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Post by rone rivendale »

Since there were so many people in the Welcome to___ I'm going to make a short comment on the top 10 that I liked.

These are in the order I heard them (All Stream, with shuffle turned on in my windows media player)

The Cow Exchange -- Your song sounds professional but the lyrics were strange. I just didn't get into it.

Jim of Seattle -- Interesting use of the windows sounds. Nice piano work too. I have a soft spot for piano.

Merisan -- The music and the lyrics were both good. But it didn't grab me for some reason. Didn't have the 'it'.

Brainpipe -- I like the singer's voice. Very funny song. *bows down to the microwave*

Piracy Undermines Creative Expression -- Good topic for the lyrics. Jack Thompson is an idiot.

The Taco Conspiracy -- An acid trip of a song. If I had surround sound, it might have freaked me out.

Bax -- For some reason this sounds like something Weird Al would do.

Raised by Wolves -- Very simple idea, but done pretty well.

Dr Water -- Very good voice. But overshadowed by the other entries.

The BeWells -- Very 'oldies station'. But in a good way.

I'm leaning towards Jim of Seattle. I got a major kick out of the windows sounds. :D
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Post by PiGPEN »

fodroy wrote:pigpen: oi. more rap. this is so hardcore dood. i'm afraid to walk the streets at night for fear of running into you. you rap better than your rapper counterpart in this fight, but i still think you're a douche for the new orleans video.
Wasnt going for "Hardcore" (but you can suck a fuck and get a hat in your ass anyways).
But maybe this video you'll like more....it is on the frontpage of Newgrounds (i rawk).
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Post by Bjam »

JoS. Oh boy. I was skimming the review thread and kept hearing Windows being mentioned, so took a listen. :D Such a cool song. Very good job.
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Post by fodroy »

PiGPEN wrote:this video you'll like more....it is on the frontpage of Newgrounds (i rawk).
yes. that one was much more enjoyable.
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

Well you managed to fuck a really good song to death, Piggy ol' boy.
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Post by PiGPEN »

WeaselSlayer wrote:Well you managed to fuck a really good song to death, Piggy ol' boy.
Hey thats mean. I just added some drums (really good ones too) so that it would fit with the action.
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Post by HeuristicsInc »

j$ wrote:So what did Bill do? This veers further into glitchblipcore than I've heard before, in a great way.
Mangled a buncha sounds, provided some drums and various whatnots. provided feedback and ideas through arrangement and mix. this one is more starfinger's baby than mine :)
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

Doesn't make it a remix then.
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Post by TheScreech »

(sorry for the mispost earlier. screeeee)

I'm new at this, so be gentle. and patient. I type slow. These are in order that winamp put them...

I like it. Too Much Joy meets ACDC.

The BeWells
I know I should like this genre. Slow and moody. I just can't yet appreciate it. Perhaps because I write a lot like this. and I am full of self loathing.

Awesome. Little tin-pop for me, but I love, love, love the vocals.

Corn On The Cob
Love the production. Subdued vocals make me jealous. Because I am a screecher.

Cow Exchange

Clever lyrics. Nice scheme. Busy music, but somehow sparse at the same time. Man, the more I listen, the more I like. I think this one gets copied to my regular playlist.

Hmmm. I keep waiting for the BIG thing to happen. I like it, but I feel like it's missing Thom York. I mean that in a good way.

Dr Water
I remember a band in the 80's called They Eat Their Own. I liked them. I like Dr Water too. for the same reason.

En Passant
Favorite band name of all. Always good for a fistfight over a chess table. Is that farting? No, tuba. My bad. Tell those guys in the back to shutup and listen. Like the vox.

Excuse The Production
Nice build. I like the guitars a lot. Vocals don't work for me though.

His Name Is Dan
Hmm. Not sure I feel this, but I don;t know that I was meant to.

Hostess Mostess
Love, love, love the guitars. Lyrics are really nice. Sound effortless. Clicking is distracting to me.

Jim Of Seattle
Holy crap. Seriously. Awesome. I am supposed to not like this kind of stuff... But I totally do. Love it. tied for first.

Jim Tyrell
Like it a lot, but the vocals feel uncentered. Makes me tilt my head a little.

Johnny iBook
Sweet! Music A+! The vocals feel sterile a little.

Two words: "These guys need their regular singer to be there every week". Music is awesome. Ultimately, I am forced to vote for this bad boy.

Luke Henley.
Man. I think I may have lied on the review above. I think this is in first. Tied. Four way tie for first. This is awesome. The only one I listened to 3 times in a row.

I have decided that, if Merisan is as beautiful as her voice, then her real name must be Gina Gershon. i.e. really, really beautiful.

Phunt Your Friends
Phabulous. broken, and in a good way. This is a twofer in that I can listen to it to enjoy AND to piss off my office mates.

Do you know how hard it is to pull off Rap without some 10 million dollar producer? I do. PigPen does it. This is good. Nicely done. Like the clever pairings. Maybe needs some ptssss ptssss ptsss! Something in the higher frequencies I like it.

Awesome beat. Like the vocals. Feels like Techno Might Be Giants. I like it.

I appreciate the effort. The mix is a bit muddy. The rhyme pairings seem kind of off, the patterns seem behind.

Raised By Wolves.
I like it, but I would LOVE it if it were accompanied by scary video of monsters chasing large breasted women who have guns.

Ross Durand
Oh man, this is awesome. Seriously. Hit with the kids, hit with me, will make my office mates kill either me or themselves. awesome. I will buy the CD.

Sausage Boy
Kind of muddy. Not feeling this., but it could be my lack of booze.

Steve Durand
I like it. Maybe a little too bouncy for me, but that's a preference, not a fault. Does that make sense?

Taco Conspiracy
Did I hear this one already? No? hmmm. I like the samples. Some of the drums sound too hot. as in spiking. On purpose maybe.

Tiny Paws Of Fury
Doesn't really grab me. But it got the unlucky draw of being at the end of the playlist, so perhaps it is suffering from my hands getting tired. Clever vocal effects

Um. Not so much. This sounds like my brain when I don't take my meds. This is not a good thing. Also is at the end so may be suffering from my ear exhaustion.

If I have to pick a winner, I would say it is.....


With an honorary first for Merisan if she marries me. ;-)

sorry, can't pick. all awesome. Maybe someday I'll put up some solo stuff so you all can see how truly screech free your lives are right now. You have no idea.

The Screech.
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

Good luck soldiers, I was listening to Silver Jews and now I'm listening to you bastards. Let's see how you stack up!

The Dankins - Well well well, let's start things off on an awesome note I guess. This is really slick like those amazing BMW short films with Clive Owen. Evil, seductive, like a spy movie that could be a porno. And it holds me all the way through. And you know what, fuck title correlation, I'm sure you know what the connection is.

The Cow Exchange - Nice little "shooka shinka shooka shinka" tambo action. Your voice is almost too "sweet," but this still works for me. There's a lot going on in this and I'm into it. The keyboard is rad.

Steve Durand - Oh Stevesy. What's this guitar going on about? What's this country music going on about? I'm disoriented, but this sounds good. But it sounds easy for you, push yourself mannnn. Make yourself uncomfortable! I won't rest until we get Steve's version of Bitches Brew.

Raised by Wolves - This makes me think of Return to Zork. Nice Un Chien Andalous imagery you got going. And yeah, New York is like this isn't it. Thanks for the welcome.

PiGPEN - I shouldn't have dissed your Zombies usage I guess, this isn't the place for it. But I can, however, let you know that this reminds me of Andy Milonakis' theme song.

Phunt Your Friends - Whatever, I love you guys. This is like a tomb full of snakes.

Posyden - Wow man.

Klownhole - Oh yeah, this is fucking sucking me in like I was a fucking Snak Pak. And I may never see the colon. This makes me think of GWAR, which is great and a huge compliment.

Johnny iPod - My brain is telling me I should fucking hate this, but I'm really enjoying it. Maybe I've just gotten used to everybody else like they've gotten used to me.

Corn on the Cob - Yo La Tennnnngo intro, man, awesome! This is probably more indie rock than you expected, this is fucking awesome. Like Guided By Voices and Yo La Tengo and a whole bunch of indie gods are being echoed in this song, it's really fucking good. And then it goes all SKREEEE WEINER NEENER NEENER EENER awesome and this is just like indie power ballad supergroup status good time shit. It goes out on an amazing note.

his name is dan - I'm not even halfway through these, muh fuck. This is already my sort of thing like two seconds into it. Good Adam Green lo-fi "am I smiling or frowning?" vibe. I'd even dare to say this is a pretty song. A really pretty song. A diamond that a lot of people would walk past on the beach, but I was lucky enough to catch the glint of sunlight and pick it up and hold it and love it for a moment before casting it into the sea because I don't deserve it as much as someone else who might find it the next day.

Piracy Undermines Creative Expression! - Hahaha, no fucking way you just turned that into a loop. This is fun as shit, like the arcade at a miniature golf course.

Jim Tyrell - That is a big thick guitar tone. There's some good stuff going into this, but I think I'm a little too far detached from whatever mindset this songwriting comes from. I apologize.

The BeWells - Mandolin makes me shiver. Every fucking time. Your music sounds like Tucson, where I used to live. I would have loved to listen to you at Zachary's Pizza. This is really comforting, and I really appreciate the warmth put into it. I miss home. (the following was added in after writing some more reviews) I actually have to admit this made me teary-eyed. A songfight first.

en passant - I think this is actually awesome. But I wish your vocals were more manic. Actually the whole thing could use more mania. But I'm into it.

Bax - Yeah, fuck yeah! This is fuckin' great. A perfect homage. The lyrics and the vocals and the backup vocals really sell this big ballsy bastard.

Hostess Mostess - I wish I could be more connected to your music, I really do. Because I can recognize there's so much going into it that I just won't ever understand, and I'm not sure why. We're from two different worlds, you and I, it will never work. Ok, wait. I stand corrected, the bridge wherein all those voices come in and the pennywhistle follows, I actually think we've become connected for the first time. And it all happened in real review-time. Wow.

Sausage Boy - Your name evokes the Sausages skit from Kids in the Hall, and your music evokes it as well. Creepy, and would be silly if it weren't so dark and possibly dangerous. But it also drags a bit, but is still good when you look back on it. Wow, I actually got a lot of mileage out of that Kids in the Hall reference.

Dr. Water - The crazy echo on those vocals takes a lot of the fire out of this. The guitar in the beginning evoked this image of this hunched over troubador, and the rest of the song sounds very affected which really disappointed me. It's a well-written song, though. (looking back on this after some reflection, I think the vocals throw me off because my ex kind of sings in this style, so personal baggage maybe.)

Jim of Seattle - Ohhhhhh wow. I adore you in this moment. And instrumentals are amazing, and this one is particularly so. It engages, provokes thought, and is basically just delightful. Well done! Like, very much so. Why don't you write Broadway shows again? If you ever wanna, I'll write the book and you can do the music.

Taco Conspiracy - This just stabbed me in the eye, and I could honestly not tell you whether or not I mean that as a compliment or otherwise. Ok, as a compliment. Holy shit ow.

WreckdoM - Aw man it's so fucking late for this, jesus christ. My jaw hurts and I think it's becoming dislocated and I just twitched a bit at one of your sounds. I almost want to kill you, but that makes me respect you. This is good. I want to die.

Brainpipe - The band name implies more violence than I get! But this is good in a Type O Negative by way of melodrama way. A little Aquabatty in fact. I like it in a weird way. I wouldn't spend more than 5 bucks on its Christmas present, though.

Luke Henley - I'd rather not write a review that takes longer to write than it does to listen to this, but oops.

The Tiny Paws of Fury - I want this song to kick my ass based on the band name alone. But it only mildly teases my ass. Which sounds really off. It took me a while to realize what direction this was going in, which in retrospect I enjoy a lot, but it doesn't stick me in the gut the way I wish it would.

Ross Durand feat. Sydney Durand - This is absolutely delightful. I can hear your smile, which is a really great thing to be able to say about a song. I want us all to, like, sing along to this. I also want to go to Disneyland and the zoo. And I would not mind you two doing this song all over again.

Excuse the Production - Be proud of your production, but be prouder of the ringing your dual guitar tracks makes between them. This is really solid, I'm enjoying the hell out of it. It has a clarity to it, but I could imagine this done really swirly and smokey and sludgey and being great as well.

Merisan - My nose is really cold, just so you know. This has a desparation in its verse rhythm that is really really engaging. This is tight and well-put-together, and I even like it. What's with me liking so much of this well-done stuff? Usually I just like Phunt Your Friends and call it a day.

But still, Silver Jews gets my vote.
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Post by blue »

you reviewing maniacs are the true WARRIORS OF SONGFIGHT. nice jorb, lads.
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

My fingies huwt.
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Post by blue »

what does it mean that a song is "on its ear" ?
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Post by PiGPEN »

WeaselSlayer wrote:PiGPEN - I shouldn't have dissed your Zombies usage I guess, this isn't the place for it. But I can, however, let you know that this reminds me of Andy Milonakis' theme song.
I guess i have to find out what the hell that is.....then find out if its a good thing or a bad thing.

And dont ever diss Zombies ussage...The Zombies are Kings.
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

My point was that I too love the Zombies and cringed ever so slightly at the addition of computerized percussion to their work.
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rone rivendale
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Re: Reviews

Post by rone rivendale »

TheScreech wrote:
I have decided that, if Merisan is as beautiful as her voice, then her real name must be Gina Gershon. i.e. really, really beautiful.
The Screech.
Have you seen the movie "Prey for Rock and Roll"? It's one of my favorites.
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Re: reviews

Post by boltoph »

Jim of Seattle wrote:Reviews are much more than criticism.
jack wrote:[some opinion of what reviews are supposed to be]
Wake up. Reviews are whatever the fuck anyone wants to write about the songs.

Stop reviewing the reviews. It's pathetic.
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Post by jimtyrrell »

You're engaging in the very act you condone.

I now have all these songs downloaded. I'll dig in tonight. Reviews forthcoming; opinions welcome.
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Re: reviews

Post by j$ »

boltoph wrote:Stop reviewing the reviews. It's pathetic.
Stop reviewing the reviews of the reviews. Start reviewing- lead by example. Speech is better than silence.

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Post by j$ »

WeaselSlayer wrote:The Tiny Paws of Fury - I want this song to kick my ass based on the band name alone.
It signifies impotence, as in 'shakes a tiny paw of fury at the world' ... so kicking ass is unlikely ...

Curious aside to anyone who feels like answering it - does glitterstomp mean anything to Americans? By which I mean was there was any music similar to it in your 70s? I am curious, because the cultural/musical assocations of the music in the Tiny Paws' song is intrinsic to the lyric - are Goldfrapp big over there at the moment? If not, it's not gonna have the impact it should ... maybe I should just wait for a British reviewer ....

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Post by boltoph »

jimtyrrell wrote:You're engaging in the very act you condone.
No, I'm just saying that reviews are whatever people want to write so don't knock someone cause they "didn't write enough" because it may be more than you get from most people anyway.

And..um..condone means to "accept" and "encourage". I think you meant "scorn" or something.

Damn me for posting over 400 and now I am labelled "Respected Member of the Community". That's bullshit. I know I'm not, nor do I want to be.

But believe me, my reviews are coming. They are 1/3 done. Do I post them in parts, or all at once...hmmm
Last edited by boltoph on Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: reviews

Post by Leaf »

j$ wrote:
boltoph wrote:Stop reviewing the reviews. It's pathetic.
Stop reviewing the reviews of the reviews. Start reviewing- lead by example. Speech is better than silence.

...stop reviewing the reviewing of the reviews of the reviews.

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