Up to four hours of (Boner Jamz 08 reviews)

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Pigfarmer Jr
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Up to four hours of (Boner Jamz 08 reviews)

Post by Pigfarmer Jr »

Your mixed signals are colder than Virginia November.
And I've written a thousand songs
that I doubt I'll ever send you.
Because you don't care about what I have to say,
and if you don't give a fuck,
then why should I give a fuck?
I'd rather have you as a friend
then not have you at all
so I'll watch you watch me be miserable.
Lyrics go here: viewtopic.php?t=12814
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T.C. Elliott bandcamp - T.C. Elliott spotify

"PigFramer: Guy and guitar OF MY NIGHTMARES." - Blue Lang
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Re: Up to four hours of (Boner Jamz 08 reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Songs posted!
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Re: Up to four hours of (Boner Jamz 08 reviews)

Post by roymond »

been a while...

Add: it's pretty cool when somebody crafts an actual story line that reads like a libretto but is delivered in the simplest appropriate manner. And the suspense throughout was gold. So thanks for this entertaining mini-series pilot. "It's all trash but at least it's a lot" wraps it up for the social disinformation hose. Awesome.

The AVN Awards: I'd like this better as an instrumental.

Berkeley Social Scene: This has like 3 personalities and you do a great job tying them together. Slides always make me smile. Have to say, to me, this is one of your better! Nice!

Johnny Cashpoint & Andy Balham: Masterful slicing out of the gate! j$ is on the right trip, too. Great delivery!

Pigfarmer Jr: Solid throughout and crafty vertical use of the title ;)

roymond: OK, so I went to urban dictionary with this title, and Barry White or yacht rock seemed the way to go. Needs new vocals and a major remix but it was fun.

Xor: On the fourth listen this totally won me over. It really was about to go to the back of the line, but instead it rose like a phoenix, bringing joy and reassurance. and sarcasm. Really enjoyed this!
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"Any more chromaticism and you'll have to change your last name to Wagner!" - Frankie Big Face
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Re: Up to four hours of (Boner Jamz 08 reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

Thanks for writing reviews, Roy!

Begging the pardon of Gemini6Ice, I've updated the cover art with art we received from long ago fighter prayformojo. (You may have to shift-refresh to see the new art if you've already loaded the fight.)
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Re: Up to four hours of (Boner Jamz 08 reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

The results are in and the fight has been won by ... Add!
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