The old fogies among us (Gen Xers I guess probably specifically) are likely very intimately familiar with many of the seminal "indie rock" etc. albums produced by Steve Albini. He was very opinionated and outspoken about a lot of the music industry from writing and performing and recording music to the business of studios and touring and labels and streaming services. A coworker who knew him though said "... contrary to popular belief [he was a] a sweet, caring and loyal person who loved his friends as much as he loved music."Steve Albini, an icon of indie rock as both a producer and performer, has died of a heart attack, staff at his recording studio, Electrical Audio, confirm to Pitchfork. As well as fronting underground rock lynchpins including Shellac and Big Black, Albini was a legend of the recording studio, though he preferred the term “engineer” to “producer.” He recorded Nirvana’s In Utero, Pixies’ Surfer Rosa, PJ Harvey’s Rid of Me, and countless more classic albums, and remained an outspoken critic of exploitative music industry practices until his final years. Shellac were preparing to tour their first album in a decade, To All Trains, which is scheduled for release next week. Steve Albini was 61 years old.
Folks are probably busy with Nur Ein but maybe we should do a cover fight where folks cover songs from albums he produced?