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Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:40 am
by Adam!
I can honestly say that I've never agreed with the voting results of a round of Nur Ein more. Round 7 is going to be epic.

Now that I'm off the hook as judge (unless, as mentioned, there's a tie or two) I should really get on those reviews.

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:49 am
by Adam!
erik wrote:plan
Oh man, this nearly made me do a spit-take. Plan? Nur Ein? Erik, you always crack me up.

What I'm trying to say is yes, it would be wise to have a contingency for that situation (I vote Deathball), but no, we probably will not have one until said situation arises.

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:59 am
by erik
My mistake. I didn't know lack of preparation was a feature. Continue not thinking about things. :wink:

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:44 pm
by rone rivendale
If it's a tie after the last round, give it to Ken. :P

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:57 pm
by Thanks For The Frisbee
Rone Rivendale wrote:If it's a tie after the last round, give it to Ken. :P
i dont think anybody would want a cop out win like that.
if its a tie, all the finalists should form a huge band and make gold records :wink:

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:18 pm
by Lunkhead
What do folks think of this plan for handling a tie in the final round?

In the event of a tie for winner in the final round as judged by the previous participants, the tied participants will be ranked by the judges as in previous rounds.

In the event of a tie after that, there would be a final sudden death round. The remaining tied participants would have 2 days to write a song for a new title, with no non-optional challenge. These songs would be ranked by the previous participants.

In the event of there still being a tie, there is a draw and the remaining tied participants all win.

4. Profit!

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:31 pm
by Spud
Lunkhead wrote:there is a draw and the remaining tied participants all win.
"There can be only one"

I say, in the case of another tie, throw all of the bums and get the judges to select four more contestants from the outcast pile. :) <-smiley, in case you missed it.

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:14 pm
by Lunkhead
Oh yeah, I forgot it's "Nur -Ein". Crud. Well, back to the drawing board for me.

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:16 pm
by Thanks For The Frisbee
i say allow a .5 point scale


that should minimize the chance for a tie.
just thoughts

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:18 am
by Adam!
Lunkhead wrote:In the event of a tie for winner in the final round as judged by the previous participants, the tied participants will be ranked by the judges as in previous rounds. In the event of a tie after that...
I love a good combinatronics problem, so just for fun I thought I'd sit down and figure out the chances of this happening. There are 4! = 24 possible ordinal rankings. With 5 judges that makes (4! + 5 - 1)! / 5!(4! - 1)! = 98280 unique combinations of different scores that the judges can submit... however, for the sake of simplicity and ease of calculation, I will just use the number of non-unique combinations (4!^5 = 7962624). If, for each of these combinations, we sum up the set of scores for each contestant... <<< Insert Tedious Mathematical Acrobatics Here >>> ... 1306320 of these combinations yield a two- or three- way tie for first place (a 4-way tie is impossible; a 3-way, improbable (but hey, it can't hurt to ask her. Buh-dum!)). That's a roughly 1-in-6 chance of a tie.

Now, not knowing how many disqualified contestants will be voting, it is impossible to figure out the exact chance of them producing a tie, but seeing as the chance goes down the more voters you add into the mix, I would guess that the probability of a tie in their voting round is more like 1-in-20. That means the chance of us needing to use a hypothetical 2nd tie-breaker is most likely less than 1 in a hundred... probably not worth worrying about.


PS: Unless, of course, us 5 judges would just be voting on the two tied songs... in which case a second tie is clearly impossible. But that's not really a very interesting math problem.
PPS: Wait, is that an Oxymoron?

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:51 am
by king_arthur
How about... if there is a tie in the final round (eliminated contestants), the tie is broken by throwing out the votes in the order the voters fell out of Nur Ein. The first step would be to eliminate the votes from those who were eliminated in Round 1. If there is still a tie, eliminate those who went home after Round 2. So forth and so on. That gives us six (?) chances to break the tie without any extra songs, extra judging, votes, etc. To the extent that lasting longer in the contest indicates more nur ein-ness than being sent home early, this seems like a reasonable solution...

Sorry if somebody already suggested this, I haven't been following the threads closely...

Charles (KA)

Re: Nur Ein III- Round 6

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:54 am
by glennny
You could rank the final 4 contestants as follows:

Ken (2 wins)
Ross (1.5 wins)
WSA (1 win)
PDS (.5 wins)

In the event of a tie the tie breaker has already been established by number of wins during the competition. (however this is a little unfair to Ross, and WSA, because of immunity, we had one fewer opportunities to win)

Another method is to just keep having new challenges with new songs until a winner is determined.