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Posts: 805
Joined: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:49 am
Instruments: Vocal, guitar, keyboard, clarinet
Recording Method: Ardour 5, JACK, Ubuntu
Submitting as: Hostess Mostess
Pronouns: He/him
Location: Ann Arbor, MI


Post by Mostess »

Any other Linux-users here? I'm kind of eager to try out PipeWire but I don't have a lot of time to tinker with it. Lord knows my low latency JACK setup was hard enough to get working smoothly and I'd hate to try something else, dislike it, and have to rebuild what I have.

Has anyone started using PipeWire for their recordings? I'd love to hear some setup/debugging stories.
"We don’t write songs about our own largely dull lives. We mostly rely on the time-tested gimmick of making shit up."
-John Linnell
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