And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

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And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

They say cheaters never win but they don't always lose, either.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

If we're lucky all the lyrics will be in the appropriate thread: viewtopic.php?t=12692
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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the idiot king
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by the idiot king »

a Slight Threat:

Queasy synths with a TMBG style vocal. The vocal delivery is not my favorite, but the melodies are strong. A definite weirdo song but I almost always (and in this case) mean that as a compliment. Just out of curiosity, what synths/software did you use to make this?

The Everfree Forest:

The bass really does a lot of heavy lifting musically, as it creates a bit more urgency than I think this would have had otherwise. The guitar solo could be a bit louder - ideally it should be on par with the lead vocals (or at least in the ballpark) if it’s filling a passage with no vocals. There are a few pitchy bits here and there but overall pretty well done.

The Idiot Kings:

I was originally planning on doing an acoustic track and then we had a heatwave. The air conditioner stayed on and I got into programming mode. A fun thing I did was processed all guitars direct through synthesizer effects and filters, resulting in some of them sounding like they’re not guitars at all. Lyrically I envisioned a scenario that I realized was pretty similar to a Twilight Zone episode, so I name check it.

The Mellfire Trifecta:

Another week, another cool-ass Mellfire Trifecta song. The song structure is unique, the lyrics are great, and is that a real accordion? My only complaint is that the mix is a bit flat; some more compression would make that kicks bass stand out a bit more, and would give the drums the toughness to compete in the mix. Otherwise though, well done again!

Robyn Mackenzie:

Killer vocal performance! The production is cool, it feels like Berlin by way of modern pop. I would’ve liked the final bridge at the end to be during a fade out because the title is in there a lot, but that’s a pretty minor nit. Y’all are bringing it this week. Also, I think this may be the only positive spin on the title.


Dirty, dirgey, and an uptempo chorus give me almost a feeling of seasickness in the best way. I’d love the bass and electric piano to be a bit more defined, as they’re both a little lost in the mix.
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by MellyP »

Another week, another cool-ass Mellfire Trifecta song. The song structure is unique, the lyrics are great, and is that a real accordion? My only complaint is that the mix is a bit flat; some more compression would make that kicks bass stand out a bit more, and would give the drums the toughness to compete in the mix. Otherwise though, well done again!
Yes our bass player is a multi-instrumentalist and that’s his accordion playing. Thx for the review(!) and I’ll work on how to add compression to get a better mix.
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the idiot king
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by the idiot king »

MellyP wrote:
Sat Jul 20, 2024 7:13 am
Yes our bass player is a multi-instrumentalist and that’s his accordion playing. Thx for the review(!) and I’ll work on how to add compression to get a better mix.
That rules.
“It’s amazing how quickly we get used to weirdness when it’s our own weirdness.”
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by MellyP »

The Evertree Forest
I’m loving the guitar on this, especially in the verses. So clear and bright. I thought your chorus was going to stay bouncy and light – maybe go faster/busier – but you took an interesting turn before the zippy musical section. Smooth vocals when you do your low singing. Nice! Mine gets rough. Enough about me. This is a very cool song, with a lot of nice chord changes. Oh! So your last trip through the chorus is what I was expecting throughout… I like this song and hope l to hear more from the E-Forest.

The Idiot Kings
The range of styles on display in just three weeks of song entries is impressive. This style – Depeche Mode comes to mind a bit – works for me. I feel a sort of doom from the four chords that follow the “I don’t need luck” chorus and it’s really good. Yeah this is worthy of more listens. After three I’m kind of hooked. Full sound, everything in its place. Good tune.

The Mellfire Trifecta
This one came together in a hurry and there were a few things that got rushed as result. The mix suffered the most. On the whole, this “I’m a loser so luck ain’t gonna help” deal was fun to write. This one also gave us a chance to feature Craig’s accordion playing. He’s a rookie on it but also a pretty quick study.

Robyn Mackenzie
I’m really enjoying the verses the most: the way it gets spare and one can focus on a really nice vocal performance! Then the chorus soars. This is quite an inspiring entry! Refreshing. Major shout out for your superb and inventive harmony vocals throughout! Sounds like you were really able to test your range too. Good job.

I don't think I have heard this style of song from you before. Cool. The guitar is great. Lyrics and super and and the chorus really rocks. Quibble for me is that the harmony part is mixed to be louder than the main part in that chorus and the verse after it. Seems like it would be better to focus a bit more on the main part – or what I hear in my head as the main vocal part. This has a great groove and leaves a powerful impact.

A Slight Threat
Fun stuff. Circus came to town. I don’t how you did this but it’s unique. Sounds like a lot of manipulation of sounds to get to your chosen ones, including with the vocals. How did you play that keys solo going so fast? Did you slow it down? Wow. Style-wise it’s not really my thing which always make a review tougher, but I will say that this offers a beautifully melodic chorus, is interesting, and I’m glad you wrote it!
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by robynmackenzie »

a Slight Threat: Getting big Spongebob vibes from this tbh. The instrumentation is super fun and the beat has me bopping my head. Not sure what the word for this is but I feel like I want to go run around in a bouncy castle right now.

The Everfree Forest: I really like the chord progression and melody in the verse. Nice lyrics too, and the change up of the beat is really cool.

The Idiot Kings: Very cool synths, love that insistent drone. The vocal effects add some nice grit. I really like the multiple voices on “I don’t need luck.” Nicely done.

The Mellfire Trifecta: The guitar drowns out the vocals a little which is distracting for me. That aside, I really dig these lyrics and that chord progression in the verse is killer. Nice harmonies too.

Robyn Mackenzie: I’d had the melody for the chorus in my head for awhile but didn’t have lyrics until I started playing around with this title. Is this so inspirational it’s corny? Maybe. But I think a part of me needed to hear the lyrics.

See-Man-Ski: I’ve been looking forward to listening to this ever since I saw you joined the fight. I always dig your stuff. Those echoey vocals are so haunting, floating around in contrast to the gritty, grounded instrumentation. Love this.
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

The Mellfire Trifecta don't need luck to win, they just need four more votes than The Idiot Kings.
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the idiot king
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by the idiot king »

Congrats again, Mellfire!
“It’s amazing how quickly we get used to weirdness when it’s our own weirdness.”
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Re: And I know how to cheat (I Don't Need Luck reviews)

Post by MellyP »

the idiot king wrote:
Sat Jul 27, 2024 5:02 pm
Congrats again, Mellfire!
Thanks v much!
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