Redneck Amp Repair

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Pigfarmer Jr
Posts: 2430
Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:13 am
Instruments: Guitar
Recording Method: Br-900CD and Reaper to mix
Submitting as: Pigfarmer Jr, Evil Grin, Pork Producer, Gilmore Lynette Tootle, T.C. Elliott
Pronouns: he/him
Location: Columbia, Missouri

Redneck Amp Repair

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

So I bought a Fender 25R off of an auction site (actually two of them) and I liked it quite a bit. Those of you at the Madison Songfight Live heard me playing through it. And it's a decent little amp, especially for the money (used, they don't make them anymore.)

Well, I got the great idea of upgrading the shit speaker. So I bought a Rajin Cajun and installed it. Sounded great except.... the damn speaker cloth flapped so hard with the extra oomph that it sounded like it had a torn speaker. Well, I finally got around to purchasing and installing some expanded aluminum over the grill clothe (I had to use my cutting wheel to shape it and just used simple screws to attach it.) Now this little thing rocks. It screams. Like, it's ballsy. If my wife hadn't come home I'd still be playing it.
TCAmp_Fender25R_500x375.jpg (47.96 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
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T.C. Elliott bandcamp - T.C. Elliott spotify

"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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