How do you write a song?

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Post by blue »

I'm listening to net radio, and the thought occurs to me that the best way to write a song that people will like is to figure out how to make songs that sound like songs people like. I mean, if you're looking for positive feedback from a broad audience, derivation is the way to go.

Learn how to play some Beatles tunes and some Franz Ferdinand tunes. It helps if you're cute and a good singer. If you're not cute and a good singer, you should probably just go ahead and prepare yourself for a life of artistic frustration.
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Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:06 pm
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Recording Method: ears
Submitting as: praise muzak
Location: athens, ga

Post by fodroy »

blue wrote:If you're not cute and a good singer, you should probably just go ahead and prepare yourself for a life of artistic frustration.

oh...damn. :(
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