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Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:09 am
by jack
thoughts? spoilers..........

wow, what an interesting twist in the scene with ben, penny, and desmond. loved it! totally not what i expected. but i have to wonder if we really saw the whole scene played out or just part of it. given the fact that ben told sun to tell desmond he was sorry....maybe he meant he was sorry for shooting him, but before the flashback, all indications was he killed penny.

also, the scene with widmore and young ben and the baby, i just knew that was young widmore. also interesting how they showed widmore being banished from the island.

the smoke monster judgement scene was pretty hokey though.

personally, i think both ben and widmore are evil. and locke is the new savior. gotta say, i dig the new locke. :)

Re: Lost

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:49 pm
by Heather. Redmon.
So what do you think is up with that Ilana chick and her "what lies in the shadow of the statue" question? Is she working for Widmore, along with some of the other 316 people, and that's their secret question to identify each other, since they didn't know each other before the flight? Also, what's in that big crate that they're trying to open? Locke's coffin? Weapons from Widmore?

Cool hieroglyphics in the temple... smoke monster and Anibus. Weird how Locke and the smoke monster were never in the same place at the same time. I do agree that the Ben's judgment part was pretty cheesy. They certainly didn't need the old footage, could have just been audio. Freaky "alive" Alex was kinda cool though.

Re: Lost

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:36 pm
by Lunkhead
I don't know what's going on with Ilana. Her behavior reminded me of Rousseau's boyfriend's behavior after he and their other companions were "changed" by the smoke monster, or whatever happened to them. Nobody really explained where the new crash survivors found guns. Maybe they got into something island/temple related that's brainwashed them? I was surprised and kind of disappointed that Caesar was apparently killed, with no real backstory given for his character.

Re: Lost

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:16 pm
by JonPorobil
Yeah, this show has a habit of building just enough allure around a character to make you think they're going to be important to the plot, but without actually developing them enough to make you care about them -- and then killing them off. See also Arzt, Libby, Nikki & Paolo, etc. I didn't mind that Cesar died, nor how it happened, but I don't think they'll be able to get away with any more of those.

I really didn't like that the remaining survivors went all Lord of the Flies on everyone after Cesar died, though. Didn't ring true to me at all.


Ben said two conflicting things to two different people in the most recent episode (512, "Dead is Dead"):
To Locke, he said "I knew you were going to come back... I'm surprised to see you alive, but I always believed it."
To Sun, he said "Dead is dead. The fact that John Locke is alive and walking around here scares the hell out of me."

Obviously, these can't both be true statements. Which do you think is the lie?

Re: Lost

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:05 am
by The Weakest Suit
Generic wrote:Obviously, these can't both be true statements. Which do you think is the lie?
Obviously both.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 11:15 pm
by jack
season finale: meh. i thought it was kind of weak.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:53 am
by JonPorobil
There's still enough unanswered questions for me to keep coming back when the final season starts next year, but this was a huge disappointment. Are we never going to find out why the mathematician whose name I can't spell went all martial-law on them? And how come all of these rather poignant plot threads all somehow devolved back into Sawyer and Jack fighting over Kate? It made Juliet's death scene, which should have been a huge emotional moment, into something boring.

Also, Naveen Andrews is by far the best actor on the show. If Sayid dies, I'm not sure how much longer they'll be able to hold my interest.

Soooo.... Unanswered questions. If Locke's body is still in that coffin, then is it still Locke running around on the Island? Or is it somehow an incarnation of that dude Jacob was talking to in the beginning? What was Jacob trying to prove this whole time? If the other guy wanted to kill him so badly, why did he have to take such a roundabout way of doing it? Who are the two agents who were carrying that huge box? Is it really a guitar in Hurley's guitar case? Is Claire still alive or not? What's the deal with Christian? And why the heck was it only Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Hurley who went back in time?

Will the answers manage to be satisfying at all?

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:51 am
by jack
Generic wrote:There's still enough unanswered questions for me to keep coming back when the final season starts next year, but this was a huge disappointment. Are we never going to find out why the mathematician whose name I can't spell went all martial-law on them? And how come all of these rather poignant plot threads all somehow devolved back into Sawyer and Jack fighting over Kate? It made Juliet's death scene, which should have been a huge emotional moment, into something boring.

Also, Naveen Andrews is by far the best actor on the show. If Sayid dies, I'm not sure how much longer they'll be able to hold my interest.

Soooo.... Unanswered questions. If Locke's body is still in that coffin, then is it still Locke running around on the Island? Or is it somehow an incarnation of that dude Jacob was talking to in the beginning? What was Jacob trying to prove this whole time? If the other guy wanted to kill him so badly, why did he have to take such a roundabout way of doing it? Who are the two agents who were carrying that huge box? Is it really a guitar in Hurley's guitar case? Is Claire still alive or not? What's the deal with Christian? And why the heck was it only Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Hurley who went back in time?

Will the answers manage to be satisfying at all?
just to hit on a couple things you brought up (possible spoilers)

i think what set faraday off and over the edge was charlotte's death. and he really cracked when he saw her again as a kid. he was in love with her and couldn't deal with her dying.

as for the fate of juliet, my first thought was too predictable. but in truth, we really don't know what her fate is, or sayid's or even jacob's. all may change if jack's plan works as he envisioned. and obviously, we've got one more year to go so they all don't die in the nuke.

the locke question is a good one. locke seems to have special powers. also, when jacob touched his shoulder after the flashback scene where he fell out the window, i think locke was dead and jacob brought him back to life.

as far as jacob goes, i thought it was pretty hokey to show up in each persons backstory in a random moment. interesting that he interacted with them at really various times in their lives (sawyer and kate as kids but hurley in real time) so he's like richard in that he doesn't age. or he travels back and forth through time, which is possible with this island. the opening first thought was "who the hell is that guy" but after about 10 seconds i knew one of them had to be jacob. still not sure who the other guy is but it could be widmore. and the ship they were watching, i'll bet it's the old ship they later found in the jungle, so the opening jacob had to be pretty old. the whole jacob character seemed kind of stuck in the story to please viewers, but i wish they'd kept his identity more secret, and not trotted him out after each commercial break in a different, meaningless backstory. and the jar jar binks statue was a LOL moment. :O

as to why it was just those 4, good question. eloise said they all had to go back or unpredictable things could happen and des didn't go back, so that might be why. i still think des will go back for some reason.

all in all though, a pretty sappy, disappointing finale. especially after the last 2 years and their ball buster endings. in fact, i'd have to say it's been a pretty disappointing season. the whole time travel as applied to being lost was a neat idea, but like a joke, you can wear it out quickly, and i think this would have been better resolved over a couple episodes, not a full season. and spare me all the soap opera shit next year.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:55 pm
by Lunkhead
I was disappointed about the love square being such a big factor in Jack's decisions, and I think it's weak that everybody loves Kate and Sawyer. It did feel gimmicky too that they sprinkled Jacob into the backstories of a bunch of a characters. Still, I enjoyed the finale anyway. I liked when Jack just went nuts and started shooting Darma goons because it very graphically conveyed that his character has really gone down a different path than the one he started on early in the show. I was really enjoying Locke's new purpose and attitude, but I think the theory mentioned above is what was really going on with that. They made that pretty obvious from the setup in the opening scene and the repeat mention of the "loophole" at the end.

Anyway, 9 months till the final season. That is a darn long time. Hopefully I will just forget about TV in the intervening time and go on about my life as usual pre-Lost.

Re: Lost

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:58 pm
by Niveous
Okay Songfighting Lost Fans, there is work to be done! ... _eo/132971

Re: Lost

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:14 pm
by JonPorobil
Niveous wrote:Okay Songfighting Lost Fans, there is work to be done! ... _eo/132971
Didn't we already do this?

Re: Lost

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:18 pm
by Niveous
Yes but now it's official!

Re: Lost

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:22 pm
by jack
here's the version I did for "lost fight" :)

Re: Lost

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:24 pm
by JonPorobil

That is all.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:17 am
by jack
well, a pretty crazy start to the final season. i won't post any spoilers right away.

let's hope they don't jump the shark.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:35 pm
by JonPorobil
They've already jumped the shark about nine times, why should they stop now?


Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:29 pm
by jack
so what up Lost fans?

so i'm left feeling quite uh.....lost. not sure what to make of this whole dual world existence idea, but they played the time travel concept ok. we'll see how well quantum mechanics plays.

but here's a question for generic (or anyone else reading this). It appears Juliet has died, although nothing is ever as it appears. But I haven't seen her in the other world, while many of the "doubled" folks are in both places. So I wonder if you die on the island, you are dead off.

as opposed to Locke who died off the island, but now appears alive, but we all know the new locke is really the smoke monster. so maybe Locke is still dead.

and Jacob, who appeared to die on the island, but now appears alive again on the island.


Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:10 am
by Lunkhead
Yeah, what the heck is going on? I am confused so far. I'm not really sure I'm on board for the parallel universes, either. I mean, it's nice to play "what if" but they could have done that without continuing the main universe's plot. Also I think they're wasting time that they should be spending providing answers by instead generating more questions. I feel more and more like I'm going to be really dissatisfied with where this all ends.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:48 pm
by JonPorobil
jack wrote:so what up Lost fans?

so i'm left feeling quite uh.....lost. not sure what to make of this whole dual world existence idea, but they played the time travel concept ok. we'll see how well quantum mechanics plays.

but here's a question for generic (or anyone else reading this). It appears Juliet has died, although nothing is ever as it appears. But I haven't seen her in the other world, while many of the "doubled" folks are in both places. So I wonder if you die on the island, you are dead off.

as opposed to Locke who died off the island, but now appears alive, but we all know the new locke is really the smoke monster. so maybe Locke is still dead.

and Jacob, who appeared to die on the island, but now appears alive again on the island.

On the other hand, Charlie, who DEFINITELY died on the island, is alive in the alterverse (or whaddever you wanna call it).

At first I thought it was a hypothetical "What if" scenario, but now I'm pretty sure that these two realities are in some kind of uneasy coexistence. In other words, Right now in the Lost universe, in 2004, there's two Kates running around: one is currently helping Jack stitch his own wounds, and the other is driving Claire around in a stolen taxicab. There's two Hurleys, one of whom is walking around L.A. as the luckiest man in the world, and the other of whom is on the Island, perpetually cursed (how much you wanna bet Bizarro-Hurley played the lotto with a different set of numbers?). There's two Lockes, one of whom is walking on the island, and the other of whom is wheeling himself out of LAX. In short, there's two of everyone, and the universe is going to have a difficult time reconciling that.

At least, that's what I think is happening. That explanation definitely makes the new "flashbacks" feel like less of a waste of time.

Bear in mind that the pre-titles sequence of the premiere ended with a fast-zoom down underwater, and that giant statue foot was at the seabed, meaning the Island either doesn't exist, or at least never got moved to the location it was at when Flight 815 crashed in the primary universe. So it's kind of up in the air who wound up there and who didn't. Ethan and Desmond are shown to have never wound up on the Island, but what about Juliette? Ben? Yemi (Eko's brother)? Rousseau? Does the Dharma initiative even exist in the alternate universe?

I think that once we get the answers to these questions, it'll be a lot clearer what's going on between the two universes. Plus, sooner or later, we're going to start seeing points of conflation between the two, and I suspect we're going to wind up with only one of these universes, or some weird compromise between them. Who knows what that'll look like, though.

Hey, also, some characters seem to have some kind of knowledge of what's going on. Bizarro-Charlie says "I was supposed to die!" as the police drag him out of the plane. He seems to know that the universe he's in is the wrong one. Juliet tells Sawyer that "It worked." How does she know? Other characters seem to feel it subconsciously - Claire instinctively trusts Kate, but she can't explain why. Jack and Locke, on the other hand, seem entirely unaware that they've ever met before, and interact like strangers in the lost baggage office.

So I dunno. It sounds like I have a slightly clearer grasp of what's going on that you guys do, but I'm not even going to begin to predict what'll happen in the next few episodes. I don't know how the Others fit into it, and I don't know why some of the people from the other end of the plane seem to have been allowed into the Others. Nor do I quite understand what their relationship was to the group that Ben led when they lived on that former Dharma compound (the show seems to imply that they're the same group, but if that's the case, then how come we haven't seen Dogen, Lennon, or most of the Tail-end survivors until these last couple of episodes?).

So yeah. They gots a lot to answer for.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:11 pm
by Lunkhead
I see what's happening on the show, in a literal sense. I just don't think they've provided enough information to infer the exact nature of the relationship between the two universes. I'm not ready yet to speculate about it, that's all.

PS Aren't there three Lockes? smoke-monster-Locke, dead-Locke, and alive-Locke? ;)

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:18 pm
by JonPorobil
Lunkhead wrote: PS Aren't there three Lockes? smoke-monster-Locke, dead-Locke, and alive-Locke? ;)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And FOUR BENS. :P

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:29 pm
by Lunkhead
Man, that episode was dark. :( Things are looking pretty bleak at this point. I'm most curious to see what happens with Ben and Kate now. Kate knew Locke was dead, right? So she's probably seriously wtf-ing. And Ben's fate at the end was completely unresolved. They did a good job of distracting me to the point where I did not expect even a paltry "cavalry" to arrive when it did.