This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews]

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Stable Diffusion
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This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews]

Post by jb »

Seriously now, get a move on.

blippity blop ya don’t stop heyyyyyyyyy
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by ElaineDiMasi »

TMI*: I am on travel. I do not want to hang with my co-worker. I am too tired to see Munich. I checked my work email after 2.5 days without internet and everything in the inbox sucks. I am listening to the fight on laptop speakers from a bathtub in the hotel. The bubble bath was purchased in an envelope at a toiletries emporium across the street from Riva Pizza Bar and its envelope has a large colorful picture of a honeycomb. I suppose that's what this room now smells like. I wouldn't know. I'm too tired to care. Oh and the air conditioning isn't really working.

Can't do lengthy usable comments listening with laptop speakers, but I can call out the highlights:

Cookie Blue, notably easy on the ear under any circumstances. I am a sucker for whatever you're doing to get that texture that reminds me of my octave mandolin/cittern/12-string days

The Hip Cola, gets my vote and download, because even with the sucky speakers, I feel the groove totally comes through. Rare that I don't even listen to the lyrics the first time, but that happened, because I was digging the song.

Jay and the Jesters, notable for the vocal handling - the way it's designed and treated is attention-getting

Jerkatorium, a runner up groove wise

Tuner's Union, another vote and download. Besides being groovy and having VERY cool keyboards going on, your vox remind me of the Moody Blues in the first verse and somebody else cool after that.

Good job guys maybe see you at the Nothing Good Can Come

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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by kaz »

Elaine, you've made my day. A person in a bathtub in Germany hears music I've written. Somehow, this is seriously blowing my mind right now.

For what it's worth, I spent a few weeks in Karlsruhe a couple years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it entirely because of castles (and because I avoided work-people outside of work). They (castles) are worth the energy, if you're into that sort of thing.
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by Chumpy »

TMI: I am in my car listening to Klownhole cranked at an ear splitting volume. As the song winds down to its final 'NOW WHO'S SEEING PENISES EVERYWHERE' ending, I find myself shouting along, until a neighbor pulls up and parks right next to me, and then it's .. awkward. I turn up the air conditioning and pretend to study my glove compartment.

Really like the chorus. Judgement, pressure, emerging class of leisure, shuffle to the new world man. Sounds cool, vague enough, I complained about the lyrics in some of your other songs, and I'm happy this time. Also 'ephemeral as a tattoo' is good, and who doesn't love 'dog dick', nicely vulgar and alliterative. Of course the way you the whole band sings NOW WHO'S SEEING PENISES EVERYWHERE at the end is epic, especially the rest of the band's creepy devotion to it at the end when it's all a capella.

The first chorus ends with 'get to the main jam', and it kicks ass because the stretching out of 'main' and then 'jam' comes in and punches you in the gut as the music sludges heavily into the verse. This is good shit. Unfortunately this only happens the first time, and the other ending choruses the 'main jam' parts are wimpier and without that punch. Need to be more consistent. Huff some more Scotchgard and crank out more takes. More takes also means less shit like 'practiced that' and 'two very different tempos', which I admit I laughed, but that shit has got to go. Klownhole does not make mistakes! They are PHILOSOPHER ROCK GODS FROM OUTER SPACE. That is all.
"I don't recommend ending on a bad joke." --ken
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Stable Diffusion
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by jb »

I assume people are so freaked out by my cover art that they're afraid to review this fight. However, you should all listen to it, because it is full of quite a lot of really well-done songs!

Tuners Union: Love the little synth arpeggio. Love the harmony. Nice. Stellar, actually. VOTE.

Klowns: Very Klowny.

Cookie: Nice separation on the rhythm guitar. Too samey-samey for my taste, but if you like this kinda song it's fine. A line or two with shakey prosody.

Toby: I do not like that reverb on the vocal. Take it off. Take it off right now. I would enjoy the song so much more if the vocal felt intimate and close up and small, which the reverb ruins.

Jay: Not sure what the moaning is about... the pre-verb is interesting, but only sort of working for my ears. Something about this mix is harsh-- maybe the vox too far front, or an EQ problem, I dunno. But on my MacBook Pro speakers, it's not an easy listen. I like the guitar part. Don't like the lyrics much, a little too obvious. I read an article by a guy recently which discussed why singer/songwriter shows are boring. One of the points he made was to ask the question "Where are your tattoo lines"-- a line in your lyrics that a fan would want to tattoo on themselves. This song has that problem.

Rabbit: So far so good! Rhythm! Clapping! Funky syncopated rhythms! The lyrics are interesting, the title woven in coherently. Oh, hi Damien. That explains a lot. VOTE.

Glenn Case: Glenn nagged me about this guitar riff he had that he liked. So I'm like "fine, send it to me" and he did, and then I went and ruined it. This song was created by splicing together tracks built in Propellerhead's "Figure" app for iOS, with the solo synth lines being added later in Reason. I sent the instrumental track back to Glenn and he did the vocals and mixdown. It is a pretty childish-sounding arrangement, but I don't care if you don't like it, because I think it is fun. And I am impressed with myself for making a whole song using Figure, which is not made for that purpose AT ALL. They seem to actively fight against it. Foolish Propellerheads, I showed them.

Jerk: It's the Cars! Digging the bouncing "bwooo" sound. More synths! Yes! And guitars! Nicely mixed! Ok, when the vox come in it turns more Clash than Cars. Not a bad thing. "Blah blah blah creative juices" is a tattoo line. The vocals might be a bit too far forward, but whatever. I dig it. Not a bad entry in the "Songs About Song Fight" category.

Infla: Retro synths, very iVeg. I have a problem with lines like "Stop eating beans, I don't need the gas."-- the sudden stop makes me feel like I've stubbed my toe. Ok, those out-of-tune harmonies are outside my bias vector. Do another take! It takes 3 minutes to figure out what the note should be! I hope nobody who actually does reggae ever hears this one... it's quirky, a little cute, but not at the top of my iVeg playlist.

Berks: Drums sound nice and thick in this one. Like the bass tone and the panned guitar tracks. When the chorus comes in it starts sounding like Modest Mouse a little. I'm digging it.

The Hip Cola: Did you make that rhythm track out of basketballs being bounced? 'Cause that's what it reminds me of. Here come some Waterboys vocals, nice. The delay is well-applied. Um, but you know that because this is what you do for a living. Anyway. This reminds me of Roymond, and reminds me of something I'd have heard on a compilation tape in the late 80's. I like the chorus chord progression and that melodic hook just before "no rush at all".

Astro: Oooh spaaacey. That high plinky synth is ear-hurting. Ok, those vocals are not acceptable. I like the base synth progression that underlies the track, and I like some of the pad-type vox and such. But other than that, I'm going to leave this one there.

Moose: This reminds me of something that Frankie Big Face, Jim of Seattle, Future Boy, or Carol Cleveland Sings might have done. I like the arrangement, could have used the vocals a bit further forward in the mix. It's interesting, and I'll listen to it again, and I wouldn't turn it off. It's a little confection.

Hillbilly: Your recordings do sound better. Sound-wise that is, though there are some bits in there that clipped a little. The production's a mess, but I think you probably managed to achieve most of what you were trying to achieve here.

Rick: You're digging a hole you're gonna have to climb out of... aaaaand still digging... ok, song's over. Say hello to Beijing for me.
blippity blop ya don’t stop heyyyyyyyyy

Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by hillbilly »

That Tuner stuff--- might not be exact. what you what to hear, but that's some good shit. Good job tuner. i thought of you when i was in the shower, does that count?
Last edited by hillbilly on Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by hillbilly »

klown hole----dude settle down, i have medicine, some one loves you, maybe. That is rude. Lets go hang a bar, mess with the bar tenders.

toby-surprize me next time, different style.
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by thehipcola »

First half of my reviews:

Awesome: This is pure awesome. Namecheck works. Purring noise made me LOL
Not so much: WAY too short.
Overall: I'd consider voting for a longer, more realized version of this. Nice work!

Toby Roktot
Awesome: Pacing/cadence of the vox is spot on.
Not so much: lack of variety in the rhyming patterns - be more adventurous!
Overall: pleasant track! Personally I'd like to hear more interesting production things - panning, double tracking, maybe a mono plate reverb instead of a lush wide reverb, a bit of slap delay on the guitar... anything to give it a little more Interest. My 2 cents only though, ymmv.

Glenn Case
Awesome: love the bass line programming - it's great!! Dry vox are a good choice.
Not so much: The top line keyboard sound in the verses scream "preset-land" to me - sounds very Zeta3 - could have been something a bit more interesting.
Overall: I dig it!

Rick & the Bipolar Bears
Awesome: Hey - you got it submitted in time!
Not so much: I haven't been in a fight in years, so I don't know what your usual submission quality is - but this is a little bit stinky.
Overall: Not my cup of tea.

Inflated Vegetables
Awesome: I like the song structure, and the slow pace and vocal delivery works awesome with the title - I'm sure that's no accident.
Not so much: The backing music is a little cheesy for my tastes, but it's exectuted well!
Overall: I like this track and it's slooow charms.

tha'ts me - and my gang of basketballs. Not much to report here other than I rushed to finish it and it shows in the details that I hear now which I'd love to change. cool to hear 80's timestamp is coming through because that's intentional - I've been researching production techniques from that era and decided to give a few of them a try. First fight in forever and a day - digging the tunes in this fight!

Awesome: The vocals - period. heh. Great grit. Lvoe the chorus - and the ending might be the best ending ever.
Not so much: Being a production nerd I want to hear things panned and sounding bigger - which might be exactly what KH doesn't want. Also - the main riff is over used a little, in my super humble opinion.
Overall: despite the things that I don't dig - I like this song quite a bit!

Cookie Blue
Awesome: Vocals - love the sound and quality of your voice!
Not so much: Vox are too quiet - move them into centrestage and put a spotlight on them - you've got a great voice! The ending was too abrupt.
Overall: This track has a lot going for it - reminds me of the awesome Blind Melon. Great groove, melody, awesome vocals, albeit too quiet.
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Stable Diffusion
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by jb »

thehipcola wrote: Glenn Case
Awesome: love the bass line programming - it's great!! Dry vox are a good choice.
Not so much: The top line keyboard sound in the verses scream "preset-land" to me - sounds very Zeta3 - could have been something a bit more interesting.
Overall: I dig it!
Well, if the Propellerheads would just let me export Figure tracks as MIDI, I wouldn't have to put up with your snark. ;)

(FWIW the synths in Figure are supposedly using the iOS Thor engine. If you are familiar with Reason, Thor is the venerable polysonic synth that comes with the software and which they've ported to iOS-- you can get it standalone for your phone, and apparently they use the same engine underneath Figure.)

blippity blop ya don’t stop heyyyyyyyyy

Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by hillbilly »

hill 022.jpg
hill 022.jpg (491.67 KiB) Viewed 6804 times
jb--- speaking of clipping, do you run a program which shows that or is that your opion by ear. this is a very hot amp. what i'm asking is that clipping or my screwed up guitar playing?
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Stable Diffusion
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by jb »

hillbilly wrote: jb--- speaking of clipping, do you run a program which shows that or is that your opion by ear. this is a very hot amp. what i'm asking is that clipping or my screwed up guitar playing?
By ear. If you're mic'ing the amp then either the gain on the mic is a little too high, or once it's in your computer you've increased the level of that track too much.
blippity blop ya don’t stop heyyyyyyyyy

Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by hillbilly »

some one did a tube change in this old Harmony made it dirty as hell, or it may just be wore out. no better than i play suits me.
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by thehipcola »

Last half of my reviews:

Berkely Social Scene
Awesome: reverb on the guitar is awesome (stereo guitars collpasing to a less stereo ghost) - vocal character is great. Nice and tight!
Not So Much: nothing - this is a great song all around. Nice work! The only quibble is sometimes the guitars sound out of tune a little bit.
Overall: This is a vote contender. Great recording, great song, and really nice and tight. Well done!

Awesome: Great intro! Love the guitar sound.
Not So Much: Drums sound a little thin to me - and the vocals seem to be a little less convincing than the instrumentation.
Overall: I think this is a good solid track, and with a little more care to vocals and their production - it could be contender-ish.

Tuners Union
Awesome: The little keyboard bubbly rising thing is the hook for me - LOVE THAT. I really dig the groove in this tune. Great chord work and great vocal arranging!
Not So Much: I want the vocals to punch more - not sure if its because there are too many overdubs or what it is.. they're nice and all but a little indistinct. Is that a word? you've got really creative vox, but they don't have the edge I want them to. Maybe they could be panned less wide and more of a centre space focus? just thinking out loud - lots of wide stuff in this track.
Overall: this is a great track - really grew on me as I listened - second time through sold it. Definite vote contender.

Jay and the Jesters
Awesome: What a voice you've got! I like the pace of this track. Long for more instrumentation.
Not So Much: all of a sudden after the intro the vocals get huge - seems out of place a little bit - overshadows the guitar. When you've got two voices going - they sound too similar, and it gets confusing - could maybe try more radical eq or panning to help "keep 'em separated". If that sort of thing interests you, of course. :)
Overall: This is a nice track. Vocalist has a voice that's got "it". A tad pitchy at times, but it has a great lead singer vibe to it. Not in contention this week - but I'm looking forward to hearing more from him(them).

Awesome: I like the growly synth in teh chorus. Also - great use of space and pace in this track.
Not so much: Vocals are out of tune right away - too bad - it's distracting.
Overall: Kind of half a song, at least it feels that way to me. didn't really do anything for me.

Rabbit and Ram
Awesome: Duet! Everything seems well recorded/mixed.
Not so much: This is a bit bland - same instrumentation from top to bottom, no real dynamics to speak of.
Overall: Feel good song that I find a little boring to be honest. Nothing wrong with any of it.. it's just not interesting to me personally.

Moose Muse
Awesome: nice composition and arrangement. I like the play at "no need to rush" as a staccatto line of strings comes in rushing.
Not so much: The vocals sound like they were recorded using a mic you'd get with a shoebox cassette recorder. Very out of character with the rest of the instruments.
Overall: Almost good! It gets points for cute, for being orchestrated, but loses points on presentation and production. Someone is a capable composer though - nice work!

Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by hillbilly »

rick and the bi bear---- i'm not even sure you are in tune,that finger would probably do more good somewhere else, it dosent seem to do well on the guitar.
cookie---that is not bad, good solid guitar work, good vocal.
wheres john disco? did he break that easy, i liked him.
voted Hip,Berkley and Cookie
edited to be nice
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by AJOwens »

jb wrote:
Rick: You're digging a hole you're gonna have to climb out of... aaaaand still digging... ok, song's over. Say hello to Beijing for me.
Assuming, as I naturally do, that everything is about me, I am disconcerted by the reference to Beijing. If it was mentioned in the lyrics, I missed it. I was in Beijing recently, although I don't remember mentioning it here, but I can tell you with complete confidence that Rick has never been to Beijing. And although I have proven associations with Rick, I had nothing to do with this entry. Not that it's such a bad entry; I've heard worse.
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Stable Diffusion
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by jb »

AJOwens wrote:
jb wrote:Rick: You're digging a hole you're gonna have to climb out of... aaaaand still digging... ok, song's over. Say hello to Beijing for me.
Assuming, as I naturally do, that everything is about me, I am disconcerted by the reference to Beijing. If it was mentioned in the lyrics, I missed it. I was in Beijing recently, although I don't remember mentioning it here, but I can tell you with complete confidence that Rick has never been to Beijing.
Can't tell if you're kidding, but just in case-- Beijing was a reference to digging a hole to the other side of the planet. The hole in question being my response to the track itself, being pretty negative. In that, in order to like it, something more and more progressively awesome would have had to happen in order for me to come around to being pleased at having spent time to listen to it.
AJOwens wrote: And although I have proven associations with Rick, I had nothing to do with this entry. Not that it's such a bad entry; I've heard worse.
Well, on Song Fight, saying "I've heard worse" leaves a whoooooole lot of room. No pun intended.

blippity blop ya don’t stop heyyyyyyyyy
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by AJOwens »

jb wrote:
AJOwens wrote:
jb wrote:Rick: You're digging a hole you're gonna have to climb out of... aaaaand still digging... ok, song's over. Say hello to Beijing for me.
Assuming, as I naturally do, that everything is about me, I am disconcerted by the reference to Beijing. If it was mentioned in the lyrics, I missed it. I was in Beijing recently, although I don't remember mentioning it here, but I can tell you with complete confidence that Rick has never been to Beijing.
Can't tell if you're kidding, but just in case-- Beijing was a reference to digging a hole to the other side of the planet. The hole in question being my response to the track itself, being pretty negative. In that, in order to like it, something more and more progressively awesome would have had to happen in order for me to come around to being pleased at having spent time to listen to it.
AJOwens wrote: And although I have proven associations with Rick, I had nothing to do with this entry. Not that it's such a bad entry; I've heard worse.
Well, on Song Fight, saying "I've heard worse" leaves a whoooooole lot of room. No pun intended.

As usual, my paranoia is overactive. (Has anyone noticed that all the song titles are about me?) From Ottawa, Beijing actually is on the other side of the planet, more or less. When I flew there, we went across the pole and over Russia. When I flew back, we went across the pole and over Alaska. It took about the same time (i.e. forever). So, putting latitude aside, your innocuous image is quite accurate. I don't have a globe to check, but really I suspect we'd probably pop up in shark-infested waters north of Australia.

EDIT -- No, I checked, and I think it would be southwest of Australia, in the Indian Ocean. In case we ever need to know.

Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by hillbilly »

"I've heard worse.

Really if you listen the lyrics were better than most of ours, dude was just drunk and out of tune, shit happens. but i have never heard off key cords like that, but it will be all right, wheres Disco.

toby----- i wasnt crazy of the style,vocal needed to be raw and dirty,don't make it sound like a music teacher, too much verb is not your friend, (your voice sounds good nuff raw,don't add all those effects, just my opion. lyric was good. don't be scared of that ovation, double trak something , hammer ons, pull offs. you know i love you.
Last edited by hillbilly on Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by hillbilly »

i love you to JB
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by Toby Roktot »

Thanks to all for all your reviews

jb- ok
hillbilly- thanks, ok, back off the 'verb ...check. surprise...we'll see. I thought you were too tough to love ?
the hipcola- thanks, I know, but, so far, that reverb is my only known knob !!! the order i listen....

THEHIPCOLA- love the b-balls!! def reminds me of duran duran vibe, except for the clash type lyrics. very good stuff

JERKATORIUM- cars, cars, cars... do you have a smokin' hot wife, too ? the lyrics, ah,'s what we do. good song- 1/2 vote.

BSS- you guys kinda remind me of the boomtown rats...i like those guys, so, by default....i like you guys, too. you guys already know you're a fault !!! and that's all the fault i can find. 1/2 vote

KLOWNHOLE- opening reminds me of 'now i wanna be your dog' (sang this at my wedding). i was hoping the tempo would like...double. i think the song would be really good, faster. "seeing penises everywhere". haha, this reminds me of a way off-broadway play i took a first date to...don't remember the play, something like 'our town' ...but, the kicker was, every actor had an eight-inch dildo attached to their forehead....for the entire play !!!!!

RABBIT AND RAM- had me from the first beat. then, this angel started singin' TO ME !!...then, this...who the heck is this guy?? i thought...oh well, very nice tune, sweet!!

TUNERSUNION- some parts i really dig, others- not so much. but, the production is sooo good. it's hard not to just overlook the (imo) 'not so good' parts and just dig the whole song. ok... vote !!

JAY AND THE JESTERS- one may dismiss this as just another, reverb-drowned, g&g. (pot/kettle) but, don't be so quick to judge...there's several layers here and despite it's simplicity, this song has a lot to offer. Thanks Jay...prolly not a hit, but, def an above average and interesting album filler.

COOKIEBLUE- Hi Cookie... love the name. everything you do is so...sweet, young, innocent....nevermind the lyrics. makes me want to actually BE 16 years old again!!! vote !!!!!

HILLBILLY- this song encapsulates every feeling i have when starting any sexual adventure.....but, alas, i usually end up humming "relax, don't do it.......etc."

ASTROLAMB- hmmm. this could be a very good background track for a movie opening or closing credits. i just don't think it can stand on it's own.... sayin'

INFLATABLEVEGETABLES- like, 'don't worry, be happy' this song kinda grows on ya the more played. it's a toe-tapping hummer, but, prolly not going to be in my thoughts much past this week.

RICKAND THE BIPOLARBEARS- vocals a little too lost behind the guitar. prolly a much better listen with vocals out front.

GLENNCASE- song is ok, just not enough variety to hold my interest. yeah, i know....pot/ kettle, again. i do like the bass thingy, though.

MOOSEMUSE- i review in the order songs pop up as i listen, ( except for mine...i never listen to them after recording ) and this song is a very nice way to end my listening session. very nice..... thanks !!
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Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by Chumpy »

Thirty seconds or so of pretty atmosphere, I like the low notes. The main vox comes in and the first 'no' is not right. Having recently spent hours and hours listening to tiny slices of all my shitty vocal takes looking for the ones where the pitch close to right, this is not something I'd let stand, especially when it's the second word out of your mouth. At around 1:30 things begin to get good. I like the processing on your voice, it works, more of that! The piano ending is nice.

Berkeley Social Scene
Number of times I've reviewed BSS songs: 6. Number of times someone from BSS has reviewed our stuff: 0. Somebody fed the title and a few other parameters into the BSS song algorithm and predictably boring yet above average guitar rock rock came out, this time with synth. Bravo.

Cookie Blue
I really love main guitar riff of this song. It sounds old, like it's from an old English murder ballad or something. Cookie's voice sounds distinctive and interesting as usual. I'm also going to use the word 'haunting' here non-ironically. Really dig the way "monster's eye" is sung, it's got just the right amount of strain and emphasis, great timbre. I was humming this melody as I walked to breakfast this morning. My favorite song of the fight.

Glenn Case
Vocals sound amazeballs. Especially like the 'passing by at frightening speed' multi-track with the high vox sounds in my left ear, hella prostyle. Enjoy the happy bleeps and bloops, and the space-monster synth sounds, I'm bouncing along while listening. Worth my time.

The harmonica buzzing in my left ear is cool at the start, didn't know what it was at first. It's got a nice sound to it. It sounds more like Hillbilly trying to get laid than an actual full song, but I liked it, especially the 'let's smooth this shit out' and the raaawr sound, made me laugh. Worth my time, probably won't return for more listens though.

The Hip Cola
Killer production, sound kinda reminds me of Midnight Oil. It's funny I would not have thought those slappy drums were basketballs, but I get it now, I feel like I've heard those kind of percussion sounds before, but I'm not sure where. The song itself didn't really grab me, but I can definitely hear that's a cut above most SF songs in terms of sound, there is nothing amateurish about this, which is depressing.

Inflatable Vegetables
Somebody mentioned that this sounded better with more listens and I agree. It works as a reggae, and the mellow vibe is relaxing. The backup vocals are super smooth, and are are mostly right on point, and make me feel good. There is a spot where they're noticeably off pitch though, which distracts. The line about the doctor saying 'stress would like to kill you' is just about perfect. The dub section doesn't quite work, needs to be louder, deeper, and more confident. Nice use of Hawaiian slang, pakalolo is a cool word. Worth my time, and I'll probably listen again.

Jay and the Jesters
Vocals are stellar, but are too loud in places. Dig the sad G&G sound, I can hear a cut & paste click in at 1:45, which is right where the main vox begin to sound a bit like Sade, but doesn't ruin it. Things get sloppy and choppy at around 3:10, maybe this is intentional, but it sounds a bit weird. Impressed by the mood you created with just your voice and guitar.

I told a friend that we successfully cast a first level 'summon Cars' spell, as people apparently got what we were trying to do. If it had been like a 5th level spell I would have actually sounded more like Ric, the synth parts would worked better and been more integral to the song, and the chorus would have been a lot more potent.

Last week my friend Dr. Zoom and I hung out in my apartment, drank diet coke, ate bananas, and listened to Klownhole. We're fans. I recently discovered their huge web .mp3 archive and have been slowly going through it. Zoom's favorite band is The Happy Flowers, and can talk for hours about their many merits and achievements.

I enjoyed the theatrical sound of this song, nothing in the fight sounds like this, I imagine it being sung from a stage. The ending is really charming and makes me smile. Great diversity of sound and style from the Moose.

Rabbit & Ram
The Rabbit & Ram origin story, I look forward to future music and crime fighting from them. Very cute alt-folk-pop duet, if I wasn't so manly I would have loved every second of it. I can't help but thinking of that Coke commercial they show before movies where the girl gets the shopkeeper guy by giving him a Coke with his name on it though.

Rick & the Bipolar Bears
I'm in a hurry, I'm in a rush, I want this song to be over.

toby roktot
I like G&G music, I'm just going to put that out there. I like the line 'little bit late, just a little behind' a lot. I don't think the reverb on the voice is bad, I don't think I would have commented on it if others hadn't. I enjoyed this song, it felt heartfelt and sincere, and lyrically interesting on first listen. One line in particular I think crosses the line in terms of being too cloying on 'the music was over'. Enjoyed.

Tuners Union
I don't think there is anything I don't like about this song. Happily tapping my feet and grooving along. The sound on the first "don't hesitate" is so good. This song sounds as polished and pro sounding as THC's song, but more of a clapping-along-like-i'm-in -church enjoyable groove for me. Lush.
"I don't recommend ending on a bad joke." --ken

Re: This cocaine didn't do anything for me. [No Rush Reviews

Post by hillbilly »

belive it or not clumpy women are not beating down my door. Disco been calling real late at night, by the time i grab phone, he be gone.
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