"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

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"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

... I can't do that.
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Your AI generated lyrics go here (along with the rest of them): viewtopic.php?t=12700
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"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by ujnhunter »

I probably won't make it in time (since I didn't even start writing my song until about 3am EST today... well, I guess I didn't know I had started writing it at around 8:30pm last night when I got my new [to me] SH-01A Roland Boutique synth and was messing about with some basslines on it) but I couldn't sleep (well, I slept from 9:15pm to 12:45am) and the song kept me awake enough to get back up at 3am until 4:54am to write/record most of it... then I just ended up getting up at 5:56am without ever really sleeping and going into work... so I'll probably have to take a power nap when I get home today at around 2:52pm until around (hopefully) 5:30(ish)pm then I'll probably need to eat something... and then hopefully I'll be able to work on it some more. Wish me luck.
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Re: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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Re: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by j$ »

W.A.I.L. I.A.A.C.

I loved this title. Wanted to enter a song, got it half finished; but it fell apart in a lack of confidence moment. So I thought I would at least review. Sorry. ignore me, probably.

Magnetic Letters - Jolly. Ear-worm-y, but also slightly annoying in the way 'Come Dancing' by The Kinks is for me, or god Forbid Paul Simon. Anyway, don't like the 'flute' sound at all. Yeah, there is some slightly clumsy phrasing here that loom out of the overall sound - 'Identify as a scary monster' springs out particularly. Despite all that moaning, I kind of like this (cf. The Kinks later work) but no way I'm voting for it. Sorry about that. I would also say, too short which I think may be the only time I have ever said that in a review! I think if there had been room to let the song breathe, it might have got under my skin a bit more.

Madame Breathehard - Oh I quite like the tones here, on the guitar and the vocal. I like the robot affect as well. however my concern at 52 seconds is there's not enough here to support the length overall (matron). There's a slight thrift store Beck vibe going on here, which I dig. But this is at the same time an ear worm, and whatever the opposite is. I liked it but didn't love it is my take away. However I have to vote for two, so one is going to you.

The Idiot Kings - I don't like the 80s reverb on the drums. I am slightly bored at 43 seconds while also appreciating the quality of the song writing. I rather suspect that is going to be my overriding take away from the song unless there's a big ol' chorus coming. Which given I am at 1.40 now seems a bit unlikely. I like the bassline, oh, O.k. at 2.30 that sounds like you're going for it. Nice attempt but not earworm-y for me, I'm afraid. Perhaps I should love this more - I can hear the quality but I am not just engaging with that electro-goth stadium-Depeche Mode(?) sound.

Robyn Mackenzie - Groovy. Is that a synth bass or a bass sample sequenced? If the second,i can hear the effect of the pitch twisting clearly in the verses. Good chorus. Eurodisco in the house! yeah this makes me happy! It's not perfect; for example there should be something coming out of the chorus, maybe a distinctive riff. It kind of runs out of steam each time on the 'friend' stutter but I don't know what I'd suggest so have a vote.
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Re: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by frankie big face »

The Idiot Kings:
This was a much more enjoyable listen when I slapped on the headphones. I enjoyed the sonic details lurking in the background. It's a trudger, to be sure, and on second listen, I was wishing you were a little more like Perry Farrell. I think it needs that kind of over-the-top performance to maintain interest. On the last verse, you bring it. But then, you need to break it down and make it like ten minutes long so it can be the lost Ritual track. :P Lyrics are silly, especially for any of us who have actually encountered that fucking robot when we just need to get some yogurt and get the hell out of the supermarket. I wish you would have kept it a little more cryptic. But I enjoyed this song.

Madame Breathehard:
There were definitely things I liked about this, especially those guitar chords at the beginning. But then they disappear for the most part and don't come back when I want them too. The rhythmic vocal delivery (rap?) is a little too stilted. (Dare I say "robotic"?) Even at 2:40, this seems long to me on second listen. I think the disjointedness of it just wears me out.

The Magnetic Letters:
What's Ian Anderson doing submitting to Song Fight!? Interesting choice not to return to the chorus. The more I listened, the more I appreciated that choice. But generally, I kept getting the sensation that the lyrics were shoehorned into spaces where they just didn't fit. It didn't quite hook me, but I could imagine many people really liking this song.

Robyn Mackenzie:
Hooky chorus for sure, but after the first one, I kind of lost interest. Like I knew what was coming a mile in advance. I wanted more sonic surprises, I guess. And on subsequent listens, this didn't improve (although I definitely noticed more details in the arrangement). I had (and am still having) a little trouble reconciling your vocal tone color and this dance music context. If I were mixing this, I would experiment with trying to make your voice "fit" a bit more.
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Re: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

I have added a late entry from Berkeley Social Scene.
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Re: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by the idiot king »

Berkeley Social Scene:

Involuntarily nodding my head and upper torso to this. I really like the little guitar stabs during the prechoruses. Overall really fun and dancey but I’d love to see the lyrics because they’re a bit buried (feel free to lobby this critique against me for the next fight).

The Idiot Kings:

I wanted to do something hypnotic, between Blur’s “Battle” and Radiohead’s “India Rubber”. I don’t know that I got where I wanted to in my head but I’m pretty happy with this instrumentally, at least.

Madame Breathehard:

Gonzo noises and weirdness right off the bat. You have my attention. I dig the groove but I would’ve liked a tiny bit more melody. Something to get me to come back and enjoy the weirdness more often.

The Magnetic Letters:

Musically this has a smidge of early Peter Gabriel. Unique instrumentation. Is that real, non-sample flute? If so, bravo. It’s really fun to hear things that are bit outside of the standard singer/songwriter genre sonically. “And the world would be a boring place/Without robots and monsters” is such a killer line to end on.

Robyn Mackenzie:

I was surprised by the lack of electronic submissions this week. Causing me to involuntarily move my upper torso similarly to Berkeley Social Scene’s song. The slice and dice vocals rule. Killer vocals, as always, and the subject matter/lyrics are very fun.
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Re: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Berkeley Social Scene overclocked their robot friend so it could just barely win out over Robyn's.
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Merle Fyshwick
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Re: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid... (My Perfect Robot Friend reviews)

Post by Merle Fyshwick »

Well done B.S.S.! Here's my late reviews:

Madame Breathe Hard

Curious combination of crunchy guitars and cowbells(triangle?), which are essentially tiny church bells! Here’s a thought: the line uttered by the P.R.F. ‘I wanna be your superstar’ gradually slips out of synch, despite the robot’s supposed perfection. Was that intentional, I wonder? I approve of the Mr Kite-esque note salad at 1:20.

Robyn MacKenzie

Good house beat. The E – e – e – electronic line is super camp or something. With a bit of polishing I dare say this could be a hit; I’d dance to it. I was going to say, just think of that song Blue by Eiffel 65??, what the hell was that? But that was a loooong time ago and I don’t know what I’m talking about.

The chorus is catchy!

Idiot Kings

Stereo panning intro sounds good with headphones. Reminds me a tiny, tiny bit of The Argus by Ween, which I suppose is meant to evoke Pink Floyd. I think it’s a combination of the guitar and the reverse reverb sound.Tasteful inclusion of church bells in the chorus. I can’t immediately figure out who Marty is and I’m a bit intrigued! Very epic for a 3:20 song.

Berkley Social Scene

I dig the way the drums come in at 32 seconds. Around 1:30 I like the synchronous bass line. The line about Optimus (Prime?) made me think of the microphones Tandy used to sell – was it Optimus? They were optimized for cheapness! I really like the octave vocals i.e. ‘Watching the Bumblebee chase(?)’.

Magnetic Letters

Yes, the pan pipes suck – my brother gave them to me and I said I’d use them in the next song I wrote. I really used to daydream about weird things like being a robot, and I notice my little boy might have similar tendencies, so it’s just a note to him to say ‘It’s gonna be okay’.
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