Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by MicahSommer »

Just finished listening to the New Ugly episode. Great fun, good thoughts about the songs from everyone, and nice to hear about Cybronica's musical history and peek into the Mandibles song machine. I hope you continue inviting guests to join you, even if it is an editing nightmare. (Silver lining: theoretically the episodes should get shorter each week... :) )

On a different note, I'll say one thing about my song, regarding the "Spaghetti Western"/"lucha libre" guitar. My intention was to evoke this guitar sound (hopefully it'll start at the right place, if not it's 1:22-1:32), which was the first element of the classic Bond theme that came to mind when I saw the challenge. Obviously I didn't do a particularly good job imitating the sound, and/or maybe it's not as iconic an element of the overall Bond sound as I thought. Anyway, this is not at all a complaint about how it was received, just an explanation of where I was coming from.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by iVeg »

I'm most of the way through "The New Ugly". I'm really enjoying it. You gelled pretty quickly - kinda Ben and Abigail versus Mike but in a fun way. I appreciate Abigail's perspective as a classically trained singer/ musician. I think my big takeaway is breath support.

I've really enjoyed reading the comments and critiques this year, especially for the rounds I didn't submit a song. I'm not sure why. Usually I'm all about my review. "What did they say about ME?" but this year I'm reading them all, even after I dropped out.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by seemanski »

Another great podcast, listening to Abigail explain everything makes me realise how painfully out of my depth I really am, I need to learn some more music theory and stop blagging it so much :shock:.

I feel I should also check out gravity kills, I have a feeling I might like them.

This was a really strong round, I really enjoyed all the tunes that were put out.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by grumpymike »

seemanski wrote:
Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:24 pm
I feel I should also check out gravity kills, I have a feeling I might like them.
This is by far not one of their "top hits", but it's what your song reminds me of. They were my favorite in middle-school... I got into them because of the Mortal Kombat movie soundtrack.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by iVeg »

Oh yeah - a shout out to Adam. I'm enjoying your videos of your creative process. I like that so much of what you do is real instruments, and you do them all so well.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by mo »

Cybronica, loved your turn on the pod, lots of insight. I vote for you to judge next year, or at least keep podcasting!
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by Cybronica »

iVeg wrote:
Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:38 pm
...I appreciate Abigail's perspective as a classically trained singer/ musician. I think my big takeaway is breath support.
TBH I’m delighted that that’s your big takeaway, and even more so delighted that the big takeaway wasn’t that I’m a giant freaking nerd.

I had a really lovely time on the podcast! Ben and Mike are great, and was a blast to talk about all the great songs from the round.
mo wrote:
Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:22 pm
Cybronica, loved your turn on the pod, lots of insight. I vote for you to judge next year, or at least keep podcasting!
Weeeeeelllllll, seeing as the winners become the judges, I think your path forward is clear. ;)
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by seemanski »

grumpymike wrote:
Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:08 pm
I got into them because of the Mortal Kombat movie soundtrack.
I'm sold.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by thirdcatmusic »

The New Ugly was pretty great, cool to hear from Cybronica!
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by owl »

Sorry for the very late reviews, everyone. This week's been kind of crazy for me, and the coming weeks are only going to get crazier, so most likely I won't get around to retroactively reviewing the Rear Window songs, sorry! But at least here are the Carte Blanche ones, in order of final ranking for the round and alpha for the shadows if I did this right. I have typed the word "Bond" so many times now, it doesn't seem real anymore.
Official entries:
Moss Palace--Loved this. I think you did a perfect job with the challenge--it’s exactly what I wanted out of this prompt. It has the whole melodramatic, mysterious, swirling, vibe I want from a Bond theme. The instrumentation was great--I like the symphonic builds, the moody, twangy electric guitar lines, and the rolling piano arpeggios. We had a judge check-in today about whose melodies we still remembered a few days after judging, and your chorus was one of the ones that stuck with me. It did seem a bit high for your vocal range (or in an awkward break range, as Ben suggested) as your voice seemed a bit more thin than I’m used to hearing, but that’s just a minor comment that I wouldn’t even categorize as a complaint. The lyrics really work for the challenge as well; I especially liked that first verse with the image of the melting ice against a burning world. The ending did feel kind of abrupt for me... some rubato or a lingering last note or even a fadeout would have worked better for me; the instrumental kind of just stops.
Frankie Big Face--This is a slow burn, but boy, the end is worth it. That dropout to huge buildup is fantastic. It takes a bit too long to get there for my taste. I think the song overall could have been trimmed down--the pacing of the song as a whole keeps it from feeling properly cinematic to me. It’s a lot of verses that don’t feel like they add a lot musically. They’re good lyrics--I like the “running wild” verse in particular--but not quite compelling enough to carry that first part of the song for me with the current length and arrangement. The M/C/Q lyrics felt out of place tonally--they’re cute, but a bit too wry and self-aware for a song that otherwise went for grand poetry and character study drama. Your vocals this week were great, and the orchestration at the end was very satisfying.
Cavedwellers--I loved those horns, and the arrangement overall had a wonderful drive and energy to it. I was constantly delighted by the change-ups that came into the song at different points, and the combination of the retro-sounding brass with the fuzzy guitars kept it from feeling like pure pastiche (which, I mean, I wasn’t opposed to at all in this challenge, but I liked that it felt extremely recognizable as a Bond theme but also clearly sounded like you guys). There were a few dodgy parts on the vocals where you didn’t hit all the notes super cleanly, but it wasn’t bad enough to be a dealbreaker. I particularly enjoyed the melody and phrasing on “When the moment comes/Dirty deeds get done” and the stabs that come back in at 01:45.
Jon Eric--Great songwriting here--musically the chorus hit exactly what I was looking for, and was another one that I cited as still remembering the melody of after a few days. The verses have a bit of a musical theater feel that I wasn’t hugely into, but it all works overall, that’s just a personal taste thing. I was impressed with those big long notes at the end, way to belt it out! I enjoyed the lyrics a lot; “the mutilated world” phrase really stuck with me (though the Thanatos line stood out in a sort of awkward way, as the rest of the song uses pretty plain language). The mix is basically what let this song down for me. The arrangement itself seems fine, but the vocals were way too hot and sat on top of the mix in a way that was really distracting. Something odd seems to happen with the rhythm in the last big part of the outro, feels like the piano and drums fall out of sync and are staggering along, was that intentional? I’m not sure if I’m just not hearing some of the quieter notes since they’re being drowned out by the vocals at that point.
Mandibles--I thought this had a good vibe musically--I particularly enjoyed the instrumental break about 2 minutes in, and I didn’t mind the processed vocals, personally--but it felt like the music was a bit utilitarian; nothing ever quite felt like it transcended “Bond theme writing assignment” for me, whereas some of the songs I ranked both higher and lower felt to me like they had a better sense of themselves. But it definitely had that Bond theme vibe! Lyrically, there were a few lines that worked and a few that didn’t--I really wasn’t a fan of the “mister man” line, and I saw your explanation to Vom, but it just felt awkward to me rather than emasculating; and “who ever lived as I” seemed either lazy or pretentious… the rest of the song has a pretty normal register and so this stuck out to me. I appreciate the viewpoint, and the shaken/stirred reference, of course, having put a similar line in my own song, and I think a lot of the other lines have some good vivid, visceral, slightly weird phrases. The vocals in this song are kind of a strange mix, stylistically. On the lead vocal, you can definitely tell you have these operatic leanings, but you’re restrained enough that you don’t quite wind up in that zone (lovely vibrato btw) whereas once you get into the chorus there are some definitely operatic, almost strident high backing vocals combined with a lower, rougher, almost speaking voice lead that doesn’t fit with the tone of either of those others, so it feels like it jumps around a bit, but I wanted those voices and transitions to feel smooth and blended and cool.
see-man-ski--Looking at the other judges’ scores, I feel like I must be overlooking something and this is probably a “it’s not you, it’s me” review, but I found this song really forgettable. Nothing was wrong with it, per se--it seemed polished, and skillfully performed and put together, but I listened to it about five times in a row and even after that, nothing about it really stuck in my head at all. Not hooky enough, not enough dynamic ebb and flow--it was just kind of there, and suddenly then it ended. I can’t point to things that annoyed me or anything; I think you put it together well, the mix sounds good, and I liked the layers of overlapping vocals at the end. But it was just not a memorable song for me.
Max Bombast--After the judging, and after viewing your video, we had a long discussion in the judges’ panel about whether the comparison to police brutality was a fair one. I fell on the side of “doesn’t matter if he’s technically a cop, it’s all glorifying state-sponsored violence with no real oversight or accountability” but not all the judges agreed with that sentiment. I guess they were going for a nuanced, thoughtful understanding or something. Pfffft, who needs that. Anyway, I digress. There was a whole group of songs in the lower half of my rankings that basically had a failure of mood, and this was one of them. I was hoping the contestants would stretch out of their comfort zones a bit and try to deliver on that moody spy music feel, but this just seems like an average Max Bombast song about James Bond that didn’t evoke Bond on a musical level at all. I like the idea behind the lyrics, but they don’t entirely work for me. I get what you were playing at with the white/blue/red stuff but you’re not really selling me on that “there’ll be red” line, which feels really forced, and I didn’t care for the offhand references to other Bond movies. I would have been impressed if you had somehow managed to fit every Bond movie title into the lyrics in some workable way, but just tossing a few in there kind of confuses and dilutes the main “carte blanche” hook. I liked the falsetto parts of the vocal, but found the rest of the vocals a bit nasal.
Balance Lost--The intro/end samples made me laugh, and that whole Pink Panther pastiche jazzy opening was really promising, but the rest of the song felt really disjointed to me. I appreciated the creative approach, but ultimately not only did it not deliver on ~ le Bond mood ~, I wasn’t even sure what mood it was supposed to be delivering; you came in with that sample and intro and then it kind of seesawed around wildly for a minute and a half or so and ended before I felt like it even got started. I liked the tiny little delicate chromatic Bond string interludes, but in the louder parts there were some scratchy synths? distorted guitars? in the mix that I didn’t like the tone of and I found them sort of unpleasant. I liked the “even the dice” line--the flow of it worked really well, and it reminded me of that line “she’s well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand” from “Happiness is a Warm Gun”, maybe intentional with the guns and all? I spent a lot of time thinking about the “avalanche”/”carte blanche” rhyme, which is decidedly not a rhyme in American English, but I have now learned a couple of times over that it works just fine in British English.
Micah Sommersmith--For some reason, the intro reminded me of Neil Diamond’s “Desiree” and I kept imagining “It was the third of June” coming in right at 7 seconds in. But of course then it went somewhere totally different. My main issue with this was that it lacked a certain sense of moodiness and menace despite the key and melody of the song and the theme of the lyrics… I think it was a combination of the tempo, the vocals, and the actual execution of the lyrics. I appreciate the “lunch”/”blanche” half-rhyme, but “lunch” is just not a very sexy and mysterious word, you know? And I think Vom had a point about the hungry wolf stuff sounding a bit more like a children’s song than a 007 theme. Overall it still felt kind of friendly and amiable to me. I didn’t really find these to be your best vocals, either--they seemed a bit pinched in the chorus, and the falsetto backing vocals were delivered in an almost operatic way, in a way that drew attention from the lead for me. I was entertained to read about your self-imposed constraint on “s,” which I forgot about until writing up these reviews. And I liked the line “he doesn’t hate you, he doesn’t know you” which gave the Bond-bogeyman a bit more creepiness to me, but I think this just didn’t hit the Bond mood and feel quite enough for me in a round with a lot of really strong songs.
Nick Soma--The very first chord had a lot of potential in terms of tone and mood, but ultimately this ended up failing in terms of the general feel and mood for me. The little transition riff feels kind of incongruously proggy to me, and once the tempo picks up, it just feels kind of peppy instead of exciting and dangerous like I think it was meant to. I do really like your jangling guitars, and probably would have ranked this song higher if there was no challenge, but it didn’t really read as “Bond theme” at all to me. You definitely hit the “what is the title of this song?” challenge since “carte blanche” was repeated so much, but the nanana CARTE BLANCHE stuff at the end kind of reminded me of the Batman theme song, which again didn’t feel right. Your liner note comment about the horns made me laugh. I do think when you read over the lyrics, they feel appropriately melodramatic, but the musical execution kind of felt like it was for a different genre.
Lowest Bitter, The--Aw, I’m sorry, I really wanted to rank this higher on concept alone. The lyrics made me laugh and I appreciated the take on them, but the song itself didn’t really try to engage with the challenge on a musical level at all, and it just didn’t feel quite compelling enough on its own to make up for that--the lyrics kind of seemed like the first thing you came up with (although the “emblem of the empire” line does roll off the tongue really nicely!) and, I guess understandably based on the concept, it lacks the ultra-personal, sincere take that made some of your earlier round lyrics really special. The music was very catchy and appealing, but I found myself wishing for more dynamics and movement through the course of the song. In the end I felt like I had to rank the songs that had made more of an effort to get the Bond sound in there higher than this one.

Glow Worm--Exquisite vocal performance on this song, although I noticed a few raspy artifacts on breaths here and there which kept it from feeling completely smooth. It’s a very pretty, restrained arrangement. I’m not sure how I would have ranked this if it hadn’t had immunity, because on the whole it feels to me like a general-purpose Glow Worm song rather than specifically a Bond theme. The choruses have the right mood, but the arrangement is pretty low-key and I kind of wanted it to soar up with a bunch of orchestral bombast a la Skyfall to really nail that feel. Still! It’s a beautiful song, so I’m glad I didn’t have that choice to make this time around.

Grumpy Mike--I really dig the instrumental and the general mood of this. You really conjure up that dark, dramatic atmosphere. I like the backing vocals and the sparse guitar licks over the driving bass and drums. Didn’t work so well on the lyrical front--the lyrics felt very clunky and very literal. “Stabbing inside the shadows / for his job to protect the crown” were the lines that really took me out of it. I mentioned in Micah’s review that the word “lunch” lacks a certain sexy superspy je ne sais quoi, and I guess I feel the same way about the phrase “his job.”
Hot Pink Halo--These lyrics are so delightfully weird, I’m really happy you ended up taking both these jokes and running with them. It has a very sweet sound (not Bond theme-like at all, but hey, it’s a shadow) but I do feel like this is so close to the original song in so many ways, both musically and lyrically, since you’re exploring almost exactly the same theme and structure, just in a different setting, that it’s probably a bit less fun than it could be for someone who knows the original song well. Or maybe it could be more fun? But I found myself wishing you’d strayed further from the source material.
Lichen Throat--I was really charmed by this song (again, it doesn’t sound like a Bond theme, but again, who cares if you’re submitting a shadow?) I love the spoken word parts--a very successful experiment, if you ask me, and I think you should do it more. The sung parts still need some work as far as pitch and timing, so those don’t work so well for me. I also adored the very personal and nostalgic storytelling and thought the whole image of teenage Lichen Throat taking advantage of his grandma was pretty cute. “Nothing sad or bleak” (aside from Dad being in the hospital)... The specific details of geography work really well here.
Miscellaneous Owl--I wish I’d had a bit more time to sort out the mix and fine-tune the vocals, everything feels very washed out (I think I overdid it on the reverb), but I had a lot of fun putting the arrangement and the meandering melody together, particularly that transitional part in the outro that goes from Fdim->Eb->Ebm->D->Dm before heading into the chromatic part over Em. The outro part was originally supposed to be the chorus and appear twice, the “God help me” part that repeats was actually the prechorus, but the song was so freaking long I took out the first repeat of the chorus and I think it’s probably better that way. We didn’t need to hear that twice.
The Serviettes--The samples at the beginning are great. Like with Max’s song, I wasn’t really taken with the various references to other Bond movie titles in the lyrics, and the chorus lyrics seemed a bit meaningless. I think you did a lovely job of paying homage to classic Bond themes in terms of mood and melody. I really enjoyed the unconventional addition of that grimy synth bass halfway through. The production and vocal performance feel a bit first-drafty to me, but a bit more time on both would really elevate this.
Third Cat--This definitely does not feel like a Bond theme to me, I’m not even sure what to call it or compare it to, but it’s kind of sweet and upbeat and a fun listen. I think you really have to have a lot of sultriness and panache to pull off calling someone “dirty girl” and “sexy girl” in your lyrics, but I don’t think you quite get there with this track. I also am not sure I’m reading this line right, but if “for justice, I’ve got the greed” was supposed to be read as “I’ve got the greed for justice,” it really didn’t work for me--I generally hate it when lyrics don’t flow like natural speech. I quite liked the part with the glitchy strings, but overall wished for a bit more going on in terms of dynamics.
Vom Vorton--You definitely pass the “Bond theme feel” test with that lush, moody atmosphere--piano sounds really nice, and I like the shimmering guitar strums. Some cool images in the first verse, but as you mentioned, the lyrics do seem pretty last-minute. (I wish “hands” and “blanche” at least rhymed better--it’s repeated so much, the free verse-ness of it really stands out.) You do deliver the lines with the appropriate gravity and drama, though.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by frankie big face »

Owl, I appreciate the note about the lyric. I actually added the M/C/Q verse after the fact because I felt the song needed another verse to be balanced but some others thought the song was a bit too long so maybe I’ll try editing it out and seeing how it feels. Thanks again for the thoughtful remarks.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by glennny »

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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by JonPorobil »

Bravo. It syncs up surprisingly well! I must admit, though, I was mildly disappointed that the name "Skyfall" wasn't hastily scribbled over with "Carte Blanche." My own fault for expecting a joke.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by ujnhunter »

Assuming that is the actual opening from Skyfall... I was like... "have I seen this?" which after they showed the "bad guys" name... I have... but how strange that I don't recall the opening to that movie at all...
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by iVeg »

Good job! Did you write your version to the Skyfall movie intro, or did you discover how well it fit after?
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by glennny »

my brother-in-law did that. I think he was just impressed how well it fit.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by Niveous »

Mindblown. That was tremendous.
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Re: Nur Ein XV Round Four "Carte Blanche"

Post by Lunkhead »

Easter egg in our song: the triangle in the intro uses the rhythm of the first melody of the Bond theme (the one played on the twangy reverbed out surf guitar)
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