Nur Ein IV Round One "Bullets & Lovers"

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Nigel (spOOn) Clements
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Nigel (spOOn) Clements »

Random thoughts whilst listening: tracks listed alphabetically, this is going to be rather difficult for the judges, top through bottom! good work everybody!

Adam Adamant: Rather an uninspiring intro, overly fuzzy bassline, in fact quite an odd collection of synthlines, really like the vocal break though.
(listening again, I had my speakers turned down really low... doh!), it's a lot better with added volume, quite cool(ish) in a quirky kind of way... that vocal break is well nice!

Andrew Reist: Mixed a little low for a rock track, but there's a barely suppressed grrr there which is really nice to hear, excellent track Andrew! that's a lot of solo for such a short track, the secret I guess is to make your track sound like its three minutes plus... great job!

Chopped Liver Meat God: there's something strangely eastern about this, can't get the arabian knights out of my mind, maybe it's the vocal delivery, in fact I'm finding the whole experience fascinating, without actually absorbing anything... weird! cool keyboard solo to end!

Cock: Now you've traversed from Depeche Mode into near OMD country, I have to admit, I could listen to this over and over, it's just so very very early eighties.

Frankie Big Face: Vocally this is gorgeous, fantastic track, everything sounds like it's turned up to max! and bubbles just below clipping, neatly done!

Howl Down The Chimney: Now this should be interesting, there's a definate feel of the theatrical about you guys, and this starts like it's going to be epic, let's see if you can pull it off in less than two minutes, haunting solo, sounds a little chopped, but great effort.

John Kloberdanz: One of my favourites from round zero, and this is a little disappointing, but I have to admit to finding the lyrical direction rather enjoyable, quite like the stance you've taken!

Jon Eric: Good track Jon, although there's a little nagging feeling as if you've had more than one idea and been forced to merge them due to time constraints, maybe a little Alanis Morrisette in ideas, but quirkily enjoyable nonetheless.

MC Eric B: Yeah you are beginning to play the 'creepy' card to good effect, that's an excellent solo my friend, is that you or have you extracted some magic from somewhere, personally I'd say this is a major improvement from round zero.

Nigel Clements: I just had to squeeze Sainsbury's in there somewhere :))
(I feel like a duffnut amidst all you guitarists!).

Nouveau Pauvre: Excellent talking bass line, and wonderful vocals/vocal effect again, slight worry here is that you'll go far in the competition, but will falter due to lack of style changes, I love this and I loved your round zero effort, but they're both quite similar(ish!)... who am I to talk eh? contender for immunity!

Paco del Stinko: F*ck yeah! meet the Dickies, bloody brilliant, c'mon charlie squeeze them lyrics in... all of 'em, oh what soloing too, plus you can afford to 'scat'... there's more in this track than most people's albums!

Rabid Garfunkel: Heehee finding this very 'blues brothers' for some reason, just a little crazy in all the right ways, should score highly, loving the casual delivery style!

Ross Durand: Not quite as 'nailed' as your round zero entry, but blatently fabulous without doubt, sounds to me like you're playing all your cards here, nice harmonica playing, that doesn't stay too long, very nicely done, challenge well met!

Sheail: This is a long intro for such a short song, I'm really hoping this is an instrumental... haha that'd show 'em, oh no wow, excellent stuff, so well done, great vocal interjections, cool metallica nod!... loved it!

Signboy: This (if turned up a notch) makes an excellent continuation of Sheail's track... works really well.. sorry I'm just fascinated by that :)), brilliant playing again, making me feel like more of a duffnut! well done!

Austin Wood: umm not sure who Austin Wood is... is this Student Band??, any way it's a little 'too laid back' I feel almost like wheatus without the teen angst or irony, anyway it's probably good enough for progression!

Swilington: ooh! quite a jarring intro, (did you do that to me in round zero too??), sounds just a little too cnfused in places, though that's a lovely little break! with the (bells?)... cool solo(ing) too!, the second half of this track is awesome...!

Test Week Hiatus: Tha's an odd delivery, there guys, reminds me of something, which will probably come to me tomorrow when I'm miles from anywhere.... not overly keen on the lyrics here, and the ramone(esque) "go" doesn't really fit!

Tex Beaumont & The Dirty Hearts: Ha! it took nearly 23 seconds to make me smile, then the grins came quick and frequent, the 'shoo be doobies' are excellent, nice take on the title too, I like it, in a very bad taste way. quirky and cool!

Tiny Robots: Oh just perfect... again!
I think I said last week, I'd buy your album, I also know several people who'd buy it as well.... Just great, everything is!
"spinning out of control", this line delivered that way is pure gold!

Todd McHatton: Hmm! nice kind of like Jon Eric's track with a little more teeth, I'm pleased that the guitarists have taken the solo part of the challenge to show off they're skills, and you're no exception Todd!

WreckdoM: I remember always looking forward to WreckdoM songfight entries and being let down probably more often than I'd like to admit, but this is number 2 in an ongoing series of excellent tracks, I really hope you guys go far in this competition, because you're so original!
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Geoff WreckdoM
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Generic wrote:
Geoff WreckdoM wrote:IN
in it to win it!
Loving Nur Ein and the explosive creative drive we're all feeling right now! It's exciterment!
Hey, are you still in Austin? We should meet up sometime.
Hell Yeah still in Austin, EAST SIDE!!!

I live on a square Acre in my friend Moody's (a first time WreckdoM member for Nur Ein) house and he just built a studio a few months ago which, among other things, is WreckdoM's new home. You definitely needs to come out and see it and hang out and makes music. Look up Wes Davis too, haven't seen him in a while but I believe he still lives here.

Our pic was taken just outside the studio by putting the camera on my Theremin and setting the timer. I keep meaning to take pics of us in there and put them up here cause I just love it so much, music making funhouse in my backyard.
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by bambamoozle »

John Kloberdanz: One of my favourites from round zero, and this is a little disappointing, but I have to admit to finding the lyrical direction rather enjoyable, quite like the stance you've taken!
Well, since I came in second to last in Round Zero it's easy for me to say that I hope the judges disagree with you on this one too! :lol:

With my luck the differences in style/structure/chords/delivery will end up with the same result.

From my own listen of all of the entries, more of the entries are GREAT than are just ok. If I were judging I would put my song around 19th or so. There were four that I think should fall below mine, and a couple that are a toss up with mine, and would be plus or minus a slot in that lower end. On the other hand, I put together some interesting chords and fingerpicked them pretty cleanly, so maybe I get points for that.

I've already decided that if I don't make the cut for Round Two I'm going to take some time off from songwriting and put together a 7-song CD that I can sell at my next major show on June 6th.
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by erin. »

Some Quick reviews....
Ok Folks, It's on!! Time to step it up.

Adam Adamant- Feeling the bass groove and synthy hook. I prefer singing to spoken word style, but it fits the style of your song.

Andrew Reist- Thanks for bringing some rock! I like the fuzzy guitar and think you have chosen an Interesting choice in your melody for the chorus.

Chopped Liver Meat God- More programmed drums. The slower part is much more melodic, and I think that works, but the fast part is just too scattered and frenetic for my taste. However, that is just my taste. :wink:

Cock-Hello Erasure. No really, the chorus is total Pop fun. Good lyrics too.

Frankie Big Face-I expected good lyrics, and you provided great ones. I also really enjoy the song structure.

Howl Down the Chimney-There are many elements of this song that really work, and there is something very beautiful about the arrangement, but I think it feels like a half of a song. I want to hear the other half of it!

John Kloberdanz- Very haunting in a creepy sort of way. I think it could really benefit form some sort of percussion. Pretty finger picking.

Jon Eric-You have a knack for the catchy chorus delivery. It would have been nice to hear a little more dynamics in your solo, but it is a solid song.

MC Eric B- An improvement in my book. I can't really make out what you are saying, so maybe work on your delivery a bit more?

Nigel Clements-Catchy Lyrics! I am a fan of the repetition. I feel like it's a strong song idea that i would like to see filled out some more. You are doing good stuff with the elements you have.. just watch your pitch if possible (only at times).

Nouveau Pauvre- Right away I am drawn in. The lyrics roll into a really great story. Very nice bass. Doesn't feel like a short song. Well done!

Paco del Stinko-Very Rock'n'roll. I like your back ups too. Sweet solo!

Rabid Garfunkel-Woo! Raunchy. Do you do Stag parties?

Ross Durand-Ahhh, a tale of doomed lovers. Ross, this style is made for you.Your guitar sings. Pretty mouth harp too.

Sheail-That is some sexy guitar. I am not sure if you are going to get away with not singing, but it's a fantastic soundtrack. Very well produced.

Signboy-Oh goody.. .more rock! Enjoying the time sig changes. You have a great voice. My only complaint is that the song just sorta..ends.

Student Band-Thank you for some harmonies. Cute song.

Swilington-This could potentially be a good pop song. I like the dynamics. Your vox are a bit strained, but you make up for it with super catchy guitar hooks.

Test Week Hiatus-Very solid guitar playing. Is that a sitar solo?

Tex Beaumont- Very funny and enjoyable until the gun shots!

Tiny Robots- That's us!! The 7/8 tempo in the verse was at first a bit challenging to sing over, but I think I got the hang of it. Sam's solo is exciting, and Ken's synth powers are magical. I am happy to be a Tiny Robot.

Todd McHatton-I like the verse,I like the chorus, no complaints here. Maybe a more interesting solo?

Wreckdom-A bank Job. Right away I like these lyrics. Another rock favorite for the fight.

.....and as for BLT. (please re-read my comment). You are missed too. :D
Last edited by erin. on Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Eeep-opp-orp-opp-opp...that means I love you!
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Student Band »

Nigel (spOOn) Clements wrote: Austin Wood: umm not sure who Austin Wood is... is this Student Band??, any way it's a little 'too laid back' I feel almost like wheatus without the teen angst or irony, anyway it's probably good enough for progression!
Sorry, yes that is Student Band, I'll make sure to fix the ID tags next time. Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

erin. wrote: .....and as for BLT. (please re-read my comment). You are missed too. :D
Aww thanks, Erin. That makes me haz less of a sad. :P
frankie big face
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by frankie big face »

erin. wrote: Frankie Big Face-I expected good lyrics, and you provided great ones. I also really enjoy the song structure.
Thanks erin. These were weird lyrics to write because I don't believe or condone them. I've been experimenting with not being so obvious or literal in my lyrics, so hopefully I'm not ending up too vague or nonsensical!
frankie big face
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by frankie big face »

Nigel (spOOn) Clements wrote: Frankie Big Face: Vocally this is gorgeous, fantastic track, everything sounds like it's turned up to max! and bubbles just below clipping, neatly done!
Thanks Nigel. Anytime I can get the approval of an Englishman, I know I'm doing something right! I really pushed the levels this time out--hardly any compression, just volume--and it seemed to work out okay. Appreciate the compliments about my vox. :mrgreen:
frankie big face
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by frankie big face »

some FBF reviews:

adam adamant - i like this song all right, but I'm having a hard time understanding the lyric. It's partially an accent thing but mostly a mix thing. On my speakers, the bass is so dominant, it's drowning the vox out.

andrew reist - i like the chorus of this tune even though i have a very extreme genre bias against your track.

chopped liver meat god - hmmm....i wanna be polite, but i can't really find anything positive to say. sorry.

cock - best vocal performance i've heard so far and a BIG beautiful chorus. my wife started singing lyrics to your melody that included the words "OMD," "anything box," and "depeche mode," so maybe a bit derivative? But still very good. Nice key change too.

frankie big face - i had the basic song about five minutes after i read the title, which was nice because i was at a conference all week and couldn't do anything with it until sunday. i'm pretty happy with this one. hidden 5/4 bars for glennny!

howl down the chimney - good lyrics and a nice solo after the second chorus. i like the dreaminess and wish only for more reverb or something so it's just all washed out.

john kloberdanz - if you sing this an octave lower and get rid of the fine guitar playing, it could be a magnetic fields track. i like this song, but i want you to sing it about a third higher.

jon eric - sounds like you're struggling to hit the notes in the chorus which is never a good thing. good little story you have here in such a small space.

mc eric b - "eating life's buffet"? yikes!

nigel clements - i definitely want you to stay in the competition, but i'm not sure the judges will be swept up by this vocal delivery. there's some odd phrasing going on here that's kind of distracting and you've somehow made a two-minute song seem a little long! anyway, i almost always like your stuff and hope you keep going so i get to hear more.

nouveau pavre - i like this a lot. you are my new favorite something or other. everything about it is great.

paco del stinko - they're clever, but i don't like the lyrics so it's hard for me to get into this song. but that's okay, i'm sure i'll like the next one!

rabid garfunkel - "My baby's got an E Ticket pussy" is a great line. this is a great track even if the performance is a bit too sloppy.

ross durand - i know there are people who would love this song, but i'm not one of them i'm afraid. nice harp solo, though.

sheail - uh oh, sheail joined motley crüe. ;) wow, that's a long solo for a two-minute song, but hey--you're good, so keep playing. Ahhh...this is really an instrumental with a bit of talk. i think it works quite nicely, actually. kudos.

signboy - love the verse, hate the chorus. nice syncopation throughout the verse and cool vox/guitar interplay. but yeah, hate the chorus.

student band - i know i should pay attention to the lyrics, but i wasn' them! okay, in the interest of full disclosure, these are my students. but really, they're pretty good, huh? i like the song, don't like the low backing vocal too much (sorry austin), like the guitar solo, like almost everything else and wish it was louder and punchier. you guys remind me of this guy who used to record for SF a long time ago named nick waters. he was good.

swillington - i like the beginning of this song a lot, but then it seems to get lost in a sea of fake drums, poorly mixed vocals and echo-y guitars. the beginning was sorta punk a là The Von Bondies, but i don't know--the rest lost me.

test week hiatus - i like the chorus. song's okay, i guess.

tex beaumont and the dirty hearts - it's great. nothing else to say really.

tiny robots - also great. beautiful, asymmetrical, worthy of many many repeat listens. damn.

todd mchatton - this is really good too. i didn't listen to last week's tracks yet, so i have no idea if this is par for your course, but i like it a lot. especially the guitar/vocal counterpoint. good song structure. perfect ending.

wreckdom - fun and rollicking. you guys are undeniably good. nice....
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Geoff WreckdoM
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Well, If I were judge here is how I'd rank ya'll, left myself out of coarse as I can't really offer myself an objective opinion. I will say that I feel very satisfied with our entry and although my confidence has been shaken when up against all this awesome, talented competition, I'm feeling pretty good about making it into the next round. It's an interesting and new challenge to be writing songs as a band and I'm really getting into it but also I realize we'll have to change it up a little from the driving rock approach we've used so far that seems to come natural to us with this lineup. I'm saddened we won't be hearing anymore Glenn & Rachel or Billy's Little Trip, but relieved I won't be competing against them either!

22. Tex Beaumont & The Dirty Hearts – This is fucking awesome, hilarious. Making fun of us gun happy Americans, insanely happy delivery of violent and demented lyrics. Right up my ally this is. There is not one thing I’d change about this, I love it. Great stuff.

21. Sheail – Ah, I love it. I’m a sucker for wall of guitar metal every time. I like that you made the song the whole frickin’ solo. I know, there’s verse and chorus and solo structure and all that, but really, it’s just one big ass solo with some samples in there. I wonder how that will strike the judges, I think this is wicked awesome.

20. Cock – I like the unbeatably upbeatness of it all. People keep comparing you to new wave stuff but there are also modern elements in there that keep it interesting. Great vocals and damn good solo.

19. Nouveau Pauvre – Are you going to win again? This is really neat, I love the vibe and the arrangement and the effect on your vocals, not much I don’t like about it really. Hmmm, not wild about the solo, feels kinda forced, the time limit however, does not. I like this song.

18. Ross Durand – This is Guy and Guitar done right. Subtle but effective nuances added as the song progresses. Great lyrics telling a compelling story and a great vocal performance. Excellent choice for solo instrument, fits beautifully. This is a sharply put together entry and a stand out for sure.

17. Howl Down the Chimney – Love the mood of this right away and throughout. I’m a little iffy on the vocals in some spots and it starts feeling a little redundant before the super groovy solo and end save it. Neat lyrics and perspective.

16. Tiny Robots – Great structure, love the way this song is put together. Great use of layered vocals and changing up the effects on them. The song is nice and mellow but still catchy and always adding fun surprises to keep my attention. Love that organ tone especially. Solo feels forced, I would have maybe gone with a playful synth solo instead.

15. Paco Del Stinko – Not my favorite Paco. Feels forcibly jam-packed and doesn’t groove too much in spots. Redeemed by the delightful background vocal touches and I like the set up for the solos and following ridiculous scat craziness. That’s just gleefully bizarre. Have you seen Q: The Winged Serpent? I love Michael Moriarty.

14. Rabid Garfunkel – I liked your Round Zero entry a lot and was disappointed by it’s score. This one I don’t like as much. I totally dig the garage rock sound, but I felt the vocals might benefit from being more expressive, this song could really rock but the singing is a little too laid back. I don’t mind a song being a little sloppy but this one sometimes trips up on itself.

13. Jon Eric – Not only much better than your round zero entry but one of the most satisfying Jon Eric listens I’ve heard. Everything else here is much better than your not so hot drum machine percussion, definitely the weakest link here but overall really good stuff.

12. Swilington – Not real fond of the strained vocals but the instrumentation is really fun and fascinating. Solo seems completely out of place. You make a lot of moves here I like, lots of moments that are really cool, but the song seems to run out of steam and ideas before it ends.

11. Adam Adamant – I instantly like this better than your Round Zero. It’s a lot of fun, really dig the vocals only spot. Wish the vocals had more clarity to them throughout. Great instrumentation and playful attitude, an enjoyable tune whose length does not seem forced.

10. Todd McHatton – Production wise it’s impressive but when the song bursts from mellowed out to jam-packed it’s jarring, the song fails to really click together. I like a lot of what the guitars do, I dig the feeling you accomplish in the verses, it has a great groove.

9. Frankie Big Face – Bold Vocal performance, like the change up on’em at the choruses a whole bunch. Guitars sound great too. Song as a whole doesn’t chime in with me as much as I think it will others, certainly well done though.

8. Test Week Hiatus – Almost sounds like the female vocals are singing along with a boom box, it has more volume and clarity than anything else and that’s distracting. The song relies on it’s hook and its just not that catchy. Not a too terribly memorable entry.

7. Andrew Reist – I like the crunchy guitar tones and the gutsy vocal performance, you pull it off. Song would benefit from some musical variation though, switching up the guitar tone or chorus on the vocals at times maybe.

6. Nigel Clements – It’s like the song always has a real neat groove right around the corner but never quite gets there. I’m with you on the build up of your verses but then there’s a disappointing payoff. It’s fun and I like the story it tells, cool vocals. Probably Nur Ein’s worst solo. Ever.

5. Signboy – I don’t really like the vocals too much and they have some awkward moments. Musically it’s pretty cool, I think it’d be nice to have the vocals down a little and the guitar come up and be more of the focus. Good job on the solo.

4. MC Eric B – It’s amusing alright, vocals are enjoyably silly and I smiled at the tongue in cheek solo. Gets redundant towards the end and I’m not wild about the fadeout ending, but it’s pretty good and might just get ya into the next round!

3. Student Band – There are some nice vocal harmonies here but little else to grab my attention. The song doesn’t take any chances, It’s light and upbeat and easy enough to listen to, but there’s never a moment that really stands out either.

2. Chopped Liver Meat Gods – Hmmm, I’m not feeling it. Starts out intriguing but kinda flatlines. Has a great solo though.

1. John Kloberdanz – So much of this song hangs on your vocals and I just don’t really dig them. Not much in this song grabs me.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Geoff WreckdoM wrote:I'm saddened we won't be hearing anymore Glenn & Rachel or Billy's Little Trip, but relieved I won't be competing against them either!
My sentiments exactly. Will check out tunes and comment in the morning.
Bringin' the stink since 2006.
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Ross »

Here are some thoughts of mine in roughly preferential order. I usually use this sort of point score thingy, but I abandoned it since one part was structure and one was challenge - since those were tied together and the challenge was basically a yes-or-no, I ranked these a bit more subjectively.

Tex - great song. Did not go where I expected, and I was dissapointed. I thought you were going to contrast the gun rights (bullets) with lack of gay marriage rights (lovers). I wish I had thought of that.
I won’t be surprised if you win immunity - I am envious of your cleverness here. Hopefully you’ll be under pressure to make a great song the week of May 11 :-)

Todd McHatton - I like the arranging of the various guitars and stuff for groove effect. The solo seems to fit nicely. I like that it even seems to have a bridge from the verses to the chorus. Can’t quite hear the chorus lyrics for all the saturation.

Signboy - abrupt tempo change not exactly workin for me. Lyric concept is okay, but doesn’t come off all by itself

Tiny Robots - I have wondered for several years about the purpose of the application of this vocal effect. Why? (non rhetorical) a lot of nice stuff going on here. Nice solo. interesting time changes - did you guys work with Glennny’s check list? Where’s the diminished chord?

Nouveau Pauvre - Somehow the effect feels like it fits the vocal quality here - but same question as for Tiny robots - why? not a put-down a genuine question. the solo checks off the box, but is unremarkeable. Nice chorus (including title take) - good melodic instincts.

Student Band - I like the title take. There’s a sort of Velvet underground sound to a bit of this. The turn of phrase at the end of the chorus doesn’t quite work for me.

WreckdoM - the kind of wreckdom I don’t like as much - some of the words seem to just be how you talk - sometimes you seem more “crafted” in your coarseness than this. Solid enough that you won’t be in the bottom three. BTW - in my software it says this track is 2:01.

Jon eric - Tune the guitar, man. I like the way your verse does that "rhyme, but not done with the phrase" thing. I like the storytelling. Something about the track is just slightly too dry for me. Why put the guitar so far to the right? You sound frantic here - I wish it came off more as energetic. Interesting song that sounds like it could have used another day.

Cock - you have me with this sound - like when the lightning seeds came out. Nice all around. Good arrangement and hooks. The vocals are perfect. A second voice or voice would add to it. A bit bright perhaps.

Howl - this is okay. I am usually sucked right into your tracks - not in this case. I like some of your melodic choices. At some point I’ll have to listen to your “proper” version. very nice, but again not sucking me in.

Paco - you are probably safe - but the song didn’t do tons for me. The rhythmic stuff between the tracks and vox felt very choppy to me - and a little forced. Best solo section of the fight. Played excellently, of course.

JK - I wish something brought out more of the song - a harmony or something - a bit same-ey for this context. To do something this exposed I feel the words need to be more engaging. Are all the parts here? could use more contrast between the verse and chorus to point out that you’ve met the challenge. I wish I couldn't hear you swallow/smack your lips in the middle.

Frankie - Love the sound - the song is not speaking to me - I think this may also be a bit too “full” in some ways - but to still get the sound you get it seems like a delicate balance. I don’t really feel like you have a “chorus.” more like verses and a bridge. I assume we disagree on this -but thought I’d put my take out there. In the end - it’s the judges’ take that matters. I enjoyed this.

Reist - this is on the border line for me. I think you use the falsetto thing too much, although I think it’s cool learned how to do that. Somehow it sounds like you’re singing when you do that, instead of feeling it. Some good hook-ey stuff here, and a nice solo. The mix is quite thick, maybe too much by about +2.

Rabid - cool sound - perhaps more Blasters than X, I like the “bang bang” - not a big fan of the content. The title take is there, but a bit distant for me. The solo is not especially strong.

Swilington - feels quite disjointed. a demo type sound. Seems like all of the parts are interesting, and yet they don’t quite gel into a whole.

Adam admant - this thing is way too loud and it is really hard to listen to. nothing in this speaks to me. Abrupt ending betrays the challenge.

Nigel - can’t say why, but this bugged me right off the bat. just harsh all around - words, arrangement, production. nice stab at the solo, makes me not care what the words are. Abrupt ending betrays the challenge.

Test week Hiatus - pretty Pedantic changes. Not sure I exactly get the words. Not grabbin. Shouting “go” before the keyboard solo seems like a bit of humor

Mc Eric - just sounds like an imitation of a song. I guess I mean it sounds like a demo. Why is it a rap? The burnout/fade away line feels amateurish to me. Everyone dies? I would love to hear you work on your singing somehow.

Chopped Liver - is this a vocal take one? It sounds like you don’t quite know how the song goes. Did you seriously just quote Shakespeare? oh, you need more arrangement to carry some of these changes. The way the syllables fall it sounds almost as if you are making some of this up as you go. abrupt ending betrays the challenge - is there a chorus?

Sheail - Reminds me of Early Yngwie, in a good way. Without the samples this could be for lots of titles and I tend to be lyrics biased in this context. Great track - not so sure if it is a great “song.” hmm - I’ll let the judges decide :-)
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by adamadamant »

Thanks for the kind reviews everyone, I'm almost done writing mine, it's much easier when the songs are < 2 mins.

I was a bit unsure what you meant here Ross:
Ross wrote: Adam admant - this thing is way too loud and it is really hard to listen to. nothing in this speaks to me. Abrupt ending betrays the challenge.
I agree it was loud, every time it came on I had to turn my headphones down, that was more accident than anything else. But about the last comment - It should have been longer? Could you elaborate?
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by adamadamant »

Reviews. Generally good this week, but I felt a lot of songs suffered from being under two minutes, they never properly got going and ended too soon.

Andrew Reist - This is quite a snazzy rock number. Good falsetto, good solo. It tries to get too epic in 2 minutes, feels like it wanted to be longer. Good but not the best.

Chopped Liver Meat God - Nice music, if a bit artificial sounding. The vocals are a bit over stretched, also 'bullets and lovers fly by too fast' carries very little meaning as the first lyric. It remains quite sparse and doesn't seem to go to many places. Quite like the solo and there is a really quiet "Ooooh" that I want louder here. Needs more atmospherics and better singing.

Cock - I loved the last one. This is good but the novelty has worn off a bit. It doesn't seem as catchy. Good arrangement, nice lyrics, stays just busy enough. Maybe a little hurried. I feel like there needs to be some sort of 'riff' in the chorus, something to hum you know.

It starts a bit weakly with quiet vocals and loud guitar. As it gets on it gets really nice. Lovely warm sounds and everything sounds ace together. I like the vocals throughout, they are the star here, I don;t know what the feeling is but it's kind of hippyish. Near the top but not at it.

Howl Down the Chimney - I listened to the submitted version and loved it, the 'intended' version is better but not so much that you're in any danger. I like the slowness of it, I had thought about it, but it's hard to pull off a short slow song I think. It works maybe because the chorus/verse distinction is not strong. Good for the song but the judges may not like it. Brill watery solo too. This is sitting pretty near the top for me.

John Kloberdanz - It's well sung and well instrumented. It starts quite quickly and there is not a lot of variation throughout the song. It just kind of ploughs along and doesn't give me much to remember. Enjoyable but slightly forgettable.

Jon Eric - The mixing / mastering is a bit hollow on this, I'm sure your's are usually better. But the song shines through, though it's a bit hurried it has some nice little hooks and is enjoyable throughout. A few little mistakes here and there bring it down but I like it. The drums at the end are cool, it's fun and I like it, but it could be better.

MC Eric B - It's nice in that it has music. It could be that with proper instruments and a better singing voice this would be a great song. It's just too hard to get away from the Casio backing track and weak vocals. Also I noticed there's not ben much rapping from the MC recently.

Nigel Clements - This is a bit more ... in tune (?) than the last one. The notes sound less jarring. I suspect that this could be a lot better but I don't really enjoy the sounds. The staccato piano and the mad drums are a bit hard to get into.

Nouveau Pauvre - Another slick song, though like Cock, the novelty of the style has worn off a little. It rolls along nicely and the bass line is cool, vocals still great too. It just feels like it doesn't really get off the ground, there's no excitement or climax.

Paco del Stinko - This is what I was hoping for, something fast with a lot of energy. It's a good execution too, very fun. Biddle-um-biddle-dat! Very good, near the top.

Rabid Garfunkel - This is an interesting one. Sounds like your lady has an 'e-ticket pussy', I don't know if she does but anyway. It's fun, a little shakey but that adds to the feeling I think. Good stuff but the shakiness puts it down for me.

Ross Durand - This really works well I think. It's simple but well sung and well played, it uses the time well and expands nicely by the end. Good stuff.

Sheail - I don't really go in for heavy metal though I like the lead guitar it's very cool. The samples aren't really a substitute for lyrics and I'm not really getting much of a 'Bullets and Lovers' vibe. Though I can say that for plenty of the songs with lyrics. It's well executed and the worst complaint I have is the genre however I expect the judges will knock you for not having any lyrics.

Signboy - This is cool. Nice effects, it has a nice atmosphere. The guitar drives most of the song but I feel it lets me down in the chorus, the song needs some oomph there which the guitar doesn't bring.

Student Band - This sounds like another squashed long song. The chorus comes in too early. The sketchy performance is perhaps a little to sketchy. It's a good song though, it's fun and the lyrics are nice. It kind of feels like it never quite gets going really, maybe the challenge hurt this one.

Swillington - Interesting. I love when the big stuff all comes in, good solo too. The sound is really nice, the effects make it interesting. Ends a bit abruptly. The structure seems a bit all over the place and the intro / first verse was a little shakey.

Tex Beaumont - The lyrics are the star, they're excellent. Complemented by the just right guitar, lovely little organ. And the backing vocals just make it better. The chorus is eminently hummable. I like the sound effects, but they could be a little quieter when they come in. Pretty much top of the pile I think.

Test Week Hiatus - I like the song, the guitar is cool and the tune of it is nice and rocky. Sadly the vocals are a bit too shakey to make it really great. I like the bass too.

Tiny Robots - This is another really good one, the bass, vocals and little organ are pitched just right. The guitar is pretty nice too. Perhaps the effect on the vocals is a bit unnecessary. It wraps up nicely and doesn't feel too short.

Todd McHatton - Somehow this one is quite loud whilst felling too quiet, especially in the chorus, the mix doesn't let anything lead the song and it's kind of muddy and confused, maybe I should just turn my hifi down. I like all the bits but the whole song is just a bit less than great.

Wreckdom - A bit like Todd, I like all the bits, the guitar is cool and the vocals come out well but something is just not quite on the ball. Maybe the tune of the vocals is too repetitive. I kind of goes along and then ends. Good but not exciting.
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Sheail »

I always seem to court controversy when I do an instrumental. I tend to subscribe to the view that music doesn't have to tell an explicit story through lyrics, rather set a mood for something that is merely suggested. Anyway, I'm enjoying all the tracks, great solos.
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

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adamadamant wrote: Tex Beaumont - ...lovely little organ.
Wish I had a dollar for every time I've heard that
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Caravan Ray »

erin. wrote: Tex Beaumont- Very funny and enjoyable until the gun shots!
...and that will be carved on Tex's tombstone
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by frankie big face »

Sheail wrote:I always seem to court controversy when I do an instrumental. I tend to subscribe to the view that music doesn't have to tell an explicit story through lyrics, rather set a mood for something that is merely suggested. Anyway, I'm enjoying all the tracks, great solos.
That's because most instrumentals that show up on SongFight suck. This one doesn't and I expect it will do just fine with the judges. When you're writing a song to a title, it's natural to expect lyrics that support the title/concept. Writing an instrumental that implies the title is very difficult and I wouldn't recommend you try it in every round, but I think in this case, you played to your strengths and you nailed it.
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Lord of Oats »

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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Adam Adamant - Bass line and chopsticks line are great. I like the darkish vibe of this, although it's far from scary or anything.

Andrew Reist - Very you, this. The melodies and the trotting rhythm. Must be a weird key for you to sing as it sounds almost too low to sing and then the jump to falsetto seems huge.

Chopped Liver Meat God - Great opening line. The rhythm track sounds like it was written 20 years ago to sound futuristic. I like it more as it goes, however, and think it's mostly effective. Nice minimalism with just a hint of psychosis.

Cock - So dancey. Hair combed to one side of your face or something. I like the energy of this and it feels like it's longer than it is. Not in a draggy way, but that it's more full and complete. Should finish near the top, despite any 'genre bias', it's so complete feeling.

Frankie Big Face - Wow, turned up the huge knob for this. Sweet and crunchy, a great combination. The tasty little lead almost sounds like a backwards guitar line, neato. The build up and into the chorus is fab. verses don't suck, either. Top fiver.

Howl Down the Chimney - I like the chord progression and that bellows pumped key sound. Nice melody as well, heady and moody. Is that a mouth solo through distortion? An old 4-track trick that I think about occasionally, it works fantastically here.

John Kloberdanz - I like the water-flowing feel of the guitar but the vocal just fits under the shoehorn. Shimmering water of a brief solo is tasteful. Maybe the voice could be 'verbed out a bit more. It's a fine vocal, and I'm one to point fingers, it's just not completely settled in feeling to me.

Jon Eric
- Walking confidently down the street thump works well under the confident strummage on top. I like where the vocals go here, adding a serious, but not deadly, tone to the song. Good chorus.

MC Eric B
- I like the quicker chord changes during the verses. The train business is good, if a bit cliche. Decent enough tune, I'm somehow turned off by lines about salvation, generally.

Nigel Clements - Dark and moody, serious in tone until the nice bright chorus. The right to the point solo is effective and says a lot with a little, as it should. This song takes a while to develop, and that's a good thing I think. It adds depth to a short tune.

Nouveau Pavre - Digging the groove and Flash In The Pan vocals. The chorus is very effective and what a nice turn at the end all major key. The melodies are just right and contain a nice hint of sadness, without being all bummed out.

Paco Del Stinko - Talk about shoehorning. Lyrics first, scrapping the melody I had to smush this together. I enjoy from the bridge on most, and the vocal solo was a one take spontaneous act.

Rabid Garfunkel
- Someone hasn't abandoned their Lux Interior mourning period yet, eh? I like the slide solo, but was expecting an overdriven and honking harmonica. I like the ambiguous lyrics, although I confess to actually thinking of your keyboard strolling kitty first. Skanky and swampy, in equal measure. A good thing.

Ross Durand - Tight and easy flowing, incorporating the title into the lyrics almost casually. The harmonica is just the right touch. If this isn't the winner this week, it's gotta place top three. Well balanced and mature. Heh, can't say that about myself. Great work, Ross.

Sheail - Great riffage throughout. I like the news flashes although a couple of them were a bit buried. This could be the theme to a metal cop show, whatever that would be. I like the rhythm best although the lead guitarmonies are super as well.

Signboy - Nice build of anticipation to start, it turned in a different direction than I thought it would. Not a bad one, anyway, but I was expecting a way high up throat shredder. Good solo section and some of the only squeals that I enjoy.

Student Band - A bit restrained feeling, but that's most likely the production, although it starts to take off as it gets going. Nice and easy going vibe, I like the overall warmth of the tune. Casual but not lazy, it's a nice smile inducer.

Swilington - Don Van Vliet steps into the 21st century. Great solo, where the hell did that come from and where did it go? I like it a bunch. The heady delay stuff is very enjoyable. I like when it loses a bit of its manic energy, but that stuff feels good when it returns.

Test Week Hiatus - That's the Male to Female voice thingy on the 880, isn't it? Very Saturday morning cartoon show at times, the chorus is nice and infectious, I could listen to that a bunch more times and suspect it'll hang around for a bit after the song is gone.

Tex Beaumont and the Dirty Hearts - This has to contend for winner of the week as well, but may lose something due to its jokier edge. Such wonderful lyrics sung by some day-glo cartoon character: "Hey kids, sing along with Mr. Jambo" or whoever. Ha! And a great ending to boot. Great stuff.

Tiny Robots
- Hip and suave. I like the rounding up from behind bass line. I think I prefer the verses here most, and find the vocody tinny voice quite tasty, something that can easily not be so. Perfect solo, of course, from the tasteful master of such things. Contender, if a bit wandery for you guys.

Todd McHatton - I like the stuttery groove of this into the heavily layered chorus. Nice of you to bring out a whiff of your fantastic guitaring skills, people may not all be aware of your deadly proficiency. Chorus is best part, fer sure.

- Skudgey and possessing some serious sack, this wobbles a bit, but still drives right into your gut. Watch the tempo lag, but the real band in a room vibe is great. Great imagery and video accompaniment would be great, but not need.
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by Rabid Garfunkel »

I read that first as "keyboard strolling kitty fist". Heh. Thanks, Paco!
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Re: Nur Ein IV: Round One

Post by frankie big face »

Paco Del Stinko wrote: Frankie Big Face - Wow, turned up the huge knob for this. Sweet and crunchy, a great combination. The tasty little lead almost sounds like a backwards guitar line, neato. The build up and into the chorus is fab. verses don't suck, either. Top fiver.
You get me. You really get me. No, but seriously, thanks. Believe it or not, I actually wanted that guitar solo to be backwards, but I forgot how to do it and didn't really have time to figure it out. I may go back and make it so when I get a moment. Thanks again!
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