Wait What? ST23 R1

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Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

Falcon Artist - The Proposal

This is our night together, it is the night that we're alone
When you walked into the room and you said darling I am home
I misunderstood, I thought you said darling I am on the phone

But the night was icy cold outside
And the fire was burning warm inside
And it was great to have you by my side

Then we sat down at the table and we gazed into each other's eyes
And you said to me that I have a surprise
So you bent down under the table
And took out a present for me
And you said darling don't be afraid it's meant to be

The night was a surprise for me,
I did not know that there was a proposal on the table
But what is meant to be is meant to be

So I opened up my present and to my surprise
I must have not understood what she said and what was inside
It was a ring of gold for my finger you see
Then she said darling will you marry me
Last edited by BoffoYux on Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

The Moon Bureau - Girl with the Eyeliner

Goth: in the musical sense, a genre/subculture that often involves heavy makeup for artists and fans; in the historical sense, a Germanic “barbarian” (AKA non-Roman) people whose two most prominent subgroups were the Visigoths & Ostrogoths

The Cure: A prominent (the best?) goth band, but misinterpreted in this verse as the lower-case plain meaning of something that heals an ailment

Kohl eyes: extremely dark and pronounced eyeliner

Siouxsie and the Banshees: Another prominent goth band

Susie Q: a (extremely non-goth) song covered by (extremely non-goth band) Creedence Clearwater Revival featuring a repeated riff that the careful listener might notice here

Chooglin: a term (possibly) coined by CCR lead singer John Fogerty that originally described a type of partying but evolved to be a description of a CCRish steady rock groove

Emo: another musical genre that at times involves heavy eyeliner use in its artists and fans

Bauhaus: yet another goth band

You said you were goth I said visi- or ostro-
Turned around, walked away, left me feeling so
I wish there was someone to play sad songs that are good
Oh girl with the eyeliner, I wish you would

Said you loved The Cure, and I asked “for what?”
You rolled kohl eyes but mine were shut
They were squeezed so tight
As I tried to work up the nerve to ask you out tonight
Oh girl with the eyeliner, I think I might

Your favorite Siouxsie has the Banshees not a Q
I should stop chooglin and start googling how to talk to you

I get a little bit emo when I think about you all dressed up in black
So I could not contain myself when you finally called me back
You said come over to your Bauhaus and you’d tell me what goth’s about
Oh girl with the eyeliner, I had to shout
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

Thorsten Nesch - Roadie

Back in the day I often went alone to concerts of bands I didn't know, in small clubs in Cologne. Once I was way too early, and at the bar I met a roadie – at least so I thought – and he did too... an instant of appearance misunderstanding.

As it turned out
I was too early
At the club for the concert
Of a band I didn't know
Back in the day a ticket
Was cheaper than a vinyl
So I checked bands live
Somewhere in Cologne

The bar wasn't manned
And I waited a while
'til one of the roadies
Joined me in my quest
To order a beer
In that empty club
And the roadie said
“You'll be my guest”

Two beers in he said
With his gravelly voice
“You did a good job”
“With what?” I asked
“Your job as a roadie!”
“Oh, I'm not a roadie,
I thought You were!?”
“No, I'm with the band”

We had a good laugh
He ordered more beer
And we talked about
Today and manana
About music and German
Women and beer
Beatfarmers' own
Country Dick Montana
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

chewmeupspitmeout - Smoke Filled Room

Another 4am smoke filled room

I think I'm holding court
Espousing every thought
That pops into my head
Playing the pedagogue
An unending monologue
Delivered in slurred words

Why can't I stop my brain
From being this inane?

Theory after theory
Falls from my mouth
My incessant chatter
Ignorable pitter patter
Perpetual and unending
This could lead to unfriending
Why can't I just stop?

But the music's so loud
My words are drowned
And misheard by the drunken crowd
A smack in the mouth
Ejected from the house
Now I'm all alone

I think it's time
That I went home
I think it's time
For me to go home
I think it's time
That I went home
Really should've gone
Several hours ago

But the sunlight hurts my eyes
And the sound of birds
Makes me feel queasy
The day creeping up on me
Makes me feel so uneasy
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

Berkeley Social Scene - Just A Theory

This is a tale of a couple that breaks up because the guy thinks because gravity is " the theory of gravity" it's just a theory and it's not real. He thinks gravity is just a theory.

Verse 1
Words exchanged, meanings astray
We thought we knew, but lost our way
Assumptions made, a price to pay
Lost in translation's heavy sway

Caught in the space between,
Uncertain, lost, unseen.
Is this the end, or just a scene?
In this cosmic in-between.

I didn't know it was just a theory
I always thought it was something real
I didn't know it was just a theory
But this how I feel

Verse 2
Saw the apple fall from the tree
Newton's law, so clear to me
But now I wonder, can it be?
Just a theory, gravity

Caught in the space between,
Uncertain, lost, unseen.
Is this the end, or just a scene?
In this cosmic in-between.

I didn't know it was just a theory
I always thought it was something real
I didn't know it was just a theory
But this how I feel

Like planets held in orbit's dance
We're pulled apart by circumstance
The truth obscured, a fleeting glance
In this universe of happenstance

Caught in the space between,
Uncertain, lost, unseen.
Is this the end, or just a scene?
In this cosmic in-between.

I didn't know it was just a theory
I always thought it was something real
I didn't know it was just a theory
But this how I feel

Just a theory, a fragile thread
Holding on, what lies ahead?
In this vast space, what will be said?
Just a theory, in my head
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

OutLyer - Missed Calls

My interpretation of Miscommunication here is some form of relationship that doesn't communicate where they want to go in said partnership, and the realization of that unhealthy behavior

I know you called today
I didn't miss it at all
I didn't know what to say
When you've said it all

You didn't like my path
I didn't like yours too
So then why'd we start
What's this amounting to?
You'd never share where you are
Why you've been feeling so far
Lost deep inside of your heart
But got me waiting

I'm Sick and tired of how
I'm always waiting around
I'm done tryna wait and see
Screw all this latency

Call me if you get this
I'll be waiting here
Call me if you get this
I'll be waiting here

You'd never share where you are
Why you've been feeling so far
Lost deep inside of your heart
But got me waiting

I'm Sick and tired of how
I'm always waiting around
I'm done tryna wait and see
Screw all this latency
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

C-00000291*.sys - Keeping You Safe

Hello, I am definition update C-00000291*.sys. You might remember from such news articles as "oh bother, we broke the internet", and "what even is CrowdStrike anyways?"

This is a song about my whoops moment. I hope you like it more than people liked my little mishap.

Every day I send you details that you must abide by or bye bye baby
Every day I’m changing the rules in a good way for a good cause because I’m keeping you safe

Every day they're trying to break you - I will defend you, pretend you can't feel it
Every day I'm building a wall in a good way for a good cause because I'm keeping you safe


But what happens if I slip?
Send you a message that does not mean what we think it means
What happens when we click?
Rewrite the definitions watch them burn us all to the ground

Every day
Did you forget I'm watching the doorways - ingress and egress
Keeping you safe
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

Stacking Theory - the start of last division

Picture a connection that has existed for years, perhaps infinitely
Picture the gentle wearing away of individuality over time
Picture the memory of beginnings, and the awareness of change
Picture the slide
Picture the loss of words to explain
Picture the miscommunication, the misunderstanding, the gaps
Picture the world collapsing, one moment at a time

Picture us falling apart, in F

moments come
and moments go
holding on
and keeping close
if we knew
what we now know
which moments would come
and which would go

and did we make the best decisions?
and if we make the next incision
is it made with wise precision
or the start of last division?

in a dream
i saw the start
the birth of us
the beating heart
reaching out
and making shapes
reaching out
reaching out
can't find you
can’t find you

moments come
and moments go
falling stars
melting snow
rivers run long
wearing stones
until their shape is lost
nothing to show

did we lack the motivation?
did you need my inspiration?
instead of finding our salvation
was our love lost in translation?

moments come
and moments go
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

Cavedwellers - 2CU

A story of young love in the early 90s, and a boy who didn’t yet know proper boundaries.

I drove my bike on past your house every day
I never had the nerve to stop
I thought about you when the evening came
And plotted a return to your block
I wanted to see you
I wanted to see you

Too shy to meet your parents, too shy to speak
I had to find another way
When a pebble didn’t bring you to your window
I shimmied up the old storm drain
I wanted to see you
I wanted to see you

But it’s a funny thing that the message sent is never received
And half the things that you’re sure of aren’t fit to believe
A gesture is a sign so easy to take the wrong way
And just how wrong I’d find out that day

You called the police
Your parents were frightened
I was released
After fingerprints were taken
Because I didn’t know that I had run afoul of the law
And they were not about to let it slide though
I just wanted to see you
I wanted to see you

But it’s a funny thing that the message sent is never received
And half the things that you’re sure of aren’t fit to believe
A gesture is a sign so easy to take the wrong way
And just how wrong I’d find out that day

When you saw my face
And you knew me from class
You plead my case
To your mom and your dad
And there’s no hard feelings
But you still felt bad for me
And you met me for coffee

Well all is forgiven but I’ll never forget
Because the State of California isn’t likely to let
Me, but someday I hope our kids will laugh
At what their old man did
Just a mixed-up kid
Who wanted to see you
Who wanted to see you
Who wanted to see you
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

glennny - Corvette Seasick

My son is 17 and wants his own car. In particular, he wants a Corvette C6. C6 sounds like “Seasick”. So whenever he says C6, I troll him and act like it’s the worst name for a car ever. I suggest cars like the Honda Vertigo or the Ford Nausea. He thinks it’s one of the worst dad jokes of all my dad jokes. It’s pretty cheap, but it makes me laugh.

Hey Dad, I’m working all summer
Saving up for my own car
It takes a while to get to that number
I’m set in my heart

I don’t mind if it’s any color
my druthers, I’m feelin’ green
(I’ll) take as many jobs as I can juggle
I want that machine

Other models
Are out of my price range
I think it’s novel
I’m ready for the change

Corvette C6
Corvette C6
I’m in heaven

Hey Son, I’m glad you’re working hard
appreciate every cent you earn
I’m impressed (with) how you kept up the yard
so much still to learn

I wish you would consider electric
Stop Stop Stop stop burning oil
I’m a nerd and a little excentric
Don’t want to be your foil

That silly model
With a crazy name
It just sounds awful
Are they insane?

Corvette Seasick
Wait a second
Corvette Seasick
Sounds like a lemon

Is that a dad joke?
Are you that dumb?
It’s just not funny
Nor is it fun

Corvette C6
Does it come with Dramamine
USS Hornet
Is it going out to sea?
Corvette Seasick
Keep steady when going fast
Keep on dreaming
It’s made to have a blast
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

The Pannacotta Army - Amy

Amy, you hid your weaknesses so well

Amy, I was too wrapped to tell

I thought all that was done

You getting high and then some

I see now it was too good to believe

Amy, we got our wires crossed somehow
Amy, and there was no painless way out
Whatever’s coming next
Only heartache I would guess
Is inevitable now

You’d given in for reasons I can’t understand
Your scars go deep; I’m there to help you if I can

Amy, there were signs that I misread
Amy, there was too much left unsaid
Maybe I didn’t do enough
To stop you self-destruct
I’ll have to carry that regret
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

West of Vine - Vespers

The song is an explanation by the narrator that when they said they were getting out of this town, they meant together, not that they were leaving the addressee behind as the addressee had originally misunderstood in an implied conversation that took place prior to the timeline of this song.

At sunset you screamed I could go straight to hell
As Saint Michael’s tolled out the last vespers bell
I was getting wrung out and that's just as well
'Cause I had a secret too good not to tell

You thought I was leaving
'Cause I did not choose my words right
But that’s not what I meant when I said that this was goodbye

You know in a minute I’d swallow my pride
If I thought it might help to apologize
I’d write one for you, one hundred feet high
Across the river, across the sky

So put on your jacket, come out to the car
And I can explain what I said at the bar
That destiny sometimes is one bridge too far
But some nights it comes for you right where you are

And you know I’d never leave you
'Cause if I did I’d die
So that’s not what I meant when I said that this was goodbye
No that’s not what I meant when I said that this was goodbye
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

My Broken Demo Tape - It Gets Worse with Age

This song is about an unspoken misunderstanding that brings a lifelong friendship to a permanent end. Two voices reflect on the falling out, ending with the primary voice expressing fear that they won't learn from this, their behavior will regress over time, and ultimately they will continue to make the same mistakes in future relationships.

Hear me out again
There's no reason
To act like this
With no evidence

Even when we dance
You can't take that chance
And fall in love
Through it all

I only hurt my friends
Just by accident
Please don't lie
And don't ask why

The truth is as it seems
Our misunderstanding
Was how we went wrong
But we're older now

This concludes our scene
Thanks for listening
I'm afraid
It gets worse with age
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

See-Man-Ski - Did You Mean It?

Went simple with my approach, I really hate when people say "just be yourself". Mainly because a lot of the time I am at odds with myself and I have no idea what being myself actually entails.

lost myself at a roundabout
where every turn is thereabouts
going round and round until my tank runs dry
thinking to myself
what does this signify?

well I wonder
if I should

I thought you said that it's ok
I should just be myself
I thought you said that I shouldn't
try to be anybody else
thought you said that, yeah
but did you mean it?

found myself, routing through the trash
but the more I look the less I grasp
looking for a form of wealth
thinking to myself
I wish I could be someone else

well I wonder
if I should

I thought you said that it's ok
I should just be myself
I thought you said that I shouldn't
try to be anybody else
thought you said that, yeah
but did you mean it?
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

Siebass - The Idea of You

The misunderstanding is a cliche but still interesting to me; the song is from the perspective of someone who thought they were in love with someone else, only to realize later that they were only in love with the idea of the person, and not the real thing. Misunderstanding one's own feelings. Starting off with a downer; we'll see how it goes.


I thought it was real
This feeling blooming in my chest
Flowers cracking open
Sunlight starts to crest (over the horizon...)


But the sun wasn't rising
When it set the dark remained
With all the things that I did wrong
Carved deeply along the grain of your soul
An unfair toll


We sit in this pit I dug
One stubborn shovel at a time


All the words that I whispered
tried to will them to be real
But even genies and magicians can't change what makes our hearts feel the way they do
We don't get to choose


Is it still a lie if when I said it I believed

BR [descending chromatic ]

from A; G#, G, F#; A G#, G, F#, F, E, A

Cruelty nested in kindness
I bring comfort to your eyes
But my words are made of knives
Gently stabbing your insides
As if to prove
how wrong I am.


Is it still a lie, if when I said it, I believed?


In love with the idea of you
Could you love the idea of me too?
Grab my hand, Force a smile
Try to hold it, for a while

Then maybe I'll know how it feels

Cut/Extra/Lovelies killed

I built a house of smoke and mirrors
A space that looks so vast
It goes on and on forever until you press against the glass
and you can barely move
(you can barely move)
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

Also In Blue - A Mile And A Half

“The Charge of the Light Brigade” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson has long been a staple of poetry classes. Few recognize the poem for what it truly is - a desperate (and overwhelmingly successful) PR campaign to paint over the ugly parts of a horrific military blunder that cost hundreds of men their lives, all because of flawed communication.

Lord Raglan was an aristocrat, not a soldier; he had purchased his status as a commanding officer, and he didn’t know what he was doing. (This was distressingly common in the British military at the time.) He sent a vague and confusing order to his subordinate, Lord Lucan, who misunderstood his objective and relayed another vague and confusing order to Lord Cardigan, who failed to ask clarifying questions because he was not on speaking terms with Lucan due to a long-standing quarrel. As a result, Cardigan ordered his brigade of light cavalry (the Light Brigade in question) to charge headlong into a valley lined with heavy artillery. It was worse than a slaughter; it was a meat grinder. Of the 600 men that entered the valley, less than 200 returned, most of them with severe injuries, and all because a couple of aristocrats playing at being soldiers couldn’t get their orders straight.

Loose inspirations include “Cold Missouri Waters” (in which a man on his deathbed confesses to an incident when, as a young fire watch captain, he made an error in judgement that cost thirteen of his colleagues their lives), and of course the poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, which is in the public domain and therefore fair game to pilfer lines and rhymes from. The title comes from Tennyson's opening lines - “Half a league, half a league, / Half a league onward,” a league being three miles; all the carnage and tragedy happens over a mile and a half.

Raglan’s father bought his post;
That’s what rankled Lucan most,
When Raglan’s orders came around.

“Charge the front, and hold the cannons.”
Seemed like all his sense abandoned.
Lucan spat upon the ground.

“I see no guns upon the hill,”
Protested Lucan with a will.
“So where Raglan think our
Soldiers ought to ride?”

Lucan questioning the plan,
Captain Nolan waived his hand
And with a gesture
Doomed six hundred men to die.

Just a mile and a half:
Cross the valley, turn the tide.
Not at all what Raglan ordered;
Lucan couldn’t read his mind.
Ours was not the place to wonder;
Ours the blood, and theirs the blunder.
Just a mile and a half,
Just a mile and a half…
To the mouth of hell we’d ride.

Commander Cardigan was weary -
Head was heavy, eyes were bleary -
When Lucan’s order came around.

And Cardigan detested Lucan
With a rage that very few can
Grasp the heat of, even now.

“‘Charge the front, and hold the guns.’
Does Lucan think that anyone
Could charge that valley
And come out the other side?”

But after months of harsh critiquing,
He and Lucan weren’t speaking,
So in silence,
We all rallied up to ride.

Just a mile and a half:
Cross the valley, turn the tide.
Hear the echo of the order,
And the cannons in reply.
Ours was not the place to wonder;
Ours the blood, and theirs the blunder.
Just a mile and a half,
Just a mile and a half…
To the mouth of hell we ride.

Lead the charge, the bold six hundred
As the cannons stormed and thundered
Horse and soldier torn and sundered
By a storm of shot and shell,

All the world looked on and wondered
We rode back - but not six hundred.
In the dreadful silence after,
Called us heroes when we fell.

Just a mile and a half:
Cross the valley, turn the tide.
Read the bold poetic heroes,
Hear the silence in reply.
Ours was not the place to wonder;
Ours the blood, and theirs the blunder.
Just a mile and a half…

Just a mile and a half:
Cross the valley, do and die!
And the story lives forever,
And the graves make no reply.
Ours was not the place to wonder;
Ours the blood, and theirs the blunder.
Just a mile and a half, just a mile and a half…
To the mouth of hell we ride.
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Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

SpinTown & Company - Department Of Miscommunication

This was written for SpinTunes 23 Round 1. The challenge was: "Wait, What?: Write and record a song about a misunderstanding or miscommunication."

This challenge reminded me of a Minecraft map made by Henzoid called "Miscommunications". The map is CoOp and designed to test your ability to communicate clearly with a couple of your friends. I watched CaptainSparklez play the map with X33N & KaraCorvus years ago & it was really entertaining. Henzoid later made a sequel to the map, and CaptainSparklez did play it on his channel as well. I avoided watching the video because I thought I might play the map myself at some point & I didn't want spoilers for the puzzles. But...this challenge inspired me to watch the playthrough that CaptainSparklez did (again with X33N & KaraCorvus, but with the addition of HBomb).

The video was around 4 hours long, and trying to squeeze 4 hours of gameplay into a 3-4 minute song is hard. When I finished the lyrics I knew they wouldn't make sense to very many people. The entire experience of playing the map is 1 miscommunication after another. So even though the lyrics would confuse anyone unfamiliar with the video & map, I think it's kinda fitting given the challenge. If you don't understand the lyrics...GOOD. If you want to understand the lyrics...go watch the 4 hour video.

Lyrically I struggle with deadlines. I gave myself a day & a half to do them, but 1 day was basically just watching the video & taking notes. Doesn't exactly flow well at all, and Joe makes them sound better than they have any right to. I called this song "Department Of Miscommunication" Vs sticking with the name the map gave of "Department Of Miscommunications" just because it was easier. Kara's name isn't pronounced just right at one point, but eh, I didn't have the heart to have Joe do it again. ;p

(Verse 1)
We start with a game, and XEEN takes the dub
Then I read lines and tried to describe
How to spell words for them to transcribe
We found that hypothetically HBomb can't spell
But came out on top with zero mishaps
And we avoided all of Henzoid's traps

This Department Of Miscommunication
Creates massive amounts of frustration

(Verse 2)
We all sang songs before our next test
Avoided a Cow Return Grass repeat
Then HBomb served us a special treat
Our next puzzle was a devious maze
We all got lost and had to be guided
With what little info the map provided

This Department Of Miscommunication
Requires a bit of collaboration

(Verse 3)
Kara became the most useless hero
Before we were given a full-blown herd
At that point, we had more cows than words
My quokka gets destroyed by Kara
Then we're lied to and told to parkour
XEEN questions everyone and seems unsure

This Department Of Miscommunication
Will spread a lot of disinformation

(Verse 4)
XEEN is irrelevant but wins the game
Then we did some CoOp storytelling
A concept of time throwback was compelling
Before we started the last puzzle
It turned out the last game was a trick
We gave ourselves an annoying gimmick

This Department Of Miscommunication
Will call for some experimentation

Palindrome swapper
Song title stoner
Mr. T & Batman pusher
Alphabetical jumper
Brains begin to fry
Victory is attained

This Department Of Miscommunication
Created massive amounts of frustration
This Department Of Miscommunication
Map is complete so congratulations
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Location: New England

Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

James Young - Dignified

I’ve been waiting to see you
Static on the radio
Forever adrift all alone
At sea

I know
You’re trying to let go
Been dragged by the undertow
From me
Why didn’t you just say so?

Am I dead to you?
Or just dead inside?
Nightmares coming true
Hold back the tide
Keep it dignified
Keep it dignified
Keep it dignified

Now lost on the ocean
Sea sick from the motion
Drained of all emotion
But free

Am I dead to you?
Or just dead inside?
Nightmares coming true
Hold back the tide
Keep it dignified
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Location: New England

Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

With Joe - Just The Start

This song is about falling for someone on a first date and feeling a mutual connection, organising a 2nd date, and then never hearing from that person again.

This leaves the person in the song confused about the connection they had which was reciprocated, and the sudden ghosting after their date seemed very keen to meet up again.

Was there something that they missed? What happened? Why did they want to meet up again and then stop replying? Had they misunderstood the situation and the conversations?

It’s been 3 years now I’m still not used to the looks that you’ll get downtown
But i don’t blame ‘em
you still steal the air out of my lungs
I just can’t believe you look at me the way I see you
Luck is on my side, our lips touch and then I realise
It’s all in my head
We only just met
Sat upstairs with hazy eyes as i watch the city lights fly by
The smell of you is still on me as I’m dreaming of what we could be
I’ll tell the story of tonight, to future generations I
Feel it flowing through me heart

This is only just the start
Just the start
Of who we are
Just the start

I wait 'til morning
‘Thank you’ and ‘when will I see you again’
You make my heart soar
With ‘so did I babe’ i’d drop it all
Anything that I got on is worse than spending time with you
I love that you feel it too
But now it’s just the night before and you’ve not said anything more
I still have hope but it feels fake, our future starts to fade away
I thought we were on the same page, a fairytale kind of state
But I guess the truth you’ve dealt is hard

I’m only gonna get the start
Just the start
Of who we are
Just the start
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Location: New England

Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

Definitely Not Secretly Glennny - Definitely Not Secretly Glennny

Well, I mean, we definitely aren't secretly Glennny. We are a trio who neither singly, nor as a collective, could be identified as Glennny. Certainly, there's been a lot of confusion about this, and I can see how the name could cause someone to ask a few questions, so we're just here to clear that right up for everyone.

we are definitely
absolutely NOT
secretly Glennny

we're getting lots of questions
that we've already answered
just read the band name on our shirts (it's right there brah)
it wasn't our intention
to hoodwink or to slander
we're only trying to assert

we are definitely
not secretly Glennny
his list of bands is
kinda scary
we still aren't secretly
we're not secretly Glennny

well Berkeley's not our scene and
we're not big on spelunking
but we like a solo riff sometimes
we understand your reasons
and so we are debunking
your allegations we're that guy (we're not that guy)

we are definitely
not secretly Glennny
his list of bands is
kinda scary
still aren't secretly
we're not secretly Glennny

(all right let's break it down now)
A: "you're sure you're not secretly Glennny?"
B: "100%"
A: "you're not NOT Glennny"
B: "was that a double negative?"
A: "you kind of look like a Glennny"
B: "you can't see us, this is a song!"

sometimes I think maybe
one of us is secretly Glennny
laughing in the shadows
playing all the puppets
but he can't be everywhere
can he?

we are definitely
not secretly Glennny
though his list of bands is
kinda scary
we still aren't secretly
we're not secretly Glennny
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Location: New England

Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

Sharquin - Can You Believe?

Went to the barber on Sunday morning yeah
Sat down at my favourite chair
Unfortunately my usual barber wasn't there
So I asked a random Joe for the usual

Can you believe?
Can you believe?
Can you believe?

He cut off my hair
All of my hair
That's not a trim
Cut off all of my hair

At a fancy restaurant downtown
Order up a juicy looking steak
The waiter brought me an omelette
I said there's been a huge mistake

Can you believe?
Can you believe?
Can you believe?

I really hate eggs, I'm never going back
I'm gonna give it one star
It's going down yeah
See you at the bottom off the pile

It's a miscommunication
Yeah it happens all the time
A miscommunication
Used to cover up their lies

I was pretty sore from all the activities
My girlfriend suggested I go
For a sports massage but I couldn't get a booking
So I found something online

Can you believe?
Can you believe?
Can you believe?

Much to my surprise I got asked to take off all of my clothes
Now I understand what a happy ending is.

It's a miscommunication
Got more than I bargained for
May just lead to divorce


It's a miscommunication
They say it happens all the time
A miscommunication
To cover up their lies

It’s a miscommunication
It happens all the time
All we want really want in life
Is to hide

Went to the barber on Sunday morning yeah
Sat down at my favourite chair
Unfortunately my usual barber wasn't there
So I asked a random Joe for the usual

Can you believe?
Can you believe?
Can you believe?

He cut off my hair
All of my hair
That's not a trim
Cut off all of my hair

At a fancy restaurant downtown
Order up a juicy looking steak
The waiter brought me an omelette
I said there's been a huge mistake

Can you believe?
Can you believe?
Can you believe?

I really hate eggs, I'm never going back
I'm gonna give it one star
It's going down yeah
See you at the bottom off the pile

It's a miscommunication
Yeah it happens all the time
A miscommunication
Used to cover up their lies

I was pretty sore from all the activities
My girlfriend suggested I go
For a sports massage but I couldn't get a booking
So I found something online

Can you believe?
Can you believe?
Can you believe?

Much to my surprise I got asked to take off all of my clothes
Now I understand what a happy ending is.

It's a miscommunication
Got more than I bargained for
May just lead to divorce


It's a miscommunication
They say it happens all the time
A miscommunication
To cover up their lies

It’s a miscommunication
It happens all the time
All we want really want in life
Is to hide
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Posts: 1009
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:22 pm
Instruments: Keys, Clunking, SFX and Strings
Recording Method: Audacity, Adobe, and other 'A' titled software
Submitting as: Boffo Yux Dudes
Location: New England

Re: Wait What? ST23 R1

Post by BoffoYux »

cardamom seed - you got this wrong

When I said “right” I was agreeing with the premise of your question, it wasn’t a hint or a notion of a new direction. Now we’re lost cos you misheard, we left the road when you took a right turn, where in the world are we, cos it’s not clear? It’s not Kansas or even near. It’s not for me to unpick this, it’s a grim part of town that barely exists. How in the hell do we get home from here? Perhaps a miracle just appears. You got this wrong, I can’t believe you’d try to blame it on me. Do you think we’re being discreet right now? I’m not sure shouting counts as keeping your head down; how in the hell do we get home from here? This one’s on you, my dear. You got this wrong, I can’t believe you’d try to blame it on me; how’s this my fault? You misheard and acted irrationally. It’s hard to know how tomorrow will go, whether trust returns or not, this dumb confusion has dogged our days, one word, a spark, just creating inelegant waves, I can’t believe you’d try to blame it on me; how’s this my fault? You misheard and acted irrationally.
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