The John McCain story (Left/Right reviews)

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Caravan Ray
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Post by Caravan Ray »

some brief and not particularly helpful reviews:

15-16 Puzzle: Interesting. First listen I found too slow. 2nd listen started to pick up melody which is quite nice. Overall I’d say the slow tempo made it hard to enjoy and the lyrics, while good, were not quite strong enough to carry such a sparse arrangement. Nice effort though – it was worth a try.

Baker: Music dull. Vocals annoying. Lyrics juvenile.

DWG: Crap

Future Boy: Petty I know – but I was turned right off as soon as I heard ‘aluminium’ pronounced ‘al-oo-minum’. I hate that. Other than that it sounds like the song Stan sings about Wendy in the ‘South Park’ movie. I don’t like it.

Hobbes: Wow – Weezer have entered Songfight! Sounds really good, sounds like Weezer, I like Weezer, so I suppose I like this – but it really sounds a lot like Weezer.

Jeremy Martin: Not bad – just seems to lack a bit of spark.

Josh: Definitely the song of yours which I’ve enjoyed the most. I like the song itself a lot and the guitar is great. My only criticism is you voice seems to lack a little bit of venom – it’s a bit like being attacked with a soggy piece of celery (Ok, that may be a bit harsh). Overall – enjoyable.

Level Nivelo: I’m not in an instrumental mood today

Max the Cat: I like this. Good lyrics – great vocals. Well done

Neil Thrun: I’m finding the guitar very annoying. Sorry – don’t like it.

Poor History: Don’t like this either

TV’s Kyle: Great song. I’m not liking the nasally singing – but it’s a great song.

Wreckdom: I like this. This is definitely one of your better ones.

Summary: I really liked Wreckdom, Max the Cat and Hobbes. Josh and Kyle were pretty good too. I’m voting for Wreckdom.
de Gaulle
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Post by Fried »

: 15-16 puzzle What I Liked: The lyrics were very good. And in a song with no melody and one poorly played instrument, that is important. What I Didn’t Like:
This thing started out fun but should have ended in 1:30 max.
:Baker What I Liked: I am still looking for something. Hmmm. I don’t like rap at all, but this is even worse. What I Didn’t Like: You can’t rap dude, the lyrics were not bad but try rock.
:Down with Gender What I Liked: Sound effects. Overall feel. Reminds me of Revolution number 9 meets the Matrix What I Didn’t Like: Seems too long.
:Future Boy What I Liked: Pretty after the last song. I like this a lot. Lyrics are good. Dual vocals match well. Flows nice. What I Didn’t Like: I like all of it, thank you.
:Hobbes What I Liked: Someone is bringing the rock. I like this style. What I Didn’t Like: The word “sarcastic” doesn’t fit well. Way too long.
:Jeremy Martin What I Liked: Stones guitar feel. Nice song. What I Didn’t Like: I thought your introduction of the dual vocal lines was sloppy and not very well introduced. I feel it is better to sing the newly introduced line before adding the second vocal line. This makes it so the listener (me) doesn’t have to try to figure out what you are saying through the “old line.” All that reverb, get out of the tunnel it’s about to flood! Heh, IMHO
:Josh Woodward What I Liked: Hmmm… angry guitar? I like the anger in the vocals and the lyrics are good as usual. What I Didn’t Like: The angry guitars. I think I know what you are going for but I think the lyrics and the vocals are enough. This is using a sledgehammer for a tack hammer.
:Level Nivelo What I Liked: Pretty, and well played. Classically trained? I am impressed. What I Didn’t Like: Usually I would say lyrics are missing, not gonna do it. This was superb.
:Max the Cat What I Liked: Fun. I like it, not sure why. Now I know why “God Bless America” that is some funny shit What I Didn’t Like: nothing.
:Neil Thrun What I Liked: The lyrics are pretty good. What I Didn’t Like: The music leaves a lot to be desired.
:Poor History What I Liked: Popping vocals don’t help, I like the educational video sound. What I Didn’t Like: Volumes and dissonance gets irritating. And Kerry lost , woot!
:TV's Kyle What I Liked: I like your sound but it sounds a lot like your other stuff. What I Didn’t Like: I can identify you music without looking at the name on it. That is probably a good thing but I would love to hear you do a country song.
:WreckdoM What I Liked: I love this! I am partial to you guy’s imagination. Always something different. What I Didn’t Like: I couldn’t understand the lyrics very well.
de Gaulle
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Post by slowRodeo »

What does that song have to do with my review?

i tried to find it but all i could find was the lyrics.

all i was was honest from a first listen. i would expect the same from anyone else. is there a problem with that? i didnt mean to sound like a jerk. did i? if i did im sorry.
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Post by Mogosagatai »

Randy Newman's "Short People" is a song that rants about how much short people suck. It's hilarious, because he says the most ridiculous things, but it also says something important about some parts of society--namely, hypocritical bigots. It's a very sarcastic and cutting song, and Newman took a lot of dumb crap for it, though he never apologized, and rightly so.

Max the Cat's "Left/Right", amidst other things, condemns religious bigotry in our government, in a somewhat funny, very sarcastic manner. You were a bit quick to call him an idiot, and <i>especially</i> over something like what the name of god is--a clear case of religious bigotry on your part.
frankie big face
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Post by frankie big face »

15-16 Puzzle
Awesome lyrics, at the ending especially. I like the song, but wished you had varied your voice more. Like take it up an octave halfway through the song. I'm sure you thought of that and decided against it. Still, way more interesting than....

You're not such a good rapper.

Down With Gender
I get it--you put the word "left" in one speaker and "right" in the other. For additional cleverness, you made noises on your computer. Cool.

Future Boy
Hey, nice job! Clever lyrics, fun shifts in time signature, spacey vocal harmonies. It's just excellent.

Nice mix--way to keep the guitars in check. Vocal melody is a bit too repetitive and limited in range to hold my attention for long. I liked the part right before the final chorus. Kinda wished it had ended there. BTW, did you even use the title?

Jeremy Martin
I liked the overlapping vocal lines during the chorus (despite the pitch problems). Song is about 40% too long. Oh, wait--there's like 20 seconds of silence at the end. 30% too long.

Josh Woodward
"Mindless chatter/Nothing matters." That sounds awfully familiar. The incessant strumming pattern really grates after a while. I'd rather hear this electrified than played the way you are playing it. But whatever--the song is okay. Lyrics are kind of predictable.

Level Nivelo
what the fuck. write a song.

Max the Cat
Oh god, you used the "Hokey Pokey" to make a political statement. The breakdown in the middle made this bearable, but the main sections make me want to pull my hair out. Sounds like you worked hard on this and, as a techinical accoplishment, it's fine. You should listen to A3--I think you'd like them.

Neil Thrun and the Doom Fairies
You should practice your guitar strumming a few times before recording. It's sloppy. The "lead guitar" is painful. I don't know--the lyrics are unimaginative.

Poor History
I enjoyed this, but too often the music is too loud for the words. You kept it short, which was wise. You should quit your AOL Instant Messenger™ before recording.

TV's Kyle
I hate all that vocal melody bending. My bias--no foul by you. Except that you did it. Over and over.

The stuff at the end was kinda clever.

To me, the best fight was over at Half a Stone this week. But I liked 15-16 and Future Boy. I will vote for Future Boy.
frankie big face
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Location: Lancaster, PA

Re: left / right

Post by frankie big face »

slowRodeo wrote:...everything you've said so far....
Pros: You came to SongFight, you listened to the songs and you wrote a review.

Cons: You are an asshole that says incredibly stupid things.
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Post by TVsKyle »

I hate all that vocal melody bending.
Sorry for not knowing, but what is vocal melody bending?
-Kyle A. Carrozza
de Gaulle
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you are the ones who are the ball lickers

Post by slowRodeo »

ok obvoisly you didnt read my review, i said i liked that it was bigoted. if fact i liked that he raved. what i didnt like, mostly because i didnt know he was joking because ive never heard his songs before, was that he got it wrong. now i understand what he was going for and recant only that statement. its a review.dammit. care or dont care. have you noticed he didnt get offended and throw a hissy fit like you. look. i understand what he was going for now and i like it. happy?

dont hate me because i harped on someone for one thing. and that someone wasnt you. i dont hate you. lets just be friends online and just not talk about this ever again. like online friends who have never met and prolly never will. there is a songfight every week dont get mad over one review in one week of songfight.
"I'd give my right arm to be ambidexterous." - Smalltown Mike
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Post by Southwest_Statistic »

I get knocked down, but I get up again, you ain't never gonna get me down...
slowRodeo wrote:review.dammit. care
Wow there's some serious heat in this message board. Who's pissed at who for what?
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Re: you are the ones who are the ball lickers

Post by erik »

slowRodeo wrote:ok obvoisly you didnt read my review, i said i liked that it was bigoted. if fact i liked that he raved. what i didnt like, mostly because i didnt know he was joking because ive never heard his songs before, was that he got it wrong. now i understand what he was going for and recant only that statement. its a review.dammit. care or dont care. have you noticed he didnt get offended and throw a hissy fit like you. look. i understand what he was going for now and i like it. happy?

dont hate me because i harped on someone for one thing. and that someone wasnt you. i dont hate you. lets just be friends online and just not talk about this ever again. like online friends who have never met and prolly never will. there is a songfight every week dont get mad over one review in one week of songfight.
No one got offended or threw a hissy fit, unless you count yourself.
frankie big face
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Post by frankie big face »

TVsKyle wrote:
I hate all that vocal melody bending.
Sorry for not knowing, but what is vocal melody bending?
the way you scoop up into the notes at the end of the phrases. like everytime you say "yeah!" during the chorus. it's perfectly fine--it's just not a sound that i enjoy.
de Gaulle
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Post by slowRodeo »

ok sorry. it seemed like you were offended cause you called me a bigot. which im not. so ok. fine. im sorry. even stevens.

((yup i said even stevens))
"I'd give my right arm to be ambidexterous." - Smalltown Mike
frankie big face
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Re: you are the ones who are the ball lickers

Post by frankie big face »

slowRodeo wrote:ok obvoisly you didnt read my review, i said i liked that it was bigoted. if fact i liked that he raved. what i didnt like, mostly because i didnt know he was joking because ive never heard his songs before, was that he got it wrong. now i understand what he was going for and recant only that statement. its a review.dammit. care or dont care. have you noticed he didnt get offended and throw a hissy fit like you. look. i understand what he was going for now and i like it. happy?

dont hate me because i harped on someone for one thing. and that someone wasnt you. i dont hate you. lets just be friends online and just not talk about this ever again. like online friends who have never met and prolly never will. there is a songfight every week dont get mad over one review in one week of songfight.
whatever, dude. even if you thought he got it wrong and didn't understand his meaning, you didn't have to say he's an "idiot." you chose the words you used and you were a dick. i also didn't like the way you told 15-16 puzzle to "learn a new instrument." if you had spent more than 5 minutes on this site, you would know that he is an excellent musician who plays a lot of instruments very well, so shut the fuck up until you know something. you think you can just show up here out of nowhere and tell people to "never make another song again"--well, then expect to be treated like a jerk, jerk.
de Gaulle
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Post by slowRodeo »

i said i was sorry for calling him an idiot. that was the wrong word. and if i knew he could play another instrument then the xellywhatever i wouldnt have said that. i reviewed in the same way that a person who heard it on the radio would. as that that was everything they were musically. look in my reviews i said i was sorry for being mean but i was going to be honest anyway. ok and im not the only one who told people to stop making songs. read the other reviews. sheesh everyone is so touchy here. its just a review of some songs. some i liked some i didnt. its my opinion. im sorry if you didnt agree. im not pushing my opinion on anyone. who cares if you liked my review or not. its mine. let it lie.
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Post by erik »

When you give your opinion of songs, you expect people to ignore you or not care about your opinion.

Other people are giving you their opinion about the tone of your posts. I suggest you juxtapose the two ideas and heed your own advice.
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Dammit Frank, you're not supposed to write up here, hahahahh

Post by erik »

frankie big face wrote:if you had spent more than 5 minutes on this site, you would know that he is an excellent musician who plays a lot of instruments very well
the first five minutes are to be spent wondering "WHERE DO I FIND THE SONGS"
de Gaulle
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Post by slowRodeo »

I like your website. 15-16 puzzle is not a good name for a band is a funny title. and i like your other songs. except the rap song. :roll:
"I'd give my right arm to be ambidexterous." - Smalltown Mike
de Gaulle
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Post by NeilThrun »

Instead of reviewing Ill highlight two things

1-Wreckdom-this song was pathetic compared to past songs.

2-DWG Sucks.
de Gaulle
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:shock: ashlee simpson rocks :shock:

Post by slowRodeo »

hey tv's kyle i liked the yeahs. i think that they were the hook in your song. whether they were there to top off melody to add style i liked them.

on a few more listens i liked your song better. i think it still needed more going on musically though. but i like it alot better. you should check out say anything. great lyrics. great band. great name after a great movie.
"I'd give my right arm to be ambidexterous." - Smalltown Mike
frankie big face
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Re: Dammit Frank, you're not supposed to write up here, haha

Post by frankie big face »

15-16 puzzle wrote:
frankie big face wrote:if you had spent more than 5 minutes on this site, you would know that he is an excellent musician who plays a lot of instruments very well
the first five minutes are to be spent wondering "WHERE DO I FIND THE SONGS"
I actually meant the SongFight website, but if he checked out your website, that's fine too.
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Post by erik »

I can't read so good anymore, I think I might have done too much reading lately
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Future Boy
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Post by Future Boy »

I think 15-16s statement could potentially still be true about the songfight website, except maybe with a "good" thrown in there.
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