I'm too fat for the (Tiny Elevator reviews)

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Pigfarmer Jr
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I'm too fat for the (Tiny Elevator reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Take the elevator up, take the elevator down
Take the elevator up, take the elevator down
Take the elevator up, take the elevator down
Now we spin around!
Please handwrite your lyric and send it to us in a lovely envelope with drawings and cursive writing. (Address to be withheld indefinitely.)

Or you could just type it up and put it in the appropriate thread: viewtopic.php?t=12804
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Re: I'm too fat for the (Tiny Elevator reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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Re: I'm too fat for the (Tiny Elevator reviews)

Post by Sober »

Small fight = easy reviews. I tend to focus on production and performance over writing.

I'm Steel Learning: This is me. I got a pedal steel a couple months ago after wanting one for ~20 years, and this is my excuse to get some practice in. Obviously, tuning is a mess. In the higher register, I started experiencing major ear fatigue after hours of tracking (283 takes of pedal steel!) and losing my sense of pitch. Oops. As far as the song, this is intended to be superficially a standard classic country song, but the POV is really more of a deranged incel type. Fun!

Pigfarmer Jr: Great guitar sounds. Drums sound great, though I'm losing the kick almost entirely, and could use the snare and bass cutting through some more. Feels like some bussing might help with this if you're not already doing it - I like to do a drum bus, then send that drum bus plus everything besides vocals to a "band" bus. That band bus' compression can really help with some of these minor leveling issues, especially if you mix into it, i.e. put your 1-2 bus compressors on there and have them active while you tweak the individual mix elements. Just thoughts to try out if you haven't before. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun, and that's fun as a listener.

Shambles Square: Performance note on the bass - try to be more precise with your transitions from note to note. Whether you're going for a legato feel or intending to leave a 16th rest, try to have your fretting hand be in position and ready to press the next note, so we're not hearing you set up for that movement. Occasionally, a big, exaggerated movement to the next note is a great effect, but at the moment it sounds like you're playing with one finger. Guitars and synths are fun. Keep that vocal pad extending through the pre-chorus, so it feels like we're building all the way up til we get to "tiny elevator." Love the verse vocal delivery - are you Rob Brydon? Would love to hear you use automation to ramp up a reverb and/or phaser or something on the outtro vocal lines - really have it descend into noisy madness at the end there. Very fun!

V4nnim3l: Earthbound. 7 is always fun, and it's not often you hear a swung 7. I suppose you're the only entrant to attempt the optional challenge of tuba bassline, such as this is. Obviously we could use some variation, and it could be backed off a bit. Some care with programming of all the VST elements would make this feel less stale; by the second verse, I feel like I've heard about all there is to hear. Vocal fx stack is cool, but on top of the very dry track, it feels like we're at a karaoke bar. Fun ideas here, would love to hear some more intention in creating a cohesive whole.

We are a small group, but we are mighty. Well done, folks!
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Re: I'm too fat for the (Tiny Elevator reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Quick reviews after just one listen because I'm trying to write a poem, dang it.

You can put your lyrics in the lyric thread: viewtopic.php?t=12804

That sounded like a suggestion. Read it more like a request.

I'm Steel Learning: We don't often get straight up classic country in these here parts. My ear isn't the best but I only hear a spot or two (or maybe three) where it feels like it might be out of tune. Minor things that I don't think would stand out too much if you hadn't said something. There's nothing pushing the envelope here but it's pretty damn well done.

Pigfarmer Jr: Pretty happy with it except for the vocal timing issues that are hopefully mostly minor. I think I have enough of this crap to put out an EP or an almost album next year.

Shambles Square: I'm impressed with the vocals, they have the perfect delivery and I find it's hard to pull this type of thing off convincingly, sometimes. This is pretty solid. The ending is decent enough but after reading Sober's suggestion I really want it to go that way.

V4nnim3l: Not only is the bass line repetitive but it seems right panned which makes it more annoying than effective after a while. You have fun/cool parts and I don't think the arrangement is bad, but I want it put together differently. The spacious, far away vocal over the up front synth bass (synth tuba?) seems backwards which could be cool but ends up more noticeable than cool.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: I'm too fat for the (Tiny Elevator reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

A late song from BSS has been added to the fight.
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Re: I'm too fat for the (Tiny Elevator reviews)

Post by Sober »

Late review for late entrant Berkeley Social Scene: I love that that Ken found his layered vocal sound like 20 years ago and was like "hell yes, I'm never fucking with this formula." There's something very satisfying about the way you hit "tiny eleVAYtor" - like you're doing a little hip-pop as you sing that line. Would love to hear some little ear candy drops here and there to accent lines and highlight transitions. Guitar tones are nice all around as expected. It feels like we could use some more contrast in the arrangement. Like, apart from the solo, we're pretty much in the same gear the whole song. It's a good gear, but I'm trying to say something useful here. Good work as always, fellas.
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Re: I'm too fat for the (Tiny Elevator reviews)

Post by roymond »

Props on the artwork, Pigfarmer Jr.
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Re: I'm too fat for the (Tiny Elevator reviews)

Post by ken »

Sober wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 10:23 pm
Late review for late entrant Berkeley Social Scene: I love that that Ken found his layered vocal sound like 20 years ago and was like "hell yes, I'm never fucking with this formula." There's something very satisfying about the way you hit "tiny eleVAYtor" - like you're doing a little hip-pop as you sing that line. Would love to hear some little ear candy drops here and there to accent lines and highlight transitions. Guitar tones are nice all around as expected. It feels like we could use some more contrast in the arrangement. Like, apart from the solo, we're pretty much in the same gear the whole song. It's a good gear, but I'm trying to say something useful here. Good work as always, fellas.
Yep. This review is pretty on point. I did add one little synth thing in the 3rd verse, but maybe it was too subtle.
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i would just like to remind everyone that Ken eats kittens - blue lang
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