...I've made my point, right?). Funnily enough, the drums here are compressed to the extent that they have that shiny sheen very similar to the Broken Social Scene, which is ironicamatonical since this is not your official Broken Social Scene tribute project. I will admit that some of the lead stuff is cool, the e-bow and tapping for example. It's when you go all Brian May that I want to slap your face right off your body.

Nice guitar tones. Ha, "there is no spoon". Being English this reference makes me think of Dog Soldiers instead of the Matrix (I would highly recommend Dog Soldiers if you're up for a bit of silly not-quite-horror). Catchy tune, powerful chugging. Nothin wrong with this.

Balance Lost: Is me. Gone a bit talking heads-ish it would appear.

Sorry if I've been mean. I can provide elaboration on comments if solicited.
It's too tight to call an obvious winner but there's a few good entries. I'll be interested to see how this one pans out.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by chocolatechips »

(my "fever dream" video) I'm going to do reviews - editing them in here as I go. My favorite four will get green faces/votes added at the end.

:mrgreen: Balance Lost: I definitely hear the Talking Heads thing. I'm pretty sure I would have picked up on it without you pointing it out yourself ... but I'll never know for sure. eh? I like all of the little rhythmic bits. Pretty good sounding mix, although a bit "lofi" which I'm not sure entirely works with the style. But that's really down to a taste thing. I like the personality in your vocal - and how it's nice and upfront. Some real nice tasty bass bits. Definitely a possible vote/green face. I like it. Cool synthy keys. (in response to what you said about my vocals - I have a few weird reasons for masking my voice ... I won't get into them as they will make me sound too insane.. also, I like "mean" when it comes to reviews ... I think more honest feedback is a good thing - and really as a songwriter/musician/whatever you can't get too worked up about the opinion of any one person if you want to do this)

Zipline: Reminds me of Pavement. There some real nice guitar bits in this - especially starting about one minute in. I dig the ramshackle sort of vibe and how it occasionally coalesces into something that really grooves. I have a feeling this one might grow on me with multiple listens, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it on the first one. Some unpleasant (digital sounding) distortion on the vocals when they get loud.

Manic Pixie Dream Girls: Really creeping me out at the moment. Fits the title well. Musically there's not much to hold onto but I think it still sort of works as a tripped out creepy experimental thing; I was curious to hear what she would say next ... although by the end I'm not really sure what she said; but maybe that works. Or maybe I lost my concentration. I think what maybe works against it is the consistency of the drum beat and how it sounds slightly canned --- maybe to really get me into this kind of thing I need a more unique sort of soundscape ... but at the same time, maybe it was the drum that kept me going. All of that said; I don't know if I said anything. These are first listen reviews and I plan on going through and listening again to the ones I think are potential votes before deciding. This one probably doesn't make it into that second round for me although I found it interesting. Am I still typing? I'm curious if you do mostly these kind of experimental tracks or if you do "proper songs" too? This is my first track of yours I've heard. Pretty cool band name and a track that has me curious on what you're about.

Nick Soma: I dig how the high voices come in at around 1:30 in ... Cool synth near 2 minutes in too. It sometimes sounds a bit like a demo but then there are these little production touches that makes it come across more like a minimalist production.

Inflatable Vegetables: The vocals sound like they're on top of the music .... maybe mixed a bit too high? Some nice dark guitar lines.

Phunt Your Friends: Some potential here ... but I think even when doing the chaos thing you want to have a bit more structure so that people can get into the world you're creating. Reminds me vaguely of some of the more experimental songs by Olivia Tremor Control.

:mrgreen: Ross Durand: Good guitar & vocals; the lyrics are a lot of fun. Possible vote.

Schlimminy Cricket: Getting a bit of a Ween vibe from this one - pretty cool. I like all of the quirky elements in the arrangement - keeps it interesting as it goes. My favorite element is probably the backing vocals. Nice touch.

:mrgreen: Berkeley Social Scene: I like the drums on this one and the synth bass; real nice. And I like that it sounds like something a bit different than what I remember usually hearing from BSS - sounds like a different style for sure. Neat backing vocals (kind of subtle ... which I think works in this context.) Possible Vote.

Rentacles: The loose ramshackle feel works pretty nicely with the absurdist surreal lyrics. Slight but enjoyable.

Bombernaughts: Reminds me vaguely of Soft Cell's "Tainted Love." Has a sort of retro synth pop vibe. The vocals are pretty good. Overall I can't say I love it but I'm not entirely sure why but it doesn't really work for me.

:mrgreen: Paco Del Stinko: The trippy guitar leads are definitely the highlight for me --- although the whole thing has a lot of great instrumental parts. Recorded & mixed well for sure; particularly nice sound on the acoustic guitar. I dig the sound effect outro. Another possible vote.

Signboy: The verse guitar riff and the vocals are both pretty good, but I don't think they go together all that well. Seems like a mismatch. My favorite bit is the instrumental breakdown at about 2:03 in.

WreckdoM: So much weirdness, it's difficult to take it all in at once. I like a lot of the production/mix stuff. Cool bass sounds and wild sound fx. If I was listening to this at 11 pm with a joint instead of at 11 am with a coffee I might be really into it ...

The Grim: I like the way the guitar sounds warped ... sort of like a heavy metal version of My Bloody Valentine.

Beannie & Cap: Sounds like there might be some nice songwriting in there but your performance isn't able to get it across at this point (although there's some nice playing on the keys) ... hard to hold onto as a listener. Still; I hear potential in there.

John Benjamin Band: Some fun synth blurbles for sure. The canned drums sound works well with the style. I like it. I haven't decided how much after my first listen. A possible vote.


votes added
Last edited by chocolatechips on Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:23 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by glennny »

Pedro, next time you come to the states I will let you slap me, but you have to come to the states.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by furrypedro »

I don't really want to slap your face off. I'm just in my bolshy, to-big-for-my-boots internet messageboard mode. You know how it is :)

Btw, what's the personnel on the BSS entry this week?
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by user »

furrypedro wrote:this isn't a criticism of you specifically, but most people in the fight so don't take it personally - weird-ass dreams are not a symptom of a fever are they?
I think they are, actually, if only sometimes. That's the impression I got last week when I googled "fever dream" to find out what it means.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by furrypedro »

Maybe, I can only draw on my personal experience, which is that I haven't had a fever for years but my dreams are regularly random and leftfield.
I didn't mark anyone down for lyrics based on random dream-sequence themes so I think even my use of the word "criticism" in that context was a bit strong. Maybe I should've used "observation".
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by user »

I'm the same way, no fevers but plenty of weird dreams. I did used to have this recurring dream whenever I got sick as a little kid, where me and family are out picking cotton in a vast, cold cotton field and loading the awful, prickly stuff into the back of a moving truck. But yeah I'm skeptical about the concept of fever dreams too, but I guess they happen to some people.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by Lunkhead »

"fever dream" is a pretty well known colloquialism where I am from, the northeastern USA. Maybe it's not a universal thing amongst English speakers and is just a regional thing...? It's not a medical term or anything. It's just a phrase to describe crazy dreams fueled by fever.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by iVeg »

What I understand: Fever dream = an especially vivid or confusing dream [or nightmare] brought on by a fever

Balance Lost - Like percussion intro, getting into verse. Something not quite gelling, missing an obvious chorus. Like keyboard parts, bass "solo", guitar breakdown.
Beanie and Cap - Seemed like there was a sync problem between the guitar and keyboard?
BSS - Cool electro intro. Vox and BGVs seemed buried.
Bombernaughts - Cool synth patches. Really like the 80's girl group BGVs/ Bananarama-type harmonies. Something with the instruments started to bug me a little, but I didn't go back to figure what it was. Enjoyed the song!
Chocolate Chips - Loved the spaghetti-western guitar vibe at the beginning. The whole song was solid, and I enjoyed it much!
Grim - loud and heavy, but seemed like the guitars were too loud in the mix? Maybe you mixed on bass-heavy headphones?
IV - me. This had huge bass when I mixed it, so I'll blame my wife's bass-heavy headphones :)
JBB - Enjoyed the vocording. Happy, poppy chorus. Fun synth sounds.
MPDG - On the intro I was all "Wait, I didn't get that" and it threw me off. Nice beat. Moody.
Nick - Favorite part was the high BGVs
Paco - Great interweaving guitar parts. Funny ending solo, but it fits the song!
Phunt - Noisy
Retentacles - Very faint recording. Funny lyrics, tho.
Ross D - Good strong vocals, lyrics easy to understand
Schlim - funny instruments, sound effects. Funny lyrics.
Signboy - Cool guitar intro. Like moodiness, vocal harmonies
Wreckdom - Noisy. Very up-front vocals. Trippy lyrics.
Zipline - Unfocused? Maybe the guitar was too loud in mix, or too up front? Cool parts, but too distracting.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by mico saudad »

Beanie and Cap Probably a bit more work on the timing and rhythm of things on the production/performance end, but I like the sense of melody in the piano especially, and with some more cohesion this could be entertaining.
Balance Lost This is fun. Very very Talking Heads with the meter of the vocal delivery, and especially now at 0:40 with the magical pixies arpeggios lighting the way to the not-quite-perfect bass line. Still really quite good. The rim/metal hits at 1:20 are well placed and timely. Really enjoyable throughout and given some time and work this could be a really polished demo!
Berkeley Social Scene The lyrics ended up way too soft in the mix at parts, and my vocal production is obviously not as good as it could be otherwise as well. The drums and guitar are really good. Some of my lyrics are delivered too side-mouthed so they sound strained at times. A common problem for me. I wish I also hadn't repeated so many of the lyrics verbatim, but mostly I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out given the timing...
Bombernaughts A double, hey! I heard 'fever dream' in there once but don't quite get the connection to the rest of the song? I really liked the meter a lot of that phrase where fever dream gets called up but can't quite make out the lyrics. Enjoyable song, maybe a touch too purely electronic for my tastes.
The Chocolate Chips I frikking love the intro. Oh and the vocals and bass, frikking fantastic. What's the weird warble in vocals at the end of lines? Pitch shifting? It's done well enough that's it's not a huge problem to my ear. I really really like this melody. I want the guitar at 1:30 to be more subtle and atmospheric. It's too spot on for the rest. Chorus lyrics are perfect. Not really attached to the verse lyrics. Probably one of my favorite songs this batch, I won't be sad if I lose to this.
The Grim technically seems pretty good, but not my taste. You might have grabbed me by having some melodic elements thrown in. Counterpount and playing against type in unexpected deliberate ways might bring people like me in more.
Inflatable Vegetables This is probably the most thought I put into a review this session. It's 1:00 in and I have no idea what's going on, except that I should realize that it's epic. Listen from 30 seconds on (past the horrible intro) to this song: ... moscow.mp3. Notice how he builds the story from the ground up: revolution, setting, "I'm there in the shotgun infantry, and I can hear the cannons roar, and I'll raise my family and we'll fight the civil war... oh in 2005, the world we know won't survive, and I for one won't stand by and let them them take the land I love by force". After that I'm hooked and when he rolls into "you can fight..." I'm so primed that I wanted to fucking join this fictional rebellion myself! Your song needs some storytelling strategy like that, and it's critical for this sort of song especially in order to connect with the audience. That Moscow Idaho song is one of my favorite songfight songs of all times despite some of the production issues I have with it...
The John Benjamin Band My mind keeps wanting to tie your song into the mainframe character from Portal. It's the 'Still Alive' f and its obviously-unbalanced robot narrator), so everything that you say gets filtered through that narrative, especially since I can't figure quite out who the narrator is talking to or attempting to achieve?
Manic Pixel Dream Girls Creepytown. And it feels like uniform creepytown for at least 2:00 now, so bail, sorry.
Nick Soma Very epic attempt at the music, but I'm not quite invested in it as a particular event so it doesn't connect. I think I'll refer you to Inflatable Veggies' review for my opinion on storytelling in epic songs.
Paco del Stinko The music is pretty strong, but I don't really feel a strong sense of place in the lyrics. I thinks it's ok to have a mood song, but with so many lyrics I expect that you're telling a story but no real story is forthcoming!
Phunt Your Friends ?
Retentacles When 'hurts like the dirt in the sand' is the most sane lyric around you know you're going for crazy. I like the child/adult songwriting dynamic. I'm seeing you and your daughter writing music together being silly; that's awesome! It made me smile imagining the fun you had making it!
Ross Durand There's such a great amount of folksy humanity in how you deliver lines that I'm on board despite not knowing what's going on. That drives my interest through the first chorus to continue the thought, and now at this point you've created the contract and I've signed it with the hope that I will be delivered. And in the end you deliver on the contract. Well done! Another song I won't mind losing to.
Schlimminy Cricket Not a fan of the bendy keys. A coherent song, which feels like Monty Python meets TMBG to me (the melody and production of the former with the lyrics of the latter).
Signboy Well done time signature song. Pretty good.
WreckdoM Crazytown!
Zipline Wandering and atmospheric. I like certain moments (like the building of energy after 2:00 but then it dissipates without really channeling it, at 2:40 for me). I'm hoping for a touch more structure; maybe if 3:00 had happened a bit sooner for example.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by SchlimminyCricket »

As always, my reviews decline in quality as the fight goes on, so I apologize to those who were randomly placed later in the sequence.
Phunt – I thought there was going to be a song for a second there.
The Grim - I am not equipped to review a song of this genre.
Bombernauts - That synth tone is tasty. The whole thing is a bit Blondie, which is nice. The chorus is excellent.
Chocolate Chips - Je l'adore. Beautiful quasi-robot vocals, just creepy enough. You've set the standard this go round.
Beanie and Cap - You probably should have tuned your guitar. I'm kind of charmed by the recording quality, but maybe another take would have helped with the performance? Maybe that doesn't matter. The song is alright, but maybe too long. It reminds me of people named Ben.
Manic Pixel Dream Girls - I can't follow the text because I lose focus and start thinking about other things. I really thought things were going to change at 2:15, but all that happened was a cool glockenspiel sound came in. It's all kind of unsettling in an Eraserhead sort of way, which I, uh... like? Kind of? But not?
Paco del Stinko - I imagined this song as the soundtrack to a movie about Don Quixote for some reason. But like a sci-fi Don Quixote. I love the sort of distant, reverberating guitar tone.
BSS - The vocals are very blah for the beginning, and anytime it's just the lead, but I love the choir parts.
John Benjamin Band - A lot of singing robots this fight. I still like it for this song.
Ross Durand - To me this song feels like listening to someone talking about his dreams, which I guess makes sense, since that's what it is.
Retentacles - That clap is just not on at all. Playing chess with a monkey is good stuff.
Zipline - Wibbly guitars are anathema, but the rhythm guitar is sweet. Should have ended at 2 min.
Me - I can't even help myself at this point.
Signboy - Your song has made me realize just how low my threshold of understanding for rock music is. It's very low. I have nothing to say about your song, but it's fine.
Inflatable Vegetables - See also: my review for Signboy. I'm sorry. I like your chorus though.
WreckdoM - I mistook that distorted guitar for a flute and I was disappointed that it was not one. My mind has started to go. I too have to demonstrate different flavors of pudding.
Balance Lost - Cool percussion. That synth sounds like if Owl City had decided to one day copy Talking Heads instead of The Postal Service.
Nick Soma - The song that finally sent me back to some high school dance, as midnight drew near and I waxed melancholic, and I looked up and saw my date dancing with just about everyone but me, and I don't even care anymore. I JUST WANT TO GO HOME.
But yeah, one of my favorite songs this fight.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by iVeg »

@Schlimm - my reviews and tolerance get shorter towards the end of the list, too. Glad you liked the chorus.
@Mico - thanks for putting so much thought into the review. It's my fault for being intentionally ambiguous. I'll listen to Moscow Idaho later tonight.
@Furrypedro - thanks for the review. Sad when the best part of the song is a loop :)
@User - I listened to Ken Tamplin's "How to Sing Like Dio" before I tried to sing this. The song didn't want me to sing like Dio. I'll probably finally get it when I want to sing a sweet, cheery love song :)
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by user »

iVeg wrote:@User - I listened to Ken Tamplin's "How to Sing Like Dio" before I tried to sing this.
Dude, this guy is awesome. (And he's got one on Iron Maiden too!) I just downloaded his video on how to sing like James Hetfield and will be giving it a try and hilariously failing on the next go-round.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by Niveous »

I've got no time today for full on reviews but I will say it was a pretty solid fight, not too many clunkers, and I'll be throwing votes in the way of Signboy, MPDG (I like when things get weird), Bonbernaughts (welcome back), The Grim and the BSS. Excellent work everyone.
"I'd like to see 1984 redubbed with this in the soundtrack."- Furrypedro.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by reve »

Yay, Signboy is still alive!
-- reve mosquito.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by signboy »

heh, yup, still kickin. Life has gone the way of not having much time anymore, but I had to bust out a fight with the new guitar built from bamboo flooring.
Irwin: I'd sell my soul to jesus to program drums like signboy.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by Niveous »

signboy wrote:heh, yup, still kickin. Life has gone the way of not having much time anymore, but I had to bust out a fight with the new guitar built from bamboo flooring.
Pictures or it didn't happen. Let's see this guitar.
"I'd like to see 1984 redubbed with this in the soundtrack."- Furrypedro.
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Re: Sick and tired of being sick and tired (Fever Dream revi

Post by Lunkhead »

The results are in. The Chocolate Chips win!
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