Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

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Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by glennny »

by glennny
special guest vocalist: The original only one (Nur Ein), the legend, the genius, Glenn Case was kind enough to lend his amazing vocals to my song.
The real glennny has stood up. All the other glennnys were just imitating. We have Glen on bass, Glenn on vocals and backing vocals, Glinko on heavily affected guitar, glennny on guitarmonies, Glen Gary and Glen Ross on committee lyrics, the spirit of Glen Campbell on acoustic guitars, Glenjamine Button on mellotron synth, Glenuine on wah guitar, the spirit of Glenn Frey providing silence, unstable synth bass by G&G music emporium. Drums by Glenbot.The keys to this song are many. The lyrics are about a Snake Oil salesman. Snake oil is actually good for you. Thank you for listening. Truth may be my opponent, but he is also my brother in music and Cavedwelling.
Verse One
Welcome to the murderers' row
We haven't got a lot of time
The weekend ocean’s wind is chilling
The answers will blow your mind

Contemplate the turpentine
Be it ever so gently wrong
Alleviate the stress of worry
And find the little space where you belong

Chorus One
Barometric jest
A little boutique question
Bourbon on bayou

Such a verbose haiku

Verse Two
I’ve got the finest snake oil for you
It’s loaded with Omega-3s
Take this elixir to your next mixer
I guarantee you will be pleased

Sublimate your OCD
Into getting the minutiae done
Reconsider applications
That you needlessly keep on running

Chorus Two
Leave in the moonlight
Sentimental doom loop fight
Only a moment

Truth is the opponent

I am Spartacus
I am many
Without artifice
I am glennny

Verse Three: Guitar Solo

Double Chorus
Barometric jest
A little boutique question
Bourbon on bayou

Such a verbose haiku

Leave in the moonlight
Sentimental doom loop fight
Only a moment

Truth is the opponent
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

SpinTown & Company - Ancient Blunders

There isn't a ton of lore that's explained in detail in Minecraft. The YouTube channel "GameTheory" has done a really good job of trying to fill in the blanks & creating an unofficial lore for the game. I used the video "Game Theory: The COMPLETE Lore Of Minecraft" and wrote about the time period from when the ancient builders went to the the nether up to the point when they were about to go to the end. Here's a link to that video:

The only thing you need to know is that each time the ancient builders tried to experiment with life/death or portals, it ended badly for them. Usually creating a new threat for their population to worry about. (like the wither & warden) At the end of the song, they are once again hopeful that this new creation of theirs will save them, but that does not end up being the case in the lore presented by Game Theory.

(Verse 1)
This hostile land can be rich with death and strife
To conquer death we seek to create our own life
We invaded the invaders and withered away
Our plans were spoiled but we found another way

With your souls we'll find protection
Our deaths will bring resurrection
The sands of time under our command
With our crafting we'll conquer this land

(Verse 2)
We hid underground from it's blasts and it's rage
We built new cities and began a new age
Until the Wither found us and we had to leave
Our plan created something we couldn't believe

With your souls we'll find protection
Our deaths will bring resurrection
The sands of time under our command
With our crafting we'll conquer this land

Explosive skulls
Shoot through the air
A sonic boom
A sightless stare
One danger gone
Another to bare


(Verse 3)
In silence we fortified deep underground
Afraid that each sound would cause us to be found
A final portal to escape our dreadful error
To a land we can claim and live without terror

With your souls we'll find protection
Our deaths will bring resurrection
The sands of time under our command
With our crafting we'll conquer this land

This place doesn't seem so bad...
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

Stacking Theory - Cluck Lucky

them: “do you think the chicken knows we’re talking to her?”

me: “I think the chicken doesn’t even know it’s a chicken”

I don't know much
I don't think I'm smarter than the people around me
Maybe a little bit bird brained
I stand out in the rain and wait
Wait for the waiting to stop

Don’t get up to much
Just scratchin' around trying to find what I can find
May get a little bit ruffled
But never too troubled by things
Things that I cannot control

I guess I'm really lucky
I’m really lucky

I don't plan much
Just wake up and make it up - yeah man, I am wingin' it
And when I'm at my best
I'm feathering the nest and I'll lay
Until that moment has passed

I'm guess I'm really lucky, yeah
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

The Pannacotta Army - Cool Dad

The narrator is a young boy who thinks his dad is some sort of maverick tough-guy agent whereas in reality he’s a small-time criminal. His friends stare because his dad is a scary looking dude not because they’re envious. The special missions are a lie told to the boy for when his dad is in jail.
NB: In the UK, a trailer (the type people live in) is called a caravan and an undershirt (aka “wife-beater”) is known as a vest.

My dad is really cool
And when he picks me up at school
My friends stare at him enviously
I bet they’d like to swap dads with me

My dad is the best
He only ever wears a vest
Just look at all his muscles
Love and hate writ on his knuckles

He says he can’t tell me about his job ‘cause it’s top secret
He said he’d have to kill me if he did
And I believe it

My dad’s not like the rest
The Virgin Mary’s tattooed on his chest
He wears gold chains and earrings
He’s got facial piercings

He goes away for months on end doing special missions
I think he could be a tough guy hero like on television

He looks a bit like The Rock
He likes to say “fuck” a lot

My dad’s really cool
He drives a big black BMW
And we live in a caravan
It’s all part of a cover plan
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

My Broken Demo Tape - Superman 3

I (Tom) have always been an avid fan of [American] football.
I grew up in a family in which the sport defined our lives. My dad was a coach and my brother played division 1 college football. I had aspirations of reaching those heights but I came up short. I wasn’t good. And notably, I was on a team with a lot of assholes. These kids quite possibly didn't even know that they were assholes (and still might not know). This song is a caricature of those people. I’m more aware now of how many other people had similar encounters with players on their local school’s team. I still love football and this song is filled with references from my childhood where I was a participant in the sport.
This is also the third song we have written about sports culture in America, hence the 3 in the title. The first two are on an EP that we just released on 10/6-

Quarterback: Player who throws and calls most of the plays for the offense.
Lineman: Players who defend the quarterback from opposing defenders.
All-American: An athlete honored as one of the best amateurs in the US.

Something tells me I'm a hero
I walk around like I own the place
They even got my picture up
In the barbershop window

Something tells me I'm a "real one"
I've thrown passes that could reach the stars
I even ran for a hundred yards
in the season opener

Ya know they say this game is life
At the very time the leaves will die
And my shoulder breaks
beyond the weight it carries

And for a moment it felt great
When all those posers boo'd my name
Cause in the back of their minds
they know there’s a Superman playing

Something tells me I’m a giver
I volunteer at my local church
I even offered to pray for the queers
even though they are sinners

Something tells me I'm a rebel
I almost burned down my neighbors house
But I was just messin' around
with a molotov cocktail

Ya know the second things go bad
They all wanna blame the quarterback
Even though it's mediocre coach
and the linemen hate me

And for a second it felt grand
Between the fans and marching bands
But in the back of my mind I'm bored
cause I'm a superman baby

Something tells me it’s been written
I see my story on the other-side
Of the hall of fame, I’m bound
for the lights of Canton

Something tells me I’m a legend
I know gonna be remembered well
And by this time next fall
I’ll be an All-American
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

The Moon Bureau - Copinghaven

Sometimes she is not being coy she is just the little mermaid statue

In the moonlight on the harbor
Proving immune to my ardor
After dark she waits for me
Yet ignores so pointedly
My timid love beside the sea

Folded legs upon the stone
So still so quiet so alone
So hopeful but it’s no surprise
When once again you missed my eyes
Perhaps we’ll kiss at the sunrise

I almost had to applaud
That midnight on the promenade
The way you held my stare at you
Even as the tension grew
What’s a smitten boy supposed to do
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

With Joe - Abigail

This is about a man in a relationship with the woman of his dreams.

Yes they argue and make mean little jokes towards each other sometimes but that’s just how they show their love.

That’s what he thinks anyway, turns out all of these are signs of the relationship falling apart.

He is still blind to it, even when her friends try warning him that if he doesn’t do something, then the relationship won't last much longer.

Verse 1
Abigail, you made me a lucky man
Found me withering
Then showed me light between the palms of our hands
Abigail, you taught me things that I don't understand
How can youth be so wise?
Impossible depth in your eyes

I wake up from a dream of years to come
As the morning sun kisses all your curls and your curves
Then all at once I know I want to live this way forever
You and I forging this fire together

Verse 2
Abigail, I know you love the little fights
You take ‘em so serious
But I know you're smiling on the inside
Abigail, you're only getting funnier
Your sharp tongue and your dark humour
Your twisted words about the future

I wake up from a dream of years to come
As the morning sun kisses all your curls and your curves
Then all at once I know I want to live this way forever

But lately your friends have been overstepping
With crazy stories of two people and an ending
I wish you’d tell them that they can't see it from our side
And they should worry about what’s going on in their own lives

I wake up from a dream of years to come
As the morning sun kisses all your curls and your curves
Then all at once I know I want to live this way forever
You and I forging this fire together
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

cardamom seed - there’s a trojan horse in my house and while I didn’t invite him in, I think he might stay

This song is a reasonably accurate description of last Tuesday morning for my mum. The narrator, my mother, is not aware that her computer’s been hacked, despite the American woman on the screen screaming “you’ve got a trojan” over and over. The man that popped up claiming that he could fix this problem if she could firstly confirm that he had the correct phone number for her, then answer the phone and then make a payment to him was not someone to whom she should give her bank details to fix it. Reader, she did not turn the computer off, she gave him payment details. She should not be allowed on the internet.

I can just hear you through the screaming
Is there a problem with my download or my login to the network this morning?
I can’t control this, it’s not working. My keyboard and the mouse think for themselves.
I’m typing, nothing’s appearing, and the screaming’s freaking me out.

This trojan horse now lives in my house
Do you think he’ll dance with me? A little jig to see the long days out…

Yeah, I know you’re an IT guy you’ve told me more than once
Pointless asking me to click when you control my mouse
But at long last, the loud screaming’s dying down

Yeah, that’s my number, how’d you get it?
Is that you, that’s now calling on my landline?
That phone’s for officials, that’s true, so I guess that’s what that makes you.

This trojan horse now lives in my house
Do you think he’ll dance with me? A little jig to see the long days out…

I’ll fetch a bank card from the kitchen drawer, read the number out
Is a hundred quid gonna be enough to clear this problem up?
Don’t treat me with a wall of silence, I gave you money now you’re shutting me out

This trojan horse now lives in my house
Do you think he’ll dance with me? A little jig to see the long days out…

You seemed so nice on the telephone, I hope you can fix this now
Restored my faith in the human race, you’re good to help me out
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

Cavdwellers - In Prypiat

As the changes of perestroika open up new market dynamics in Russia, the manager of a block of flats in Prypiat, unaware of the coming meltdown of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, makes his pitch to a new technician from Tbilisi.

Verse One
I’ve got to tell you ‘bout an opportunity
It’s tailored just for you
I’m pretty sure this is the place you’ve been looking for
It’s got a scenic view

In Prypiat
It’s not hot
Couldn’t ask for better weather
This community’s forever
In Prypiat
From your flat
There’s a nice view of the river
It’s a home you’ll never give up

Verse two
You’ve got your dream job at the nearby power plant
It’s such a short commute
These Ukraine girls are known to knock everybody out
At least they’re resolute

Chorus Two
In Prypiat
It’s not hot
Couldn’t ask for better weather
This community’s forever
In Prypiat
From your flat
There’s a nice view of the park
And no danger after dark
You’ve arrived
Now that Gorbechev’s in power
The trees begin to flower
Buy this place
And take root
Find a girl and have some kids
Buy this place, I’m sure you’ll be glad you did
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

Siebass - Not Good Enough

Challenge notes: I thought this was an interesting way to come at the challenge. If the listener disagrees with the message of the song, I think it meets the challenge. If the listener agrees with the singer, then it may not. This idea and dichotomy was interesting enough for me to pursue it for this challenge, as it really depends on the listener for the challenge. I take a sympathetic view of the world and hope that most of us are good enough, but it is up to the judges now.


I don't know how to play piano
So I paint it note by note, line by line
in the tiny piano roll
Oh I'll get close, but I won't shine, no

So I breathe in and I hold,
diving deep into my soul
Stealing pieces to fill the holes,
jagged towers of stories I haven't told you yet,


I can't sing notes that well,
but if I tune them one by one, I can make an epic run
with no soul
Not deep just on the surface,
you don't deserve this shallow bite,
but does anyone?


Oh I'm not good enough
I know I'm not good enough
And so I'm not good enough

What should I tell 'em?
When I've got nothing good to say?


I can't make you feel with less than 50 words,
but if I struggle I might get there with a thousand,
I'm more than a mile and a half away from perfect
and the forecast's calling for a downtrend


Should I lean on my dead brother
Drag my father or my mother in
They cut you to the core with a single chord when I need twenty
But I've got plenty more


[Sung over chorus/prechorus of oh I'm not good enough]

Oh I'm not good enough
I know I'm not good enough
And so I'm not good enough
What should I tell 'em?

Rough around the edges
Can't fake legends, I'm gripping ledges
bout to fall; a master of masks
but not any crafts

Not one thing where I exceed,
I pray the math it won't succeed
and the whole is more than the sum of these broken parts

I hide behind my power chords
I can't do any better
I'm smart and I'm so clever,
But I'm not good


Shoot for the moon, and if you miss you hit the stars
But you could also hit the ground
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

The Alleviators - Only Human

The truth is, it ain't been so bad
Got more than I need, got a home, got a man
The world at my feet and no burden of plans
And nothing but time to remind me of my idle hands
Reaching out
It's only human
Now, lookin' around, what are we doin?
And if I'm made in your image
Shouldn't you know how I need to know?

Excuse a lowly beast overlooked --
You adore what He gave, what about what He took?
A beautiful garden to do as you please
"I'll love you forever, just never get off of your knees"
Having doubts
It's only human
But if you're not allowed
Does that look like freedom?
And if paradise, it's not going half to waste
Don't you deserve to know just how sweet it can taste?

Show us the shadows in the trees
Show us the light that we can't see
Born with a hunger like a seed
Wild as you created me 

Show us the meaning, this is our prayer
All is unending, no need to be scared
If the truth will set us free
Wont you set us free?

It's only human
To grow, in my bones
I know there's a reason
Oh to be closer to you
What could it ruin?
To open my eyes
To sit by your side

Don't misunderstand me
I know I am blessed
It's gift to exist
Just to breathe in your breath
But now I'm holding the weight
Of the world in my hands
Whatever the truth is, It can't be that bad
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

Celestial Drift - It’ll Be Okay

There is a hurricane approaching our narrator, who lives in an unspecified location near a subtropical bay that he confidently assumes is more protected from strong hurricanes than it actually is. Our narrator would be better off heeding the warnings and evacuation notices, but he goes through the common rationalizations of those that usually stay behind. As the song builds, so do his thoughts. First he figures it’s not going to be a big deal and that it’s overhyped. Then as the event gets closer he recognizes that evacuating is an option, but talks himself out of it with reasons not to. By the time the storm is nearly on top of him, he attempts to talk himself down, finally appealing to his faith that nothing bad can happen to him.

I, the songwriter, know that he really, really should have evacuated, and he is most definitely not going to be okay, as the ending of the song makes abundantly clear.

post-deadline addendum: I swear this song wasn't intended to be prophetic. I was inspired by Helene and definitely sort of had a mix of both Tampa Bay and Mobile Bay in mind as areas that are vulnerable to complacent non-evacuees without saying it, but in light of this morning's rapid intensification and track forecast for Hurricane Milton...😰

I saw on the TV this morning a storm would be coming out this way
I’m not all that worried about all the warnings cause I’m inland from the bay
And in my prior experience it never gets all that bad anyway
The authorities are saying I should leave, but I think I’m gonna stay cause I know that it’ll be okay

I’ll be okay
I sure cause I’ve seen this before and it turn out okay
I’ll be okay, I’ll be okay
You won’t see me acting that phased cause I’m going to be okay

Well I’m contemplating some evacuating, but God it’d be such a pain
All of that packing and sitting in traffic, and just for what? Wind and rain?
These travel logistics and all nheir specifics; that stuff just kills my brain
Be that as it may, I think I’m gonna stay, cause I’ve got a feeling I’m gonna be okay

I’ll be okay
I’m sure it won’t be that bad and it’ll turn out okay
I’ll be okay, I’ll be okay
I’ve got a feeling inside that I’ll be okay


Now it’s getting windy, I see the trees bending, and I hear the warning sounds
My external walls can handle it all, I guess I’ll just hunker down
I’ve been a good neighbor so my lord and savior surely won’t let me drown
And I know it deep down that he’ll spare this town, and make sure that I’m okay

I’ll be okay.
I’ll be okay
I’ll be okay
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

Sober - Truest Believer

Only detail I'll add is the second part of verse 2: I was raised in the Mormon church - like many churches, apostasy is considered the greatest possible sin; worse than murder. Everything else is pretty straightforward like I tend to write.

I am the truest believer
Have you heard the good news
If you think just like me then you too could be
One of god’s favorite few

It’s not easy bein one of god’s chosen
To be persecuted and abused
If the tables were turned the martyrs would burn
While singing a different tune

It’s a great big ol world full of sinners
And true believers are few
Let the lord decide losers and winners
What else are we righteous to do

There are some who claim to believe
I pray for their souls to be saved
From eternal damnation the only salvation
Is my god, specifically, to praise

Now there’s a certain kinda evil folk out there
The slimiest snakes of them all
They disbelieve in the same gods as me
Plus one and that’s the worst sin of all

Well I’m glad I was born in the present
Under the red white and blue
We know it’s important to respect law enforcement
And always give Caesar his due

So if I’da been there in Judea
In judgment of him an Barabbas
If I’d been a Roman, he’d have to go then
And hang his ass up on that cross
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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

Falcon Artist - Robin Hood [SHADOW]

So the stories go
He used to wear a hood
And he used to rob the rich
To give to the poor
But Robin Hood was no good

So down throughout the years
Robin Hood, and lived in Sherwood Forest
And that was in the glen
Where he lived him self and his
Greedy little men

They use to rob the rich to give to the poor
Now that was all wrong
And they used to keep the money
Robin Hood and his greedy little men
And they use to drink sing and dance
And that was down in the glen


So throughout the years there was a man
Who was looking for Robin Hood
And his greedy little men
We were led to believe
He was the Sherrif of Nottingham
And he was afraid to go into the glen
To search for Robin Hood and his greedy little men

Now Robin Hood was no good
He stole from the rich which was wrong
Himself and his greedy little men
Use to celebrate with wine dance and song

So the stories go
Robin Hood fell in love
With a maid so fair
Her name was Maid Marion
And she had long black hair
So one day she rode into Sherwood Forest
Which was in the glen
There Robin Hood met Maid Marion
And they fell in love there and then


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Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

Micah Sommersmith - Waiting for a Call [SHADOW]

I'm just an old man sitting all alone
Waiting by the window, waiting by the phone
Just an old man waiting for a call
A call from the ones who love me,
Who love me best of all

I’m waiting for a call from my dear son Don
I know he hasn’t got anything better going on
I paid his education, though it took him seven years
I watched as he got lapped by all his high-performing peers
I’m picturing the sofa he’s just vegetating on
And I’m waiting for a call from my dear Don

And I'm waiting for a call from my lovely Brad
Who's too busy with his family to talk to his own dad
And that funny-looking wife with that name no one can pronounce
Says that I'm not welcome in their crowded little house
I don't push it cause I know how much they hate when I get mad
So I'm waiting for a call from lovely Brad

I'm just an old man sitting all alone
Waiting by the window, waiting by the phone
Just an old man waiting for a call
A call from the ones who love me,
Who love me best of all

I'm waiting for a call from my sweet Emily
The one who was supposed to be here taking care of me
Instead she's out at nightclubs, spreading her legs
Messing round with idiot boys, wasting all her eggs
A father needs his daughter, but she’s out there she's running free
So I'm waiting for a call from Emily

(Why don't you call?)
It isn't too much to ask
(Why don't you call?)
It's such a trivial task

(Why don't you call?)
Come on I know that you can
(Why don't you call?)
Just talk to your old man

(Why don't you call?)
I gave you everything
(Why don't you call?)
Why can't you give me a ring?

(Why don't you call?)
I gave you everything
(Why don't you call?)
I gave you everything

I'm just an old man sitting all alone
Waiting by the window, waiting by the phone
Just an old man waiting for a call
A call from the ones who love me,
Who love me best of all
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Posts: 1123
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:22 pm
Instruments: Keys, Clunking, SFX and Strings
Recording Method: Audacity, Adobe, and other 'A' titled software
Submitting as: Boffo Yux Dudes
Location: New England

Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

Berkeley Social Scene - Friday Nights [SHADOW]

BSS is a live band. We don't use click tracks. We don't use fake drummers, or fake musicians. We don't use the internet. We are in a room together. It's nice to make music with your friends. We have beers and make music.

I’ve got a devil on my shoulder
He tells me I should have some fun
I’ve got a spark that’s got to smoulder
And I want to let it flame

Destructive voices
They lead you the wrong way
You’ve got to make better choices
You’ll feel better on Saturday

It’s Friday night I want to go out and fight
Or should I just stay home and stay out of sight

I’ve got a devil on my shoulder
He tells me I should have some fun
I’ve got a spark that’s got to smoulder
And I want to let it flame

Destructive voices
They lead you the wrong way
You’ve got to make better choices
You’ll feel better on Saturday

It’s Friday night I want to go out and fight
Or should I just stay home and stay out of sight

I want to tear the roof off this mother
I want to stay up all night with my brothers
I want to try to sleep with your sister
I want to fight some old lady’s mister
I want to kick and punch and scream
I want to gorge myself on ice cream
I want to blow up somebody’s marriage
I want to steal a horse from a carriage

And it’s Friday night I want to go out and fight

Or should I just stay home and stay out of sight
It’s Friday night I want to get in a fight
Just staying home and you will be alright
User avatar
Posts: 1123
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:22 pm
Instruments: Keys, Clunking, SFX and Strings
Recording Method: Audacity, Adobe, and other 'A' titled software
Submitting as: Boffo Yux Dudes
Location: New England

Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

▷ - Hikikomori [SHADOW]

hello motivation, havent seen you in a while

here i am again, stuck in lyric hell
all the thoughts inside my head are disappearing like they were never there
here i am again, thought i'd get some help from an old friend...

hello motivation? locked yourself inside again?
do you need some persuasion? need a talk to feel right again
singing like we used to, brainstorming random things
better than being lonely, a hikikomori

here i am again, waiting for you
staring at the approaching deadline
here i am again, submissions are due
very quickly running out of time

User avatar
Posts: 1123
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:22 pm
Instruments: Keys, Clunking, SFX and Strings
Recording Method: Audacity, Adobe, and other 'A' titled software
Submitting as: Boffo Yux Dudes
Location: New England

Re: Listen Between the Lines_ST23r3

Post by BoffoYux »

Definitely Not Secretly Glennny - Dr. Villennny [SHADOW]


We made it guys, we're at the top of thunderiff mountain


It's barely raining, and the wind has stopped, you're just making that weird whooshing sound

....Oh....Would you still hold it?

I still can't believe we made it to Australia and back in time

Look over there, there's a glowing red light up at the peak

This may be our last chance, DNSG Hands in!

"ggllllleeennnnnnnyyyy".... [Hissed/whispered?]

...Did you guys hear that?

I thought you said there was no wind.

[[Glennny?]] Nothing wrong, just the four of us here like always.

....Yup that all seems right to me. I hear evil laughter over that way, DNSG MOVE OUT!

[[Dr. Villennny]] You finally made it, Definitely Not Secretly Eliminated

DNSG: It's Doctor Villennny!

DNSG: You're not even a real Doctor, it's a doctorate of Business Administration

DNSG: You ran those Hardees franchises into the ground


DNSG: How are you even tracking the rankings up here in real time?

Dr. V: My latest evil invention allows me to read your brainwaves from over 500 miles away


Dr. V: No, I have a cell phone, you DNS-LOOKUP FAILURES.

These insults are getting more and more tortured

[[V]] Not as tortured as your blues-rock concussion anthem and line-dance, I've never seen less energetic flapping since I toured a narcoleptic chicken ranch! Don't ask me why. The Gee-Tar slide was uninspired drivel. Even the Jerks hated it, and they LOVE meta!


[[V]]....wait were there always four of you?

[[DNSG]] Possibly

[[DNSG]] Look that's not what matters now, we're here to save Glennny!

[[V]] Try it if you dare

Round 1, FIGHT!

[[Music Part]]


He's definitely not a secret part of this band
We've come all this way to lend him some help ( Dr. V: Not a hand?)
We'll make sure you don't succeed in your evil plot (Dr. V: not plan?)
Because we sure like Glennny a ton (Dr. V: It's a LOT AAAAARGH)

DR V: STOP STOP STOP, did you learn how to rhyme by reading Dissonance for Dummies? Edric is gonna have an aneurysm if he makes it to the shadows. Let me show you how it's done

[[Speedy rap?]]

DR. V: Villennny is my handle
you can't hold a candle
to the rhymes I'll be dropping
the kernels I'm popping
with butter so smooth you can't help but groove
you can't help but move, and right now I'll prove
I"M the greatest, the master, the best at Villainy
But you'll have to act faster to save your precious


Dr. V: Glennny's in trouble, trapped in a bubble, made of his own stubble (gross), under some rubble

[[Back to spoken sketch]]

Dr. V: What will you do about THIS, Definitely Not Secretly Grandmas

DNSG: You leave MiMi out of this!

Dr. V: also there's a bomb.

DNSG: It's Glennny!

DNSG: There's a bomb strapped to his chest!

DNSG: It's always the blue wire in the movies, cut the blue one! CUT IT!!!

DNSG: I don't even have scissors, how do they always wire snips in the movies??

DNSG: Uh, I have wire snips... I read ahead in the lyrics and thought they'd be useful.

[[Beeping/ticking/robotic counting down]]


[[ascending white/pink noise to cut to]]

[[Ipanema scat]]

Muffled yelling in the background, hey, Hey, HEEEEEEEEYYYYY SNAP OUT OF IT!


[[Bomb defused. I find it odd to bother programming a vocal countdown, and messages like this one. How is this message playing, when the power has been cut? Now terminating my brief but pointless existence]].

Music building to a swell

Even...though he's not part of this band....give us back, GLENNNY!!

[[Big power chord/rock finish]]

DNSG: That does it for Dr. V

DNSG: Glennny are you okay?

DNSG: It kind of looks like he's wearing a mask

DNSG: What could it be

*Tearing/Unmasking sound*

[[Shocked Gasps]]
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