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Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:53 pm
by HANK.
I got put under to have mine out. I escaped the room while under anesthesia thinking I was being chased by spies. They found me in a supply closet.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:57 pm
by jack
you'll get some nice bottles of vicoden for the effort. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:35 pm
by Bjam
ken wrote:
Bjam wrote: on Wednesday I'm getting all my wisdom teeth and four other teeth out(that's 8 teeth, like a quarter of my mouth. Feel my pain :(),
I was soo hungry for solid food at the end I was gumming McNuggets.
I really hope I don't get that desperate :/

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:22 pm
by Andy Balham
Bjam wrote:But on Wednesday I'm getting all my wisdom teeth and four other teeth out(that's 8 teeth, like a quarter of my mouth. Feel my pain :()
I've been there too. I had to have 16 of my first teeth taken out (in two sets of eight) and then another 4 when I got my second teeth. I actually started getting used to the gas :roll:

I hope it all goes as well as possible and I'll get myarse into gear and post up my reviews too. I've been enjoying the first few listens.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:35 pm
by blue
nine reviews! :(

do not suck. review.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:06 pm
by Andy Balham
blue wrote:nine reviews! :(
Make that nine and a half :)

I like the internal rhyme on the blue in ‘blue sky’ and the little tag-on lines. The wavering instrument in the back is nice too. Is it a saw? All round a pretty song.

There’s a nice mellow feel to this that is slightly broken for me with the drummer line. For me it was a bit too comical in a song that doesn’t sound it to me. For me it went on a little bit too long (yes, yes, pots and the colour black given my entry).

Clever Intarweb Audios
This reminds of Pop Will Eat Itself (which I believe is a good thing). It doesn’t strike me as being particularly inventive, but I do like the overall sound. I look forward to hearing more.

Beautifully crafted as usual and I like the parts when you rock out a little. I’d like to hear more of that and less pretty arpeggios.

Flvxxvm Florvm
This has a naïve appeal I find quite charming. It’s like the home recording blues. Good to hear the harmonica solo making a comeback too.

Fourth Doctor
No Tom Baker rap then? Once over this disappointment, it’s a pleasant listen. The flow could be a bit smoother and have a little more emotion (unless of course it was meant to be somewhat detached).

Given the intro I was hoping for something more raucous. What I got was I well polished pleasant enough song that didn’t really grab me. The solo was pretty good, but struck me as not quite in the same feel as the rest of the song. At one point the song threatens to break out into the big rock out sing-a-long I felt it could be.

Hostess Mostess
Nice stripped down song with good dynamic changes. Top notch finish too.

Katarina Boyer
It’s always good to hear a distinctive voice such as yours. The song is solid and works with the simple arrangement, though I would like to hear it with a bit more instrumentation to help give it some more variation.

Ken's Super Duper Band n' Stuff
I like the guitar tone on the intro. I also like the verses more than the chorus. For me the chorus loses a little momentum. Nice to hear the bass so prominent in the mix and overall an enjoyable listen.

Other reviews to follow...

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:37 pm
by Andy Balham

I like the bit when you start corpsing after mentioning monkey’s butts. This starts to remind me of Derek and Clive’s “Worst jobs I ever had sketchâ€

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:40 pm
by jeff robertson
Andy Balham wrote: This has a naïve appeal I find quite charming. It’s like the home recording blues. Good to hear the harmonica solo making a comeback too.
I plan to go largely guy-n-guitar in future songfights. I don't have the time or the budget to program electronic arrangements more complex than what you heard this week, so I may as well skip it and go acoustic.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:56 pm
by anti-m
Andy Balham wrote: The wavering instrument in the back is nice too. Is it a saw?
[digression]Derrrrr...It took me longer than I care to mention to figure out how to use those !@#$@ quote w/ user name tags properly! "Huh? How are they automatically getting the user name of the quote to post?" I FINALLY noticed the "quote" box in the upper left hand corner of the posts. I'm a moron. Now, along these lines... (lines of moronic no-tech noobage) About this, how you say, "ID3 tag" of which Blue speaks so prolifically -- May I suggest that our friendly board administrators make some mention of this requirement / preference on the ORG section of the board along with the naming convention "tips?" I assumed (wrongly) that the naming convention covered this particular base.[/digression]

Anyhoo...Enough about my Luddite proclivities. To my point. Yes, it's a saw. Played with a cello bow. I've tried violin bow, but cello seems to have a better weight for the task. This particular saw was purchased at a local garage sale for one dollar. (Aha! You can save money on gear by shopping in the hardware section of your local junk-a-teria!)

Thanks for reviewin'! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:15 pm
by rone rivendale
Maybe it's because I spent the first few days listening to We All Need Love songs before I started to listen to these.

Maybe it's because I personally submitted a song for wanl.

..I just didn't find this fight to be very good. We All Need Love seemed to have better songs from top to bottom. I think I have to believe that this is the same as previous fights where some titles are just easier to make songs for than others. I don't believe it's the artists because some of you like Bjam, Luke, and Mostess have done great songs imo before.

With that said, I found Klownhole to be the best of the bunch. You guys are much improved over previous fights. They lyrics were easier to decypher and it still rocked regardless.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:28 am
by HANK.
Or maybe you're a tooldrip.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:49 am
by Caravan Ray
Tooldrip has just replaced arseclown as my favourite word.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:04 pm
by HANK.
Do you have trouble sleeping? Feel disconnected? Suffer from feelings of general selfishness and have an overwhelming desire to crawl in a hole and die?

Ask your doctor about Reviewasil XR. While it is not known exactly how Reviewasil works, researchers believe it regulates your participation level, helping you overcome your battle with laziness and suckage.

FOURTEEN of 20 bands suck as of right now. I'm blacklisting you from real future reviews until I see one posted. Furrypedro and Melvin - not sure if you were affiliated with anyone, 50,000 kudo points your way for reviews.

Katarina Boyer
Luke Henley
Hostess Mostess
Phunt Your Friends
Fourth Doctor
Transatlantic Fight Club
Ken's Super Duper Band n' Stuff
Steve Durand
Those Meddling Kids
Clever Intarweb Audios

BJAM! Hope the teeth thing worked out! Does your jaw feel lighter?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:26 pm
by stueym
HANK. wrote:BJAM! Hope the teeth thing worked out! Does your jaw feel lighter?
This is a proxy message from Bjam. Her jaw is tight and owwy and she is laid on the sofa having just ingested her first Percocet.... so light is something she is ....just not in her jaw :lol:.

She reckons another hour and she should be high enough to submit reviews worthy of the fight. :twisted:

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:03 pm
by blue
i think furry pedro is those meddling kids.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:13 pm
by Niveous
HANK. wrote:Transatlantic Fight Club
I reviewed. I'm one half of TFC. J$ is the other. (plus some help this time from Andy Balham)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:54 pm
by WeaselSlayer
I am going to sum up everyone's song in two words.

Andy Balham - Defeated and pretty.

Hostess Mostess - Lyrically un-stimulating.

Thornberry - Much panache. (two words aren't really enough for this one. I really enjoy this, as over-dramatic-as-shit as it is.)

Anti-M - Quivery and strange. (is that a musical saw)

Thanalogue - Nice beat. OR (alt. review) Nice flute.

CIA - Shuttle launch!

Those Meddling Kids - Fucking awesome.

Phunt Your Friends - Dumb dumb.

HANK. - Passionate Americana.

Deshead - Honest sounding.

Transatlantic Fight Club - Real nice.

Fourth Doctor - Non-attention-grabbing, man.

Flvvxvm Florvm - Goofy vocals.

The Sexy Misogynists - Kick ass.

sonofsupercar - D. Boon voice.

Luke Henley - I'm awesome.

Klownhole - Face melt!

Steve Durand - Great harmonies.

Ken's Super Duper Band 'n' Stuff - Modern Lovers?

Katarina Boyer - Conventional and okay.

Bjam - Loungy angry?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:23 pm
by Steve Durand
Here are my reviews so far. I should get to the rest of them tomorrow.

My rating scale:

0-3 Not my thing, would probably switch stations
4-6 OK stuff, I would listen through to the next song
7-8 Good stuff, I would look forward to this coming up on the play list
9-10 Excellent, I would make others listen, I might consider buying the CD

Most songs are going to fall in the 4-6 range unless they are really good or really bad.

Bjam: Recording quality is much improved over your previous work. I always like your voice. It seems a little repetitive to me. Rating: 6

Phunt Your Friends: Well, if I have to listen to a lecture at least it has some interesting abstract background music. I found this more interesting just reading the lyrics rather than listening to it. Rating: 3

Luke Henley: I kind of like the stream of consciousness feeling of the lyrics. Like always it seems kind of haphazard. I think that over time I have gotten used to your stuff however. I think that if I was just hearing this as the first example of your stuff I would hate it but now I find it kind of intriguing. Rating: 5

Fourth Doctor: Interesting groove that you have going. Not a fan of spoken lyrics/rap. While I think the background music is kind of cool it could use a little variation at some point. Rating: 4

Thornberry: A little Mozart feel to start. Nice harmonies. I would have liked to hear some other instruments rather than just the piano or something other than just pounding out the chords. I like your vocal performance on this. Rating: 6

sonofsupercar: Not really a fan of spoken lyrics but they kind work OK on this. It feels to me like everything is right up front in the mix competing for my attention and it is kind of distracting. The ending just kind of peters out and doesn’t provide a satisfying conclusion for me. Rating: 4

Those Meddling Kids: Well it sounds to me like you stuck together a bunch of sampled sounds and, while the samples are good and arranged reasonably well, it isn’t really doing anything for me. Rating: 3

HANK.: The recording quality is really good on this. I like the added tonal qualities when the organ comes in. I like the guitar solo although it doesn’t quite fit the groove you have going stylistically. This is the first song so far that seems to have a hook. Good job. Rating: 7

Ken's Super Duper Band n' Stuff: The singing is competent. The music is OK. Lyrics aren’t grabbing me. I can’t point to anything specific. An OK song. Rating: 5

Katarina Boyer: I don’t know why but I’m having trouble making out the words. I can’t find much of a melody in this and I like melodies. Rating: 4

Andy Balham: The guitar sounds a little out of tune to me. At the end of the chorus it sounds like you’re not sure what note you should be singing. I like when the clapping comes in. I think that the guitar solo goes on a little too long there at the end. Rating: 4

Deshead: Very professional sounding, as always. You definitely have the production aspects down cold. Love your voice. Catchy chorus. Good lyrics. Rating: 8


Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:15 am
by HANK.
Revised Sucklist:

Katarina Boyer
Hostess Mostess
Phunt Your Friends
Fourth Doctor
Ken's Super Duper Band n' Stuff
Clever Intarweb Audios

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:32 am
by j$
HANK. wrote:Revised Sucklist:

Katarina Boyer
Hostess Mostess
Phunt Your Friends
Fourth Doctor
Ken's Super Duper Band n' Stuff
Clever Intarweb Audios
Revised shutthef*ckuplist: HANK

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:35 am
by HANK.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:39 am
by j$
Exactly :)