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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:08 am
by BenKrieger
I'm trying gauge who would be interested in a Sidefight in which players have a certain amount of time to write and record a mini rock opera. I imagine something where a list of titles are posted, so that the players can pick an option that's most inspiring for them, and then everyone has a certain amount of time to write and record. I'd say a week, but I know that *I* can barely pull that off any more, so perhaps two weeks? When, in general, is a good time to hold a contest like that? When do vacation/spare time planets tend to align? The holidays?

Titles that work for rock operas tend to have a certain broadness to them. I've written (completed and uncompleted) operas for Cable Beach, Robot Candidate, Grey Rainbow, Back to the Well (and Anomaly looked great, but I never wrote anything).

Any thoughts on this? Would anyone do it?

Re: RockOperathon?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:21 am
by noma
This would be very interesting to me. I did some multi-part songs in the past and I have always wanted to do a concept album, but never managed to finish anything. There is that song tetralogy I did once, though - the Celina Flanaghan Tetralogy for Suitcase, The Lurker, L'Occitane, and Take It Back (the latter of which consists of 4 parts itself).
Some time in the summer would work fine for me. If we do it, you can count me in.

Re: RockOperathon?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:22 am
by j$
I would do this but only because it would be hilarious to hear me fail (and possibly come up with something intriguing in the failure). I actually began writing a rock opera called '''Weaseltown''' a year or two ago (hey it even had a map!) but lost interest after completing the words.


Re: RockOperathon?

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:27 pm
by fluffy
I'd try to do it given a reasonable deadline and an existing plot or something. Given how well "sndtrk" went I'm skeptical as to whether we can actually get it done though. ;)

Re: RockOperathon?

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:27 pm
by Jerkatorium
Jerkatorium would probably be very interested in this if, as fluffy suggested, a reasonable deadline were imposed - unfortunately Chumpy and I are both employed, so we'd need a few free weekends to complete any adequate number of songs. I would also vote for a widely interpretable title/subject to work with; I think a half dozen rock operas about, say, a Robot Candidate, The Phyllis Wheatley Club, or 9/11 Was An Inside Job might get tiresome to listen to regardless of quality.