That being said, it suffers from painfully lazy writing, with no consistent internal logic/rules, erratically being heavy handed vs just completely glossing over things with no explanation whatsoever, etc. All the usual lazy stuff, which for me is super distracting and takes me out of my suspension of disbelief.
Wonder Woman's character and Gal Gadot's portrayal were by far the most solid aspects of it, so I guess that mostly kept it from flying apart and being a complete train wreck. Chris Pine was also good as "charming nice love interest" / "man out of time" tropes. He didn't really get any character development, though, and the way he's introduced into the movie felt a little abrupt.
I think they should have had Wonder Woman say something aloud about it rather than her just going with it like it was a totally normal thing. For a movie that beats you over the head about some things it felt like an odd choice to make her own participation in the overall moral problem at the heart of the film implicit at first.
Speaking of fan service:
They give the fans the invisible jet. But it's like, um, how/why does she have access to an air hanger with a fighter jet? And Chris Pine's character can just intuitively learn how to fly a fighter jet instantly? And then all of a sudden for no apparent reason Wonder Woman can make anything invisible for as long as she wants? ("My father Zeus did it to Themyscira and I did it once to a coffee cup for a minute.") And a fighter jet can fly 5000+ miles from DC to Cairo? Overnight? So many things to gloss over just to give people the invisible jet and a fireworks show.
One of the weirdest things to me about the villains in this movie is that they are not shown facing ANY consequences of their actions. Cheetah just goes back to her normal self and looks at the night sky and then we never see her again. Maxwell Lord is reunited with his son and then we never see him again. WTF?! He just nearly ended humanity. And Maxwell Lord appears to be suffering some kind of physical consequences from granting wishes and it seems like they're setting something up with that, like it's going to kill him or he's going to transform too somehow, but then they just completely drop that thread for no reason.
Wonder Woman flying. Ugh. Just, oy. I guess apparently it was something from old comics that hasn't been used in a while? And she can lasso clouds and lightning? All this shit just feels like writers spitballing and making stuff up on the fly, and I hate when a character's powers are basically just "whatever the lazy writers need them to be at any time to move the plot or character development how they want". Also in this case, this is a prequel of sorts to DC movies Wonder Woman is in that happen later in this universe's timeline where she doesn't do _any_ of this stuff, so it kinda makes the whole set of stories feel incoherent. I had the same problem with the Star Wars prequels where, thanks to modern CGI, the Jedis were doing all sorts of cool stuff they'd "never done before" in the original trilogy, which takes places after the prequels.
Oh, my favorite part was the opening sequence on Themyscira. I really wish they could just do a whole movie just on Themyscira, maybe just some simple "coming of age" story or something. Everything set on the island just looks incredible and feels very light and entertaining and unencumbered by obligatory world-ending level stakes.