Man, these reviews are so weird.

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Somebody Get Me A Doctor
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Post by jackfrost »

obviously my opinions have changed a bit. see reviews below.
Last edited by jackfrost on Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Well Jack, go listen to mine. It's not fair that you insult everyone but me. Where's my just dessert?
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Post by jackfrost »

i believe it's sitting on an ottoman at the bottom of a well made hole somewhere in instabul.
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Billy's Little Trip
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Post by Billy's Little Trip »

HaHaHa, yep, they sure know how to make a hole, don't they.
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Post by jackfrost »

BLT: i'll give your song a good long listen soon.
i'll also try to give less negative reviews of the other songs.
after more than one listen i am starting to warm up to some of them.
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Post by Lonbobby »

MintyHandy wrote: Atonal Melodies

I know this voice; did you do a Brand New Car entry a few years ago with this vocal treatment? If so, I still listen to it and love it.
I did write that (under Lonbobby). I really appreciate it. Thanks for reminding me that even songs that got bad reviews and votes might have been worthwhile for some.
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Post by MintyHandy »

Lonbobby! Yeah, that's the one, couldn't remember the name you submitted under. It's the "oh!" part of your vocal that always sticks in my head, and I don't think I've ever skipped your BNC when it comes up in shuffle. Glad to hear you're still around.
was the optional challege either "out of key singing" or "out of time playing"?
It was "get sand in Jack Frost's vagina."

i keed, i keed, you can hate mine, s'ok

EDIT: Aw, man, you edited your original cranky email, so now mine doesn't make sense. I'll just leave this note here, and that should do it.
Last edited by MintyHandy on Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Somebody Get Me A Doctor
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Post by jackfrost »

mintyhandy: actually, i remember thinking that yours was one of the better ones.
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Caravan Ray
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Post by Caravan Ray »

jackfrost wrote:mintyhandy: actually, i remember thinking that yours was one of the better ones.
One of the better ones of a batch of awful, unlistenable, out-of-tune, out-of-time songs! That is quite an achievement Minty!

Though I do agree that yours is one of the better ones. Nice uke. Great example of the G'n'U genre (or is that genre more correctly referred to as 'Wildebeest'?)

And I also agree with JackFrost that many of these are awful. He's wrong about mine of course - the man's obviously an idiot, though possibly not the first to fail to recognise my true genius. Though on further listens - yeah, mine's probably not that good either...oh well.

full reviews later
Somebody Get Me A Doctor
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Post by jackfrost »

caravan ray: i recognized your genius last week and voted for you. i still think your ottoman song was spectacular. this weeks song didn't move me as much though.
The Weakest Suit
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Post by The Weakest Suit »

does anyone have any clue when voting ends for this fight?
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Post by MintyHandy »

One of the better ones of a batch of awful, unlistenable, out-of-tune, out-of-time songs! That is quite an achievement Minty!
Just made me laugh out loud inappropriately in the middle of a business meeting. Well done!
Blondie,Angel Eyes+Tuco
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Post by Blondie,Angel Eyes+Tuco »

Reviews good, bad, and ugly!

Akterdekk - Blondie: 'Scuse me while I clear my throat of this desert dust...akkkter-dekktooey. Where were we now? I think I could use your sinister side to my advantage somehow.
Angel Eyes: This is no good. What are you saying? Look me in the eye...I thought so. You're weak. I'm not frightened of you.
Tuco: Ahhh. I've been sweating and cheating death for weeks now...I still smell better than this! Tequila! Andele!
Andre Was Here At Midnight - Blondie: I can ride my horse to this. Takes my mind off of my troubles for a while. Sometimes a man has to look inside himself.
Angel Eyes: I see you're a confident man. I could use you sometime. But not until you sing more notes right. I'll look you up next time I'm a the cantina.
Tuco: What's this? Are you a bird, singing man? A birdie man? A girlie man? Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha! Here...drink with me, no? Then dance for me! BANG! BANG! Dance! Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Atonal Melodies - Blondie: If I could talk all pretty, some of this would be what I would say. Yeah, I hear you. Now I gotta go kill a man.
Angel Eyes: Stand up straight and look at me. Eh? You are standing up? I didn't know you were so short. You're lucky you smell nice. Now go before I get angry.
Tuco: Whaaaas dees? I ain't paying you to sing circus music! No no no! I ain't paying you! Go put on clown pants if you want to play in the circus.
Billy's Little Trip - Blondie: This could play while I squint at you. I think you're man enough to look me on the eye, too. I'll let you ride with me for a spell.
Angel Eyes: I'd like to see you try and put me in my place. What's wrong, sunshine...those notes too high on the shelf for you too reach? Seeing double? You may be tough, but you've got problems mister!
Tuco: You must be as drunk as me hah...? Byahh. Where's my gun, you gonna dance for me...oh it's in my hand alreaDance! BANG! BANG! Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha!
The Blumpkinator - Blondie: I may be hungry but a man doesn't eat another mans' spaghetti. But I thank you kindly for giving me a drink. Cool and easy. Much abliged.
Angel Eyes: You sound like you're not from around here. We may both be men of the world, but the world just got smaller. I aim to make it little bit bigger again, if you get my drift.
Tuco: What's that string all stuck up your backside, huuhhh? I don't think that I'm going to make you like it too much! Maybe I put a scorpion in your sthong! Then you won't like the dance!
Caravan Ray - Blondie: I respect a man that doesn't waste his time getting to where he's going. I don't think you're an easy fella to push around. We can ride together I'm sure, as long as this song isn't about me...
Angel Eyes: You need to watch your mouth, mister. We don't need any foul talk around here. Hm. What's that funny flag you're holding? Are you from England? You some kinda prince or something?
Tuco: No no no, Angel Eyes! Mi amigo here is from Australia! Dat's over next to Germany where the koo-koo clocks come from! Koo koo! Koo koo! Koo-koo! Ees three o'clock, Koo-koo. Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Charcoal - Blondie: I didn't realize that I was this far south. The sun is strong, but a man can handle strong sun. You handle that guitar quite well, I see. You're not a paid assassin, by any chance?
Angel Eyes: Why are you hiding what you say. Speak clearly for me, or I will teach you how to speak. Mm-hmm. I thought so. Fetch me a glass of cool water.
Tuco: Nn-eh, compadre. You are too dronk, like me! But we are not equals, no no no. I make you dance with the gon in my other hand. Lefty! Dance! BANG! BANG! Dance for lefty! Bwa-hack-har! Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Embers Of Autumn - Blondie: That organ feels like sun on the back of my neck. Warm as I ride off into the horizon. Sometimes a man needs to take his time. Rushin' can be a fools errand.
Angel Eyes: You may want to sing pretty, but we've already had a bird around here. And he got more notes right. Now go pick up your guitar amp, it tipped over on the far left side of the room.
Tuco: My fren, lemme talk at you something. Your singing is wanting to be good but no no no no no. You take that wrench on the floor and tighten the loose parts of your voice, come back and see Tuco some time, ehh? I won't make you dance this time.
Flvxxm Florvm - Blondie: I once danced with a whore to something like this when I was a young man. Sometimes a man needs to think about what made him a man.
Angel Eyes: Why are you yelling at me, boy? You looking to take something up with me? Oh, you'll get to yell one more time, but I will make you stop yelling. Count on it. puff on pipe puff puff
Tuco: Ghee-hscee-he! I like you. Dat's why I'm have pick the burrs off of my horse. An don't treat him bad, e's got gas! Now go! I'm loading my gun for the next dance.
Frisbee Nemoy - Blondie: Every once in a while a man needs to have a light touch. The ladies like it too, if you don't just take one. I tip my hat to the brotherly apsect that you gents have.
Angel Eyes: You boys light on your feet, hmm? I'm keeping an eye on you fellers...something making me uneasy. And we don't want that. You...don't want that.
Tuco: Awwwww, come here you guyz Let Tuco stand atween you put my arms around your necks. Ah, yes! Now clonk the two coconuts! Clonk! Ta! Clonk! Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Gawking Urethras - Blondie: I like a good story when I ride. A man also needs clear skies in which to see past the horizon. Keeps him focused and true.
Angel Eyes: Stop that yodeling right now. Did something get between you and your saddle? Settle down son, you'll get yourself hurt.
Tuco: I don't know where I am. You trying to tick Truco-tip-trucko...where my gun? You all gonna dance now! BANG! Dass better! BANG! Ta-ha! BANG! BANG! BANG! Gooood time, my dancing frens!
Gurdonak - Blondie: I met a man on a stagecoach once that was a sailor from Ireland. Maybe you know him. dropped a marble.
Angel Eyes: You trying to trick me? Hmm? I think that you're playin' possum with me, son. What's that Latin talk? Don't make me get up from behind this table! I said knock it off!
Tuco: My head is dizzy now. Why you sing happy then nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah? Tuco ees deezy, but him still shoot straight...straight enough to make you dance! BANG! BANG!...BANG! BANG! BANG!. BANG!
Holly And The Sleestaks - Blondie: Sometimes a man likes his Seals and also his Crofts. Sometimes he likes them mixed with a shooter of Zeppelin. Good trotting music for my horse.
Angel Eyes: So...another trickster, eh? Can't make up your mind, son? Do not think that I will not make up your mind for you. Mine is made and I'll make your mind mine. Made.
Tuco: Wass dees? Dronk in da church? HA HA HA! Meee too! Let's have a little party in non no...don't try sing church music in here. I know it's a church but I...where's my gun? BANG! BANG! Dance in da church! BANG! Fadda, I have sinned! Now dance! BANG! BANG! BANG!
Joe Holiday - Blondie: Well now, it looks I'm riding up on some caves. The telegraph is tellimg me that my chicken is done roasting. How much for the chicken? 19.67?
Angel Eyes: I see that you are strong, but are you bad enough? Of course not. Tell you what: I'll eat your chicken, then watch you eat the bones. Hope you're hungry.
Tuco: Ho-ho-hooo! Tuco likes the swirly electric bubbles! Wee-he! But you shouna try and make me too dizzy...I sink I see a rooster or somtin...well, I'm in a happy mood now. Happy to make you dance that is! Dance! BANG! BANG! BANG! One more time BANG!
Melvin - Blondie: Sometimes a man has to be a man, even if that man is a Melvin. Can you play this for me next time I ride in to town? You deal a fine game of cards, friend.
Angel Eyes: I will call you those things. And then you'll thank me. But before that, I want you to calmly put that drum down, I don't want to have to take it from you. That's a wise choice, friend.
Tuco: Hey, Meltin. Are you my fren, too? Yes, you are my amigo, no? Tuco is no your fren, si? Well, no problem, that's o.k. We'll go for a nice walk out behind the cantina...I wanna show you something nice....
Minty Handy - Blondie: A wise man travels light. Sometimes a man can say much without any fanfare, and horns all a blastin.' Any man that can get right to the point can ride with me.
Angel Eyes: You are focused and determined, I see. These are traits worthy of an adversary of mine. Alright. I'll give you three seconds to walk away, and we'll call it fair. One......
Tuco: Wha' happen to your all shrunk!?! Well, dass o.k., you still play me Judas Priest now and...huh? You no know? Oh well, I teach you to dance!BANG! BANG! You no be livin' after midnight now! BANG! BANG! BANG!
Monte Carlo - Blondie: Sometimes a man needs to hitch his horse in the shade to get cool. Sometimes a man can shoot from the hip, but it's better to stand and fight than while on the run. Sometimes a man can do both.
Angel Eyes: You may have your gun leveled at me, you may think you can beat me. You may be right, but you're not. Now turn around and walk-slowly-to the door. Get yer pitch pipe and mozy!
Tuco: Awwww, where you going, eh? You didn't even dance for me yet! I see you down the road next time and you give me TWO dance! Adios for now, muchacho!
The Special Relatives - Blondie: When I was younger, I used to put my arms around my buddies and join them in song. Good days. Sometimes a man has to hold his brother up in support of a mental kind.
Angel Eyes: You think you can all beat me? Not a chance. That squelch is the last thing you'll hear...see?
Tuco: Here I am! I'm ready to have a drink with you guys! Pass me the bottle and we'll...wha? No bottle? You let Tuco, your dear, old friend, go thirsty? Well, since you not thirsty, maybe you won't mind a little dancing! BANG! Dance! All of you! Dance for thirsty Tuco! BANG! Dance! Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha!
State Shirt - Blondie: This would be good as my credits roll. Sometimes when a man turns his back it's a good thing. I think you can see me pretty clearly here. Let's ride.
Angel Eyes: You bring clouds to the table, stranger. I see you are prepared to use them and use them well too. As we are two gentlemen, I will let you walk out of here unharmed. But...don't...turn..around.
Tuco: Aarrghh...I need more tequila..I'm starting to see straight! I no make you dance, but you better get me a drink quick!
There's Something Wrong With The G-Diffuser - Blondie: Sometimes a man was a kid once. Once in a while I like to take my boots off and take a bubble bath. But without the monsters under the suds.
Angel Eyes: If you take one step closer, I will slap you. What is wrong with you boy? I am now throwing my coat-tail off of my gun handle. Here comes the countin...
Tuco: Oh no.This reminds Tuco of the last time he ate the worm in the bottom of the tequlia bottle. Starts out all happy and then the demons come out of the walls to eat you flesh! El Diablo! Gahhh! BANG! BANG! BANG!
The Weakest Suit - Blondie: This refreshes me a little. Sometimes a man can feel as though he is soaring under blue skies.
Angel Eyes: Do not stop and tell me again what is so weird. Keep on moving if you want to tell the tale again. Did you just try and spite me, son? You can leave one of two ways...either way, you will leave.
Tuco: Oh, don't let him make you sad. He don't mean it. Come to Tuco, let me embrace you...ah! Dat's better, no? Here is something for you now. Eees called..a NOOGIE! Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha! (scratchityscratchityscratchity)
WreckdoM - Blondie: The sun baked this just right. Sometimes a man has to travel to El Dorado to find out where the comes from. Sometimes a man needs to do that with the windoes rolled down.
Angel Eyes: Did someone slip me some cough syrup? You boys better back away from the table! Next hombre that slips me a micky will be custom ventilated by yours truly!
Tuco: I know you guys! You gave Tuco a massage once, no? With the oil? Don't you remember? I told you boys no happy ending but you take advantage of Tuco! Now Tuco would like to ask you something...can you dance for me? Dance! BANG! BANG! BANG! Dance muchachos, dance! BANG! BANG! BANG!
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Mean Street
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Post by EmbersOfAutumn »

Reviews for “So Weird”

Comments: It has a charm to it as a metal-riff song. After refining a little, this sounds like the thing that would go on an eXtreme sports video game.

Pros: The music itself had a catchy riff to it.

Cons: I know what you were trying to accomplish with the heavy vocal distortion—I honestly think you used a bad distortion though. It squealed a little too much for anything other than an absolute migraine. It also came through a bit too heavy in comparison with the music, which was actually quite soft volume-wise. It also could have used a little more flair on the guitars and/or music.

Overall: 3 of 10.

Andre Was Here At Midnight
Comments: Mellow feeling with a touch of Celtic at times. Kinda had me drifting into a trance at a few parts, too.

Pros: Intro was pleasant. Initial chord progression was nice too. Overall, I liked the mood that was expressed.

Cons: Probably just me, but I think the lead was a little much in certain places, especially when it was just repetitive 16ths on the same note for measures on end.

Overall: 6 of 10

Atonal Melodies
Comments: Somebody took their Casio keyboard and mixer back to 1983, it seems. That, or you not only recorded a song, but released a .mid file version of it already. Really, though, I thought it was rather nice. The bouncy feel to it was just too happy to put down.

Pros: I like the vocal echo effect, always love that one. I also got a great laugh at the firs three words of the song being “Shut your face…”

Cons: The body of the song just feels a little naked. With this kind of a song, you need some other “keyboard” effects, or some other instruments in the background. It wasn’t bad, it just could have been spiced up a little more.

Overall: 7 of 10.

Billy’s Little Trip
Comments: I kept wanting to sing “Paranoid” during the verse… I think that’s the right Ozzy song that came to mind. Anyways, I liked it.

Pros: Good fade in—catchy intro riff—nice distortion. 1/1 for the beginning. In fact, in general, the music was really good, especially the bass riffs. Definitely 80’s-90’s hard rock quality. Proper use of background vocal distortion.

Cons: None that stand out. Solid Song!

Overall: 9 of 10.

The Blumpkinator
Comments: It was… weird. Can’t fault you for going with the name of the song for your style.

Pros: Some of the phrases are rather clever. I like the breakdown at 1:35.

Cons: Some of the phrases are rather lame… or unintelligible… or drunk-sounding.

Overall: (yes, it’s wrong to wear a thong. Er, for you to wear a thong) 6 of 10

Caravan Ray
Comments: 90’s punk-rock style. I like the style in some of its forms. This song is… palatable for me.

Pros: I like the music to the song. With Akterdekk, it could go in an eXtreme sports game’s sound track pretty easily.

Cons: Just the language… for the genre, it’s not out of place. It’s just me.

Overall: 5 of 10.

Comments: The song had a very Dick Dale feel to it, which is a compliment to me. I’ve also never heard swearing in a spelling lesson before. “Don’t put the ‘I’ before the g@#d$@% ‘E’”.

Pros: I like the music a lot. It’s very catchy and sounded like fun to play, actually.

Cons: Just the language again, and really, I didn’t hear any of the ‘big’ ones, so I can’t really complain too much about it.

Overall: 7 of 10.

Embers of Autumn (me)
Comments: I’d give myself a 6 or so, were I grading my own paper. I hate my voice, as I can’t sing at all. I was going for a very mellow song, and I kinda mixed the volumes wrong for the effect I was going for. I also hadn’t written a really slow song in a long time. This was also my first song ever experimenting with a drum synth program. The Casio keyboard was also used for the violin/flute effects during the acoustic section. My major irk with the song, other than me not sounding good singing, would be the drums. I didn’t mix the volumes at all on the drum program, so certain drums came out a lot louder than they should have. I actually was kind of pleased with this project since I’m a newbie at all of this still. I would definitely appreciate some constructive criticism from you guys.

Flvxxvm Florvm
Comments: Bluesy intro always is nice. The Blues and Jazz takes talent.

Pros: I really could listen to these blues guitar riffs all day. Especially the post-chorus bridge. I miss my dog…

Cons: You should have waited until after the chorus to start drinking. Say after the song. Cause that was a drunken-karaoke-style chorus if ever I heard one.

Overall: Fiiiiive out of Tee-hen. (5 of 10)

Frisbee Nemoy
Comments: The Beatles meet Peter, Paul, and Mary. Another song that’s just too happy sounding to put down.

Pros: I like the sing-song lines (spoken lines that’s kinda singing). The music is simplistic, but works.

Cons: The song ended a little more abruptly than I was expecting, other than that, nothing too much to pick on without being over picky.

Overall: 5 of 10.

Gawking Urethras
Comments: “Video Killed the Radio Star...” Oh wait... sorry wrong song. I liked this song a lot. It really does have an 80’s pop feel to it, with a hint of modern rock.

Pros: The whole song has a pleasant sound to it and is absolutely radio quality. The chorus was pretty cool, too. I’m a big fan of guitar bridges, and this one not only didn’t disappoint, but I found myself playing some air guitar to it. I loved it. Solid Outro also.

Cons: Didn’t notice any.

Overall: 9 of 10.

Comments: Symphony for Harpsichord and Zipper, sponsored by Sominex.

Pros: Honestly, there’s potential here; I would have loved to heard something else added in at the change at 1:30, perhaps some percussion of some kind.

Cons: Too slow, too slow, and too slow. Also it fails to keep one’s attention, which is a hard thing to do, granted, but it was quite redundant.

Overall: 3 of 10.

Holly & The Sleestaks
Comments: Da-do-da-do….

Pros: You have a good story-songwriter voice, good reverb controls on the vocals for an acoustic song.

Cons: The tempo and progression change coming into the first verse could have been a little smoother. Once the change happened, it wasn’t too bad, but it was a little more than distracting.

Overall: 5 of 10.

The Sub-Atomic Particles
Comments: Another submission that lived up to the genre that matches the name—weird.

Pros: It’s good for the genre you’re going with—you accomplished what you were trying to do, which is a major credit to anyone. It’s something I can’t do more than half of the time I try.

Cons: Is that a sonar ping that I keep hearing? With the echoes and the pinging sounds, it sounds more like you recorded this inside the Red October.

Overall: (Just wasn’t me, sorry) 3 of 10.

Comments: Going for a spoken word verse style, I see. It’s an interesting style.

Pros: GREAT segue into the chorus—and great chorus. I love the bridge, and especially the lyrics “Cause you don’t know how weird you are.”

Cons: The falsetto harmony kinda works, but I think it would have been a tad better without it honestly… just me again though.

Overall: 8 of 10.

Minty Handy
Comments: Ukelele-playing Lounge Singers never were very popular. I don’t know why, I kinda like this.

Pros: It’s catchy and pleasing to listen to.

Cons: Very short. I think this deserved another minute or so. Also needs just a little bit more than the uke.

Overall: 6 of 10.

Monte Carlo
Comments: Bob Dylan—Live inside of a Bank Safe.

Pros: I like the distortion used for the guitars in the bridge.

Cons: A little heavy on the vocal’s echo. It also needed a little something to keep it from falling into monotony. It was getting a little repetitive music wise.

Overall: 6 of 10.

The Special Relatives
Comments: Bright Eyes went out to a pub one night and was asked to do a song after knocking back a couple of Rum Runners. (I actually like Bright Eyes, by the way).

Pros: Nice guitar in the background. I actually was digging that more than the rest of the song. Especially when it got its moment to shine at 1:30.

Cons: The vocals not matching was intentional, it would seem. It would have worked better in moderation. By doing that for the whole song, it kinda make it not fit right when my brain was trying to piece together the song as a whole. It wasn’t too bad, I just thought it would have been better in moderation.

Overall:6 of 10.

State Shirt
Comments: I’m a huge fan of ambience, but it’s a hard thing to moderate, watching to make sure echoes don’t get out of hand—yet at the other hand, not putting your audience to sleep. This was well mixed in those respects.

Pros: The chorus was a nice respite from the verse. The intro of drums at 1:55 was very nice, too, which, of course, led to the nice segue into chorus #2. Abrupt Outro, but it works

Cons: None, really.

Overall: 9 of 10.

There’s Something Wrong With The G-Diffuser
Comments: There’s something wrong with this song… and is that a Pokèmon I hear in the background? (Pikachu, not you!) I think, perhaps, if you hadn’t have drank that bottle of Tilex before writing the song, it might have made more sense. Then again, this song is supposed to be “so weird”.

Pros: Some of the lines are legitimately interesting… that’s about all I can pull out to praise.

Cons: Advice: Don’t take your microphone out into the street when recording (1:06 – 1:12), on a motorboat with your drunk Aunt Alice when recording (1:59 – 2:25), and for the love of Pete, don’t drink Tilex!

Overall: (head hung in shame) 1 of 10.

The Weakest Suit
Comments: Catchy song.

Pros: I like the lead guitar during the intro and the times when it shines throughout the song. And THAT is an effective Outro abrupt stop.

Cons: Just a suggestion—during the chorus, during those staccato music breaks, I think it would sound a tad better if the drums would keep going with its pattern while the rest of the instruments stop.

Overall: 7 of 10.

Comments: Again, I’m not a rap person. I don’t want to sound biased, so I won’t talk much on this—I just don’t know a whole lot about it to know what’s good and bad particularly about the genre.

Pros: I do like the trumpet in the song. It added a nice touch to it.


Overall: 5 of 10 (it sounds like an average rap song to me)
"Out of all I've learned in Life,
You always keep your friends close to your heart,
cause they'll help you if you're falling down..."
- The Ataris - Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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Caravan Ray
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Location: Toowoomba, Queensland

Post by Caravan Ray »

EmbersOfAutumn wrote:Caravan Ray
Comments: 90’s punk-rock style...
I'm afraid I still haven't caught up with the 90's yet, sonny. This is strictly old-school. I saw The Saints a few weeks ago and they are still in my head. I am trying to channel the sound of Brisbane circa 1975/76 here.
EmbersOfAutumn wrote: Cons: Just the language…
It is English. I just have a slight accent...
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Billy's Little Trip
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Submitting as: Billy's Little Trip, Billy and the Psychotics
Location: Cali fucking ornia

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Blondie,Angel Eyes+Tuco wrote: Billy's Little Trip - Blondie: This could play while I squint at you. I think you're man enough to look me on the eye, too. I'll let you ride with me for a spell.
Angel Eyes: I'd like to see you try and put me in my place. What's wrong, sunshine...those notes too high on the shelf for you too reach? Seeing double? You may be tough, but you've got problems mister!
Tuco: You must be as drunk as me hah...? Byahh. Where's my gun, you gonna dance for me...oh it's in my hand alreaDance! BANG! BANG! Ta-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Image I just need high heels.
.....and lower shelves.
Cool reviews.
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Post by The Sleestak »

Holly And The Sleestaks - Blondie: Sometimes a man likes his Seals and also his Crofts. Sometimes he likes them mixed with a shooter of Zeppelin. Good trotting music for my horse.

I do like a mixed drink...though sometimes it comes out like mixing boxed wine and Milwaukee’s Beast.

Thank you for the review :wink:
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Post by jackfrost »

i slogged through the songs again and found the stomach to review some of them.

Great – songs to listen to beyond songfight reviewing
Billy’s Little Trip – professional sounding. I like the way the instrumentation gets a bit sparse in parts of the verses. I would like to hear a copy of this song without the vocals, just to enjoy the guitar/bass goings on here. Overall, the delivery of the song reminds me of something from a band like Skid Row. I liked Skid Row back when everyone else did. Even though, I don’t prefer this type of music anymore, I really like this. Chorus is very catchy and verses are also dynamic enough to be very interesting to listen to. It makes me want to buy Guitar Hero 80’s.

Caravan Ray – catchy, but not instantly for me. It took a few listens before I began to like this one. This is another one I’d like to hear instrumentally to really be able to appreciate the guitar goodness.

Minty Handy – great lyrics + simple arrangement = awesomeness. This is a great song stripped to its essence and executed with the right amount of feeling.

The Special Relatives – I like this one. It reminds me of “bad” college bands I really liked. The constant solo guitar gives a cool sound, and the way the vocals are recorded, the off-key-ness is masked nice. This one gets high marks because I love the sound and the drive behind it, and mostly because it reminds me of other things.

Good – nice to listen to, nothing wrong, but missing that spark of awesomeness
Atonal Melodies – one of the better songs this time. I like the electronicness of the track, and the overall construction. Short and sweet, catchy and cute. Good job.

The Blumpkinator – extra points right off the bat for rhyming God with cod. This is another professional sounding recording. I have no idea if this is your style or if you’re aping someone else’s style.

Frisbee Nemoy – catchy and cute. But ultimately, this sounds like the Finding Nemoy songs King Me and Ten Lies. The melodies and overall sound of the songs are very similar. I like it, but I’d love to hear something different from you.

Joe Holiday – here the production is much, much better than the songwriting. I like this song because of the way it sounds, but I wouldn’t like it near as much if recorded more normally.

OK – flaws in execution hurt the songwriting, liked but…
Andre was here at midnight – beautiful instrumentation, but the off key singing draws attention away from it, and the lyrics. I like the way the verses and choruses mush together without much of a dynamic change. The song has a rolling feel. I would like to hear this recorded with a different singer.

Embers of Autumn – I like this one. The sincerity of it offsets the vocal delivery. The melody is nice and moves in waves with the song. When the full band kicks it’s not recorded very well. The drums especially sound too hot on the fills. I would have liked this song better if it ended right before the band kicked in.

Flvxxlm Florvm – you sound like Mic Jagger at the beginning of this song. The whole way the sound in the verses is crafted is great. Truthfully though, the screaming part is downright horrible, but after that I really enjoy the song until the end. Without that grating minute or so, I would have rated this one in the top.

Holly and the Sleestaks – the way the cool guitar intro changes to something infinitely less interesting for the verses is very disappointing. The vocal performance is also disappointing. The song is ok, I was just expecting much more from the cool intro.

Wreckdom – The double tracked vocals are too distracting. I like the instrumentation. I’d probably like this a lot more with one vocal track.

No Way –listened to these songs more than once to try to understand them, but could not
Akterdekk – was this a joke?

Charcoal – the vocal performance in this song really hurts it. There’s off-key speak-singing throughout and every once in awhile there are too many syllables in a line that stands out as sounding wrong. The timing also feels really off throughout, but it may be just a weird time signature that I’m not recognizing. The whole thing adds up to be pretty unlistenable.

Gurdonark – is that an autoharp? Vocal delivery is not natural sounding. Recording quality also makes this one almost too hard to listen to.

Monte Carlo – this is a cavernous mess. I find it muddy and very hard to listen to. I hope your 17 friends vote for it because I will not.

State Shirt – exactly what you’d want to hear on college radio. This song relies on its high production values and an audience that wants to hear Radiohead rock again. In itself, it takes no chances, and while there are some nice passages, it sounds like a song on a CD that I would skip to get to something more…anything. But, it will probably win because it sounds so polished. This is the type of song kids like before they really find their musical identity.

There’s something wrong with the G-Diffuser – “DO A BARREL ROLL!!!” The unnecessary loud gawky parts entirely kill any enjoyment I would ever get from this song (which otherwise I would probably like).
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Post by wages »

jackfrost wrote:i slogged through the songs again and found the stomach to review some of them.
What did you think of the Gawking Urethras tune? I don't see a review, so just curious. :)
Wages - Hoglen & Wages - The Affirmative Mention - Gawking Urethras - The EAF - and more
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Billy's Little Trip
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Location: Cali fucking ornia

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

EmbersOfAutumn wrote: Billy’s Little Trip
Comments: I kept wanting to sing “Paranoid” during the verse… I think that’s the right Ozzy song that came to mind. Anyways, I liked it.

Pros: Good fade in—catchy intro riff—nice distortion. 1/1 for the beginning. In fact, in general, the music was really good, especially the bass riffs. Definitely 80’s-90’s hard rock quality. Proper use of background vocal distortion.

Cons: None that stand out. Solid Song!

Overall: 9 of 10.
I think I draw more from late 60's early to mid 70's rock and then mix it with a 21st century groove and then sprinkle it with a little bit of Pixies dust and then top it with a nice fluffy BLT cool hhhwhip with TWO cherries, because the world has been good.
Thank you for the kind review :wink:

jackfrost wrote: Billy’s Little Trip – professional sounding. I like the way the instrumentation gets a bit sparse in parts of the verses. I would like to hear a copy of this song without the vocals, just to enjoy the guitar/bass goings on here. Overall, the delivery of the song reminds me of something from a band like Skid Row. I liked Skid Row back when everyone else did. Even though, I don’t prefer this type of music anymore, I really like this. Chorus is very catchy and verses are also dynamic enough to be very interesting to listen to. It makes me want to buy Guitar Hero 80’s.
See, now aren't you happy that you listened?........kinda? :P

As far as music without vocals, that's easy enough. In fact, anyone that ever wants one of my songs karaoke style for shits and giggles, just ask. The lyrics are always posted. My music is free to the world or anyone that can bare it. That's why I'll die in an unmarked grave.
Thanks Jack :wink:
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Post by MintyHandy »

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Billy's Little Trip
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Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Vocals, Drums, Skin Flute
Recording Method: analog to digital via Presonus FireBox, Cubase and a porn machine
Submitting as: Billy's Little Trip, Billy and the Psychotics
Location: Cali fucking ornia

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

I always wondered what you do for a living.
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