Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Complain about your schedule. Apparently people like that sort of thing.
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Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by Lunkhead »

Happy new year to you all! Here's to another year of Song Fight. I'm still hoping for an IRL Song Fight Live this year, too.

How was your 2023? Do you have any plans or goals or hopes or expectations for 2024? Did you have any for 2023 that you wanted to review and follow up on?

My 2023 goals review:
Lunkhead wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:12 am
2023 goals:
- get a tooth
- improve physical and mental health care
- read
- keep making stuff
- travel (we're hopefully going to Scotland in May)
- I had two surgeries to work toward getting a replacement front tooth, one in June and one in December. I now have a new implant in place. If this implant takes hold properly, I can hopefully get the crown (aka fake tooth) put on it later this year.
- I've been doing a couple of new routine things for my mental health. Physical health wise I went to an eye doctor for the first time in decades, mostly because cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration run in my family. I also wound up with my first ever prescription for glasses. The prescription isn't 100% right and the lenses and frames aren't 100% right either, so, more work to do on that front.
- I didn't read much, sadly.
- I did Jamuary again, making live streamed synth jams, and I compiled 10 of those for an album again. I did Inktober again and made 31 more silly comics. Erin and I did Nur Ein again and I pitched in to a few BSS and Yaks songs. I managed to enter one fight as Lunkhead, too.
- Our Scotland plans wound up getting canceled unfortunately but I made a few fun road trips to SF/Berkeley, Portland, and the Oregon coast.

For 2024 I'll probably keep mostly the same goals:
- get a tooth
- improve physical and mental health care (get better sleep, get more exercise, get a primary care physician, and possibly a couple other doctors)
- read more (got four books for Christmas so hopefully at least those)
- keep making stuff
- travel more
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Stable Diffusion
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by jb »

I like resolutions, but I have more success if they are ultra simple. So here are mine for 2024:

1. My moratorium on classic rock has been renewed once again for something like the tenth year in a row. It’s a highly successful policy.

2. Go outside at least once a day

3. Be in bed before 1am as often as possible
blippity blop ya don’t stop heyyyyyyyyy
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Pigfarmer Jr
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

I don't remember what I had in mind for 2023 so I'm sure it was a huge success.

For 2024 I aim to post more about my songwriting. I intend to write at least a little blurb for every song I write; what it means (if anything), maybe instrumentation, why it was written, goals for the song (if any) etc., Not sure how much of that will be shared with the public but the intentions are to be more active without being bogged down in the shit side of social media. (In other news, I started following a ton of photography and art pages on FB and FB is much better if you ignore almost everything except music and art.)

I've also begun to practice guitar again. I was never very good but two decades ago when I was in a cover band (or two) I could at least play better than now. So today I began to learn the fretboard a bit better. I'm hoping this leads to more interesting voicing and possibly chords (or at least chord shapes) as well as a better working knowledge in theory. (I actually knew some theory at one point but it was all keyboard based so theoretically I could relearn theory and make it more useful on guitar.)
Evil Grin bandcamp - Evil Grin spotify
T.C. Elliott bandcamp - T.C. Elliott spotify

"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by fluffy »

I don't do resolutions, I just have things I'd like to go better next time around.

It looks like my 2023 goals were:
  • Work on VRChat stuff: YES, I made my own avatar from scratch
  • Work on games: NO
  • Work on music: SORTA, I did some game jam music and started a meditation podcast but I didn't do nearly as much as usual
  • Get paid for music: SORTA, I got hired as the staff composer for the Trans Academy on VRChat although that's an unpaid volunteer position but it gives me a lot more visibility
  • Join a choir: YES, and it's amazing
  • Get better at cooking regularly: YES, I've gotten a pretty good cadence with meal prep and found a nice balance between experimenting with new things and making my usual stand-bys
  • Start streaming gaming again: NO, fuck that noise tbh
  • Do more gardening: SORTA, I've kept my garden going but haven't really improved it in any meaningful way
  • Start drawing again, comics especially: NO, and I still miss it
  • Work more on IndieWeb stuff: NO, but I worked more on Bandcrash which was a lot more important
  • Finally sell or donate excess stuff: YES, I finally got rid of my extra couch, sold all of my unneeded coffee grinders, and made a pretty big dent in my extraneous music gear
  • Get my basement and home organized: YEAH PRETTY MUCH, there's still some work to be done but it's actually comfortable to work in my studio now
  • Travel more and be less isolated: NOPE
Also as a bonus I finally opened an Etsy shop for selling stuff I've made.

I think my 2024 goals are a bit simpler:
  • Successfully get on disability benefits
  • Find a reasonable level of sustainable productivity on things that I care about
  • Finally finish at least one of my three backburnered albums
  • Finish organizing my basement
  • Get back into making pottery, and produce a line of items to sell on Etsy
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by HeuristicsInc »

i guess i didn't post anything last year, but this year i am finally releasing another album. this one will be instrumental or old-film-sample tracks featuring (mostly) drums by zecoop from FAWM. Nothing SF related on it though.
Liner Notes
SF Lyric Ideas
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by Lunkhead »

Here's the similar thread from a year ago in case anybody wants to read their post from last year:

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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by ken »

I have been thinking about a couple of songfight related things:
1. Bring back instant band
2. Organize a cover fight
Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff - Berkeley Social Scene - Tiny Robots - Seamus Collective - Semolina Pilchards - Cutie Pies - Explino! - Bravo Bros. - 2 from 14 - and more!

i would just like to remind everyone that Ken eats kittens - blue lang
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by Lunkhead »

ken wrote:
Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:26 am
I have been thinking about a couple of songfight related things:
1. Bring back instant band
2. Organize a cover fight
Those sound like awesome ideas. Let me know if I can help with either of those.
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by BoffoYux »

I try and make a list most years - if just to remind me what was on the back burner and finish things or start new stuff I should do.

I'll post my quick project list here to hopefully motivate myself that it's public -

Finish editing my niece's wedding video
Finish tweaking that MC Frontalot Concert for him (Sorry Damian!)

Do more SongFight Listening Parties this year in addition to NurEin and SpinTunes

Just start to schedule people for the podcast I've been toying with
'Promptly Challenged' that I did a panel discussion on the JoCo Land Cruise on zoom a few years ago.

Do more BYD songs and videos with Al. I got 2 videos out last year somehow.
I'm still amazed that somehow, we have over 100 songs in the can over the last 15 years.

Release some of those 100+ songs in physical form.

Master the 'Purely Coincidental' comedy troupe tapes and do a real CD release.

Master the 'Newswatch' comedy news DVD for the players
Master the 'Take it Off' comedy troupe DVD for the players

Remaster The Butties 25th anniversary show for a summer livestream.

Convince Al to release the Pop Machine archives - starting with the 6 years of Christmas songs, and then the other albums from cassette in the 80's and 90's.

There's a lot more, but if I can tick 3 or 4 off the list this year, I'll be pleased.
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Unstable Diffusion
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by fluffy »

ken wrote:
Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:26 am
I have been thinking about a couple of songfight related things:
1. Bring back instant band
2. Organize a cover fight
I would be extremely into both of these things. I've missed instant band especially.
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by Lunkhead »

The end of 2024 is nigh. Time for some last minute scrambling on those 2024 goals.
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by fluffy »

fluffy wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:05 pm
  • Successfully get on disability benefits
  • Find a reasonable level of sustainable productivity on things that I care about
  • Finally finish at least one of my three backburnered albums
  • Finish organizing my basement
  • Get back into making pottery, and produce a line of items to sell on Etsy
So I guess I'll do a check-in on these things.

Disability benefits: not yet, but not for lack of trying. SSDI is taking years to process at this point.

Reasonable level of sustainable productivity: I'm in my usual feast-or-famine thing but overall I think I'm doing pretty okay. Lower than average for me, but given what counts as my "average" I think that's fine.

Finish at least one of my three backburnered albums: I believe the three I referred to in this post were Instrumental, Transitions, and Maximum Coverage. Instrumental is out, Transitions is available for preorder and almost done with recording (and it also ended up spinning off two other albums, Notions and Deadnames, one of which is out and the other of which is ready to release the moment I also release Transitions), and Maximum Coverage is just a silly idea that may or may not ever come to pass. I've also started yet another album project, Recombinant, which maybe will come out in 2025. And of course I'm likely to do another Novembeat this year although it'll probably be a smaller effort than where it'd gotten recently.

Get back into making pottery: Yes! I made a bunch of slipcast molds and produced a line of espresso cups! Which I... still haven't gotten around to listing on Etsy, even though I finished making them like 5 months ago. Oops.

Anyway yeah I guess I'm doing pretty good this year!
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Pigfarmer Jr
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Re: Happy 2024! Got any plans, goals, etc.?

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Pigfarmer Jr wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 7:59 pm
I don't remember what I had in mind for 2023 so I'm sure it was a huge success.

For 2024 I aim to post more about my songwriting.

I've also begun to practice guitar again.
Both lasted a little over a month. So par for the course.
Evil Grin bandcamp - Evil Grin spotify
T.C. Elliott bandcamp - T.C. Elliott spotify

"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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