I spent nearly a decade working as a professional meteorologist. I'm currently a hydrologist in the southeastern US. My job, and especially this time of year, is dominated by taking the distribution of rainfall patterns and using that forecast river stages as they route downstream.
Those extremely anomalous, devastating rainfall totals from Harvey in the map above? I'm the one who created them by compiling 4 days' worth of radar data and thousands of rain gages. Same is true for Florence, Irma, Michael, Matthew, Maria...
Believe me -- I don't need an explanation of climate change and its impacts on daily life. I live it every day. And is that an appeal to authority. Yeah probably but I think in this case it's relevant to my argument rather than it just being from an arbitrary guy on songfight.
That said:
Climate change isn't Trump's fault.
It's the fault of the fact that we built an entire global civilization based on massive energy consumption. To dramatically reduce the amount of carbon emissions throughout the world would inherently crash the global economy. There are no renewables that have anywhere near the energy density, flexibility, or reliability provided by fossil fuels. Look into the concept of EROEI "energy return on energy invested".
The Paris Accord never had any teeth. It's a feel-good arrangement that made us able to pat ourselves on the back and pretend like we were going to be able to stop this. It gives us the ability to trust that our leaders are going to be able to do something to stop those big bad corporations while we do absolutely nothing ourselves to change our lifestyles except for token gestures that really don't make that big of a difference.
Am I a climate change denier? No, not by any means. But I am a climate change defeatist who sees that if it *were* possible to stop the feedback loop, it should have been done back in the Carter era. I'm also a complete doomer who largely picked up aforementioned foraging skills because I don't want to rely so much on industrialized agriculture - an industry extremely threatened by climate change.
If you want more info on my general worldview, my lyric sheet to " Higher and Higher" was not me putting on a character.
Do you want to reduce climate change? Quit buying products made overseas. Buy local. Go vegetarian. Start gardening. Quit traveling so much. And that last one brings us full circle: unless you're pulling a Greta Thunberg and crossing the Atlantic by boat - I believe international travel for the sake of international travel is a waste of resources. Yes, it makes you grow as a person. Yes, it expands your worldview. But for 99% of human history it was no more than a luxury - a privilege peculiar to our times -- and for 99% of the human future, it will be no more than a luxury. The future is local. Globalism itself is inherently a fragile state of affairs enabled by what? Cheap, abundant fossil fuels. And global oil production peaked 15 years ago...if it were easy to break that, we wouldn't be fracking or drilling the bottom of the oceans.
To quote my own lyrics from two weeks ago: "call me a Cassandra cause I've always been a doomer"
"There's a lot to be said about a full-on frontal assault on the ear drums" - Pigfarmer Jr.