WreckdoM turns ten

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Geoff WreckdoM
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Elvis in Space - So I can't do a very good Elvis impersonation but that doesn't stop me! As I recall a lot of folks got a kick out of this one, myself included. The bookend parts came first. We were discussing what to do in the middle and I have a very clear recollection of standing in the kitchen thinking of complaints Elvis would have in space and Isaac wanting to record it immediately, it was always fun recording ideas as quickly as they came to you. Isaac did some big time surgery on the back and forth, obviously after "A promise is a promise" and this an obsession with talking to myself was born. That's what I'm doing right now, isn't it? Publicly talking to myself? I wonder if I did one take and switched voices or if we were at a point where we were doing two vocal takes. Regardless, it got cut up and altered a lot. I would've had some notes what to say either way, but at the same time there's some ad lib to this too. Ike is on guitar, you can hear him say "man" in sped up voice at one point. I wonder if that means the guitar is sped up to. Again we scored well, remember you could only vote for one band at this time, so getting thirteen votes, right after getting eleven, that was a big deal. That was exciting.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Geoff WreckdoM
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

The Chair we share - And there goes all that voting momentum. So this was the week that SongFight came to Austin. We immediately told everybody upon the announcement that we would play, we had no idea how we would go about doing that, and completely failed to make a plan. So we didn't play. When I offered to play Theremin for someone's act Glen Case took me up on it to play along with the frontalittle squad. Which I did. But I have to say I don't know when I've felt more self conscience than going to SFLive. I really felt everybody would hate me. I was actually scared. No one did, but that didn't stop me from feeling awkward the whole day. One of my best friends ever(who called me during the taping of A promise is a promise) bachelor party was the next day, and as a result I've never seen Octothorp. I also didn't get to hang out after the live show, as one of my other best friends of all time was in town. He came with me to SFLive and I think he may've had an altercation of some sort with a sf alum over smoking around the venue, or smoking weed, maybe? I'm really not sure. I felt impossibly wound up the entire time. No one's fault but my own though, everybody there was super nice and accepting. So, due to all that other business keeping me busy, I had nothing to do with this song. Isaac swears "Ass Frodging" is a thing that awful roommates will do, although I've never heard or seen of such things outside of this particular reference. Maybe he hoped his self created slang term would catch on if he willed it to do so. Thankfully he was wrong, and the wave of inconsiderate jerks you could inadvertently wind up living with who wipe their asses on your furniture never arrived. Ike is the main vox on this one, and it also features Isaac's profound anti rhythm.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Lunkhead »

These are fun to read! Keep going!
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Geoff WreckdoM
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Texas - It's true Colin was responsible for the backing track of "Upcoming Downtime" but that was unwitting participation, in reality, this was his first WreckdoM song. It's almost impossible to remember what it was first like working with Colin since we've done so much of it since. After the first few times Isaac and I saw Colin as a riff making machine. We'd just say we wanted something that sounded like this, and bam, he'd start playing it. Isaac would record him goofing around with it for a while and clip his favorite parts. That was definitely how this one was put together, and you can really tell we're forcing bits together, it's still very much a collage rather than a jam. This is our first foray into hiphop. Country rap. I think that was Ike on harmonica, and unlike Colin he was playing along with an already existing song. This was my first memory of going in the closet sized bathroom connected to my bedroom to record vocal tracks. That started getting important, no background noise on the tracks. Hmm. That was probably the result of advice from Colin. Recorded two takes, and used them both without editing despite the fact they didn't come close to fitting together. Eventually, I got better at doing multiple takes that resembled each other.

In full effect by The Angry No0b - Earlier I mentioned WreckdoM's first fan and collaborator. Here is an early alter ego of his in which he asked us to give him some background vocals, and anything else we wanted. So this has some theremin in it, and we did some gang vocals and also I'm saying "In full effect" echoing the chorus and shouting "word!" at the end. We also sent him the "Repo Man" sample at the beginning, and the "Chapelle Show" samples, which was a show we were watching non stop reruns of at the time. I hadn't listened to this in a long time, this was fun, I still really like it. Once again, I was recording in the bathroom for maximum professionalism.

EDIT - I recalled since writing this that the harmonica in our Texas was supplied by Mogo, not Ike.
Last edited by Geoff WreckdoM on Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Paperback Writer - I swear I had an idea for this song. I really did. I can't remember what it was, but it was there. And it didn't pan out. OK, I haven't actually started listening to this one yet. I haven't been looking forward to revisiting this one. I'm going to step away from the computer a moment, and when I get back, we'll try this one out. Hopefully it's short, at least.... Alright, I'm back! here goes... Ugh. I'm pretty sure those are leftover beatboxes from an earlier song. I can't tell what the hell else is going on in there, I think the theremin is leftover, too. Putting the mic next to the AC unit at the end was my idea. There, I revisited it. Moving on.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Lunkhead wrote:These are fun to read! Keep going!
Thanks Sam! I'm really enjoying jogging the memories, too.

WTF - First song ever to start with the phrase "Wispy turtle fart" That last repeating little sample is Colin giggling, that was some excellent sampling skills from the now well practiced Isaac. In fact, there is a lot of Colin vocals in this song. Most the "WTF" stands for one-offs are either him or me. I think those chunks of conversation at the beginning of the song might be him talking to Joey Flowers. I told you Isaac recorded a lot of conversations. It seems obvious we were sitting around and making up what "WTF" stands for and recording each idea the moment we had one. The perfect, obvious answer to not knowing what to write about. The more we worked with Colin, the more pointers Isaac was getting on how to use fruity loops, etc. I think it really shows here.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Quentin Tarantino - I don't know why we didn't do "Dizzy Spells" or "Under the Wagon" both are much better titles. Ripe with possibilities. We would sit around and collectively decide. Sometime it came really easy and sometimes we mulled over it a lot. Colin was there when we decided on this one and got started, Isaac, I believe, picked QT because he wanted to sample Gogo's chain. Which he did. Also that is some more conversational Joey Flowers. Possibly the same conversation as "WTF". We wanted to use less referenced samples of QT films so that's Samuel L. Jackson from "Jackie Brown" talking about his levels. I remember the three of us sitting around watching that movie, looking for the scene Isaac had in mind. That's about all I remember on the making of this song. We spent a lot of time in the living room while working on it.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Geoff WreckdoM
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Baba Ganoush - I can hear the snappy jazz song I had in my mind when I wrote these lyrics. But snappy jazz was definitely beyond my capabilities as a singer, and well above what we could construct song wise, so instead we'd just get as close as we could and go weird with it. So I have mixed feelings about this song. It is beautifully weird but also simply difficult to listen to for those same reasons. When I did two takes on this one I made sure they wouldn't fit on purpose by changing up my delivery and speeds. It sounded so cool when it happened on accident in earlier songs, not as much with this one though. But there are moments when it's less annoying and more fun. There's also a third answer vocals, so this song does represent advancements in our song writing capabilities. I was seeing ways multiple takes could be used to do different things and interact with each other. At the end you can hear my cat "Poop" make his first of many appearances, he liked to walk into a room hollerin'. I didn't name him that, by the way, my friend gave him to me when he was a kitten. He liked to play with toilet paper. Then you have the second song that Colin and Isaac made while recording middle eastern sounding guitar riffs for the first one. I hear a second voice in there I'm not sure of, it may be Dalamar. If it is, this is his first of many, many songs. I'm not sure though, and I can't get either of these two to chime in on the boards. Probably for the best that Colin didn't bring back this character. He was adlibbing while reading a recipe for the titular appetizer. That's fun to say. Titular Appetizer. On many occasions like this one Isaac would sample and use his favorite line from the song repeatedly. Oh, those guys and their dildos. Geez.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Minister and man - So Red Mosquito asked us to collab, and I know when you usually do that there is some back and forth, but not in this case. He sent us all these cool noise sounds like that printer and tape and beeps and weird percussion and we used dang near everything he sent us, but never got it back to him. I couldn't tell you why, it's a bit of a blur. We had been dying to use those Hubert Selby samples and now was the time. "The Requiem for a Dream" DVD has like 7 minutes of Hubert adlibbing as a prison guard teasing one of the characters as he struggles to make a huge amount of mashed potatoes while going through heroin withdrawal. We watched this clip over and over, we were fascinated by it. Joey Flowers wrote the lyrics for this song and he did a take, that may be what's super slowed down next to my take. I added the "I worship Jesus" line. Back then I was a much angrier atheist and would usually take any chance I could get to poke fun at Christianity. You do that when you're an angry atheist. I still do it, but not as often and usually only to other atheists. The "Whack that fat" sample is me, a recall from "WTF". I distinctly remember J$ having to clarify we weren't saying "whack that fag", something we would never do, but I guess considering what all we HAD DONE so far, it's a fair assumption that we would. But we certainly would not. There are a few occasions when I do regret the material in a song. I should not have made fun of the elderly or incontinence. If the second half of "Baba Ganoush" was presented to me today, I would oppose using it. For the most part I feel like we successfully were shocking and offensive without being specifically offensive or hateful to any specific groups, but in hindsight I do see how we fell on the wrong side of the line at times, and there are a few more examples that I will mention when they pop up. I don't want to do material that is specifically offensive to women, or to any race or nationality, or orientation, or disability, I just want to be generally offensive, in a way that remains playful and sometimes disgusting. Except that I pick on Christianity occasionally. Nobody's perfect. You're still the most powerful and influential religious belief on the continent, if not the world, so you can just get over it.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Chainsaw - Always a fan of the chainsaw. So, this guy Isaac was friends with, Mike, came over and set up his drums in my living room. I don't know how they met, I really liked Mike and his girlfriend whose name escapes me, but they were nice, cool folks. So it was our first song ever to have live drums. I'm straining my mind to remember how the order was done on this recording. I'm pretty sure we recorded drums, guitar and theremin all at once, with just the idea that we would kinda have this ease in, then a more excited part, and then another easy breakdown, and then another wild part. I'm sure the instructions were no more complicated than that, and we coordinated by looking at each other. I thought having a kit in my living room was the coolest thing ever.Then later on I adlibbed the vocals sequeling/improving on "Danger Bus". Screaming is fun. Tears your throat up something awful though. When I don't take the time to write something I say Goddamn alot. It's probably my favorite swear that has less than 4 syllables. Then we throw chainsaw noises from the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"in there and we're done.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by j$ »

Geoff WreckdoM wrote:Minister and man -I distinctly remember J$ having to clarify we weren't saying "whack that fag", something we would never do ...
Definitely sounds like something I would ask for clarification on! I remember Starfinger asking me for clarification whether i was singing "Thumbs" or "Thongs" on my MaM so the accent issue goes both ways :)

FTR I'm enjoying this revisit/insight into Wreckdom songs. if it's indulgent, you've earned the right, right? I'm particularly interested into thoughts on "Punk Bartender", when you get there ...
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Geoff, it's impressive that you remember all of the details from so far back. I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday.
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

j$ wrote: if it's indulgent, you've earned the right, right?
You put that nicely, I would've gone with "self absorbed" or "conceited". I've been meaning to write this stuff down for a while, using a public forum helps motivate me to keep going, and if anyone is interested and enjoys the read then that's doubly rewarding, also sorry to all readers about my grammar and spelling.
Billy's Little Trip wrote:Geoff, it's impressive that you remember all of the details from so far back. I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday.
I don't remember everything I wish I did, I really have to strain sometimes, and during this period there was a lot of weed and cheap beer involved so it is damned difficult, but you try and there it is. In some ways I wish I had kept a journal, I've never been the journal keeping type, and in other ways I'm glad I didn't, I was actually in a very dark place at this time and I'm not sure I'd want that deep a look into my psyche. I was in a loveless relationship with an emotionally abusive individual and thanks in large part to a destroyed self esteem I felt trapped in said relationship. I weighed 40+ pounds more than I do now, I was self medicating with alcohol everday and binge eating with frequency. If it hadn't been for WreckdoM, my other band Rubber Robot, and a job I could believe in at the Humane Society, I don't know I would've survived. I damn near didn't once it ended. That's one the reasons I've always wanted to chronicle this stuff, WreckdoM and SongFight have really, really meant a lot to me, and still do. Really, really. sorry if that's TMI.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Re: WreckdoM turns ten

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

I'm with Steve now - A further advancement in my talking to myself technique, this was improv, first with the three people calling Richard, and then with the Richard track. so the pauses in the first track are just random lengths where I imagined how long I would need for my responses. I know it's hard to believe the line "They need their hopity-hop in their hooptyvilles" was off the cuff. I do believe there was little to no editing with the two tracks as well. I'm also pretty pleased with the fact they all do sound like different people. I understand this is really more of a comedy routine than a song, a critique we heard from folks more than once. The only things in the backing track are two theremin takes and one guitar. I haven't listened to this one in a while either, and I have to say I think it holds up. Those are some funny jokes, especially on account of making them up on the spot. Tony has a total breakdown, and Richard's mom gets a "talk to you later" after she screams she has no son. Jesus sounds like he's wearing a tweed jacket with a turtleneck, and has a combover. Once again going with what I know included sacrilege. Yeah, I was in the zone this week. Really patted myself on the back with this review, too.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Secret Ceremony

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Secret Ceremony - This is not the first nor will it be the last apology I'll be offering in this thread, but Hoogie Blue, if you somehow wind up reading this, I'm sorry. He offered to collab with us on this song, sent us some percussive noises and other stuff which we used, and again we never sent the files back to him to give him a turn, and this time we didn't even change the band name to indicate his contribution. I don't think we acknowledged it once, actually. So that's what you get collaborating with WreckdoM. We're dicks. No excuse or reason for that I can offer. My other memory of this song is very vivid. I was driving with Isaac in the passenger seat, talking about ideas for the song and then recording some vocal takes right there in the car. We were traveling south bound on I-35 near the 51st street exit, and the window was rolled down on account of that car not having AC. Those takes made it into the song, you can hear Isaac next to me almost, and at the very end that's him, no effect on it so you can really tell it's in the car.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Geoff WreckdoM
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Big Disco

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Big Disco - Blue called this our "My First Songfight" submission in the review thread. Blue used to be known as a terror in the review threads, and he tore WreckdoM a new, uh, rectum on more than one occasion. He wasn't the only one, of coarse, but he was often the most articulate and effective. We really did listen to reviews and would sometimes use the advice, and sometimes rail against it and offer the opposite of what we thought the reviewer(s) would want the following week. Anyway, while Big Disco is still rather disjointed, it does represent a turning point in our song writing process. Before this song, Colin was there working with us, but often would just supply a guitar track before any or after most of the song was created, he offered production advice but by and large left us to it. Here is perhaps the first ever example of Colin and I writing a verse/chorus/verse/chorus type song together. Everything else, though, is still pure Isaac. We couldn't find the right canned disco bird call, so I did it with vocals and then we affected it. Rather than change up the drum beat, we put a second beat over top the other one. The effect is, well, not the same thing. I'm still learning to sing, we're still working on lining things up. It isn't there yet. Anyone know what film that song clip at the end is on the soundtrack to? Certainly one of our more obscure samples, but cable babies from my generation should know it.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Geoff WreckdoM
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Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Cur - You should listen to this whole fight as the optional challenge for this title was to make noise, or something like that. So naturally, that was title we entered, and, as expected, we got several "Everyone does noise better than you" comments from the peanut gallery. Aw, you just can't win sometimes. I'm almost positive the bassline was my friend Craig, bass player in Rubber Robot, the band I was in at the time. He's also the wimpy vox in Punk Bartender and makes many more WreckdoM appearances. Unless I'm forgetting something, I'm near positive this was him playing bass. You know, I had a brain fart this morning and I think Mogo was the harmonica for "Texas". Somehow, I think that was added to the song from afar. It's still a blur. So here we have another 80's cable baby special, samples from "Midnight Madness" If you have not seen Midnight Madness you have not lived. Those echoed Dixie barking samples are from "She's on my mind" we used more this time than before, you can hear me telling her to shush. Why we used old Dixie samples I don't know, that dog was constantly barking for attention, and seemed to feel especially neglected during music making. Noise making, whatever. That stutter is something that Isaac discovered by accident and it's appearance is at random, it's intervals determined by no one. Right at the the end you hear the stutter pop up when no sound is being made at all.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Post by Geoff WreckdoM »


Frannie - The picture above is of Isaac, to his left, giving the asskicking, Is our friend Connie AKA Annie Social. To his right is his GF at the time Rachel, featured on "Silent Pipe" and "Danger Bus". By this time in WreckdoM history those two were no more. A soon to follow entry will provide audio evidence of such. Connie is featured in this song, moaning and saying "Jesus Christ" over and over. She doesn't live in Austin anymore, she married a fella and moved to some European town, I'm really not sure which, we're still FB friends. Isaac and her were room mates before he moved in with me, he was my roomie at the time this pic was taken, he's holding a sign to support Connie while they filmed an episode fo Dave Attell's After Hours that featured the TX rollergirls. Having Connie do those sultry samples was Isaac's idea. My idea for the song was a lot dumber, I wanted to try for RnB. What I've learned since is that is a difficult genre even when you know what the hell you're doing. Constipated. That's how this sounds. Someone in the review thread gave us an mp3 of it sped up. You can hear why. Probably would've been better if we'd picked the tempo up a bit. Wish I still had that mp3, it used to be saved in the WreckdoM folder on my old computer.This is a song I'd like to do live to provide a better version. The lyrics are funny.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Chaos Vs. Order

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Chaos Vs. Order - So the other day Ike came by and hung out, hadn't seen him in forever, and Isaac came over and for the first time since 2005 the three of us worked on a SF entry together. Hearkening back to those days Ike brought a six pack of giant High Lifes. This reminded me in a way that I haven't really thought too much on, is how we used to record stuff back then. A lot of cheap beer. A lot a lot. The opening of this song is a drunken recreation of a drunken conversation we had on the walk back home from a bar that night, and I'm absolutely certain the beer I open while I talk is a High Life. We just thought "surlamental" was so funny. The theremin in this song is one I bought on ebay from some guy who made them, and it was a weird machine. Difficult to predict, and it had one giant knob which makes that crazy transistor, radio like sound you hear during the "Can't stop my WreckdoM" part. Colin doing guitar and keyboards. Our friend Chris Chaos unwittingly a part of this song by answering the phone at platinum ink. Dead Alive (Brain Dead) sample just before a Tekken sample. All Isaac madness there. I can take the blame for the Gremlins samples of "ho ho ho" slowed down and paired with Flash Gordon's "Flying blind on a rocketcycle" and my beatboxing. Speaking of unwitting participation in this song, some time after Isaac and Rachel broke up Isaac was in a bar with a friend who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness when they were spotted by Rachel. Rachel told the two gentlemen off, including asking the other guy why he wasn't dead yet. Isaac was blown away by this behavior, and soon after got a lengthy voicemail from Rachel, first explaining why she was so upset, apologizing for the awful thing she had said about the other guy (I don't know his name, I don't think I ever met him) and then reiterating how much she dislikes Isaac. And that is the voicemail featured here. One thing I remember about Rachel is because of her I've seen the Last Unicorn. This is the earliest entry we have with an intact review thread on the message boards. Reading that took me back, this was a contentious review thread with a suspicious win by Down with Gender. I remembered someone telling us they would not stop our rectum. This is another song we were very, very pleased with. It was random ideas being squished together with the intention of being as strange and disjointed as possible.

CvO Review thread: http://songfight.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=63
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Geoff WreckdoM
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Motor Psycho

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Motor Psycho - All we had to do was look up "Motor Psycho" on the internet and see Russ Meyer's name. And Haji. Haji is also in Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! but I'm describing Tura Satana's role in that movie. Apparently the real Motor Psycho is an awful rape revenge film, I've never seen it. Not every Meyer film is worth checking out. So, I knew right away that I wanted to do a trailer with the attitude and energy of Meyer's trailers which he sometimes voiced himself. Colin recorded two guitar tracks just rocking out to Isaac's drum construct. I did a take in the bathroom with no accompaniment and we listened to it, and then I did a second take with notes and Isaac cut and pasted the best parts from both. I expanded the "unstoppable" gag on the second take thinking it would replace it but then we just used them both. Songfight introduced me to the term "pisstake" which I never cared for. You capture creativity as it's happening mind to mouth, mixed with that giddy energy that comes with recording, that's not piss, that's gold, baby. Fun stuff. This song was a major accomplishment for us because not only was it almost unanimously well received on the boards, Blue gave it a positive review without the slightest hint of sarcasm. It was a permanent fixture on the mix cds of WreckdoM songs we were always forcing on friends and family, or more commonly on the list of songs we'd play for ourselves and any unwitting captive parties who had the misfortune of coming over to my house that night.

Review Thread: http://songfight.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=111
Last edited by Geoff WreckdoM on Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Joined: Sat Sep 25, 2004 12:13 pm
Instruments: Theremin
Recording Method: Pabst Blue Ribbon
Location: Awestin, TX

Start Over

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Start Over - Adding to the list of moments in WreckdoM songs I wish weren't there is the inclusion of a voice during the fourth section of this song that mocks individuals with disabilities. I've expressed this regret and had people tell me they didn't think it was that obvious, but I don't know. It also reminds me of the fact that back then I made that voice with frequency and the R word was a part of my every day vocabulary, so really, I guess I should be grateful it isn't worse. This song is otherwise a totally solid effort I've always been pleased with. We liked the hodge podge of Chaos Vs. Order and wanted to take it to the next level. It's actually pretty obvious the second part of Start Over is an ape of the "Can't stop my WreckdoM" section of Chaos Vs. Order. The Isaac voiced "It didn't record" bit is based on many real life experiences. Many.

Review Thread: http://songfight.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=152
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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Geoff WreckdoM
Mean Street
Posts: 540
Joined: Sat Sep 25, 2004 12:13 pm
Instruments: Theremin
Recording Method: Pabst Blue Ribbon
Location: Awestin, TX

Nearly Burned the House Down

Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

Nearly Burned the House Down - Another song I didn't have anything to do with, during this song my guess is I was traveling back to Ohio for a horror movie marathon they still have every year in Columbus, and to visit my family. Ike voiced this song doing what I guess is a bit of ol fashioned WreckdoM off the cuffness. I especially like his line "Ain't no nearly for the dearly, YOU are the dearly" I also really enjoy Colins guitar work and it's back and forth with that artifical guitar track I'm guessing Isaac was responsible for. One of the the two sped up background voices is Colin, IDK who the other one is that's doing most the shout outs, can't place it.

Review Thread: http://songfight.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=202


Bonjour, Mon Ami by MC Feat - This is all Isaac %100. MC Feat stood for "Featuring". I had forgotten about this. Definitely sounds Pre-Colin WreckdoM.
Last edited by Geoff WreckdoM on Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
"perhaps the most offensive and disturbing image I've ever heard in a song" - Hans Gruber
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