Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

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Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by fluffy »

I was chatting with Future Boy and his current partner the other day and the topic came up about how long I've been doing Song Fight!, and I surmised that I might have been doing it for more than half of my life at this point. So I decided to do some math, based on me discovering Song Fight! around the same time that Zero to Phantom was posted as a title:

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So yeah, as of around a year ago, Song Fight! has been a part of my life for more than half of it. Neat.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by Niveous »

Number of days Songfight has been a part of my life (estimating that I found SF at the start of the Space Cadet fight): 7638

Days I existed before I found SF: 9417

Looks like I have another 4+ years to go before SF has been in half my life. Feels closer than that.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by jb »

According to the Song Fight! Life Percentage calculator I am at 45.02%.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by fluffy »

Haha, I've thinking of building a webpage for a lot of "closer in history"-type stuff like that for quite some time, but of course you just went and did it. I gotta get over my analysis paralysis.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by jb »

Feel free to modify that page, fluffy, no worries here
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by fluffy »

I mean I was going to do an all-out thing where you could compare things like the moon landing with the release of the Nintendo 64 so that people could feel very old. The 50% threshold of whatever is just one thing that happens to measure. :)
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by jb »

Ah I thought you’d compare songfight time against all of those things ;)
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by Lunkhead »

43.81% for me working off a rough guess at when the "Bullseye Girl" title went up, as that was my first fight. But I'd been l listening and lurking a couple years before that, no idea exactly when that started.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

For the record: 28.84%. Dang, I'm old.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by ujnhunter »

Only 37.67%ish though R. Mosquito is at 64.99% :P

Edit: In my life... not his Song Fight %.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by Aciniform Artifice »


Based on approximately when I started participating at Dumbrella, not based on the first time I ever heard of Song Fight! which was a while earlier.

Does anyone recall the timeframe of Drew Toothpaste's Sharing Machine Song Fight! Knockoff Competition?
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by fluffy »

Fuck that guy but yeah I want to say it was around 2003-2004ish? It only lasted a couple of weeks.

It turns out to be hard to make a songfight-like though. Back in 2002 I was taking a break from songfight and tried running my own similar contest and it was super difficult to get anyone to enter.

EDIT: Yeah I just checked the wayback machine, looks like he started it in October 2003 and ended it in January 2004. (Which was mislabeled as 2003 in the update log.)
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by Aciniform Artifice »

As I recall it only lasted a few weeks. I entered for a few of the titles before it fizzled out(*) -- and it was right around that time I learned that Song Fight! still existed. (I had first discovered it during the .COM->.ORG transition / period of dormancy, unaware that "Meanwhile" existed, and so I wasn't aware that anyone had continued running SF! until a bit later.)

The first SF! I participated in as a listener/reviewer was during the week that spanned Dec '03 - Jan '04, which is what I used to determine my life percentage.

(*) EDIT: Thanks for that Wayback archive link. This was a joy to revisit, right after I admitted that I was one of the small handful of participants in that competition.
Unfortunately, the quality of the songs being submitted here is really just embarrassing. It is with a heavy heart that we are closing the song contest.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by fluffy »

Yeah I started to take a break from songfight right before .com stopped updating and I'd missed that meanwhile was a thing until .org had taken over. I remember coming back during the prefight for Fool in the Middle. Unfortunately I can't find the prefight thread in the extremely spotty archives of the Wayback Machine but it was a good time had by all.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by fluffy »

Aciniform Artifice wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:23 am
(*) EDIT: Thanks for that Wayback archive link. This was a joy to revisit, right after I admitted that I was one of the small handful of participants in that competition.
I think you still owe a bunch of us some pot cookies from the 2011 livefight.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by Aciniform Artifice »

I'm sorry, but I don't recall being here in 2011.

I was mostly on hiatus from (I think something like) 2009-2022 with the notable exception of judging Nur Ein at one point in between there.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by fluffy »

Oh wait right I was thinking of Bad Boys at Bat Mitzvahs. He won the live fight primarily by bribing everyone with pot brownies or something. My bad.

(I blame me being, ironically, somewhat high at the moment.)
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by Aciniform Artifice »

Yeah, sorry, guess I had missed that one.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by sleepysilverdoor »

Your Song Fight! Life Percentage: 52.74%

I passed the halfway point a little over a year ago.
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Re: Song Fight! has been in my life for more than half of it

Post by ken »

Assuming my band mates at the time told me about Song Fight very soon after they attended that Hot Lunch show on 7/7/2001, it took me about 4 months to submit my first entry - Indie Rock Bottom.

Your Stats:
Total days alive: 18777
Days knowing about Song Fight!: 8526
Your Song Fight! Life Percentage: 45.41%

Historical Context:
Days between your birth and the Moon landing: -1425
Days between discovering Song Fight! and the Moon landing: 11676
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