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Iron Fist

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:26 pm
by Lunkhead
If you don't want spoilers, don't read this!

So is a certain undying somebody really dead...? I thought burning didn't do the trick, as seen in Daredevil.

Re: Iron Fist

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:39 pm
by Lunkhead
I just watched season 2 of this show. I think they improved things a lot just be limiting it to only 10 episodes. 7-8 episodes in I was like "Ugh, it's going to suck for them to stretch this out another 5-6 episodes" so it was a relief to see the end was actually near. These Netflix Marvel shows just don't have the meat to them their creators seem to think they have. 10 episodes is more than enough. And while the acting and dialog were still pretty weak a fair amount of the time, they drastically improved the pacing and plotting. Events moved right along and I never got to the point of feeling like I just couldn't sit through any more boring long winded discussions and monologues. Also the fight choreography was way way way better, and people fortunately spent a lot more time beating the crap out of each other. The way the antagonist uses the Iron Fist power is pretty gruesome and horrific, but I think they used enough restraint with that for it to not feel gratuitous.

But man, how crappy have the other shows gotten that Iron Fist has the best season of any of them in a while? Ouch. Maybe Daredevil season 3 won't suck. It's supposed to be out next month apparently.

Re: Iron Fist

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 8:59 am
by Lunkhead
Wow, so, they turn the show around a bit and end the second season with a very promising couple of unexplained surprise developments that could set up an actually good third season, and then boom, Netflix cancels the show. :/