Why I Have Emotional Problems (Left At The Mortuary Reviews)

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Why I Have Emotional Problems (Left At The Mortuary Reviews)

Post by Future Boy »

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Post by WeaselSlayer »


Melvin - It's weird, you seem to have like a million different influences but they all sort of circle around the same orbit. Your harmonies and your Pedro the Lion chord changes are well fitted to the more power pop elements of your music. And your vocal rhythm in this is really good, keeps me hooked. I can't help but enjoy this sort of thing. Even if it is just a toooouch cheesy sometimes.

Phunt Your Friends - Way to sell out you Postal Service ass motherfuckers. Eat shit and die. And learn to sing.

Thornberry - I expect James Hetfield to come in with a big "YEEEEEEEEAH!" And it's all "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG." It doesn't quite do that in any way. This is well-done and tight and the production is pretty spot on, but it doesn't spark quite right. And the vocals also don't seem quite at the same level as the rest of it. Like, they aren't as full as the music supporting them. And also, the echo-y guitar solo, while well-executed here, is something I have never been able to get into in general. This all smells very prog to me, in fact.

Luke Henley - It just hit me that my lyrics sound fucking insane. Hm. It is my dream to become the Alice Cooper of freak folk.

Phunt; Don't Tell - Oh, good, you have time for side projects. You're still sellouts.

Seoup T. Gei - Very airy. The vocals on this are really working, and are the real strength of the song. They bring it up to another level, which is good because the backup music - while very pretty - also sounds very artificial (which may have been unavoidable). but it's a good sort of throbbing dirge of a piece. Nice pitchbending, too.

Dankity Dank - Don't talk bank? This sounds dank, like a big dripping MIDI cave. Like ice melting. This is eerie in its artifice. Very. I like it. A lot. Jesus this keeps on building. Um, ps if you ever want a vocalist... (PM meee).

Bjam - This is darker and messier than your other work I do believe, which I think is a good direction. There's always just a little extra drama tinging your vocals though in these songs. Like you've got this psuedo-vibrato thing going on. It's distracting and I think you could sound more honest in your delivery. But this is otherwise better than other stuff I've heard.

Der Neuen Stenographen - Madvillain makes much better use of Street Fighter, I'm sorry. And I think Phunt has finally become an influence on someone's music?

White_Ike - If you were doing anything interesting lyrically I would be more impressed with the rhythmic effect of your vocals. But, you're not, which is really unfortunate. Sounds like you've got the ability, but you don't give enough of a shit.

Steve Durand - Aw Steve sounds sad. Your vocals have this really endearing awkwardness to them, I won't lie. I like them sometimes. Nice harmonies, this just has a really nice tone to them. Part sad part whimsical. The change with the strings and ever and this whole build is really great. And it goes back fluidly. A great song.

Hoblit - Something is not sitting right with me on this one. I have no idea what it is. It's like a person with an internal injury, they look fine on the outside but something is really off. It kind of creates an unintentional effect that works well, though, as it becomes very unsettling in all the ways it's not trying to be. Nice sort of Misfits nod in this, by the way. But still, gads, this is awkward in some way I can't fathom.

Rone Rivendale - Well, kudos on going in a new direction. There's just not enough happening in this song to me. I mean, in a song wherein the lyrics are the main focus, the lyrics need to be fucking stellar, and a song about accidentally going to a drag bar is just not something that moves me. Maybe it's my bad. Did you say "I kicked his stupid butt"? Also, your self-deprecation only makes things sound worse. If you think it sounds bad, why would you put it out there you know?
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Post by Egg »

Hey kids. The songs are up really fast, which means you get stream-of-drunkeness reviews from Egg.

Bjam - Interesting choppiness to the guitar in this track. It feels like each strike is cut real short. Vocals are pretty, but you're used to that by now. I really like that guitar choppiness (calling it that since I don't know what else to call it). The lyrics are sort of twisted and the "pretty" vocals make for a neat juxtaposition with the rest of the elements.

Dankity Dank- This a pretty empowering beginning. Oh, and those beginning piano(?) chords are awkward in a nice way. What on earth? Oh man, this instrumental works the awkward angle strongly. In a marching forward despite apparent discomforts way. I like this. I might be amongst the few, but it feels like it's playing for me, hunched shoulders, look of uncertainty in my eyes and all.

Der Neuen Stenographen - Whoa.. vocals are crazy awkward on this too. And I recognize the vocals . haha, first reaction is there for you to see. Your pacing is super awkward while the music is really spaced out. Spaced out can feel natural, but you make sure it doesn't. I happen to be a fan of that. There's a bit of distortion/popping that I think you could've done with that. The occasional foreboding chord works great with the awkward, but again, I feel like this is something that just I'm into. There are twinkly moments in the midi that just further boost the creepiness of the lowish vocals. The pauses make for really pensive moments of.. I've already mentioned.. awkward. Whoa, the end cues suspense and then hoblit starts!!! what on earth. You are crazy like me!

hoblit- this is not hard rock, but this is convincing emotion. I'm impressed. The reverb is big at times but never really overwhelms we which is good. Oh, and it's picking up! oh wow, directions in Tampa. I recognize these street names, but don't know if they're accurate. Bonus points if they are. Dude, these volume and reverb shifts in the vocals are perfect. You pull off rhymes like obituary and mortuary and I hardly notice. Did you just say boneyard? Yes. Plus you keep naming streets that I've driven down. Since so many people chose the what direction I'm going in path, you get bonus points for naming streets I'm familiar with. Whoa. FADE OUT? WHAT THE FUCK. GIVE ME MY MONEY BA--... well.. fuck you. This was awesome until that happened. Why did that happen? I'm a pretty creative fuck, but I can't imagine a single reason why you thought that was okay. Still good. But I shake my head at that ending. PS: this song feels sort of artificial to me but less than the thornberry track. I don't know what that means. Do you?

Luke Henley- gaspilical.
I like the electric nature that the accoustic takes on. Squealy. Ratatat tat, yes. You're insane. That squeal-beep that happens on the guitar is okay too. It's even nice. You're one of the few artists that I will accept nonverbal wailing from. Consider your squeal-twang guitaring ass special. haha, and funny close. I thought the song was over, but you're not Hemmingway so it's still going.

melvin- Would you be surprised if I said I knew this was Melvin off the start? The vocals are what make me think it's not a Weezer track... which I imagine is a really good thing. You sound just like weezer, and they're awesome. That guitar is spunky in that sort of slow dorky alt rock way and the vocals are playful enough to keep some interest and vivacity in the track. Powerful chorus in that spunky dork kind of way. It's stream of drunkeness, don't expect anything better. Oh, underscored cursing works. Falsetto on mortuary is nice. You're hitting on some pretty contradictory images effectively.

Rone Rivendale- Some parts of the vocals on this track (and the last one you submitted) are interestingly awkward. But most of this track is sort of painful. I mean, I'd suggest playing this for somebody you know like a girlfriend or a pretty good friend and see what they say. The chances are they can laugh at it because they know you and it's silly and the lyrical concept is pretty funny. But maybe there's a good bit of awkward tension. haha, the crowbar thing made me smirk. Okay, you could also break it down. Just the music, even with a hypothetical guitar, isn't terribly interesting. It doesn't feel like it's doing much. It pretty much gets relegated to a background beat after a couple dozen seconds because it's not varying. And then we're left with your vocals which are pretty much atonal and relying on theatrics. The theatrics are only mediocre. Even at moments where you break into the husky voice, it's pretty lowkey. Don't be afraid to go all out on this sort of track and make a burly Ubermensch voice, ya? I think if you hyped up the theatrics or spent more time on the backbeat, you'd have more fun listening to your tracks afterward.

Seoup T. Gel
- Wow, okay, I was listening while finishing Rone's review and I thought this sounded good. The review is on a second listen unlike most of the others. This is cool. The long, stressed chords really match the vocals. I like how the vocals cut out a little off from when the chords cut out. The piano also keeps an interesting beat. I mean, I could also see how this might be easily recognizable like that melvin track if you kept submitting.. but I already looked at who this was. You work with Bolt or something, I think. Regardless, this is cool and moving and ends before the long holds and pushed vocals can get boring. Whoa, I hate your ending. Didn't I bitch at you for this the other week? This repeated cluster of sounds has nothing to do with the emotion for the rest of the song. Lemme think, maybe it does. No. I've decided I can't find it. This kind of editingroom repetition can't cause any feeling of nostalgia or loss. It feels artificial, y'know? So the ending robs the track of some of it's emotional authenticity. Cool track otherwise.

Steve Durand - Folksy sadness. The vocals stand out pretty crisply but they somehow feel too solid for this kind of song. Just as I type that, the back ups come in and their softness make it just fine. Wow, this is Steve Durand. Well, dude, these back ups are some of the best vocals I've heard from you. What the-- what is that? Violin? That's not midi! This is buidling a little strangely. I think when the violin(?) comes in, the guitar should pan over a bit to sort of sit across from the violin. Like if those bowed strings are over left 20 then the guitar can go left 20 just to make some kind of balance. Also, I think the slow down at the end comes from left field. It might be more effective to build up to that kind of ending. But it's an interesting way to end a surprising piece.

thornberry- this feel like a lot of effort that somehow ends up really cheesy. Stream of drunkneness will probably turn out to hurt this particular review. The vocals usually seem fine and the guitar usually seems fine. I'll come back to this to try to explain myself, okay? Okay, I feel like this is really artificial. I think the particular vocal styling you've chosen might be what's starting the notion. Then the reverb and hard panning kicks it up a notch. Those two things might be what's doing it for me. I'm not sure that this is an objective observation, but I don't know if I'm up to the task.

Dirty South Strutting- The vocals are kind of muffled and it feels like you're hiding something on that level. The rap becomes unclear when you're kind of doing other voices in third quarter of that last minute. The music could build up a lot more quickly and do more. Since it's basically keeping rhythm, I would find it interesting doing little summersaults and sex acts in the background of the song. That break around 2 does something almost like that. The more soulful voice after that break has a much better quality and clarity to it. I like the tone of the dirty voice, but I want it to be louder and clearer, y'know? Oh, and genre bias. And I hate songs with pretense and especially sexual pretense. fucking genre bias preventing me from reviewing. Oh, that clapping and singing after the quick fade works fine! But maybe less reverb? sort of a cheap "time to go ending"

EDIT: Telysian + Darren- This guitar feels pretty repetitive, but consider the source. You've got a tune that holds together well and I think most of the easy ways to improve are on the mixing side of things. The vocals sound a little ..thin? The whole song has sort of a lot of echoey thing going on except for the backing melody which made the beginning of the song surprisingly reminsicent of a breakfast cereal commercial. These all sound a little harsh and I'm really just suggesting you mix it up in the editing room with less reverb, more of that backing melody maybe... And I like the backing oohs they feel like they're in the right place. Lines like xcept for when you're at work feel like they're pretty contrived and it might be because of the general weight in your voice. Or maybe that's just a too many syllables deal that's making you change inflection. The little wind solo feels really cheesy to me but that's okay too. If you care about this review, read it much less harshly than it sounds and highlight the sentence, "you've got a tune that holds together well."
Last edited by Egg on Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
glug glug glug egg makes wine. You can make wine too.
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Post by Bjam »

Hot damn, my guitar sounds good. For me anyway. But then my vocals are kinda ehy. But whatever. It's cute.

Dankity Dank
Oh, the first 5 seconds indicate dance trance music. But then a wimpy midiesque thing comes in and I get all disappointed. This is kinda okay. Doesn't really take me anywhere. Very... fruit loopy. *shrug* It's okay, but as an instrumental it doesn't work so well for me.

Der Neuen Stenographen
You sound kinda young. Not sure why. You'll probably turn out to be 30 and then I'll look silly. This is... eh. I don't dig it personally. The pauses kinda work, but it could do with something more than paddy midi behind it. You've got this kinda melodic lyric thing going on, and then the music just doesn't fit with it. It's also real repetitive.

This is kinda flowy. I wish it'd break out into some rock. I feel it should be faster, at the moment it's kinda... being dragged along by the guitar. I can see this being covered and them speeding it up and really RTFO to it. Lots of potential and it has me grooving. Damn fade outs.

Luke Henley
The doubled vocals don't work so well here. Because your voice is a little monotonous in this song they both kinda blend together and I'm too focused on trying to tell them apart that I miss the lyrics. The 'bom bom bom's are nice. Do you have different ones panned either side? The electric guitaresque thing adds to the build up and climax but adds to that 'I must have as much in a song as possible' vibe. Not too bad. The last 2 minutes strike me as music wankery. The very last picked acoustic guitar is pretty, but the 'wahh' thing over the top distract from it.

The drums feel a little stumble to the beginning. This goes into a nice indie rock song. Some of the chord progressions are pretty nice. Y'know, the chorus with the bam-bam-bam guitar and the harmonyish voices, and drawn out words remind me of 'The Proclaimers'. That's probably just me though. Nicely done song though. Good job.

Phunt; Don't Tell
Nice accordion. Everything feels very thrown together, 10 seconds of this, 10 seconds of that. I just don't... get it :) I'm not sure I'm meant to.

Phunt Your Friends
What's the difference between the two Phunts? Not the songs, they're obviously different, but the bands. This may well be the first Phunt song I've ever liked. While you guys are probably thinking “Man, this sucks, this isn't usâ€
Songfighter since back in the day.

Post by hillbilly »

Bjam- I think his voice reminds you of one of the first winners of Star
Search- A guy named Simply Red.
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Post by melvin »

Bjam: Slightly choppy guitar playing right off the top, but really gorgeous vocals quickly make up for it. I would be pleased to have you sing me to sleep any time. Actually, I think I’m starting to drift off right now…

Dankity Dank: Despite my bias against instrumentals, I like this a lot. I feel like this is something a really sophisticated thug could bump on his massive car audio system. Actually, this would sound perfect blasting from a tricked-out hearse. I dig it.

Der Neuen Stenographen: The ominous darkness of the music and the bland dorkiness of the vocals are clashing a bit too much on this one, I’m afraid.

Hoblit: Some hot guitar sounds on this one. Builds to a nice pay-off at 1:30! I think the vocals get noticeably stronger as the song progresses. This is solid… right until the mildly disappointing fade-out at the end. Too bad, but still a good track.

Luke Henley: Like the doubled vocals, even though they get a touch too sloppy in spots. Appreciate the lyrics and the sort of dementia of the delivery. The overly-distorted guitar/vocal, and unexpected final minute of the song are great. This is one of those tracks that has many good elements, but I'm not totally sold on it as a song.

Melvin: Me. My first idea was to make “left at the mortuaryâ€
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Post by Hoblit »

Hey thanks ya'll! I do appreciate the feed back. I faded it out because it was a long song and I purposely made the ending repeat the bridge and I figured it would be a fade out song.

I plan on re-singing it for my own personal archive (I think I just need to practice it a couple more times to get exactly what I wanted and to hit each note as well) and when I re-work that , I'll change the ending...and give it an end.

I appreciate the feed back and am taking the 'fade out' advice to heart. Thanks again.

Egg: Originally I was going to make the directions real...but for rhyme reasons it didn't work out..besides, there was no real reason to make real directions. The first part about heading North to Seminole Heights would not make sense if your end destination was my place down an alley way off of Willow Avenue in Hyde Park. I threw Seventh Avenue in there for an Ybor City shout out as well as Busch Boulevard...which originally would have been Bayshore Boulevard if that were to have fit. Fowler and Fletcher have no place in Tampa let alone one of my songs. Sorry USF folk.
Seoup Gei
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Post by Seoup Gei »

Egg wrote:Seoup T. Gel[/b]- You work with Bolt...
I am boltoph.rar :lol:
thanks for the thorough reviews. I should extend the further ambience. I should share with you, the whole mix
melvin wrote:...feels more like a long intro to what might have been a good song. Or maybe a passage from some musical theatre...
theatre songs are also songs I think, and tend to focus on one emotion (or multiple ones, fassht) more than the switching of parts that happens in a pop song.
...but I agree with what you're saying about the "intro" part, and I can appreciate your pov because most of the stuff I do is more pop/rock oriented. I'm diggin your tune. Anyway, I always felt a "song" can exist in many different fashions, even if my own here isn't a good one, just sayin'.
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Post by Spud »

Wow, you guys are quick. That's great.

Hey, it seems I missed an entry when posting. Entirely my fault. Don't hold it against the entrant. The entry is now posted in the fight, but you can find it here it you are in a hurry:

<a href="http://www.songfight.org/music/left_at_ ... ">Telysian and Darren</a>

My apolgies to Telysian and Darren for the possible missed reviews.

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Post by Bjam »

Telysian and Darren
Your guitar sounds kinda funky. A little tinny maybe. I dunno. Something makes it very very obvious. The vocal seems very strained. Maybe bring it down a bit? Also, the random speaky parts are kinda... eh for me. This is a very cute and complete song. The bass adds a nice little sizzle. The oohs are also pretty good as they're not used too much. The... flute? whatever that is is nice, adds some space as the song is a little samey. Good job guys.
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Post by rone rivendale »

I agree you guys ARE quick!

I haven't listened to any of the songs yet but I wanted to make a brief retort to the reviews on me so far.

WeasalSlayer: I actually thought the oppiside about the self-flaming. I figured if I set the bar low enough anything would be a pleasant surprise. I do agree though that a song that focuses on the lyrics should be stellar. But unforuntly I can not sing to save my life. And the only reason I sang on this song is because of 2 things. One, it sounded awesome in my head when I came up with this song in the shower. And two, people weren't sure about my Spoken style of lyrics and I wanted to show them WHY I don't sing.

Egg: You are pretty much right on with your assessment. Although I don't believe it would have been better had I spent more time on it. I'm definatly going back to my usual style for the next song. This was an experiemental song and it failed.

Bjam: I appreciate that you and most of the others like my lyrical content. I heard the same thing from Brimming With Tears. You guys like the lyrics just not how it's presented. Even though I may never win, I LOVE that I'm respected for my lyrics.

Melvin: I'm glad you enjoyed the crotch touching although now I'm scared of you. (just kiddin :P )

Anyway, instead of doing what I did the last couple weeks, I'm not going to review right away. I'm going to wait a few days and really get to know these songs.
From spoken word to actual singing, I can screw up any style with style. :D
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Post by Bjam »

Just ask for a singer in the prefight thread(and I'm sure there's a proper section somewhere too... collabs?). There are plenty of people that will sing for you.
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Post by Hoblit »

Rone Rivendale wrote: Anyway, instead of doing what I did the last couple weeks, I'm not going to review right away. I'm going to wait a few days and really get to know these songs.
This is the way I do it. Always have. I have to let the songs grow on me. I found in my first few weeks here I voted for songs that I wouldn't hve if I had just let the 'best' song sink in a bit more. I'm not a first impression kind of guy. OR rather I am...and you can fool me pretty easily.
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Post by melvin »

Telysian+Darren: I could listen to this song on the radio while driving along a dusty country road in my old Ford pick-up truck, with my aging Golden Retriever at my side. I might try flipping the station, but what else am I going to listen to out in the country? A preacher man? But seriously, this song has a down-home sincerity to it that I thought was nice.
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Post by Hoblit »

under the 'had to be asked' grand spectrum:

Teleysian? is this the Telesyain from yesteryear?
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

Telysian and Darren - I'm sorry, but I'm thinking of Banjo and Sullivan from Devil's Rejects right now. But I mean, I hope no one ever skins one of your faces off and makes the other wear it. This has some really great things going for it, the generally vibe and the backup vocals which give it about a million times more warmth and depth. Something about it, though, seems cold and detached. It's still pretty good though, but not entirely moving. Though I think it could have been.
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Post by Thornberry »

For these reviews, I am going to adopt school-like grades for each.

Melvin - Took me a second to get into the groove, but there it is. In other words, not my favorite of intros. Good production. Those sound like programmed drums, are they? If they are, which i suspect they are, they are pretty good. The chorus is almost catchy, probably will be for most people actually. The call and response vocals is a nice touch. Overall, you are close to a solid song, just doesn't quite reach that full potential. BUT, from my keen observations in these past few months on songfight, it seems that if you are going to go the rock route, you have to go this kind of route to get votes, so I wouln't surprise if you won, although thats not fair to say since your the first Ive listened too..... B-

Hoblit - He-llo there Hoblit, how are we today? You know, I have always loved the gapper effect that you put on whatever that is going back and forth through my head. And it seems you are fading it out, which is giving me very little to like. With a song as musically simple as this song, melody becomes the most important thing, and unfortunately this melody isn't grabbing me at all. Although i actually like your voice better when you get into the more upper ranges. Its not a bad song, just needs some alterations and fine tunings. C

Rone Rivendale - Hey i remember reading your lyrics before these came out. Well I didnt like them on the screen, and I dont like them in wavelength. The buzz on the vocals get very annoying. But hey, I bet you had fun making this, and thats great. "Oh my God, your a guy" - Didnt see that one coming (sarcasm). D-

Phunt; Don't Tell- I can always expect something..interesting from the Phunt. But it also involves me having to turn the volume down sometimes. Is this going scare me? This reminds me of like, revolution #9, which was the Beatles worst "song". Hum, maybe I do deserve this.. C

Der Neuen Stenographen - Ah, the New Stenoographer. Some K-Mart keyboard sounds goin on here. Hey, you got what you got, so Ill listen to the notes instead of quality. Well there isnt much quality in the notes either. I dont really know what to say. this isnt very interesting, the sounds arent very creative, and the half sung vocals are a bit annoying. F+

Phunt Your Friends - So I dont think I am familar with the relationship of the Phunts..sss... OOO video game! I like the vocals. They have a nice fun, honest quality to it. I dont know why, but this is reminding me of christmas. I think it might be the bells. Not a bad thing, just odd for a song dealing this death and Halloween to have just past and all, youd think Id be thinking of scarier holidays. No but I enjoyed this song,just wouldn't for it. C+

Seoup T. Gei - Hey I like Piano. Bring me some joy with it! I have high anticipation. Oh man, This is so sad! These words I am typing are swimming. This is really depressing, which fits the title well, the first one so far to really fit it with the music alone. In fact, you could have just done a music only one and convinced me you wrote it with the title in mind. This actually really pretty and melodic. Something that could be really done well in a studio with better string and piano sounds. It doesn't go anywhere really, but it doesnt need to. I really this one. My favorite so far. The echo ending was perfect. A-

Luke Henley - Starts out with some vocal exercises. Thats good, got to harm up that voice. Ok so the voice panned to the right sounds like it almost knows waht it is doing, and the voice in right sounds like its just not sure whats going on. Sometimes the harmonys really bite as you do the semi-counterpoint with the melody. Bum Bum Bum, interesting choice of backup vocals. This is less than mediocre, but some of the singing is just hard to listen to, which drops it a little lower. D

Bjam - As usual, you got a great tone on your voice. It has a perfect mix of sweet and sexy. This reminds me of like, mellow Madona or someone like that. The guitar needs work. Sounds like someone who plays guitar is pressing the strings down in the right places, and then letting either young children or tame Apes pick at it. But the vocals are nice enough, and you should have brought them up a bit, cause sometimes the guitar was a bit sharp and moved in front of your voice. B-

Steve Durand - Not very poetic lyrics, but very factual. Like you are singing a book. The harmonies are extremely Simon and Garfunkel, and therefore making them very pleasurable to the ear. I really really like them harmonies. And now you are singing solo again, and I am upset! You didn't end with the nice harmonies! Good song, your lucky that I liked the duet with ____ (Yourself, someone else, I dont know!) so much. Well I guess your not that lucky, wouldn't effect your life that much if I didnt i suppose. hum...really puts things in perspective doesnt it? B

Dankity Dank - Derka dekrastan is what i thought of when i saw your name. Nice piano, very...not what I expected from the beginning of this song. I think i would be enjoying this more if it was only the piano to tell you the truth. But that is probably due to my bias agaisnt drums like that. But I will say, this turned out to be a much better song than I orignally expected from the frist 10 bars or so. B-

Thornberry - I really liked this song when i recorded it. After I reading the first few reviews on it, I realize: You songfighters are a tough crowd!!

Telysian and Darren - Vocals are good. I am about a minute into the song, and it took me that long to decide that first sentance. As in, I wasn't sure if I liked the vocals at first. But I do. The flute thing is nice. the backing vocals are tight and smooth, just how I like 'em ;) I liked this one a little less as the song went on. I think it is because you did have a bit different of a sound, so it was refreshing, but then it started to wear out its welcome just slightly. But it ended in a timely fashion, so you get no dirty looks from me. B

White_Ike - And the name at the bottom of the list is you, so hear we go. The rapping isnt bad. You talk about tits and ass, bitches and hoes, so you cover the stereotype of Hip-Hop. While listening to this song, I started to clean up around my computer, that cant be a good thing.

And there you go. Seoup T. Gei was my favoirte by far, but some other good ones in here as well. And now you have read what an hour of my life was like....
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Post by furrypedro »

WeaselSlayer wrote: Phunt Your Friends - Way to sell out you Postal Service ass motherfuckers. Eat shit and die. And learn to sing.
That's exactly what I thought but I do love this. I just think its great to know that Phunt does what he likes and to hell with everyone else, BUT if they are gonna play by our rules then they're gonna wipe the floor with us!

as for the rest:
Telysian and Darren - Carol Cleveland sings-lite. Get in there with the jazz flute solo!!! that alone redeems it

Steve Durand, Bjam - one thing that sucks about songfight is I don't have the patience to really appreciate songs like this, which is a shame because I think if I got to know it I'd really get into it. my loss for being lazy I guess

Fair efforts from Melvin, Hoblit and thornberry that I'm sure I can't be arsed to write about, sorry.

Phunt Your Friends - This gets my vote, glitchier sounds would've made it perfect but hey. I'm sad to say I'd like to hear more of this from them, sad because I get the impression it was only written to silence all the doubters.
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Post by Egg »

That's sweet sentiment, Senor Pedro. But we wouldn't have done it just to show that we can, and I promise that I'm going to try really hard to remember that I'm making songs. I liked that part of JoS's review of you ... if that makes sense.
glug glug glug egg makes wine. You can make wine too.
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Post by furrypedro »

Yeah, that is a fair point from JoS. One can always make 2 versions of a song i suppose. A proper one for Songfight, and an irredeemably wanky and indulgent ADD version for ourselves.

The line between virtuoso and self-indulgent is fine[/img]
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

Cheap Bastards - Well this is dennnnnnse. Like an infinite lake I fell into. The vocals remind me a bit of of Hard 'n' Phirm's "Pi," with which I'm not really sure why I'm familiar. But man, the swirling chaos anchored by the tight fucking beat and the chanting vocals, this is some fine crafting. And then it hits a wall. Ow my bones.
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Post by Bjam »

Thornberry wrote:The guitar needs work. Sounds like someone who plays guitar is pressing the strings down in the right places, and then letting either young children or tame Apes pick at it.
I've only recently gotten into picking, previously I was a pure strummer, which is why the guitar sounds a little 'choppy' as other's have described it.
WeaselSlayer wrote:Like you've got this psuedo-vibrato thing going on. It's distracting and I think you could sound more honest in your delivery.
I kinda can't stop the vibrato. :/ Because I sing so many musicals and belty stuff, my voice just has a natural... wibble to it. Sorry. Maybe I'll try next week to do a non-normal-me vocal and see how it turns out.
Songfighter since back in the day.
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