* = possible vote.
Adamant - Vox up, more treble on 'em, too. Can't hear a word you're saying. The arrangement is otherwise pleasant.
Awkward! At the Porn Store - I like waltzes. Also all those A7demolished chords. Background vocals great. Not too into the lead vox, nor the noise breakdown.
Beau McDermott - Kick Kick Kick Kick. Though cool, the intro goes on just a little too long. The drums sound really good. Humorous vocals, when I can make out what you're singing behind the distortion, not that I'm knocking the distortion- I like it.
*Bellison - Good dobro playing. Don't be afraid, bring it up in the mix a bit. It sounds like there are two forces at work in this song: the simon/garfunkel softfolk is battling it out against a rougher Appalachian verve. The piano serves as the mediator- minimalistic but persuasive. I like.
The Boiler Room - Not a song. Here's the plotline for the movie after which I'm fairly sure you're not named. "A college dropout gets a job as a broker for a suburban investment firm, which puts him on the fast track to success, but the job might not be as legitimate as it sounds."
*Boltoph - Oooh. I like this. A lot. Maybe decompress the drums just a little. Catchy. Good solo. Possible vote, definite download.
Caravan Ray - Good story, though perhaps the last verse could be implied rather than spoken- you know, like most people will be able to draw the parallels themselves and it's a bigger event when the audience reaches the conclusion than when you give it to them. Doubled vocals, eh? I suppose it works in this setting. The vocals sound good in this application, though they accentuate the bareness of the guitar. You might be able to liven it up by spiking the treble on your mixer and putting the mic closer to the strings (at the 12th fret).
Future Polka - Good keys. Rhodes emulation? The vox sound dry, clean, whereas the actual voice is more dirty. Maybe a little more reverb, maybe a little less treble. I don't know. I like, though.
Grapefruit Orgasm - Not a song. Here's what google says when I ask it how a grapefruit tastes: "obsidyan, Jul 07 2006 17:18. to me grapefruit is foul and tastes like bile.. i refuse to eat it..

Gurdonark - Bonus points for the use of folk instruments. Then it devolves into metatalk, audobon society CD, cheap indoor Christmas decoration, and hospital PA system. Bring back the dulcimer!
The Horse's Mouth - Reminds me of some chinese music I heard a few weeks ago at a folk fest. They've got these two-stringed guitars.
Jeffrey Davis - Nope.
Jolly Roger - Good drumming. Nice guitar riff. As much as metal's not my thing, this is well done and competent.
The Latex Heart Attack - Nice hook. Synth sounds a little flaccid, but I like its presence. Vox need to be a little less muddy. Vocals attempt, fail at humor.
*Melvin - Great hook! Sounds like early harvey danger, which I like. Good drum track.
The Montserration Secret Police - I like the sound of the guitars, lo-fi yet well done. Synths sound a little flatuent.
Puadxe - Can't hear the vocals, and I feel that those are the key to this song. I like the sound of the drums, maybe a little more bass end is called for, though.
Renwick - I smell skilled production. Actually, I hear it. Lyrics fine, but they don't sound like they fit-- growing on me as the song progresses, though.
Rum Dreams - DO NOT RECORD YOUR ACOUSTIC GUITAR USING A DIRECT LINE IN. Chorus is enjoyable and the harmonies tight. Percussion creative and good.
ShotPoinder - Distortion a bit too distorted. Can't hear the vox save for a few choice expletives.
Spoonn and the Tangents - Nice rhyme, prowl and cowl.
*State Shirt - nicely composed beat. Good hook. Nice complementary bass line and vox and backup vox. I like the chorus too.
*Steve Durand - I'm reminded of an Olsen twins CD that my sisters had when I was a kid. Except this has great lyrics and better horn parts. Kudos to Bridget.
Tone Butter - Lose the electronic drums, recalibrate. There's a way to do this song really well without electronic drums/drum samples.
The Weakest Suit - "decisions are made out of growing up." Otherwise well soung, well played, well mixed.
The White Hat - Vox are the obvious problem in this song. If I could do it again, I'd rewrite the melody, or at least practice it a few times before recording so that it would sound better/more fluid.
Word and Works of Saucalito - Good lo-fi. Nice falsetto as well, and good lyrics. You could have added another couple verses, but the slightly out of tune piano sounded ok on its own as well.
The Worldly Self-Assurance - The song's good on its own, just rhythm guitar, bass, drums, and vox, but the lead guitar adds an entirely new dimension to the song. Well played, well sung, almost a sure vote. I like.
My other music is Old Time / shape note.