Forum "Internal Server Errors" and writing reviews

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Forum "Internal Server Errors" and writing reviews

Post by Lunkhead »

You've all probably run into the occasional "Internal Server Error" issue on the forums. Probably you've also run into this issue when you spent hours writing reviews and then tried to post them and then lost them. Our forums are run on a server that we shared with other Dreamhost customers, and sometimes the software those other customers are running on the shared server hogs the resources of the server, and that leads to our forums having those errors. We can't do much about it, at least not without significant additional expense. Generally speaking if you hit this error you should be able to refresh and it will soon go away.

Review writing best practices:

We strongly recommend that you write your reviews somewhere other than in a forum post first. You could do write them in a text file on your computer, or in a Google doc or similar online/cloud text editor. When you're done, copy your reviews and paste them into the forum post composer. That way, if you run into the Internal Server Error when posting your reviews, you will not lose what you'd written. If posting your reviews fail you can try again in a couple minutes by copying from your external file and pasting into the forum post composer again.
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